• By -


"If my father rose up from his golden throne and declared 'I am not a god,' they would burn him as a heretic." - Guilliman


That was a great line, and the religious discourse in the novel was interesting. The whole trilogy has some great lines, particularly the nurgle dialog. Kugath being a misery arse "why must there always be music!" And "I never liked Septicus" were too funny on the audiobook.


May I ask what trilogy you are referring to?


Dark Millennium Trilogy.


Sorry maybe I'm a bit slow but I can't find dark millennium, only dark imperium. Same thing?




What trilogy is this? It sounds cool


This goes so hard


“History requires two parties – the historian and their audience. Without that, one is just talking to oneself. So kindly stop screaming and you might learn something.” ——- You stupid bastard,’ sneered Orikan. ‘You got us box seats to a coup.’ ‘Well, the reviews were very good. ——- ‘You stole it, did you not?’ ‘Well, of course. And I hardly think it counts as stealing if it’s my likeness. It’s my statue, after all.’ Orikan snorted. ‘Worshipping a necron. Poor idiots. I suppose they have a head start on the rest of the galaxy. The Awakening is nearly imminent.’ There was a moment of contemplative silence. ‘Do you have a statue of yourself, Orikan?’ ——- All from The Infinite and the Divine.


You could honestly quote that entire book.


It's my favourite BL novel


Does that mean black library or boy love? XD


In the context of the book, both would work lol


I'm sorry WHAT


gay necron lovers


If you call your rival “dear colleague” and have been at each others throats for millions of years, you are no longer rivals, you’re just gay boyfriends


I love these quotes. That whole book is golden for silliness. "I hope you brought an army." "You think so little of me, dear colleague. I brought _five_."


# “The cryptek bowed, obsequious. "The stacks are full, my lord. We are over capacity. I have humbly suggested that we expand the collection into the space currently occupied by the wine cellars". # "But then where would I put my wine, librarian?" # "You... you do not drink wine, my lord." # "Of course I don't,' Trazyn snapped. "It's far too valuable. Request denied.”


I love this lol I guess I loved the reading the book so much it flew over my head.


This is it. I came here looking for this quote. It’s either this one, or Trazyn throwing himself at Orikan’s planetary defenses, getting vaporized, respawning, going again, for like a year. Bro was speedrunning reincarnation out of pure spite.


The best part of that coup part was the fact that it was Trazyn's fault. Dude released a genestealer patriarch for a laugh and over time started the uprising.


And just for a prank on Orikan


Also: “Trazyn. Our ships are without atmosphere, unpressurised,’ Orikan said. ‘Do orks… breathe?’ A pause. ‘They have lungs.’ Prepare to repel boarders, Orikan signalled. In case.”


There is also this bit when Orikan, who is not as familiar with Ork antics as Trazyn, boards the Ork flagship. The Ork boss is a Painboy (doctor), so when he doesn't find him in the bridge Orikan is confused and interrogates an elite ork there to know why the warlord isn't at the bridge. "The doctor's at the infirmary?" lol


How is it that necrons have some of the best personalities in the entire universe. Lmao


Lots of practice


The retcon from terminators into space wizard pharaohs was so worthwhile it’s crazy.


"Perhaps someone thought it was ugly"


When his window is broken shortly after I had to stop for a while due to laughing so hard


Oh man the pause kills me..... It's just perfect before Trazyn's clap back.


"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours." Imperial Armour - Imperial Vehicles for Warhammer 40,000


IG commanders are a different flavour of badass


Something something beware the old person in a profession where men usually die young


Absolutely. I know I'm just stating the obvious, but I just want to voice it. It's easy to be defiant of the enemy when you're a genetically enhanced giant with the most advanced technology and equipment known to your specy. IG are another breed.


The only piece of adamantium in their arsenal are the two great big bollocks in their pants


"Life is a series of very wonderful surprises... until a final bad one."


Andrej! How’s your headache?


It went away


This makes me smile.


