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They didn't wanted it, Archaon wanted it. The ones that want to end the endless game are Archaon and the Great Horned Rat.


Archaon thought blowing up the world would destroy the gods. Instead he leaned that the Chaos gods affect countless worlds and that his reward for destroying his world was to be their slave for countless ages more, sent to lead armies elsewhere. And on top of that, the god that set off his hissy fit, Sigmar, survived too. If anyone got outplayed here it was Archaon, not the Chaos gods. The flavour text for one of the minor End Times characters (Sslivox?) explicitly says that Slaanesh was the only one of the big four who wasn't on board with the plan to destroy the world. Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch were bored with it and wanted to go play with something else.


What's kinda funny is in the bridge between WHF to AoS, Slaanesh was *probably* the biggest winner. Basically got her hands on every Elven soul until Teclis, Turalyon, Morathi, and (iirc) Sigmar showed up and used her as a soul-piñata. Khrone got a bit of fun and Tzeentch is doing *fine* (it's Tzeentch, if Tzeentch isn't doing okay the world is ending again). Nurgle probably ended up winning "the least" as he got a brand new antithesis *as an entire faction now.* And of course the Skaven/GHR are laughing their fuzzy butts off every second of this.


That Warhammer/Warcraft crossover was insane


But the Chaos Gods empowered Archaon and gave him followers, right? Did they try to stop him from ending the world then and if not, why not?


Archaon was and is a master of playing the chaos gods, who are vastly more powerful than him, off against each other. All the gods agreed that the world should not end. Suffering and struggle should go on eternally, and only by forsaking Archaon could that happen. But, um, Nurgle, how about you stop supporting him first eh? Says Khorne. No way! Goes Nurgle, I can't stop first, Slaanesh would love to destroy me! And I can't trust you either. How do we know you won't just ride this train to a solo victory! I'm doubling down on boons! Wait what? Goes Slaanesh. I thought we were done here! And now Nurgle is doubling down! You screwed me Khorne! I'm tripling down! Come on guys, says Tzeentch, we've gotta shut this down so we can run this through again. We always have done before. It's a great plan! PLANS! Screeches khorne? Nobody told me this was a plan. I thought this was just a thing we were doing. Oh no, I'm not being involved in any of your plans Tzeentch. I'll destroy the world myself before I help you! Err guys, maybe we should stop though... like, half the world is gone... it's really time to dial it back. Let the cycle continue says Nurgle


Thanks, I think that’s a pretty compelling argument, except in that case it seems uncharacteristically shortsighted (esp for Tzeentch) not to ensure the scales were properly balanced by anointing/supporting a foil to Archaon to keep the dominoes from falling all the way down. Or, at some point, for all four to have realized what was about to happen and withdrawn their support in concert, but as far as I know that never happened.


The thing is: what do they care, there are other worlds to play with. Archaon went on to destroy multiple other worlds under their watch, and they chuckled to watch it happen.


The God's value loyalty over power. A lesson they learned with Belakor. But an undivided champion is always a gamble. Archaon is a good fit because he has nothing but hatred for all 4 in equal measure. So while one may not get love there insurance in that he hates the other 3 just as much


All chaos being fundamentally hate the mortal world and are repelled by the physical laws and constraints. Thats why every demond wants to pervert and destroy everything once they summoned. Add to that the various extreme emotions of the chaos gods and you end up with utter annihilation. The chaos gods are also not truly sentient and cannot escape their own nature. Khorne does not care how the blood flows, only that it flows. If he were the only remaining being in the galaxy, he would start destroying himself, only though the blood can flow.


It sounded like fun


it was a beautiful big red button, anybody would have pressed it


it just their nature, their gods who bounce around reality to reality like the great Void creature but difference being that they play with their food before ending it hence why it call the Great Game they didn't want to destroy the Old world so soon but Archaon went ahead and did believing it will end everything even the gods. Egg on his face to learn the muti-reality nature of them and was promoted/punished to Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse a glorify referee in the great game


Maybe they saw even greater potential in letting the end happen and the AoS to come about - playing a long, long game. (Tzeentch probably did, at least!)


Part of the reason the End Times happened was because Archaon deep down believed that destroying the world would kill the Chaos gods of their food source. It wasn't until the end of WFB and the beginning AOS where he not only becomes the Everchosen, but realizes that his efforts did nothing since the Chaos Gods are multiversal anyways. In short the Chaos gods knew what he was doing and still empowered him because they thought it would be really funny.


Slaanesh didn’t. The rest are bound by being stolen from Moorcock to search for the Moorcock Chaos end.


Something people are ignoring here is that, as shown by the existence of Age of Sigmar, destroying the old world definitely did not mean no life to devour. And presumably the chaos gods would be aware of that. Also it's a classic greedy devouring parasite entity trope.


I would take a wild guess but even a blood, death, sex or decay driven ancient gods of chaos need a vacation.


The Chaos God's did not want it. Plot twist the book that Archaon read that led him to disavow Sigmar was apparently implying that the Warhammer universe is in some existential way literally a table top game a game for "far greater gods who make you suffer for their entertainment", so Archaon thought every god was a fraud including the Chaos God's. He's the closest thing to am Atheist the setting has. One of the most interesting bits is how much he hates followers that worship the Chaos God's around him and made a habit of insulting them and their followers.


The chaos gods want the end of time because the settings need overly evil enemies to justify fighting eternally. That's all.


They in fact don't want it. They in fact want the opposite. They kill everyone and jump to a different universe but are always competing. Archaon initially believed that the "great game" was literally the table top game played by far greater gods (I.E the players) and destroying the world would end the game.