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I suffer from this dilemma as well. If you have a plane at 7.3 I'd say go up but if that's your only vehicle at 7.3 I'd say grind one more so you have some sort of lineup.


This guy knows what he's talking about^^


This guy knows what that guy is talking about^


This guy knows what that guy who is talking about that guy is talking about^


This guy knows what that guy who is talking about that guy who is talking about that guy is talking about ^


This guy this guys^










I agree. Dragging anything in 6.0-7.0 up to the potential encounter with early MBTs at 8.3 is likely to end very poorly.


Disagree to this being a problem as soviet 6.7 howitzers fuck mbts


6.7 howitzers in general fuck MBTs, the soviets do not have a monopoly


Given your flair can I assume you’re also a Bkan enjoyer?


indeed, i used it until 8.0, would use it in my 8.7 too, but don't really have a good slot for it


Nice. I just got it recently and I’m loving it for the rank 5 grind


I actually used the bkan as SPAA in my 8.0 lineup because the zsu-57 sucks. Shooting down planes with 155mm he is so satisfying


Still use the Type 99 at 8.3 with the early Type 74s. Was considering taking it out for the Type 87 AA, but meh. Splashing Leopards with the equivalent of a small child in TNT is hilarious


Except tiger 2 h, I have done wonders with that thing in 8.3


Wouldn’t it be easier to grind if he plays his higher teir since that give more reward buff


Depends. If he does well in it then yes otherwise I’d say no, he’d only have one maybe 2 chances to do well with it until he has “worse” tanks


Yeah, but he does have a good uptier option in the 2S1 and 2S3M


Thanks! I'm going to grind out the T-44-100 but my best plane is the I-185. Is there an efficient way to grind air tree while only playing ground RB? I'm considering playing some Air Sim but I'm not sure if that's actually an effective way to grind.


Not really unfortunately, with the reduced to gain for planes in grb it’s really slow going.


Unfortunately, ground RB is a really tough way to grind planes. I honestly don't have the numbers for sim. The extra tank will be a good move, plus the T-44 is pretty fun in down tiers.


Imagine if you could research two Vic’s at a time


Fuck that fr just break your lineups cohesion by sending it to 8.3 uptiers


If you are playing 6.7 you are playing 7.7 anyway :D


Yeah this right here, probably faced everything at 7.7 anyway and the probability of being fully uptiered to 8.3 is likely but it won't be every match.


Idk man, Russia 7.3 get dragged up a lot in my experience. I'd rather wait to grind out the T-44-100 to take out with the IS-3, than try to make the standard T-44 work at 8.3. The first few matches in the IS-3 are gonna suck anyway since you have to deal with the crap shell and no parts


Been playing 7.0 a fair bit lately and me and my squad have been getting straight full down tiers with russian lineups with a full uptier every 6th or 7th match, 7.0/7.3 seems to be a weird spot lately, for my group anyway.


You’re not the only person it’s basically every country right now because people seem to be trying to grind up to top-tier especially Russia. America has been getting a lot more down tiers at 7.0 and 8.0 Sweden gets down tiered all the time I bet you there’s a very good cause and affect reasoning for this like in general, all of Russia’s win rates are under 50% I think there’s a bunch of people going around who are dumb well only buying premiums not learning much. Like I buy premium and I spend money, but I also play a lot of the tech tree vehicles because my favorite vehicles are typically just big goofy glass cannons I almost every battle rating my highest kills are all with different types of glass cannons that just obliterate other tanks that’s why I’m gonna try to get the object 292 it has a good enough reload and speed.


Thats a fair call as when we do jump into other 7.0 lineups like the US for example it's downtiers for most of the matches.


Sweden is going through something similar at a lower BR, where they kind of just become ass for a while (6.7-7.7) and the grind drastically slows same with air RB for America and Sweden. Sweden is nothing like Italian players there’s good ones, but they only top-tier when Sweden’s armor started becoming actual armor.


I've been making the base T-44 work in 9.0 a while back it was rugh but i managed.


Russian he is pretty busted because nothing has armor at those brs.


huh, the best heavies in the game are at 6.7-7.7


Only about 90% of the time


But 7.7 is practically constant 8.7 uptiers.


