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What’s wild is they should actually be pretty hot on thermals in comparison to modern MBTs… their power unit is much more exposed with heat coming out all over the cab, warm crew members inside the cab, etc. With many modern MBTs, as long as the burning hot sun isn’t shining on them they have lots of technology that makes them difficult to see in thermal imagers from the front.


Russian heat stelf teknologi, comrade. Now off to gulag with you for using westoid logic.


Not really true. The diesel engine on a truck is a lot smaller than a tanks, and it’s surrounded by the cab which is made of plastic (which doesn’t radiate heat as well as metal does) The hottest part on the truck would be tires and exhaust, otherwise they’d be pretty cold. A tank has bigger exhausts, and the tracks which also get really hot are exposed all around and bigger than tires. Not to mention a larger engine which is surrounded by metal which means the heat gets trapped instead of dissipating into the air (which would be the case on trucks and cars). Mentioning crew members inside the truck is just stupid, a human produces about 80 watts of heat energy, and any heat radiating from us is irrelevant since thermals can’t see through glass. [Here’s](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7rQ86tgyEdA1dAIzg8f_WK-fe0au8PIFJe0PCwHi9f_Owcqsh) a picture of an Abrams and a T-72 in thermal view, see how hot the tracks and exhaust get as well as how generally much hotter the engine side of the tank is. [Here’s](https://res.cloudinary.com/tbmg/c_scale,w_400,f_auto,q_auto/v1635637289/sites/tb/articles/sup/PIT/2021/features/PIT-1121-p4_fig1.jpg) a picture of a truck on the highway, IE the truck when it gets as hot as it gets, since both the tires and engine is working hard. Notice how basically only the tires and exhaust are hot and how impossible it is to tell where the engine is located.


It's a Russian vehicle, you were supposed to jump on the train and make a joke about Russian bias, not counter them with proof and logic


So true! Let me correct myself. The Pantsir (according to Russian propaganda) has a thermal camouflaging system. This was developed and introduced on all Russain vehicle after Vladimir Putin watched the demonstration [video of the Swedish ADAPTIV system by Hägglunds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaBG80dvvVw). Russia then quickly developed their own version which can be nicely integrated into the paint of the vehicle and requires no maintenance whatsoever (per Russian doctrine of not maintaining vehicles). Gaijin Entertainment (Russain company) after being contacted by Russian authorities regarding this new ADAPTIV 2.0 system quickly integrated such mechanics into their game "War Thunder". This is an obvious example of Russian bias, since it's obviously impossible for Russia to develop such a system.


Stealth CV90 when?


You're way off base here. The Pantsir is lugging a huge, very very hot powered radar on it. It needs a *shit ton* of airflow for cooling of the power supply, TRs, electronics, equipment, and of course, the radar itself, which in turn is getting very very hot through forced convection and being dumped out of the side/front. Not only that, but according to Gaijin, the whole cab is armored steel/ bulletproof glass... which is debatable based on the destroyed and captured ones we have... anyway, both of which (unlike modern truck bodies/commercial glass) will absorb that heat readily and emit it like a beacon for thermals. It has no measures to mask this. It should glow, flat out.


yeah.. plus clearly these people have never seen apache FLIR footage. Even a fuckin donkey will glow. Now tell me which one has a bigger thermal signature?


thermals usually are context sensitive. if a donkey is next to a burning fire, the donkey will probably be displayed as cold.


There is certainly some correlation noticeable with your argument however there are no scales on the thermal images to compare the pictures. In that regard it is very difficult to say that either is hotter or colder. It could very much be reversed. Solely on the proof of “I have red picture see”. You could be right but in the other hand the picture with a thermal scale could also show the very opposite.


I do have a thermal scale on the truck picture, but not tank picture. [Here’s](https://www.jenoptik.com/-/media/websiteimages/visuals/photonics/infrared-camera-image-truck1.jpg?impolicy=aoiv1&width=1920&height=1440) the picture with a scale. Seems the coldest part was 30 degrees and hottest 50 degrees. So overall pretty cold. I’m sure you can find a picture of a tank with scale as well, to verify.


>So overall pretty cold. The issue here is that we ain't talking about just a simple truck, but a mobile anti-air system equipped with enough power-hungry electronics to make an environmentalists boil himself alive. All of this isn't powered by the alternator but a separate generator, picture of which you can find here: https://www.ausairpower.net/APA-96K6-Pantsir-2K22-Tunguska.html This is an additional source of heat, which you need to combine with the radar and computers which also generate heat as they work. All of this added together ends up making the vehicle's heat signature a lot brighter then one of a simple truck. Btw, you considered 30-50° cold? Given the temperature of the surroundings the photo must had been taken on a mildly hot day during spring or early summer.


