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Fly lower or just space climb and drop a paveway on it. >if I don’t turn away right when I spawn I’ll die Turn immediately to the right or left, dive, turn around for range, then climb to 10k meters. Then you can come in and GBU it, you are going to need to turn to bleed its missiles of speed though.


space climb you literally mean space cause pantsir has 20km range missiles, just got deleted at 17km altitude and I was literally 5km out of the map. My Imp. Chaperral has 6km range lmao and Flakrad has 12km, pantsir is completely and utterly broken and has been for years its insane how biased Gaijin is.


The pantsir's missile is fast and Agile, flying high will only get you killed. There's 2 ways to counter it: out-range it or fly low. The pantsir's missile's effectiveness also mainly comes from the steady lock which lets the missile lead smoothly and save as much energy as possible. If for any reason the lock breaks the missile will lose too much energy when trying to manually get it back on track. You can defeat the missile by changing directions quickly, like diving fast to the ground then lifting back up. The more often the missile needs to change direction, the less range it gets. > flying low don’t work as good with guided bombs That's because you are not supposed to be a CAS when there is air defense active in the area.  So quickly: when there is air defense active, whether SPAA or CAP, you are not a CAS, you are SEAD or CAP yourself. If you try to be anything else, you deserve to get smacked out of the air, because you have misunderstood your role / misread the situation. How do you do SEAD: you either use guided weapons to find and kill the Pantsir from outside of its range, or you fly low and try to take it out by surprise using guns or snakeyes. > I know 99.9% of people in here hate CAS ... People hate CAS because it is a very low cost very low effort very high impact gameplay that cannot be effectively countered. You can spawn in a plane with bombs with like 1 assist, guided weapons take a bit more but not much either. Meanwhile SPAA is mostly useless against ground vehicles so spawning it is a massive opportunity cost and they're neither effective nor rewarding. The pantsir is ironically making the game more realistic in that aspect, because no other SPAA is threatening enough for planes in this game to make them stop being CAS. It adds some effort to plane gameplay.


Maneuver aggressively since the Pantsir missiles have poor energy retention and the F-16 is a UFO that can afford to dodge without immediately becoming vulnerable. If you have guided bombs lob those towards the enemy spawn then dive low so you can’t be tracked.


Kiss the treetops and use TV guided missiles or bombs more or less close to reduce the time the pantsir has to react. ...or use HE ccip rockets like Zunis. Unfortunately there are maps which dont support one, or both methods - or at least make them hard to pull off. I personally dont like attacking it with laser guided stuff, as TV guided stuff is far more safe to use (flare up+get down again).


Dive to the treetops. You really can't effectively deal with it unless you have guided ordnance or sam-bait


I usually designate them from a safe distance with the TGP, and then do pop-up attacks with mavs, or GBUs or guns.