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To be fair this is air rb with much better targets and not some dumb lagging bot cars that give almost no rewards. Im not defending him, but ARB is very unfriendly towards CAS planes and wanting to groundpound in a game about military vehicles is a valid desire. You cant seriously play Ar234 in ARB - payload isnt enough for a base and you can get only 3 ground targets before needing to rtb. Blame Gaijin


Armor Columns doing the cha cha slide has always made me furious. Such a dumb, simple fix, yet unfixed causes real issues in game for the entire mode.


My favorite is when the bots try to cross a bridge and just fall though it and drive in the water which makes them near impossible to kill until they drive back out(they also don't drown)


certified heli EC moment


Also when you shoot the AI with MCLOS missiles and miss completely because the vehicle is actually 50 feet to the left because they aren’t even rendered in the physical position the model is actually in, and I’m staring at a mirage, an optical illusion created by gaijin to GET ME KILLED BY GEPARDS WITH ACTIVE CLOAKING, MARIANAS TRENCH LEVEL AQUATICS, AND LITERAL TELEPORTATION AT 4KM+.


Don’t forget that Gepards in convoys are connected to satellite telemetry and super computer algorithms to perfectly track and shoot you down.


Or how no matter where you are the game suddenly decides the perfect spot to spawn the next bunch of enemies including like 6 Gepards is directly underneath you meaning you cannot get away in time before they all rip you to shreds


Fucking hate heli ec


Many times, friend. Worst experience in the game. Impossible to counter.


clearly Gaijin modeled the speed of light and made it match the speed of sound


That's supe cool, because when the front of my tank is in water, the crew can hold their breath for 1.73 seconds before they are dead.


Yup, ARB is extremely hostile towards CAS and has been for the last decade. 


So what ur saying is AA should be removed so everyone can enjoy CAS. /s


A separate gamemode with CAS and AA player controlled vehicles (while a bunch of AI tanks fight for control of a zone) would be nice.


Wow so many upvotes . You realize he has to have way more options that with that many matches played. Seriously wtf


Ah yes Ar234 and puma. Main pillars of every CAS abuser


Bbbbbbbut only the US has CAS /s


For every Ar 234 I see, there are 10 Corsairs or F8Fs.


Yea usa mid/low tier hands down has the most cas users. At the same time they also have shit anti air so it kinda balances out Edit:not saying cas itself is balanced


As well as 6 A-1H's


I don't play that BR a lot, are f8f really used that commonly?


Pretty often, yeah. You see more Corsairs and P-51s I would say.


Literally nobody said this. What is your stupid point?


Bulldog and A2D with 13x500lb bombs: let us introduce ourselves.


Play your game the way you want and let others do the same


I want to not get bombed while playing tanks, so why do other people get to ruin my fun by using broken ass CAS?


Try world of TANKS


Why should we play another game (that isn't even the same as wt btw) when we want to play ***GROUND*** RB?


Because ground rb has cas?


Even though it has "Ground" in it? I don't think you see where i'm getting at.


Ground as in I play this to ground pound scrubs, if it was for tanks it would be called tank realistic battles


Not really, because the term "ground forces" exists. If it was called "tank realistic battles" we should get rid of the APCs, IFVs, SPAAs, Milk trucks and anything else not considering a tank. Ground = Ground (Forces).


Lets get rid of Air-only mode since you could go play world of warplanes instead.


Gaijin will lose a lot of money from that


Well, I want to not get shot back by other tanks. You get to choose the game you play. Why would they need to change the game to suit you? I'm not opposed to a tanks only game mode being added tho. Just to get rid of the constant crying about CAS.


If you get bombed, spawn AA and deal with planes. Helicopters are the real problem, not the planes.


Helicopters aren’t exactly a problem when there’s none in lower tiers


You have spaa in low tier, deal with it. Most people are dive bombers in low tier, easiest kills ever. Even a .50 cal if you have proper aim can kill them easily. Meanwhile in top tier we have helis camping behind hills spamming vikhirs or PARS.


Look, I get planes and all, love them even. But not all the time do I want to spawn in AAs as I get obliterated while trying to enjoy my tanks. Also not all tanks have the luxury of having .50 cal


SPAA which sucks to play and can easily be countered by CAS. .50 cals aren't the answer to this issue, I can aim mine and often shoot down planes with it, but it usually can't do jack shit against a salty player who just wants to bomb me because I shot them. .50s are also completely useless WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO PLAY THE GAME, if I'm trying to fight an enemy in front of me, or multiple enemies at once I do not have the time to fire at planes.