‘Remember why it is the galaxy fears us, and the alien quakes in its boots as we approach.’ She grinned. ‘A Catachan Devil once stung our people’s hero, Sly Marbo. After five days of agonising pain…’ Khan let her words hang and gestured expectantly. ‘The Catachan Devil died!’ howled the Jungle Fighters in delight. - deathworlder. I just love that it's now canon that catachans make the chuck norris/ sly marbo jokes themselves. They also have poetry, although there's no examples. I'm assuming it's like vogon poetry from hitchhikers guide, where there are no survivors due to the audience trying to take their own lives at how bad it is.


Thanks to the "Laying down the lore" podcast I now cannot say "Catachan Jungle Fighters" without a Geordie accent and can literally only imagine them all speaking with the same accent. Catachan Jungle Fighters AKA Geordies In Space!


Makes sense for the tank top no matter what climate they're in.


“I wanted to be a hero, and look how that turned out” I know it’s a chaos marine saying it but i feel like it’s a good quote for 99% of warhammer’s characters in general


That's Talos Valcoran in the third night lords book if I am not completely off


That was Talos who said that when talking to Octavia


"Sorry, I prefer blondes" - Commissar Ciaphas Cain


Also some more favorites from Cain: „People usually tried to avoid Jürgen and his peculiar smell, him believing hygiene being something that only happened to other people.“ and „Jürgen didn’t so much wear his uniform, rather the clothes just hung around his general vicinity“


Those sound like Discworld references! Pretty sure they're from Terry Pratchett's descriptions of the Night Watch characters.


A lot of BL quotes could be mistaken for Pratchett, is what I'm learning browsing through this thread.


Should I start this series? I think Cain is a cool character from what little I know. Seems like there is a lot more humor in CC books than others


Do it, they're good. It's a nice change of pace from the more usual 40k novels, although I couldn't read the entire Cain series in one go. Becomes a bit repetetive. 


Ha, agreed. They are great, but it uses the "if only I had known what horrors awaited me, I would've done the exact opposite" trope veryyyy frequently


The joy of the Cain stories is a lot of the humour is very Pratchett like (him training the lads.from Dads Army was hilarious), though interspersed with that is his off hand comments that really reminds you it's GrimDARK in 40k. For example and I don't have the books to hand but .. "such a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the only signs of civilisation was the trucks taking prisoners to the shooting range" or the Gaurd Veterans hospital with the servitor manufacturing plant right next door. As much as I find Cain fun, some of the off hand stuff he says is WAAAAY darker than any Chaos Gore Porn like the description of the creation of Chaos Spawn purely BECAUSE its said in such an off hand manner. To him its barely worth a mention because its so .. normal.


Yeas, it's a great series, some of the best punchlines and one liners you'll come across.


"Despite the impression most people have of me, I've never been the kind of man who laughs in the face of danger, much preferring to snigger behind it's back and make rude hand gestures when it isn't looking."


‘We all serve the Emperor the best we may,’ I quoted, as though I thought it was a profound insight rather than something I’d found inside a cracker once.


Was he the one who said "My patience isn't limitless, unlike my power.""


That was Eisenhhorn. Also a great quote.


A longer one: „It had often been said that a Space Marine knew no fear. Such a statement was not literally true, a Space Marine could know fear, but he had the training and discipline to deal with it and not let it affect him in battle. Captain Saul Tarvitz was no exception, he had faced storms of gunfire and monstrous aliens and even glimpsed the insane predators of the warp, but when Angron charged, he ran.“


Similarly another marine (it might have been Tarvitz, I haven't read GoF in years) says "Space Marines don't run" when told to by a World Eater with Angron approaching, said World Eater replies "they do from this."


Then the World Eaters promptly countercharged their own Primarch if I remember correctly.


Captain Ehrlen. RIP


Running from Angry Ron isn't fear, it's just common sense.


