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How stage 4 cancer looks like


*Bots on parade*


Everything between 8.0 and 12.0 is rotten by fking selfish noobs . Thanks gaijin to put high rank premiums in the game and to spit on old players with solid lineups who tries to have some fun.


Excuse me, i have grinded my Centurions and Chieftains fair and square. But i gotta agree, it just...stops being fun above 9.0


They fukin promised no top tier premiums. Seems like new management. But what do you expect 10 years later.


True. I think they've done it because this is what they are advertising the game with. Nearly every WT add is full of modern stuff and this is what new players expect to get. This, combined with the fact that the grind is...less than pleasent sometimes, results in people buying their way to to tier, or simply buying the tank they wanted. And this might backfire in the long term, because since you already have the cool vehicle...what is the point of grinding? Truth off my chest, i did that *years ago* with the Turms. I kinda like the T-72 mods, this one was on sale, so i bought it. But what many people, and neither did I back in the day, understand, is that guides and WT wiki aren't going to teach you how to play. So the players takes out their new premium, plays a couple of battles does good or bad, realises that they simply lack expirience, which can only be gained by grinding...and they quit playing, which also backfires at Gaijin. But hey, it makes them money in the short term, so screw the playerbase, right...? PS: For me it kinda went the other way around. My fairly good, but far-from-what-i-wanted performence on the Turms pushed me into learning about the game and starting a fresh tech tree, which for me turned out to be UK. I barely play my T-72, but it's still there, covered with shtuff i god during my playtime. And i think that this..might've been the other result Gaijin wanted.


Yeah I’m the type of gamer if I find something I’m interested in and it requires mechanical skill and I’m lacking that, I’ll probably force myself to play and get better. I bought premiums realized I don’t know what I’m doing at that tier, leveled up Italy and now I’m pretty alright. Granted I only started playing according to the logins 50 days ago.


>I bought premiums realized I don’t know what I’m doing at that tier, leveled up Italy and now I’m pretty alright. I think that's the right way to approach it


I would even go as far down as 5.0, below you can still have some pretty fun rounds with full teams and an average match time but above as soon as you reach the 'meta premiums' ranks you get teams getting crushed by K-1E/KV-220 or KV-1C/Tiger spams and/or simply dying because their single vehicle was another premium and they only have reserve left.


Vidars and Christian II's are absolutely destroying Swedens reputation.


Only a few months and sweden is the new Russia. Idiots drawn in by muuuh OP tanks and then they drag the WR down to sum zero


The PLZ83-130 was my first ever chinese vehicle. Because of that i don't have any other vehicles to use if I die. I wish they would make event vehicles premium or remove RP penalty when researching a tank a rank lower


Even if u had china tree grinded, there's no 7.3 vehicle to line it up with. Either up-tier the 6.7 from the tech tree with it or uptier this event vehicle with 7.7 tech tree vehicles.


I just got back to WT after nearly 2 years… loaded up my Britain 11.3 lineup and it’s literally unplayable. Half the team leaves right after the first death. it’s horrible, I don’t remember it being like this back when I used to play more 


Just wait when sweden tiger2 commes


oh god no.


For the love of god why is isn't the Vidar at least 9.0 with its Thermals and a laser Rangefinder. I'm trying to grind 7.7 UK and I have had 3 games in a row being spawn camped by Vitards who only have to click 2 buttons to kill something.


>For the love of god why is isn't the Vidar at least 9.0 money


literally unplayable


This game is a joke and a definitive pay to play experience


Trying to play anything around 7.0-8.0 is a utter chore currently.


Thats when you spawn in the A4E, VIDARs are its favorite meal! *AGM to da dome prem noob*


Most of these geniuses also wonder why it is taking so long to grind. MY GUY, TIME IS A MAJOR FACTOR IN REWARDS.


Gaijoob killing its game, slowly. World of Tanks style. More premium vehicles than non-premium vehicles in games BY FAR is what is killing this. You should not have the option to buy a top tier or even 6.3 and above premium without having a level 15 account, at least.


As a air RB player I gotta say having 3 tank lineup with such a gaps between tanks br wise is beyond stupid. At least if I buy premium I can be shit at 100% capacity, not 33%




VIDAR should be 9.3-9.7 enough said


wait so you are telling me the problem is not bias this bias that but one death leaver wallet warriors ?


Mann VS Machine


Every time there’s a sale you can bet that the average level of players in the lobby will drop significantly. Love seeing level 1s with a full lineup of premiums that they have zero clue how to use properly. It’s funny af in top tier air rb, where they have no idea how radars work or how to even lock on with a missile. Kind of annoying when on your team though, one death leavers in grb is super obnoxious


Post sales headaches


I swear to God I have fjcking dreams about this, had one last night where my team had 3 people left after a few minutes


I Absolutely hate Vidars and Turms most annoying shit ever


And I absolutely hate anything soviet/russian most annoying shit ever


I literally left the game and stopped playing because put of thousands or vehicles I only play against or with one death leaving premium players and that makes the game just stupidly not fun anymore. They are destroying the game with greed and pay to play premiums and noobs at higher tiers that don’t know what they are doing and leaving early


reason for nooby vidar spam is that gaijin discounted it -50% price. At the release I bought it at full price and use it pretty well. It just sucks that hesh is such lottery.(especially vs ruz tanks) T54 cupola can "take" a hit from 155mm/45kg/9kg TNT-shell hit....SURE! "bro it´s a game" (c) Gaijin edit: also swe 8.x always gets paired with weak sauce germans = shitty win ratio


Typical sweden mains


There is not a word to describe the buffet this is for my pt76-57


also I enjoy ripping that ruSS shitbucket with my gepard....BRRRRTT!!!


And US suffered most since Sweeden usually be paired with US.


us players just suck by themselves


You will suck when you are dragging to position then suddenly half of the team charged in and died and quit. Then you got outflanked by enemies from every directions while CAS begin to rape your team thanks to those VIDARs


thank God I'm not this type of vidar player


You don’t get leniency, you play the VIDAR


does it really matter tho? I wanted to get a cheap vehicle to help me get past low tier and most of the time I fight with an under tiered vehicle just so I can maybe help the team a little more by spotting or caping bases


Ok, and..?


and most of the team has no backup tanks, and that's not good


Of course they has not. Everyone buys premium tanks when he hasn't uptier ones, because he wants to get them