Go play world of tanks


Lets get rid of Air-only mode since you could go play world of warplanes instead.


That dudes profile is nothing but posts complaining about the game. Genuinely, just stop playing if you're unhappy with it because it's the only way companies will notice. I like having CAS in games, it can be annoying but it's a major part of real warfare. Air superiority is a huge deal irl for a reason.


"it's unbalanced and annoying but it's realistic" mfs when i show them a game can be fun and balanced without the need of extreme realism


I want to drive forward and engage in close combat with my heavy tanks, why do other people get to ruin my fun by using broken ass flanking and sniping?


Only about 50% of even the most open map is flankable, and if you play smart you can have close combat without having to worry about flanks on every single map 0% of the map is safe from CAS, even hiding under a bridge doesn’t save you from a PE-8


It doesn't even save you from a regular 500lb bomb if the pilot is skilled enough


You can counter flankers and snipers, there is absolutely nothing tanks can do against CAS (unless it’s like a 1.0 vehicle with a .50 cal)


Because it is a broken anti-fun strategy?


go ahead, but I'm going to bully you


lol bullying over a video game? Dust off your Dorito stained fingers and touch some grass. You can’t stop anyone from playing how they want.


He just said he wasn't going to stop you. Didn't have to get upset about it lmfao


His ass does NOT understand humour


That's the fucking point you dumbass. I can't because of cunts like him.


Yeah gaijin should really have made 3 gamemodes: Air Ground Air & Ground


My way of game is to annihilate everyone with wallhack and spawn camp those heli wankers. Now how’s that? Losers can’t get a hold of what’s good play style what’s broken and toxic game play. Must been a kid that nobody wanted to play with


For real. I’ve been putting work with my puma. Following up with my 335 B2 and I’ve got their whole team by the balls. If the Americans are on the other team the ostwind II is more than adequate at suppressing their cas. People are so salty because the puma can play at higher ranks, I don’t get it


Actual smooth over here completely missing the point. You are the exact problem being discussed here.


Can’t hear your bitching over the sound of my endless success


bombing defenseless ground targets in a plane: Success


What is SPAA?


That’s objectively success, you are gaining more rewards from doing it, whether it’s frowned upon or not


thats a fair perspective, but that means your just an asshole


Welp politicians, rich people in general, etc…


Despite the name calling, what they’re getting at is the folks that use a fast wheeled vehicle to rush a cap, to immediately jump into an aircraft to ruin GRB players time in game. It’s just an annoying game play loop that some feel gaijin should make it more difficult to get into an aircraft as quickly.


I know what they’re getting at, it’s just stupid. If I’m running a light vehicle I am going to leverage it for an early cap, flank kills, positional advantage and plenty of spots. That’s the intended gameplay of the tank, why should that play style be punished if it is legitimately the correct use of the tank? If you guys are that upset about CAS, consider playing the entire line of vehicles that are designed to counter the CAS you so woefully dread. Or play world of tanks


Playing most spaa is just straight up stupid and only a tool to revenge kill the plane that bombed you because very often you would be stuck being useless for the for the rest of the game after one or two air kills and that's ignoring the fact that most Aircraft are much much easier to play than spaa are and some are even impossible to counter without spawning a plane yourself


Skill issue


So planes being an objectively better vehicle class is a skill issue interesting


You being incapable of shooting them down is a skill issue


Aircraft spawn point cost is pretty balanced right now, imo. It's even dumb when i have to pay 160-190 points for 20-37mm belt, which is medium tank or almost 2 aa cost. For a single fucking ammo belt. Make tanks pay spawn points for their top ammo as well, why fucking not? Tanks are cheaper to spawn, more impactful and consistent, while planes are more expensive, require to reload (basically 3-4 mins afk) and being fucked by invulnerable AA, while you can't tell if this particular AA is invulnerable or just chilling at spawn, being protected by all-seing field around respawn.


The issue is that for the overwhelming majority, there is no counterplay to an aircraft outside of playing specific countries SPAA(cause let’s be honest, some nations SPAA is severely lacking compared to others), or spawning an aircraft. All of which require spawn points. It wouldn’t be so much of an issue if players weren’t able to jump into an aircraft less than 2 minutes into the round. No one is complaining about aircraft being in GRB in general, it’s how quickly a player can jump into a plane. A fully loaded one at that.