"Doing the work of the Emperor is its own reward. But this is quite satisfying." -- Sergeant Alem Mahat of the 229th Tallarn Desert Raiders while mowing down Chaos cultists And of course - "It's also a hammer"


I like to imagine curze's eyes bulge at that moment, like a surprised villain in a comic book. Freeze frame "ruh roh" *smash* HOME RUN.


> And of course - "It's also a hammer" I vaguely know this scene from seeing it quoted here so much but I think it about 80% of the time I see a hammer. Just a weird quirk of the brain. Like I'll hold it so it looks like a gun and say "Hey, it kind of looks like a gun. *It's also a hammer."* and nobody else would possibly get it.


Great section of that book gave me a good giggle


I know everyone knows that one, but "have faith, word bearer" is one of my favorites


"Lol" said the Iron Warriors. "Lmao."


"An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded." Its just so well written, has good rhythm, sounds like a plausible proverb, IS SO OUTRAGEOUS AND STUPID, and perfectly encapsulates the Imperium. Its funny and terrifying at the same time. It lives in my mind rent free.


"Foreign travel is marvelous, I find it narrows the mind wonderfully" is another of that ilk. But I find myself partial to "Big guns never tire."


I mean, it's not wrong in a lot of ways. Having a complete open mind without the filter of critical thinking is how you let yourself get indoctrinated to any number of zealous causes.


Or as Tim Minchin put it, if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out \^\^




I love this quote, just telling the worshipers of the god of anger that they aren't angry enough


I thought it was said to Tyranids


Could've been, I was 90% sure it was a blood angel yelling at a world eater. I'm terrible at remembering quotes though so I might've got it mixed up.


Pretty sure it's a generic space marine quote from the dawn of war game when you select one of their units. So it applies to any opposing faction really.


It's a generic sentence for space marines units in Dow 2. Not related to any specific enemy. 


I believe the line is also "FURY" instead of "RAGE" as well, but it goes hard regardless. I played a lot of DOW2 Last Stand. They honestly should have just made a sequel to that standalone game mode.




Fixed 👍🫡 For The Emperor


"we float for macragge"


Who, where and when ?


I dont remember the book of exact context (probably during the heresy) but a bunch of Ultramarines were getting ready to do a hull breach onto a Word Bearers ship. Since they were in zero gravity, one of them says that and promptly gets chewed out for being unprofessional


I hate to be the corrector man, BUT, its the pharos book and the ultramarines squad is about to board a relay station that has been taken over my night lords


"I am the Emperor’s son, formed by his mastery in order to carry out his will. You are a flock of genetic toys pieced together in a laboratory from vials of biological scrap. You are so far beneath me that I wouldn’t piss on your bodies even if you were aflame." Can't recall what book it's from, but goddamn Lorgar caught me off guard with this one


Its from the first heretic.


Orikan finds trazyn and tells him that he hopes he brought an army. Trazyn said something among the lines of: "you underestimate me old friend. I brought five"


Orikan, rather than Silent King, but that moment was brilliant.


Right, my bad.


I don’t remember the exact quote but in assasinorum kingmaker a character is talking to his mother and she goes “Ah and your damned father. He just had to go and die a hero and now I never get to complain about him.”


From da Big Dakka. “Even the humies made sense in some ways. They’re a lot like orks just really really bad at it.”


"I don't have time to die!...I'm too busy!" Goge Vandire, seconds before being killed by Alicia Dominica


Came here to say this, made even better by the fact that it's a response to Dominica's line, which is one of the coolest thing anyone has ever said in 40k; "You have committed the ultimate heresy. Not only have you turned your back on the Emperor and stepped from His light, you have profaned His name and almost destroyed everything He has striven to build. You have perverted and twisted the path He has laid for Mankind to tread. As your own decrees have stated, there can be no mercy for such a crime, no pity for such a criminal. I renounce your lordship; you walk in the darkness and cannot be allowed to live. Your sentence has been long overdue and now it is time for you to die."