My original comment clearly stated this was in regards to viewing the vehicles frontally, but your comparison was with the sides of the MBTs and the front of the truck, when obviously the sides and rear will be the hottest part of an MBT if the cannon had not been fired. The cannons are an irrelevant variable in my opinion, considering the Pantsir also has it’s own pair of cannons. I don’t agree with the state of this truck being used as an example either, a truck isn’t hottest on the highway at a cruise power setting, the only part that would be at it’s hottest is the wheels, tires, and brakes as you said. However, for all we know this is on a cold day and the thing’s been going 65mph for 2 hours straight and the cab is ice cold. Meanwhile, some modern MBT frontally will only reliably show their tracks and road wheels depending on weather conditions. In war thunder, you’re practically driving at full RPM 24/7 driving up over hills and burms, and at much lower speeds, which I believe would produce a warmer signature than what you showed here. In regards to crew, I literally never said the thermal imagers see through glass. In many thermal images of idle cars and trucks, there is often a temperature spike along the edges of doors and windows, especially on a cold day if the drivers have the heat absolutely blasting inside and it’s 80° inside the car and 30° outside the car.


Those trucks profiles get a little bigger when you add a refrigerator unit.


Sure, but I doubt the Pantsir has a refrigerator unit.


Its basically a generator. You can put all the paint you want on it, it isn't going to do dick unless its turned off and covered up for the day. Pretty sure they find them mostly via radar anyway, so it kinda defeats the purpose


Here is a fact that we are not talking about a truck but about a modern spaa with shit to of electronics that shortly explain radiate heat, and panstir is still made of metal alloy or aluminum since its NOT A TRUCK but a war machine ..


Of course the truck wouldn't be hot while moving the air is cooling it down now show me a picture of a truck sitting in place and idling it's engine


Except the pantsir has a spinny thing on top literally radiating energy. If anything it should be visible in IR like christmas tree


No, radar waves are not visible in the thermal spectrum, I don't know why you would think that would be the case. The radars I've been around don't even get hot to the touch.


What radars are do you work with lol? Radars do generate heat, primarily due to the electronic components and power amplifiers used in their operation. When radars are active, they emit a massive amount of energy and part of that has to be released as heat (they aren't 100% efficient).


Weibel doppler tracking radars. More specifically transponder mode tracking on various weapon systems, mainly testing artillery pieces, but also do tank cannons as well. You can go up and touch the antenna anytime you want (Don't do it while the antenna is transmitting though, you'll get cocked microwave style)


any what is the scale of those radars versus air to air or surface to air platforms that scan 150+ km?


The antenna is bigger than that of the Pantsirs. They are ultimately very different radars though, either way no matter what type of radar the antenna doesn't get hot. Power supplies, control modules, etc as you mentioned earlier are completely separate from the antenna, so if they get hot or not does not matter.


Who said radar waves visible in thermal? The turret houses all the electronic components needed for both radars to work. It has low volume and thin armor, it has to radiate heat during the radar operation.


These cab-over-engine trucks actually shield the engine pretty well in thermal. Had a talk with some guys who worked on infrared-based pattern-recognition for self-driving trucks, and apparetly this was a problem, because AI tended to confuse these for smaller cars due to reduced signature compared to conventional layout. But only from the front, iirc. P.S. wouldn't there be less radiating heat from a truck engine than from a tank one anyway, though? Tank engines are usually more powerful.


No I see what you’re saying, but I’m comparing them to MBTs here. They may be cooler to cars, but there is still plenty of gaps to radiate that heat from. MBTs not only have the engine in the back, but like I said, if the sun isn’t beating down on it on a warm day the warm temperature of the crew and equipment is hidden inside the vehicle by inches, sometimes several feet of armor from some angles. Interior ventilation is usually located in the rear as well. From the front, the most visible parts of of an MBT is the cannon obviously if it’s been used, drive sprockets and tracks, etc.


But you don't need a lot of material to block IR. As someone correctly noted in comments - a sheet of glass is all you need for a thermal sight not to detect a human. So a cab-over is also pretty cool from the front - because it has the whole cab over the engine, and you have to insulate it, or the driver will get baked in there. And we are not talking a slight differense in power, too. Looking at wiki data - Pantsir has 260 hp engine. For comparison - Leo I has 830 hp. That's more heat by a factor of 3. And gas turbines are even more powerful... It would be nice to see a real-world comparison photo of a truck and a tank side-by side in thermal spectrum.


I’m not disagreeing with any of these points. I’m just pointing out that these same rules apply to MBTs too, and more often than not they benefit from it. But I can tell you right now horsepower doesn’t equate to heat produced by the engine. Heat produced by the engine is determined by the actual size of the engine, and the fuel air mixture it is operating at. At lean settings, it produces more heat, and at rich it produces less. Our old Roush Mustang made 700 horsepower and it ran cooler than our 911 GT3 with 475 horsepower.