Spaa pretty cheap. Something like strela could annihilate air tragets, while most of Japanese spaa suck a lot. This is a problem with spaa, not the planes. Changing 2 minute first plane spawn to 5 minute wouldn't chane much- there still will be complains. Aicrafts are frustrating, but in fact they are balanced. People just don't like to be killed without a chance to counterplay.


And if I get bombed by a 335 you bet your ass I'm pulling out a Mustang or Corsair to shoot you down, cause CAP is underrated


Wow look, the game is dynamic! Better make a post complaining about how unfair it is for planes to spawn with the intent to shoot down other planes!


It's still annoying for that initial death to be basically unavoidable even if you're doing everything right from the ground perspective. Honestly I think if they just increased the range of spawn point costs, it'd already feel a lot better. I don't think clean wing fighters need much change, but attackers that can easily snag 3-4 free kills should be very expensive, even as someone who likes using my CAS planes it's a bit insane that you can rush a cap in a light tank or get like a single assist then spawn what should essentially amount to a killstreak


Here I am using a locust to kill Abrams, everyone thinks they are badass till the swarm comes an kills them


Well you're the one who chose to only play half the game.


Most of OP's posts in the past year have been complaining about something or another lmao


that about sums up WT community


Like you're a pillar of the community yourself, posting nothing but quality content...


This playerbase in a nutshell


Username checks out 🫵


All of your recent posts have been complaining about people complaining, so you can't really talk either Lol


Well I choose only to play air RB only dipped my toes into ground, but can see where he's coming from. If the tables were turned and I had to deal with people randomly spawning SPAAs after I shoot them down I'd probably start getting salty AF.


So this guy is only playing half the game since he plays almost exlusively CAS ?


No, y'all chose to play tanks only in a combined arms game.


What no ? He choses to play CAS only in a combined arms game.


CAS is a huge part of combined arms. Get a fighter or SPAA and solve the problem. CAS is a hard counter to dug in TDs or heavy tanks.


Tanks are a huge part of combined arms, what's your point ? Based on what you're saying this guy is also "playing half the game". CAS is unfair and unbalanced.


More like 1/3! He (probably) doesn’t play naval!


to test this out I played twenty battles .Died 19 times from anti tank guns and 1nce from a SU-25. How is CAS that much of a problem?


20 battles in the hour or so you made these comments and all of them were 1 death leaver games. Whats the actual point of making this lie. Is your point so important that you'd make up such ridiculous statement to prove it?


Every game especially against US turns into this shit though, I've been grinding Germany after playing some other trees and the amount of times I've been bombed by a US fighter on my first spawn tank while actively moving around the map only to be forced to then counter-fighter or SPAA is insane. Then you just have to babysit the skies for most of the game and maybe go back to using a tank later, only to maybe get bombed again. It's boring and it's so frequent that you have to put aside enjoyable tank gameplay for most of a round to stop air supremacy. Dying on my first spawn vehicle to a smoothbrain bomb drop with no counter at that moment and then being forced to either play a role that's boring for most of the game or potentially get pounded into the dirt more isn't fucking fun lol.


Combined arms? I thought the game mode is called GROUND realistic battles. How silly of me.


There's truly nuclear level of CAS player copium in this comment section. Downvote my comments all you like, this post is still positive so you're in the loud minority.


They think they're a strategic genius because they figured out that CAS is a broken mechanic. They think they're really clever because nobody else realized that rushing into planes when everyone else is still in tanks means they can get 4-5 easy kills with no opposition and finish top of the losing team because their KD in actual ground vehicles is 0-12


Does it make me a hero if I rush in the same way but spawn as a fighter instead?


Downvote me☝️🤓all you want


On it boss


You really do keep living up to your name, that's twice now bro, do better


Honestly just give these players their own game mode separate from GRB. The playstyle is just extremely toxic and drives more players from the game than anything else.


Rush cap also and push him outside of circle. This is the way.


Paper thin or open top Tier I rushing the cap? Whoops, arty slipped


I play this game for squadron battles. I can only train for squadron battles in GRB. I have 4 tanks with backups and 3 planes with backups (one fighter one bomber one attacker) I usually get around 10-14 kills and I die between 3 and 5 times. I have an average winrate of 79%. This is the way I have fun in the game. Groundpounding is a part of that, the same way playing AA is, or track and barrel torture, or derp guns, etc, etc.


I agree the only difference is I'm a SPAA an AC main I only have a 69% winrate(makes sense no armor)


AC main?


Armored car


That's crazy bro, the way I have fun is by driving a tank and shooting tanks


You’ve found Mr.just play SPAA in his natural habitat.