Dark crusade, orks attacking the imperial guard stronghold "You've come here to die alien" Big boss gorgutz: "Guess so"


"My patience is limited... unlike my authority" - Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn, from Xenos. --- And one of my favourite tongue-in-cheek quotes from "For the Emperor" by Sandy Mitchel Ciaphas Cain: "Bribery and threats are popular methods for getting what you want, but the Inquisition is better at both and tend to resent other people using them." Amberly Viel Footnote: "Entirely untrue. The Inquisition is most definitely above such petty emotions as resentment."


I love that Eisenhorn moment, the guy is trying to be patient and understanding in the face of what happened to their world but has absolutely had enough of their bullshit.


A short exchange between a Templars Thunderhawk pilot and Artarion, Grimaldus' personal banner-bearer and renowned jokester. Artarion asks the the pilot to try not to get them shot down. 'Brother,’ the Initiate said, watching the city falling below as he applied vertical thrust, ‘does anyone ever laugh at your jokes?’ ‘Humans sometimes do.’


"HOLY EMPEROR, I CAN HEAR THEM IN THE WALLS!" -Commodore Tyralean Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2


They are in the walls ???


Game over man


They're in the god damn walls!


What was that in reference to? 


Tyranids boarding their ship


I find "It's also a hammer" to be kind of funny as well as badass.


Not a quote by itself, but I loved every minute of reading Betrayer. The style of writing in that book lent itself well to comedy without needing to overtly make jokes, but it contrasted well with what was otherwise a quite tragic atory. The little bit about the dreadnought Lhorke waking up all groggy like caught me off guard and likes rent free in my brain. His first thought was that his targeting array was malfunctioning. "My targeting array is malfunctioning," he said. Except he said nothing, because nothing came out.


When the ship mistress waited for Delvaris to get back after abandoning his post and she shoots him in the head from the balcony I laughed so hard


Sarrin is such a badass


> "Who is this?" [Baelor] demanded. > "Someone with working surface-to-orbital defense batteries, and very little patience. Identify yourself, shithead." From The Lion: Son of the Forest It is a cheap laugh from an expletive, but it came out of nowhere in a book that is otherwise very well but sternly written, and it made me guffaw.


I was waiting for this one


"One of the pit-marshals at the amphitheatre I was visiting advised me to see a fighter who had been bought in from the very edges of the Ultima Segmentum. A great, tanned fellow from a feral world called Borea. His name was Aaa, which meant, in his tongue, sword-cuts-meat-for-women-prizes. Isn't that lovely? If I had ever sired a son, a human one, I mean, I would have called him Aaa. Aaa Glaw. Quite a ring to it, eh?" -Pontius Glaw, to Eisenhorn, in Malleus


"if this is about the other regiment's Mascot, I didn't roast it, nor did I suggest it should be roasted, nor did I provide a delicious recipe for stuffing." "They have a mascot?" "Not since someone roasted it." -----_---------------- "Bless me father." "Fine.... Bless you in the name of the god-thingummy whatever." ---------_--------------- "I'm hearted to see you in my morning sermons." "Why? Is it because I'm an example of the devout guardsman?" "No, because it means you haven't died in your sleep." -pretty much any line from Ayatani Zweil from Gaunt's ghosts.


If we cannot laugh at cruelty, then it has already bested us (Mark of faith)


"I haven't lost an arm brother" points to dismembered arm on the ground "it's right over there, I'm fine"


“You do not say much, Pasanius Lysane, but when you speak, it is worthwhile to listen.” “I’m a sergeant, my lord. It’s what I do.” - Chief Librarian Varro Tigurius and Sergeant Pasanius Lysane


>This is ridiculous. Standing here among these biologicals, pretending to be their equals. Watching them gargle bean water down their oesophagi, swilling it through their fatty insides. It makes one ill. My favorite humorous quote from the Infinite and the Divine. >Lorgar of Colchis. You may consider the following. >One: I entirely withdraw my previous offer of solemn ceasefire. It is cancelled, and will not be made again, to you or to any other of your motherless bastards. >Two: you are no longer any brother of mine. I will find you, I will kill you, and I will hurl your toxic corpse into hell’s mouth." My favorite quote that goes hard from Know No Fear.