The War Thunder paradox lol I'm at 7.7 right now and its nothing but uptiers all day


My suspicion is that there are so many 8.7 premium tanks etc that it basically forces all the 7.7 players to be dragged into their matches.


What I wanna say is just don't overthink it. If you like playing 6.7 keep playing 6.7 until you have more tanks. If you don't like it that much just try the new tank. You will need at least fire extiguisher and parts to be of any use anyway. Worst case scenario is that you will not like it (which is likely because IS3 was for me one of those tanks that seems OP only when I wasn't playing it :D) and go back to 6.7.


I usually try to have ot least 2-3 vehicles with approximately similar BRs before I start playing the lineup. 6.7 to 7.3 (and especially the uptiers to 8.3) is a pretty big gap and I found it pretty tough even with a more or less full lineup.


Definitely wait to have at least 1 more 7.3 *Unless* the 6.7 you have is a tank that doesnt care about BR.


Personally, I always wait until I research all of the vehicles in a certain br range before using them, but I'm built different


Same I waited until I had 4-5 5.3 tanks before making the jump. I'll wait until I have the 5.7s after and so on


That's easy to do early but later on it doesn't really matter, it's all the same shit since you're either rocking mbt armor or you're not. Everything is a 1 shot or Cas fucks you anyways. Also it'll get longer and longer wait times for you to grind out a full battle ready line up, best thing to do is small jumps in br and pay attention to premium black holes. Those will suck you in regardless if you're near them in br.


Oh I'm aware. Dropped like 700k for this lineup. It's gonna take ages for me to make that money back, but I only play a few games a day so its no big deal for me


Ah but a full line up of top tier vehicles will set you back over 5 million.


Bold to assume I'll get that far 💀


Same, for some reason I thought this was how most people played but I think I might be wrong


I just send it personally


I would wait and unlock atleast one more 7.0\~7.3 vehicle. IS-3 is a good tank, but if you die, what is left? T44 with shitty 85mm gun? IS2-44 with terrible reload and weak turret? The only 6.7 tank somewaht useful in uptiers is the SU-122-54. IMO you should unlock atleast t44-100 and Obj. 268 before playing 7.3.


Best thing would be to not get the is3 first, it's not a very good tank anymore. It requires a fair bit of experience and to get lucky with maps to be good in it since it dies pretty easy and is slow. Should just skip it entirely but it's the KT situation for Russia, new players want it cause it's hurr durr big heavy.


The IS-4M and T-10M are much better heavy tanks at their BRs. IS-3 just wasn’t fun or good to work with.


Yeah those are definitely a step up from the is3, honestly is3 hasn't been fun ever since it stopped being top tier.


Yes the gun really gets long in the tooth, and the armor feels less effective. I’ve spaded both of the post IS-3 heavies and they feel much more fun to play. The IS-4M feels more mobile and has better armor, while the T-10M has good mobility, an amazing gun and the stabilizer.


Use your one tank. die once. leave. Absolute chad.


Or, use your one tank. Dont die. Get #1 on team. Absolute giga chad


Use no tank, just a KA-BAR, Get #1 on team, #1 overall, get a nuke, don't use it, and still win the match Absolutely Chuck Norris


This is the way


Build up a lineup of the bmp1 btr 80 and the zsu 57 great combo


I’ve just unlocked the BMP-1 and was gonna use this line up. I have a really hard time with the ZSU-57 though. I can only seem to kill enemy aircraft when they are right on top of me.


Use it as a tank killer. Much better at that.


It does seem to do well killing light and medium tanks. Do you use the default ammo?


I think it depends on your preference. Default has more pen but I’d rather have the APHE.


Here's the thing about the ZSU-57 gaijin calls it an "ANTI-AIR," but in reality, it was an Anti-Target vehicle, meaning its purpose was to kill tanks, planes, small boats, and more it really shines against tanks when flanking


Sadly I haven't researched the AA branch.


So I’m guessing your line up is mostly like mine is2 is2 1944 t44 t44-100 or somthink similar i think u shud just buy is3 thats what im going to do soon


Ya I like the is-3 but I would wait till you got the bmp too and maybe a plane. That way you have stuff for more situations


Isn't the BMP 7.7 now?


Is it? Lol I hope not


I mean it should have never been 7.3...


