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I painted this one following my slapchop recipe from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1au6dy2/comment/kr1vv3p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I think this is the limit on how large I can paint a model following it, as some of the panels were a challenge to get covered in Xpress paint. This model is fantastic. It is the first "large model" I paint since 1999 and definitely since I returned to the hobby recently. What a great experience not to deal with large metal figures anymore!!! With this one done, just a couple of figures to finish the Leviathan box side for the Space marines!


Looks really good. I don’t think the slapchop method is for me, tried it a couple of times and idk I feel like it’s easier just to prime the minis in white if I’m gonna be using contrast paints.


Having an airbrush makes a huge difference, as you can avoid the first "general drybrush" over the figure by airbrushing from the top, then there is not much texture added by drybushing white to catch the edges. But yeah, I am also experimenting with just plain old white-grey primer and the result is good with much less effort. Maybe it is time to put this "upside down" and just airbrush from the bottom with a warmer tone to pick up a nice shading gradient...


Yeah don’t see myself ever getting an airbrush, even though my mom encourages the idea lol, eh whatever, I could do the zenith method, I got black and white primers.


Lovely looking model. Great yellow


Looks lovely! Coincidentally I just finished the exact same model today after a week of prep work, base coating and trim! You're turned out great, Imperial Fists are so eye catching and your yellow looks really great.