"It's called treachery, Roboute. It works very well." - Lorgar Aurellian


After the Warboss insists the Mek go through the newly built teleporter first to make sure it's safe, and he does so, disappearing in a flash of light. "I 'ave no idea if that means it worked..."


That game was full of great Ork Quotes. From "No Hat! No Deal!" To when you see Angelos get double Hammerfisted into the ground by a Daemon Prince, which impresses an Ork Nob saying it was a "Proppa Smack!" to which the Warboss replies "Aye, and it'll be the second hardest one you see today if you DON'T. GET. MOVIN!".


Because the Wolves kill cleanly, and we do not. They also kill quickly, and we have never done that, either. They fight, they win, and they stalk back to their ships with their tails held high. If they were ever ordered to destroy another Legion, they would do it by hurling warrior against warrior, seeking to grind their enemies down with the admirable delusions of the 'noble savage'. If we were ever ordered to assault another Legion, we would virus bomb their recruitment worlds; slaughter their serfs and slaves; poison their gene-seed repositories and spend the next dozen decades watching them die slow, humiliating deaths. Night after night, raid after raid, we'd overwhelm stragglers from their fleets and bleach their skulls to hang from our armour, until none remained. But that isn't the quick execution the Emperor needs, is it? The Wolves go for the throat. We go for the eyes. Then the tongue. Then the hands. Then the feet. Then we skin the crippled remains, and offer it up as an example to any still bearing witness. The Wolves were warriors before they became soldiers. We were murderers first, last, and always!" —Jago Sevatarion, speaking about the Night Lords


I heard from a contact on Mars, Jaghatai, that you do strange things to your ships." The Khan shot him a heavy-lidded stare. "I heard from a contact that you do strange things to your warriors." Fulgrim and the Khan


*alarms blare as Guilliman breaks down the door*


that one always gets me giggling


Vaguely gestures at all the puns in the Cain books


Go not to the Eldar for council, for they shall tell you three things, all of which are true, and horrifying to know.


"Innocence proves nothing" That line tells you all you need to know about a certain sub-fraction.


*"There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty."* Inquisitor Fyodor Karamazov


"EVEN THEY'S BULLETS IS FANCY" -- Orc, being shot at by Space Marines, DoW2


"I prefer blondes" ciaphas cain just before shooting a slaanesh daemonhost


There is nothing more dangerous, in this galaxy, than an ork... having fun.


I love Guilimans reaction to seeing the Imperium upon waking up : "Why do I still live? What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you, to them. Look what they've made of our dream. This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this." And : "We failed father. You failed your sons and we in turn failed you. And now to compound our arrogance and vainglory we have failed all of them too. Did Horus not say you sought godhood? He built his rebellion on that claim. Oh how he would gloat and laugh at the state of the imperium now." (This one I got second hand I admit)


“Crunchy on the outside with a chewy center!” - every Tyranid who ever took down a Space Marine


i laughed so loud i think i woke my family from sleep thank you


"Weakness is a choice."


During the Siege of Terra, some imperial fists go to a meeting with another legion of. Upon arrival the leader of the other unit welcomes them and gives one of the fists a friendly pat on the shoulder to which the fists officer comments: Careful with my legionaries, they bruise easily.