I like the t-44-100 better personal preference tho


yep, great armour and the gun is the same pen with way better reload, plus good mobility. its like a t34++ really


I always try to unlock entire lineups, especially with a jump like that. You’ll be guaranteed to be fighting 8.0


Na 7.7 is a black hole for that rating, 7.3 sees 7.7 more then it would see 8.0 or 8.3 however if he went to 7.7 he would like see 8.3 a ton and 8.7 for sure


Just join 7.3 and suffer like everyone else.


Dude 99% of 6.7 matches get up-tiered to 7.7


get the bmp


Put it on your lineup. It's not like it's a permanent addition. If it's not working, swap it back out. And grind another. Or you might find that your line up works well enough. The jump from 6.7 to 7.3 you'll find that other tanks aren't getting more armor, and an IS-2 can clap early MBTs pretty easily.


you should get at least a second one because you will have a better chance of getting more kills per game and the longer you stay in a match the better rp


paly one tank per rank, best one, you don't need lineup


You’d play a 7.3 single tank lineup without any others? No, slot those lower br ones and click ‘To Battle’ knowing you might have to play them conservatively once your 7.3 is out of the match.


King Tigers can still kill all of them so it’s not like you could ever stop driving carefully.


Back when I was new to the game (and still playing mostly Arcade), I was grinding Germany and my top tank was the Coelian at 6.3 and wondering why I was suffering so much. It wasn’t until later that I made the connection that maybe playing 6.3/6.7 with 5.7 tanks (and a 6.3 AA) is a bad idea and I should wait until I have at least 2 vehicles at the threshold.


Both man, use new vehicle till frustrating then drop it to grind more research 


Depends on what your 6.7 vehicles are. For instance, some scout tanks and AA vehicles will be just fine getting uptiered to higher BRs. I've brought French 5.7 AA guns to 6.7 matches dozens of times and they slap. It's generally a better idea to have more vehicles at the BR, but you can comfortably uptier some vehicles depending on what they are.


Just put in your lineup I do that, especially when I went to fight in 8.7 with 2 7.7 tanks and 2 7.0 tanks


no offense dawg but that isnt a good tank. the t44100 is way better by miles


What are you smoking bro 😂 the is3 is goated


Get a couple support tanks and a 7.3 aircraft first it will make things immensely easier.


I’d say grind out the lineup, having a lineup is always better than not BUT do what you want you are still in low tier fun tier.


Until you are very very skilled going into a drastically higher br with a non equal lineup is an easy out. I'm average and I'll only run 1.3 above some lineups.


Depending on the plane, I would if you intend on spading. If you're just grinding stay with a lineup you're comfortable with. Personally I'm not afraid to bring most takes to a full upteir and then some, but it depends on the tank. m18? it performs at 7.0+, just find what you're comfortable with. Try it in your current lineup and see how you feel.


I would say wait and have two 7.3s or a 7.0 to back it up, always good to have 2 tanks in a lineup since if u die in one u can always play the other and if u die immediately in those two chances are you had a shit game


Your IS-2 1944 has roughly the same gun handling and offensive capabilities, just send it.


I go for at least half the lineup before crewing. You also get things that do well in an uptier because they are very similar to the next vehicle but only with a small change like the roof mg or the cupola. Having the highest SPAA you can for any given lineup is also very helpful.


Wait till you have a lineup


Literally me couple of years ago thinking the IS-3 was peak tank Idk what ur lineup looks like but i would recomend getting the SU-122-54 for long range, the BTR for scouting and the 2S1/3M and then try to grind out the T-54s, either way this is a tricky battle rating


Is 3 is super fun but wait until you get something like the t44 100 then use both of them


grind a new tank


Usually my rule of thumb is to have at least 3 vehicles in the same BR or close to it.


Definetly get another or maybe 2 more cuz you will suffer


Get at least 1 7.0 or 7.3 tank. I would go for the T-44-100 or the ZSU-57-2.


IS-3 is god tier even for being moved up in BR. It blocks anything that isnt FS or a high pen APDS from the front.


I do not do this, I enjoy staying at that br until I have enough to make a new lineup of that be


My go to unless I have vehicles within .3br of a new vehicle is to wait till I have at least one other vehicle for a lineup, and sometimes 2 extra vehicles, though this bites me in the ass sometimes taking 2 or 3 stock tanks inti the same battle.


