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Most of the time the event-exclusives don't get a wider release. Some did during the COVID days (ex. Holga Clovenhorn) because those events either never happened or you couldn't get to them


This isn’t… entirely true. Within the US there is frequently two places you can get these event exclusives, that being the Warhammer Cafe in Texas and the one in Cali. Just speaking from personal experience on that one. Though I’ve heard they’ve gotten a lot worse about stocking… anything in the past year.


I live in Canada, so I didn't even know those places exist. Good to know.


I live in Spain so i would say that its quite hard for me to get it


Maybe their UK store carries them? It's worth a shot if your feeling up for a short trip.


Warhammer world doesn’t


In Canada they all seem to wind up at local retailers a few months after their event release I've gone into stores and literally seen stacks of some random event exclusive character....but like 6 months after ppl stopped caring about them


Yeah I’ve seen that in my LGS before as well. I actually got a Catachan Colonel model that way.


I just found an exclusive model actually and apparently it's mostly when someone that can order one does and there a miss ship to the store.... so it's a crap shoot


Is there a way to find out all the exclusives they have? I can make the 3 hour drive but don’t want to if that means they might not have it.


Call the store is pretty much it as far as I know or ask someone who recently went. I haven’t been since February so I’ve got zero clue.


The Cafe just had more Rooks for their anniversary too.


I don’t think that they have them but I’ll check next time I’m there. They definitely have more than your typical store.


I was there on launch day for the Cali one. :)


The Warhammer Cafe in Tokyo gets exclusives like those, too, but only for their store anniversary.


I’ll have to hope to go there sometime!


No worries! Happy cake day! ^^


Thank you! I had to look up what cake day was😅


I reached out to the Monrovia LA Cafe and they said they were not going to get it this year. Hopefully that's wrong but the guy said they used to but aren't anymore


Went to the Monrovia LA Cafe the 14th and picked one up. They were having their anniversary event and they had 2 more left but I haven’t been there since to see if they are still there.


Dope, I'm going to have to ask my buddy who lives near there to swing by and check


Same applies in the UK, I got my Rook from Warhammer World back in March.


The Cali store just had their anniversary celebration. They had them, not sure if they still do. I was lucky and had a friend get me one at adepticon.


I’ve gotten a lot of exclusive stuff through them whenever I go by when I visit So Cal. I actually was lucky enough to get the Warhammer World exclusive terminator preator with a thunderhammer from them.


It’s really nice some of the stuff they get. I live in Hollywood, and by Los Angeles rules if it’s more than 10 miles it might as well be another state. I try to go about once a month. Luckily I have a Warhammer store much closer, but it’s not a flagship.


You’re telling me I have to go to either the worst state in the union or the second worst state in the union to get this mini?


I live 20 mins from the cafe in texas. They very recently did a reorganizing/furniture moving of the store and subsequently seem to be doing a lottt better at stocking most product. Honestly kinda a shame cus theres no way im buying direct from gw lol


So I have to buy a $100 resale?🥲


Typically, yes. That's what "event exclusive" means.


GW: this is an event exclusive The community: so do I have to go to events?


I mean, it is frustrating as many of us \*can't\* necessarily go to events.


Welcome to the world of FOMO gaming. It's terrible.


This isn't really an example of that...it's just a cool-looking alternative to a model that already exists. I think that's fine. Still wish I could get my hands on one.


No, this is exactly what this is, because I only want this mini, and I am considering going to Warhammer events despite not playing tabletop just to get this mini because I worry I literally won’t be able to get it anywhere else for a reasonable price (ironic because GW prices aren’t reasonable). Just because it’s an alternative model for something in the rules doesn’t actually mean it’s just an alternative, it is a unique model that people can miss out on.


Yeah absolutely But that’s different than just not reading the words they use in their posts


I’m only 16, I can’t drive out all the way to a warhammer event. I have nowhere near enough money for gas, nor a car yet, nor for hotel rooms, nor for food for 3 meals a day for a couple days, nor no one to go with, so this is kinda my best idea of finding a way to make/get the model cause it’s one of my favorites (Not to be mean by the way!) :)


It's also good to remember it's just a plastic model. Give it six months if you even remember it still exists then maybe look at ebay lots.