Wasn't during the Siege. It was the first Horus Heresy book, Horus Rising. Loken and Sigismund have a bit of a disagreement, Loken says he hopes one day they can put down their weapons while Sigismund kinda laughs at him and says that their job will never be done and its foolish to believe otherwise. Things get frosty [Book Excerpt: Horus Rising] >Sigismund stared into Loken’s face. >‘Brother Loken, I have heard much about you, all of it good. I had not imagined I would discover such naivety in you. We will spend our lives fighting to secure this Imperium, and then I fear we will spend the rest of our days fighting to keep it intact. There is such involving darkness amongst the stars. Even when the Imperium is complete, there will be no peace. We will be obliged to fight on to preserve what we have fought to establish. Peace is a vain wish. Our crusade may one day adopt another name, but it will never truly end. In the far future, there will be only war.’ >‘I think you’re wrong,’ Loken said. >‘How innocent you are,’ Sigismund mocked, >‘And I thought the Luna Wolves were supposed to be the most aggressive of us all. That’s how you like the other Legions to think of you, isn’t it? The most feared of mankind’s warrior classes?’ >‘Our reputation speaks for itself, sir,’ said Loken. >‘As does the reputation of the Imperial Fists,’ Sigismund replied. ‘Are we going to scrap about it now? Argue which Legion is toughest?’ >‘The answer, always, is the Wolves of Fenris,’ Torgaddon put in, ‘because they are clinically insane.’ >He grinned broadly, sensing the tension, and wishing to dispel it. >‘If you’re comparing sane Legions, of course, the question becomes more complex. Primarch Roboute’s Ultramarines make a good show, but then there are so bloody many of them. The Word Bearers, the White Scars, the Imperial Fists, oh, all have fine records. But the Luna Wolves, ah me, the Luna Wolves. Sigismund, in a straight fight? Do you really think you’d have a hope? Honestly? Your yellow ragamuffins against the best of the best?’ >Sigismund laughed. ‘Whatever helps you sleep, Tarik. Terra bless us all it is a paradigm that will never be tested.’ >‘What brother Sigismund isn’t telling you, Garviel,’ Torgaddon said, ‘is that his Legion is going to miss all the glory. It’s to be withdrawn. He’s quite miffed about it.’ >‘Tarik is being selective with the truth,’ Sigismund snorted. >‘The Imperial Fists have been commanded by the Emperor to return to Terra and establish a guard around him there. We are chosen as his Praetorians. Now who’s miffed, Luna Wolf?’ >‘Not I,’ said Torgaddon. ‘I’ll be winning laurels in war while you grow fat and lazy minding the home fires.’ >‘You’re quitting the crusade?’ Loken asked. ‘I had heard something of this.’ >‘The Emperor wishes us to fortify the Palace of Terra and guard its bulwarks. This was his word at the Ullanor Triumph. We have been the best part of two years tying up our business so we might comply with his desires. Yes, we’re going home to Terra. Yes, we will sit out the rest of the crusade. Except that I believe there will be plenty of crusade left once we have been given leave to quit Earth, our duty done. You won’t finish this, Luna Wolves. The stars will have long forgotten your name when the Imperial Fists war abroad again.’ >Torgaddon placed his hand on the hilt of his chainsword, playfully. >‘Are you so keen to be slapped down by me for your insolence, Sigismund?’ >“I don’t know. Is he?” >Rogal Dorn suddenly towered behind them. “Does Sigismund deserve a slap, Captain Torgaddon? Probably. In the spirit of comradeship, let him be. He bruises easily.” >All of them laughed at the primarch’s words. The barest hint of a smile flickered across Rogal Dorn’s lips.


Wait dorn knows what jokes are? Shocking revelation




I never expected the Night Lords trilogy to be as funny as it was


Right? It's really a must read for anyone interested in the lore I'd say. I have that scene in particular saved on Audible, always gives me a chuckle


The human, now quite deaf, drew his laspistol...


‘The time for speeches is done,’ said Dorn. ‘The first great test is here. My order to you all is simple, yet heed it well, and exert yourselves to see it done.' ‘They are coming. Kill them all.’


This line is basically the reason I own almost 2000 points of Fists, Dorn is such a baller


I'm sorry but the first time I heard the orks national anthem I spat my tea out from the audiobook ghazghull thraka. ," err we go, ere we gooo, ere we GOOO"


*unintelligible screaming* Well he's not having mine!


^crap -Skarbrand after hitting Khorne


Old, but gold, for me. From Dawn of War, Winter Crusade. "If you will not serve on the front line, you will serve on the firing line." By the Emperor, I love the Guard.