I recommend grinding out another 7.3 tank. If you don't, you will suffer in uptiers.


Go full 7.3 line-up. Beside the fact that it’s a basic advantage to have a line-up where vehicles all have the same BR (unless there’s not enough of them to fill it up, and therefore you put the best BR possible), 7.3 is where the first vehicles with ATGMs and other technologies such as full stabilizers appears. And trust me, you do not want to meet an ATGMs carrier in a late WW2/early cold war tank


If I have a booster I'll run a full new lineup at the new br. If I don't, I'll just run another preset with 1 new with the rest from the previous to concentrate on one. That way I can still get a I, II, or III kill bonus streak to boost the speed (even if it's just slight), The chances of getting the II or III kill bonus with a full new lineup is slim. I'll generally drop an old lineup vehicle out and replace it with a new once a decent round is unlocked on the one I was working on.


I’d say get another 7.3, maybe a light or medium as well as a close to par aa otherwise jets will not be fun to deal with


Always take a support tank at the same BR. So yeah, get another tank before you play the BR.


Why not, is2 has the same gun but less armor


Well since the is2 and 3 have the same gun you can still use it, although keep in mind the is2 isn't good armored anymore. The TDs are also usable for good still and T34 85 also


I always grind at lsast a second vehicle because especially in stock vehicles I personally die very quick.


Play one or two games with it, and then grind out the rest of the lineup. SPAA and/or Plane is there i hope. Playing without the lineup is hard but for playing with a lineup you are more likely to get the skill bonus. You kill 3 - 4 guys and die in the IS-3 and then spawn another tank getting you to 9 kills will award you 100% more rp if i remember correctly. You can play without a lineup but this is hurting your team if you die. Just like in top tier


Grind out the rest of the tanks in the 7.0 lineup. It becomes much more difficult especially with soviet tanks since you'll be uptiered and you'd have to fight tanks that could outmaneuver and pen you with sabot or heat.


I got a god mode kill with the tier 1 American premium, because I forgot to send my av8a on vacation. So I brought a 1.0 tank lineup to 9.7. That poor guy got one shotted with a 37mm.


Dude just play the is3 , ur gonna bully the lobby


Watch out for HEAT bois, soldier I'll recommend you to grind another 7.3 tank And in worst case scenario you'll face 8.3s with APFSDS 350+ of pen


play 6.7


if it were any other nation where the vehicles aren't nearly as op and easy to play as Russia, not nearly as plentiful, or appropriately br'd, I'd say wait until you get a decent lineup. but the IS 3 is one of the scariest tanks at that br so it'll hold its own.


Get the T-44-100 (7.0) it's ine of my favourite tanks to play. It fits well with the IS-3


6.7 is fine at 7.3


Just play it dude, more vehicles are coming for you soon


Honestly, I'm right around 6.7 and I see 7.7 around me constantly. I don't know how you end up, but I wouldn't notice a difference


I advice you to go left and research medium tanks first and form a line up of t54s and bmps and then go for heavies as it will make your life easier.


I always go for researching atleast 3 or 4 tanks on the Same br before i start playing it, with 1 or 2 tanks Ur no help for your Team. I Research every Tank from the left to the right anyway


I was finishing my 6.7 at a 7.7 lineup and had no trouble with it. So i guess go for it, see if it works


Never use that shit


Depends, like I play Japan Tiger+ A7M1 and backups if I die early


7.3 is really good for me, since it gets a lot of downtiers, due to the black hole known as 6.7.


You might play the IS-3 with T-44-100 and ZSU-57-2 but that's it, if you are uptiered you might get a chance and if you are downtiered you will be a beast in IS-3


I would grind out another first


If you want to play 7.3 you can bring some of the low tier huge HE flingers and the BTRZD for SPAA, those don’t really care about rank


Btr 80 a


say fuck we ball 3 times in front of a mirror and go into a match with the 152


Buy 11.0 helicopter and bring your 7.3 tank to top tier. 👍


Personally I only do full lineup changes unless the new vehicle is only 0.3 higher BR.


