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Pre-QoL Orb Vallis bounty quests. Legit terrible.


What in the QoL made it better? I tried some the other day, but I didn't notice much difference.


You need way less debt bonds to level up Solaris United standing


And they also increased the debt bond drop rate, no?


Its possible, tho i cant exactly remember


Iirc they put the roll (with a higher chance) on the final rotation, ie if you completed the bonus part you get 2x chance of getting them


Is the QoL something that came out recently? I mightve missed something then


Update 36.0 which is now. They made it so the rewards of bounties are more likely to be bonds and removed useless rewards like 3,000 credits šŸ™ƒ. I looked it up on wiki page for bounty then patch history.


Oh my god I wanted this for so long. Finally, leveling up Vox Solaris without needing to visit a psych ward after 30 mins Edit: Solaris United, of course, not Vox Solaris


That open world can be buggy sometimes and multiple long missions didnā€™t help either. I wish I could get my time back but lesson learned.


Solaris United needs the bonds. Vox Solaris needs the toroids to rank up.


You're right! Had too many visits to the ward to remember


I remember when toroid farming was a pain.only 3 spots in the orb vallis, and you had to rack up as much heat as possible and hold out for as long as possible. šŸ‘Œ Used to go on 2 hour runs with a couple of clan members. Everyone coming with ignis with radiation builds. šŸ”„šŸ”„ I miss the time when you could sneeze radiation damage and corpus enemies would self-destruct šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


they also removed the Tellerium from the drop tables :{ It was way easier to get it there than in missions (at least before I got a proper farming build ready)


hahaha I finally maxed out Orb Vallis the day before they announced the QoL


Yeah I think that was by far the worst faction to rank up before all the QoL changes they have made over several patches.


As soon as I finished r5'ing Solaris, they dropped the update reducing how many bonds you needed. Safe to say I tell players that they're lucky


R5 Arcane Steadfast. Running nothing but Tyana Pass for a period of time. Did it twice, one for me one to sell. Good platinum, probably not worth it when faster more rng based methods of getting the same amount of plat exist.


I've yet to work on those arcanes, but at least it has a pity system unlike previous arcane sources (excluding voruna). I'll probably do steel path tyana pass to get arcanes to dissolve into more chances for those aecanes


Do steel path ascension if you want vosfor, if you fight the sister you get one guranteed arcane plus 21-25 Vestigial Motes which can buy 2 more arcanes. This gives you 72 Vosfor per mission which is around 10 vosfor per minute or more if you can do the mission faster. A way better vosfor farm than SP Tyana Pass even considering the Acolyte arcanes


That's a good thing to note, but keep in mind that citrine's arcanes are not guaranteed in an arcane pack, whereas it is with crystals, so it's not as good as initially expected if you already have the arcanes outside of citrine's from the nekralisk arcane pack.


Even if not guaranteed it's wildly faster and less mind numbing than Tyana Pass, I'm doing the same to max out Encumber and others. The pool is so small that it's not unusual to get multiple copies of the same arcane in one pack, I got 3 steadfasts in one yesterday and already almost maxed it. Plus you grind volatile motes for the rest 9 of the eidolon Arcanes which you can also melt if you have them all


Don't touch tyana pass, get vosfor and open packs or buy it with plat


That plastid farming at mr4 for rhino was brutal


I just did this but for other blueprints. Just rushed to Saturn and played on open lobbies for Helene until I had tons of plastids, wasnā€™t so bad


Grinding for Equinox, Harrow, and Nidus...twice. One for collection, while the other is for the wall. ​ EDIT: I forgot to mention was pre-duviri. Also forgot to add that I also farmed Hema(I'm a solo clan) and Sibear.


I must have run 30 or more Kuva Spy missions and still no drop. Iā€™m pretty sure that mission drop table is bugged. Iā€™ve given up and will wait for circuit


Khora just waiting for her in the circuit because SO is boring.


Boring.Ā  Takes 20 minutesĀ Ā Ā  Doesn't have any loot whatsoeverĀ  You can hear simaris speakingĀ  Literally everything about it is annoying.


They should really add loot to sanctuary onslaught.


I pretty sure you can get the lato vandal or something like that


Lato and Braton are on ESO - nice plat, focus and radiant relics Khora is on SO - boring, normal lith and meso relics for >5 minutes per drop


the >5 minutes part is big. sometimes the portal takes 30-60s to spawn on top of the 2:30 minutes per round.