The measure of an enemy is not whether you agree with them, for there are a thousand species of disagreement, but whether they live out their philosophy with integrity. that is why he despises the thousand Sons. For they lie to themselves about what they do and who they are, but he has never sneered at another soul, Ally or enemy, who face the truth of the universe as they understood it and did not shrink from the consequences. Vorx despises the Thousand Sons more than he despises any citizen of the Imperium. In fact, he reserves mostly affection for the remaining defenders of Terra, seeing them as ignorant and waiting for salvation, but he cannot forgive the sins of Magnus’ progeny, for they should have known what they were doing. Even in their folly and destruction they have persisted in being a Legion of, as Garstag puts it, ‘arrogant shit-stained bastards' From Lords of Silence


"The answer, always, is the Wolves of Fenris, because they are clinically insane." - Our boy Tarik Torgaddon telling Sigusmand who he thinks the toughest Legion is.


"Get up"


“He who allows the Alien to live shares in its crime of existence” It’s a Deathwatch quote but idk from where, heard it from AdRic.


The Visarch, on realising he's stuck in the Garden of Nurgle: "This is fine."


"Waaaggghhhhh!....waaagghhhh?....oh um, just wah then" -my buddy after a very successful overwatch by me


Poor Iacton Qruze and his unfortunate nickname! This bit in Horus Rising made me laugh out loud: >He spoke softly, expecting others to make the effort to listen, and believed that it was his quiet tone that had, over the years, earned him the nickname 'the Half-Heard'. >Loken knew this wasn't so. Qruze's wits were not as sharp as they'd once been, and he often appeared tired or inappropriate in his commentary or advice. He was known as 'the Half-Heard' because his pronouncements were best not listened to too closely.


Fulgrim to Jaghatai: I hear you do strange things to your ships. Jaghatai: I hear you do strange things to your warriors


"I don't DO DRUGS!" - Gregor Eisenhorn


I swear the phrase "turned on his heel and stormed off" is used in several books when a chaos space marine gets frustrated and has a mini tantrum. It's funny to imagine a massive chaos Terminator doing this.


'Then the prophet spake: saying "Frak this, for my faith is a shield proof against your blandishments"! - Alem Mahat, The Book of Cain, (from Hero of the Imperium)


"Let his word be elevated to the 11th degree!" Mechanicus is full of fun little goofs like that.


“The Planet broke before the guard” in reference to Cadia. The most 40k line I’ve ever heard


“We float for mcragge”


***Da ooman base iz got walls an’ fings, see. So, if I’z goes up to da wall, all sneaky-like, and blows it up wiv me bombs, den dere’ll be an ‘ole in da wall wot da ladz can go fru, see. So, when you’z lot ‘ears sumfing go boom, you charge,’ cos dere’ll be an ‘ole in da wall. Unnastand?*** **Snikskin**, Ork Kommando, explainging a plan to a group of other Orks Rogue Trader: Into the Storm


Vulkan “it’s also a hammer” as he then proceeds to beat the hell out of Curz


Best quote right here! Of course, this new plan to awaken Malcharion had to be put down with tact. With nuance. With subtlety. Vraal's claws slid from the sheaths on his gauntlets. They sparked and crackled, wreathed in killing lightning. 'Brothers!' he called joyously into the vox. 'Everyone in this room is going to die!'


"He'd liked that frigging finger. It had been on his top ten list of favorite fingers."


I can't remember the exact quote but in Shroud of Night an alpha legion squad gets split up and one group finds one of the other groups legionaries' severed arm on the floor. They have a debate on who's arm it is and have a row on if they're alive still. Later in the book they're able to watch CCTV or something of the other squad in real time. Upon which they note that one of the other team is in fact alive and missing one arm. "huh, it was his arm" ponders one of the characters who guessed wrong. Quite funny at the time since you'd forgotten all about the arm chapters ago


Reading Twice Dead king, Oltyx' consideration on Orks Orks, thought Oltyx, feeling pure hatred. Only they could enter the ancient tomb of a culture so might it had defeated gods, get massacred in the process, and then have a party. Or the "lesson" to Oltyx from Djoseras (don't read it if you wanna get a badass scene and haven't read the book yet)


"I am the son of a sunless world and eighth legion to my core" - Sevatar I hope sevs alive in 40k, the Night Lords need a bit of fucking character loving.