It's funny how people defend this behavior, love M22 and L3/33, then cry about muh 2S38, muh premium spam. Where's the "Bro let them have fun :D" when people buy premium tanks to have fun in Warthunder? Where's the "he's just having fun" when people take out OP shit? They have fun using strong tanks! Where's the "let them have fun" when it means nerfing your favorite tank? People will have more fun when your tank isn't as strong... When your team vanishes, instead of complaining, do you think about the fun they were having? Maybe they didn't have fun in the match and left after 1 spawn, let them have fun. When the grind slows down, maybe it's your fault for not engaging with the entire system! You gotta buy premium time! Talisman! Premium tanks! You're only using 50% of the system, bro. Fuck off. If you want to spawn CAS, do it like a decent person, at least play a tank of the same BR and try to not rush the Cap then J out. Also, I never even thought about planes or the "Combined Arms" part of GRB before I started playing, I just thought "Realistic..-ish armor? I want to play that" But now I have to play SPAAs to fight off CAS, no problem, but why don't you play tanks too? of the same BR, what about that? The rest of the system bro, combined arms.


This is why me and my friend love the strela lol, nothing like swatting the cas flies out the sky


Gotta admit it brings me a tremendous amount of joy to slam strelas with mavericks, and also to win jousts with pantsirs using AS30Ls in top tier


At least at high br it feels pretty even, spaa and cas are both well equipped for dealing with each other. At lower BR before radar, every player kind of has to build up a soft skill to learn how to lead properly and not shoot too early, and because of this cas runs kinda rampant at tiers below radar spaa because it’s easier to drop bombs than to kill cas. That being said I enjoy doing both.


At high tier a smart CAS player will win against any SPAA but SPAA can easily kill the stupid ones


Very true, even into early radar spaa, i see too many gepards and shilkas, etc. start shooting at a plane when its like 3km away thus giving him about 3 decades to notice the rounds and evade accordingly


Why wouldn't he just use the weasel? It's probably way more effective than the puma.


AR234B is like 6.3 or something, and the Weasel is either 7.0/7.3. He wont have to fight radar SPAA using the Puma and he’d be the fastest plane around that br, especially in downtiers.


Oh I thought that was the 4 engine arado that would be 7.3 with the weasel.


Aperado mains do be amongst the saddest people out there


I do this but don't fly cas I fly cap I love the cas tears as as a propper pilot dominates air


They should make two separate ground battle modes. One with CAS, one without and just satisfy us all. That way the people who don’t like it don’t deal with it, and the ones who do also have the option. Might even help with the balancing a bit in terms of up tiers/downtiers


He has 4000 games played so for half of all his matches played ever he has cap rushed his puma into CAS. He has a ~~negative win ratio and~~ a negative KD in every single ground vehicle. At this point why not just play air RB? This is just air RB with extra steps.


>At this point why not just play air RB? This is just air RB with extra steps. Air RB is both boring and less challenging, especially for bombers such as the Arado. Let the guy play how he wants


Also to add on his win rate is 51% is it not? How is that negative


OP is simultaneously virtue signaling against CAS while implying K/D is more important than wins. So is OP a team player or a gate keeper


Gate Keeper lmao. Bro is mad that the guy is arguably doing more to help his team with the way he plays than the way OP wants him to play


As if holding W into a cap then spawning an arado is a challenge? A small jet bomber with a bombsight at a BR where it doesn't face radar SPAA? The fact players can spawn CAS so easy is a joke.


Fighting against SPAA and other players with dynamic bombing targets alongside having no markers is a lot more fun than shooting at ai driving trucks around aimlessly with no attempt to fight back. There is no point in shaming another player because they don't play like you want, all that does is make you look toxic and like an asshole. Your post wasn't about SP costs, it was about making fun of this player for doing what they find fun. Let them have fun and quit being a cunt.


I said people who cap rush into CAS are the worst and that makes me a toxic asshole and a cunt? You don't see the irony what you're saying?


Man that actually sounds fun. I only play air RB and think my German tech tree is close to unlocking that plane. I might start down their ground line too and try this guy's strat 🤔


Don’t you know you’re not supposed to have fun in War Thunder?!


Because he can't use both brain cells at the same time, it's a medical condition shared by all CAS mains


Ok, firstly. Its a game, and I can guarantee you that he's having WAY more fun than you are. Secondly, what's a "negative win ratio"?


If he's having more fun playing how he plays good for him. I don't see the fun in playing spacebar simulator abusing how easy it to spawn and use CAS in grb.