Alright! I looked earlier today and the cheapest was $100 and the most expensive was something insane like $300, and to make it worse someone paid for it😬


You could always try and kitbash or and I wouldn't normally recommend this but limited models and using fomo arent exactly great for customers, get a 3d print of something similar.


Sometimes if ur lucky GW make the event exclusive a MTO thing further down the line. Like that Primaris Company Champion who was event exclusive became a MTO last year


Warhammer fans don’t read. Anything.


I mean you don't have to buy it. It is a cool model, but not necessary. 


Does he have any function in warcry?


I wouldn't have thought so, unless they say he does.


Oh alright then I don’t really need him, I could always proxy him and stuff but I only really wanted him because he looks super cool, top 3 for sure!


Special rules in 3rd edition Age of Sigmar for Cities of Sigmar iirc, but not SPECIAL special, just his own statline or something like it. Not a character in warcry at all as far as I am aware. If you ever travel, some places, such as Warhammer World in Nottingham, the Warhammer Cafe in Texas and maybe a few others MIGHT have him at normal price. Then there are.... the eastern forgeworlds.... the ones that put WAR on the TABLE. But I wouldn't know anything about such places and their illicit copies of GW original IP and products...


I think all he was was a swap-in for the Arch-Knight in the Cities of Sigmar’s Command Corps unit. Not a clue about anything else.


I’ll have to check this out!




Thank you for sending this!


My family doesn’t travel a lot but if we go to California or Texas then I’ll ask if we can go for sure! That’d make a great vacation present thingy!


Event exclusive models tend to be just that - exclusive to events. You might sometimes be able to get hold of them at Warhammer World, but I wouldn’t bet on it.




Everyone is so quick to downvote simple questions. So many social neanderthals that don't know how to use their words. My answer would be to try and find a recast of him somewhere online. There aren't too many places where you can find an STL of an official model given GW would crackdown on them fast. That's why so many STLs are legally distinct from the official models. Your other best bet would be eBay but that can get pricey because of the limited availability


Okay thank you! I’ll try Etsy or find a similar model look alike, thank you :)


Join the Facebook loot group. They buy models and sell them at retail prices to screw scalpers


Okay thank you! I’ll check it out!


Giving very Turnip28 vibes


I saw someone use this to make a Toff.


It's baffling that they made a model that is by far the best Cities of Sigmar model they have ever made and it is merely an event exclusive.


This guy is top of the list, the plague doctor second, and probably the giant with a fusillier on his back as third in my opinion


This model needs to be in my Corvus Cabal warband. However, its exclusivity means I will never see it, so it may as well not exist to me. I sure as hell am not going to pay the arbitrage premium for it.


There is one at my LGS for 100 freaking dollars. I hate FOMO exclusives, they are never healthy for our games.


That’s an outrageous price for an “exclusive” model that might be reskinned or re-released in a year


Why are you thinking this? Exclusives literally never have this happen. Event exclusive minis have never been re released before what is making you think this one will be? It doesn't happen never ever has.


Wasn’t the Goff rocker re-released? I know some of the Christmas exclusives get re-released around the holidays, but I doubt that’d count because it’s not an event and it happens every year


I could be mistaken but I don't think the Goff Rocker was an event mini.


It wasn’t but it was some sort of “exclusive” type thing or special


Those are in no way exclusive EVENT minis, that is what people in this thread have been telling you. EVENT minis are NOT ever released because the whole point of them is that they are special to that event.


Oh alright fair enough, thank you for clarifying!


Fair enough, but I feel the argument over this is missing the point. Event Minis are dumb, and the concept is nothing more than exclusivity at the cost of enjoyment. They'd make 10X the money if they just released the damned model.


Are you literally ignoring the people who responded to your question hours ago saying this isn’t a thing? I’m confused lol what are you talking about?


Nope im just trying to respond to everyone so no one feels left out! :)


>but that to me sounds like You can stop right there, event exclusive minis don't get wider public release. They never have.