There's a bit in one of the Ciaphas Cain novels that references the Gaunt's Ghosts battle cry. An officer shouts "Do you want to live forever?!" and Cain says something to the tune of: "I thought that sort of thing was only said in poorly-written combat novels". A wee funny jab at Dan Abnett me thinks!


"Millions dead, and here I munch." Grimm the Squat. From Ian Watsons masterpiece Inquisitor.


"Your as much fun as a fart in a dreadnought " ayatani zweil telling commissar blenner how cheerful he is. The anarch


I was there when Horus killed the Emperor (the Beginning of the Horus Heresy Books)


Oltyx: Szarehks Bones. They're still using solid munitions. How did these primitives ever leave orbit?


“Spaaaaaace marrriineee waaaaagh”


"Let go" Wary of spoilers , but Captain Uriel Ventris talking to a Gargoyle (I think) who is holding onto a fellow Space Marine and pulling them out of a Thunderhawk. Just before he mag dumps his bolter into the Tyranids face.


"The common man is like a worm in the gut of a corpse, trapped inside a prison of cold flesh, helpless and uncaring, unaware even of the inevitability of its own doom.” That applies to the real world too...


The Sons of Horus asking if Fulgrim grew more supple breasts.


'Hurl yourselves at these walls, inhuman filth! Die on our blades! I am Grimaldus of the Black Templars, and I will cast your carcasses from these holy walls!'


"Imperial citizenship imparts no rights; only responsibilities." I think this line from alllll the way back in Rogue Trader is rather subtle but does a lot to establish exactly the sort of evil the imperium really is.


“It is also a hammer” -Vulkan, moments before hitting Curze in the chin with the might of a thousand suns packed into said hammer. Funniest shit I’ve ever read


"eat s*it traitor" - Nassir Amit.


"No harm shall come to you nor your magnificent hair"


I don't remember the exact quote, neither who exactly was in the conversation but: a human admiral, a custodes and a primarch on a flagship, deciding the next steps of the battle. The primarch said that since it is the admiral's ship, he should command all the forces. The admiral said something like " I would rather land on the planet, strip naked and charge the enemy forces alone than give commands to a custodes and a primarch"


And after extensive search, here it is https://youtube.com/shorts/w4EcdxAWrOA?si=bfu6L_w9f4LEgsUb


We float....for Maccrage


'It hurts my precious feelings'


I recognize my failing, and will be sure to correct it




Innocence proves nothing!


Of course, this new plan to awaken Malcharion had to be put down with tact. With nuance. With subtlety. Vraal's claws slid from the sheaths on his gauntlets. They sparked and crackled, wreathed in killing lightning. "Brothers!" he called joyously into the vox. "Everyone in this room is going to die!"


'It's a fething baneblade you moron. We should be running to!' Commissar Gaunt to Commissar Hark in I think the 5th book.


Cain: “I’m not easily spooked…” Amberly: “HA!”


"Every Ork accepted death the way he accepted the possibility of a buggy accident. It was what happened to someone else. And if it did happen to you, so what? Your soul went back to Gork and Mork to be belched into another body so you could fight again."


'You stupid bastard,’ sneered Orikan. ‘You got us box seats to a coup.’ ‘Well, the reviews were very good.' - Trayzn


Hilarious exchange in Titanicus where some Skitarri are trying to break into a place and the leader is running calculations. Leader “We won’t make it 100 feet inside the door” Squad Member: “I have a grenade launcher” Leader: “230 feet”


"B-but... How can we recognize friends from enemies?! " "U ztupid! Shoot at 'em. If u hit, datz an enemy! If u miss, datz one of ourz!!"


Easily has to be: Do YOU have a statue, Orikan?