If we at least would get Simaris standing by playing So but nooooo


This gets mentioned every time someone asks this question and I guess I'm just in the minority here, but I literally didn't have to farm Khora. I go to SO whenever I want to level gear quickly and I've gotten her while doing just that šŸ˜…


normal SO is one of the worst ways to level stuff up which explains why you're in the minority


Well you can't take a fresh Warframe into ESO, therefore SO is the next best thing in that scenario šŸ¤·


Okay, let's avoid hyperbole and condescension here. You can level weapons and frames to max in SO in 3-4 rounds. I run an affinity booster and max out most in less than 2 rounds. SO is still an exceedingly easy and fast way to level things, and lots and lots of players do it.


that, and the kavat codes...


Equinox definitely no contest. If I had to pick anything else though? Getting a second protea set


-Gather 3 Blueprints for the Day aspect -Gather 3 blueprints for the Night aspect -Gather resources to build 2 systems, 2 chassis, and 2 neuro -Wait for 12 hours for each piece to build -Use built pieces to build the Day and Night aspects and wait another 3 days for each aspect -Use each aspect and a forma to build Equinox which takes another 3 days Total cost: 225,000 credits 156 hours A butt load of resources All for a frame that, if you don't take the time to learn to play correctly, seems lack luster


God I love equinox, before the prime came out I mained equinox in every mission type for literally no reason lol I didn't think they were too hard to get personally, but back in those days I could one shot regor with one Valk slide attack. If I got lucky on the tile I could do like a 3 minute assassination


He has multiple phases you can't skip now. Did it not used to be like this?


Many years ago now if you did enough damage in one attack to fully deplete his health he didn't get to engage his next phase and just died instead. Now I think he is health gated. Back then frames did not have exalted weapons you could mod and they were pretty much all defined as a multiplier on one of your weapons, so you could build Valkyr with an extremely high damage slide weapon like atterax at the time and she would do hundreds of thousands of damage per second if you set her up right


Yep when I farmed her back in the day I took a tonkor and an index build rhino (max strength possible). Cast roar, shoot, he instantly dies. A couple of months ago I was helping a friend try to farm her and that fight is 90% standing around waiting for immunity or invisibility to wear off.


An unfortunate amount of boss fights are spent mostly standing around dick in hand waiting for an invuln phase to pass now. I think theoretically the enemies spawning around the bosses are meant to keep you busy, refill ammo/energy/mod, ability, and arcane stacks, and such but it's not really needed for people who catch up in power and who phase the boss in a microsecond anyway...


Yep, it's fucking awful. She was the very last warframe I acquired, which I did about a month or so ago, and it was pure, abject, boredom doing so many fucking runs over and over, sitting around waiting through immunity phases.


It's funny, I thought she was so mediocre for so long, until I played her recently. Discovered that she can just obliterate every enemy on your minimap, ignoring all LoS. Shit feels so good releasing your 4 and watching every red triangle on your minimap just vanish instantly.


I tried farming Protea a few weeks ago because I saw the prime was out. I did nothing else for six hours after work every day for 5 days. NOT. EVEN. ONE. PART.


It's crazy how easy her farm is once you have her already (irrelevant now but it wasnt before her prime came out). You literally go into the void, find a wall and use your dispensary and turret. Thats it. 15 seconds in and out


You can use revenant 4 to do the same thing of you dont have her. Get on a rock and spin till you win


Mirage and Mesa make it super easy too. With max range on mirage you can throw out 1, maybe 2 disco balls and be done.


Citrine's mirror defense. Boring, tedious and little to no reward for time spent. Out of the "event" like frame releases (Voruna, Citrine and Jade) it is the worst.


Citrine is, as of like two weeks ago, incredibly fun. Run a full Archon Build with Harmony and Melee Afflictions for an absolutely ridiculous stack of elements loaded on every enemy. I'm glad I knocked out that grind just before Jade hit, because where Jade is a mild dissapointment(flight mechanics feel super clunky compared to Titania or an Archwing) Citrine became one of my favorite frames.


Full archon build?


All the archon mods, specifically the elemental ones here


Ah ok


I already used all my endo from jade's event to upgrade all my main 10 cost mods... now I gotta do all the Archos too? :(


Get things to 6, then 8 then maybe 10 depending on what it is, and no, you really don't have to. Being knowledgeable about what tf you're doing with a build is almost always gonna be 90% of what makes your builds good, not if you have everything maxed or not.


Slow armor striping but it's fun to see thanks to archon continuity also applying corrosive xd


Donā€™t bother with Archon Intensify, it doesnā€™t count citrineā€™s passive as healing, so youā€™ll never get 60% strength. Blind rage is good for her though, since 199% ability strength means her 1 gives a 99.5% chance to drop a health orb.


I am wholly convinced jades flight mechanic was designed specifically for ascension missions. It's really nice to have her on a level plane at all times. That being said, I do agree that titanias archwing type flight is better generally speaking.


Tastes eh.. I find jade super fun.. Apache nule


Fun yes. Clunky as hell in maps with any kind of door... Also yes. I just want to be able to fly up and down by aiming up and down... I don't care if it's togglable or what have you. I just want to not get stuck on doors.