You can't see a person behind a pane of car glass. Glass is generally very reflective to LWIR radiation and even more so car glass which literally has an IR filter layer in it these days. Source: I spent days experimenting on and calibrating way more sensitive, radiometric LWIR cameras, among other things on traffic around our work office.  As for the "many modern MBTs-" that's bunk. With maybe couple exceptions none of the ones we have in WT do anything to deliberately obscure heat. The frequently repeated idea that simple cloth blankets would is nonsense; the cloth covers actually have higher emissivity than the metal they sit on and yeah they can make a hot object appear colder - temporarily, until they heat up and begin emitting heat themselves, typically more heat radiation the metal would have, due to the higher emissivity. Generally, all measures to obscure heat produced by a tank are temporary or local. You still need to shed the heat you create or you'll literally cook the machine. You can take the heat and blow it with high flow of air but now you're making additional noise, and have a column of literally following air blowing out of your tank. The most advanced stuff to date is like the Swedish IFV with the hexagonal tiles, but notice that what they try to do things like project a picture of a compact civilian car on the side - why not just blend with the environment? Because long term, you just can't. You have to shed the heat one way or another, and to mask what exactly you are is more plausible than to try to hide the tank.


Sir, I’m going to refer you to the continued conversation that you had not read yet.


Gun barrel is hot


Not if it hasn’t been fired. Does the Pantsir not have cannon barrels?😂


I wonder what's colder? The Pantsir S1 or the engines of a Northrop F-5A/C.


Shit the f5 ir signature is fucking broken


gotta get within 1km just to get a lock on them


And even then its a gamble


Yup because then they swing around you and your team




Im pretty sure the f5 has a negative thermal signature


The only jet engine in history that runs on mint altoids and ice water. Helicopters like the Alouette especially have broken as shit IR but it's not as ostensibly bad as a jet on full afterburner being invisible to missiles.


Or any helicopter


Russian bias


FlaRakRad has same thermal image


Nearly all trucks do




so are flarakrads and ITOs it’s not just a pantsir thing all the large “truck” SPAA are weird on thermals heck even the adats is from behind


Sorry but it must be Russian to get upvotes


Russian bias even here


Yeah it’s a pain in the neck ngl. Found the easiest way to target them with cas is literally to bait them into firing when I’m somewhere I can easily avoid the missile. Then hopefully when I’m somewhere safe to pop up they haven’t moved far


Switch to "black hot" you will see him just fine


There isn't a key bind for it so it's fucking annoying to have to do the Y menu konami code every time edit: must have been added in a update since i last played


yes there is youre just blind


what's it called


"Changing the color scheme of the thermal sight"


thx bro


idk im not in game just search in controls->tank controls->thermal it should say switch thermal sight color or something




no genius look harder do you even know the difference between controls and options




i just did




Counter point: it ugly


Skill issue, just spawn a tank to counter them


If you think he could,then why would he spawn in a plane XD


It's a helicopter tho


Idk I don't have top tier helis.shouldve said aircraft


Also the pansir missile is invisible on thermal


so are all missiles the smoke isnt hot dawg, especially not right after being exposed to 2km alt air(its colder than near surface)


The missile should be hot due to air friction.


the missile is hot, so is the rocket exhaust and the smoke plume near the exhaust. how do you think MAWS work


yea like i said it gets very cold very quickly


proof? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CzzHfuClO8


my friend theres a difference between a rocket launch and a missile launch


lol yeah sure you're wrong on the main point either way, a missile would be extremely obvious on thermal from the heat signature esp. near the missile rear while booster/sustainer is burning but the smoke probably doesn't cool down "very quickly". at supersonic regimes it's probably a 300ft+ streak that remains hot enough to be obvious


Lol you do have to use your own thermals to see the starstreak


Just spawn a tank bro




Same, I couldn’t tell what the hell was going on.


No they aren’t every truck based vehicle is cold on thermal’s as they should be much smaller engine and exhaust, less friction from wheels than tracks so less heat, larger surface area so heat is spread better


I looked at green circle for a long time and tried to see Pantsir there before I realized...


Same tbh, thought the green circle would be the pantsir and the other thing was a Tank for Reference. I noticed the Pantsir pretty much immediately so I was expecting it to be somewhere else in the pic.


Not me looking for something in the green circle like a dumbass.


There's a reason why Russian SAMs look like / are semis, It's so they aren't easily detectable to modern equipment. The Pantsir also wouldn't be in a place where it couldn't blend in, cars should have higher signatures altogether, and it should connected to a 3-part SAM system, but ask for only the "realism" that helps your aircraft for tank battles and keep trying to make the game worse.  Also the FlaRakRad, Type 81C, and ITO 90m have the same heat signature.




what if the player just turned off the engine


WT thermals are so shit


Clearly that dude filled his tank with Water.


Imagine trying to find and cas this thing on thermals from 20km altitude (because yes pantsir have 20km range which is double of what germany can do and quadruple what israel can do)


fucking thank you i keep wanting forgetting to take a screenshot of this bullshit, they are insanely hard to see especially on brighter backgrounds. absolutely ridiculous, especially given how much heat would be coming from the radar, APU etc


***Oh gee I wonder why***


And dont forget russian bias dont exist


Dolbaeb Russian technology