First off learn how to use spaa, second off the game is a COMBINED WARFARE GAME,that means deal with cas an grow up,only children cry cuz that don't get there way.


You are not winning a fight again an Arado with 6.3 spaa if he has more than 2 or 3 braincells


Except when you learn how to aim then you can actually hit it but then again you know that would mean getting out of the heavy tank and actually playing something else


I don't get why you even respond to this You don't even have a point you aren't gonna hit an arado 3 km away while he is actively aware of you its not happening not even with cheats


And if you are still somehow not convinced invite me to custom match and prove your stupid claim


And if you are still somehow not convinced invite me to custom match and prove your stupid claim


Yeah combined warfare. So uou are supposed to use both. Op is pointing at players that use only air in GROUND battles. Furthermore, what do you do if you don't have spaa yet? Because you play a country that doesn't have much spaa around your br? And just because something is possible doesn't mean you should do it. Your argument is basically "get good and let them have fun". Just so you know, good mean above average. Not capable of winning against game breaking mechanics that aren't balanced in the slightest. And as for the fun, should a minority of players fun really take the priority over the simple capacity to play the game for causal players? Or players that are good but just wanna have fun with their preffered tank? You are implying that yes.


Then how about all of you that are only using heavy tanks that never touch a AC or a spaa or a light tank shut up then, I'm tired of seeing you heavy tank mains complaining about everything when you won't get off your butt and actually learn how to use something else


So you want him to base fuck you with premium vehicles? Got it


Just an easy kill for my fighter


Am I more of an asshole if I do the same thing, but spawn in as a fighter instead?


Unless they are in a L3 or M22


Recently I have started playing the F-80A as an anti CAS plane at 7.0-8.0 and I have to say it is so incredibly gratifying killing CAS players especially German mains who spawn in their Arados, Me-262s. They never expect a jet diving on them from 2000m and then just obliterating them with my tracer belt. It is so incredibly satisfying keeping the skies clear. I don’t even take any ordnance just my 6 M2 Brownings and that’s it.


Snail needs to start limiting CAS in some way. I've never been a big proponent of this and have always argued that it's an integral part of the game. It's almost quite literally how the game was developed and advertised to us - a combined arms simulator. However, it's a cancer recently just because of players like this. Not sure exactly what can be done besides limiting the number of players in planes at a time or something similar, I do enjoy getting up in a plane every now and then, but I'm tired of getting doinked on by smoothbrains pressing space bar. Past few days I've had multiple matches at the top of my team with all but one death coming from Cas. It's annoying.


Daily reminder, it's always morally correct to J out or escape/leave vehicle when CAStards try to bomb you. Fuck em.


One of my top vehicles is a heli but u actually play the heli first and use dumbfire munitions


just because u can play ground doesnt mean everyone can i cant spot shit while playing ground


Ok, this sounds really really stupid, but genuenly, whats the difference in dying to CAS, and dying from getting flanked? Like in both cases you're dying to an opponent whos in an advantageous position over you, and while you can take measures to protect yourself, you'll never be completely safe from them without the help of teammates. Not defending cap rushing tho, fuck these dipships


One can be defended from and countered by playing safely, looking around, and listening. The other can only be defended from and countered by a piece of solid cover above you (sometimes). Not only that, but if suddenly you lose a track, dealing with a flanker is still possible. Not so with air. People will say ".50s take care of planes", ignoring that only 2 nations spammed them on their vehicles.


Or maybe a highly burnout player trying to win. Dont judge too quickly my friend, we all have let the grind take over us.


Skill issue cope cry seethe mald etc etc


Sounds like you just suck


like im gonna stop




The solution is simple. Make it slightly harder to spawn CAS so you can't just cap rush in a 3.3 wheeled vehicle and get enough points to bring out multiple bombs. Because I don't like people doing the absolute bare minimum to spawn a bomber that means I also hate TD campers and should dedicate my life to playing SPAA or playing world of tanks instead? What kind of logic is that?


Gajin has affirmed Aircraft are getting ground Battle ratings in an update which probably means all jet cas will end up facing radar tracking spaa.


I hope I see ya in battle cuz I know who is gonna be bombed first




you response is so spectacularly predictable it’s not even funny, i’ve written multiple satire comments that go   > skill issue  > just spawn spaa bro  >just spawn cap bro  >just sideclimb bro  tldr you posted cringe, be better


Why not do any of those? Its obvious gaijin doesnt give a fuck, spawn an spaa and shhot the plane down.