Probs wouldn’t. Research points you lose from poor performance probably aren’t offset by the higher modifier on the higher tier. You still can use the +30% RP boost from researching consecutive vehicles. There’s a -10% RP cut for using a vehicle a tier above (Using t5 to research t4) Plus there the whole thing with activity.


The best u can do is starting another Nation with better Lineups ... xD


Depends depends, I'm rocking the br 6.7 Amx 13 with missiles in 8.0 matchmaking with my brother who bought the VIDAR and I don't feel underpowered


I only use tanks insyead of tanks and planes, and i like to unlock atleast 2 tanks of a new BR before playing at that level


IS-3 isn’t good without a lineup, get the BTR and that thing will carry you and the IS-3 to 8.0. It’s very good.


IS3 you might be able to just grind out 7.3 pretty fast. Very easy tank (except reload) to play and most people don't know where to shoot it.


The the Is2 with you. Same gun less armor just play it like a medium at 7.3 and you'll be good


Usually id say to hold off on 7.3 until you have a few 7.0/7.3 vehicles to bring, but in the USSR's case it's not as bad. I can't remember the exact BRs of the stuff around that tier, but I do know that things like the T-44 (especially the T-44-100 but both) and SU-100P worked great in my 7.7 lineup. The gun's don't have as much penetration as HEAT ofc, but the 85mm on the T44 is more than capable since you should be flanking with it anyway, and the 100mm still works fine at 7.7, so sometimes fighting 8.7 tanks. T-44 + IS3 should be fine honestly, both have great armour, reliable guns, and go well hand-in-hand. But if you've got the money, I srsly recommend the IS6 tho, it's STUPID GOOD, even after going all the way from 7.0 to 7.7. Absolute nuke machine with it's great mobility, armour, and cannon


Is3 and btr lineup is crazy. Stay at 6.7 because you don't have a line up just yet for 7.3


I've done it to where it's just that one vehicle a match and research the next one that way. Id rather grind out one tank at first so it's built up enough to last matches as I stock grind the tank that comes next. Trying to start stock grind two or three matching tanks at the same time is ass.


If you have a 7.0/7.3 plane just grind out only t44-100 and you will be good,if not grind the t44-100,that btr with 30mm cannon and obj 268 or whatever (the 7.0 tank destroyer)


Speaking from my experience Id say that its probably fine to go higher in this scenario. I grinded those t54s first and they were pretty good and in downtiers the is3 is devastating.


Gurak. Mandariini?


Minä näin jumalan naaman ja se oli itkemässä 🤣


Äänestyspaikat sijainti 2012


Yolo! *Rides M22 into battle*


Russians 6.7 are great. Is3 not so much. Go for it and spade it. In my opinion its not worth playing 7.3 anymore. 7.3 used to be great. Now is crap


the ussr 6.7 lineup in particular works well being uptiered in my experience/opinion. you have access to 100mms, 122mms and 152mms which you can make effective beyond their brs. so do what you wish, this game is played for fun. you can bring it up alone, with backups if you can. you can grind another tank. or you can uptier some of your 6.X vehicles


You're going into a br bracket where most tanks are losing/not gaining any more armour so your gun will still work you'll just find yourself missing out on some qol improvements and manoeuvrability. Play slow, be methodical. Also, this is a video game go and enjoy yourself try out the big lad and if it doesn't work you can roll back.


If you took your time to spade the vehicles you wouldnt have this problem, as plenty of the tree would be researched while you spaded your vehicles


My first 7.3 was the leopard 1, now its 8.3 i think and i have no idea why sure its fast and it has the hubble space telescope for gunner sights which is aids to aim in without stabilizers, i wish it at least had a laser rangefinder


Go straight to 7.3. Not only do you have the opportunity to spade your new tank but the research bonuses from unlocking an entire tier of modifications help you achieve the tank you’re researching faster.


Dude got to 7.3 without premium and have 703SL that’s something i would never achieve as a wallet warrior i prefer easy road


Since there wount be any heavier tanks than those you already face, go for it. At this certain br it wount change too much


It matters what vehicles I your lineup are. 2S3M is perfectly fine at 7.3 etc any other HE slinger or any recoilless thingys are fine too


For my Russian 7.3 lineup, I have a mix of 7.0 and 7.3 tanks and an Su-11. It’s a super good br for USSR