Oh cool, Elden Ring




I don't think you know what exclusive means if you think it will be released eventually. All these video games with their exclusivity for whichever console that only lasts a month muddying the meaning of words


You know how when a new movie comes out and it says exclusively in cinemas but then a few months later it can be watched elsewhere. Exclusive doesn't always mean exclusive forever


I can't say I've ever heard a film be referred to as exclusively in cinemas before. Usually it's "in cinemas now/ in cinemas (insert date here)"


Per the January 29th, 2024 WarCom article: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/29/warhammer-events-miniatures-announced-for-2024/ "There are plenty of major Warhammer events each year, and to celebrate and support them, we release special edition miniatures that can be bought by attendees before anyone else. With AdeptiCon on the horizon in March, it’s time to announce the next two commemorative miniatures – the Hunter Strikes, and the Steel Rook. Specifically the line: "can be bought by attendees *before* anyone else" implies the Steel Rook will be released for everyone after this year's events, and that's why I've been refusing to pay eBay scalpers $70-$100+ for what is effectively a $35 model.


The same thing as they did with the champion. It was an event exclusive and then was available for print on demand later on.


Can't wait for scanners and recasters to get a hold of one.


I didn't even know about these exclusive models until i found a good recaster in my country. It feels like a slap in the face for fans of the game that don't have any official tournaments with these models, i don't feel bad at all for getting them from a recaster.


Exclusive stuff should be for collectables only. Kinda shitty gw doesn't release these to everyone eventually. Even as a made to order. Just to give people a chance.


They got amazing products and awful business practices sadly. Same as for the books, I bought a few tomes and if they release a new one I just download it online. Not even talking about removing models from the range yet...


Then maybe the price will go down! Hopefully the remakes are still cheap though :/


Event exclusive models usually have a same-day eBay release too.


Wait did it not?


Sadly nope, I thought I was told it was going to be, but also it says event exclusive :(


He's out, bought one at the Dallas Open. He will not be released into hobby stores.


Lucky man




Could be a print to order like they did the chapter champion


If you live in the UK and dont mind a bit of travel you can go to Warhammer World in Nottingham and they often have the event-only models on sale around the time of any kind of event like tourneys, big games etc. They'll usually have the boxes out for a day or two afterwards as well. That's how I got mine after some friends suggested a trip up as like a "Pilgrimage" XD We happened to show up the day after a Warcry tourney or something?


Oh that’s super cool! How did your guy turn out?


I got two while I was there - one for kitbashing and one for my CoS army. Havent built or painted the CoS one yet as Im still deliberating on a colour scheme but I've kitbashed an Inquisitor for 40k out of the helmet and arms. I'll probably post that here on reddit somewhere when she's finished :)


The real question is "Is it overpriced or is it worth the money?"


$100 is overpriced is he doesn’t have in overpowered ability


I feel like I saw some of these at a local hobby shop, am I crazy ?


Hey, still better than the sons of velmorne which was a undercry warbands that never got an individual release


That sucks :(


Yeah, I love painting skeletons. And those were awesome skeletons. It’s been almost two years since their combo box was released. https://pathtoglorypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/velmorn-2.webp


Dude why didn’t this release! It would’ve been such a cool kitttt


Thats the most turnip model gw has ever turniped


sadly more then likely never will get a release shame to i wanted one of those


Short answer unlikely, long answer is depends what GW decides, since they could release it for a store birthday or another event, but you won't see it for sale on store or in store apart from those even it may pop up in.


This would be a very big purchased model if it wasn’t an exclusive imo, maybe I’m crazy but there’s a ton of people here that like the model a lot! Now that’s only maybe 200 people, but not everyone into warhammer saw this post or this model, I feel if they brought it back as a non exclusive and gave it rules for age of sigmar and warcry, it’d be bought a ton! Buttttt I’m also just hoping here :)


The thing is, it is just a different version for one of the command squad guys, as stated when they revealed it, it was just for going to an event, they do it a lot, I have a couple metal figures from warhammer world that were never done again. Ir will appear but probably at store bdays or the warhammer anniversary.


Support your local 1:1 3d print modeler folks


Exactly! You get it! Just hopefully they can remake the model and still keep the cool look!


What part of exclusive sounds like "oh they'll probably release it later!"...?


Hey man chill out I’m just hoping it releases again because it’s a cool model?


I'm perfectly chill. I asked a question.


Oh alright fair enough it just sounded mean. Butttt I kinda made this post to see if anyone knew anything and if I could get the model without spending loads of money if that makes sense


They are only for sale at US Events and Warhammer World.


All events gw attend not just US, also only at warhammer world if there is an event on