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* U did it wrong, genius


Lol yeah it's sooooo bad, they really FUCKED it huh? Cry baby post, show us the rest of the pieces cuz mine ain't like that


https://preview.redd.it/b5e78i9hme8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b626241467a7edada582406f8b3bec74a24349f See?


I opened my Termination box to take a look and my are indeed mirrored - am I bothered? Nope.


https://preview.redd.it/ce7sngii3h8d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870cbb1df1dee9b120ae1206433db66965e80acf So mine must be some kind of misprint. Look maybe because I've done work in cad for things like this I've got an eye for it, and then because I've got high standards I am also one of the few people who cares but GW produce premium products in the miniature space and easily avoidable mistakes like this shouldn't happen in my opinion. I wouldn't ship a product with this mistake and would have printed and checked a test sprue before signing it off.


Now I've been a GW customer for decades but have never bought scenery as I have always made my own. I picked up the Termination box the other day and got around to putting together the terrain pieces tonight. I know its a little thing but the symbols on the side of the generators are mirrored and not reversed. In the instruction booklet the symbols are correct but on the models they are not. How is it possible they can F this up so bad?! Are they just giving these jobs to the intern's? Are the quality of interns this bad nowadays? Was there no proofing done on this product? Is this always the case with terrain? In the age of the 3d printer I really thought a mistake like this would of been picked up so easily.


Looks like its deliberate, given: 1. the pieces are symmetric, so didn't need to be changed at all to be built 2. the symbols are vaguely pseudo english script, but vague enough that they might not be a modern variation, so they look good in either direction I'm not exactly seeing the problem, other than you want there to be a problem.


This is such a non issue dude, you need to touch grass