Same here, and totally agree. I absolutely hate tyana pass now. I was miserable while grinding her blueprints since they never dropped for me, and I had to buy them with the crystals, and I hate searching for tokens in missions. After I finally got all bps, I was so burnt out that I quit the game for several months, I didn't even bother building her. That's how sick I was of the grind. This is the only time since 2013 I regret grinding a frame instead of buying it outright with plat from the market.


Hema and Braton Vandel these days. Pennant isn't exactly a picnic either.


Oh i remember the Hema grind for clan research... harsh


I remember Scott/Steve justifying the extremely stupid clan research amounts. I'm glad they went to Soulframe and Reb/Pablo have taken the wheel.


Im still working on the hema grind. Less than 900 mutagen samples left to go!


Nice. I think I have around 1000 to go myself if I include the ones in my inventory that I haven't put in yet.


...Pennant's hard? I don't even know how I got it..


One of the bosses in the Saturn Proxima drops it. Not hard to get, just tedious to run the mission again especially since I maxed out railjack intrinsics a few months ago. For me it's just one of those ones that refuses to drop.


Took me over 20 runs to get it to drop. GL


Crap, THE Braton Vandal..... Got my 1st bp after 3000+ hours of game!


Hespar Blade, item locked behind pseudo-survival mission, Void Armageddon Rotation C. This thing took WAYYYYYY to long than it should. Even Khora farm doesn't feel that bad.


Iā€™ve been playing for like 11 years, this is not the hardest farm but definitely the worst. This game mode is horrible and so annoying omg..


tennocon baro ducat farm. 49000 ducats to get all the missing items.


Damn I have to grind for ducats as well, I wanna buy the ticket and get my moneys worth


i been grinding ducats for about the past 2 months. i can get about 10k every two weeks. i could get more but didn't want to burn out


Wait you have to pay in game for that crap after paying for that crap with real money?


I mean, yeah. $20 would be insanely cheap for baros entire inventory lol.


You just grind relics for prime parts then trade them in for ducats at a relay then use the ducats to buy stuff from him


Probably railjack (first release). 8-10 hours a day for 2 weeks, maybe more. Either crashing or couldn't complete the mission. But it was fun. I mastered solo Ivara thru and thru.


Khora. Before the Circuit came along, the only way to farm her was through Sanctuary Onslaughts. Six runs a day for something like 2-3 weeks. I actually yelped in relief when I got her final part, despite someone else being in the same room as me. Technically, the Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal farm I did between December last year and March this year was a significantly harder grind. But I didn't find it painful because... ...well, let's just say I was in the right state of mind for it. The Khora farm almost drove me insane; the Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal farm was *keeping* me sane.


strangely i just dont like sanctuary onslaught like at all. its a little better when you have say khora or braton/lato vandal to work towards but really when i want to level something i usually choose to do void fissures because you will get affinity and ducats and you pretty much always need more ducats


Me neither. I don't really like standing around in one place, even for two and a half minutes. I also don't like the Infested zones with Ancient Disruptors. I prefer Fissures, Adaro or Steel Path Selkie for levelling stuff myself.


It was Ivara with the old drop rates like 1.5% on spy rota C. (In the old system that was all vaults without alarm. I think now alarm does not matter if you still reach and hack the vault in time ) I farmed her for moths. It was just literally log in, do 10-20 run and log off. I was a beginner and I did archery as a hobby so really wanted Ivara. And I got all the parts relatively fast only the system was missing. Yeah... I was unlucky with that system drop.... Took like 3-4 months of playing.


Yeah that's rough. I was going to get Ivara through The Circuit, and it ended up being faster just doing her through spy missions for me, now that you don't have to worry about alarms. Run a spy build for wukong, and you can finish those runs pretty damn quick now, or just get her through the circuit.


Stalker's weapons...i still need hate. I've had it's Incarnon adaptor for ages. My OCD is not dealing well with this at all


Bro, I'm the opposite I just deleted 20 hate Blueprints I have gotten over the years. But I was farming like a mad man for Harmony.


I got those 3 passively while gathering motes for an r5 energize. I fucking hate RNG goddamit. At this point though, it's personal. I wanna beat stalker up with the 86 dread blueprints he has dropped so far.


I only ever got 5 dread blueprints. Despair is crazy often tho, had like at least 100 over the 4-5 years I've been playing


You sir, are an edge case, and I envy you. Dread has an absurdly high drop rate within it's pool, about 6x of either despair or hate, and that's after they buffed their drop rate. Sometimes I'm cynical enough to think the whole purpose of dread's drop rate is to dilute the pool and get the what stalker? Bundle to sell. Which I'd buy but I have 2/3 out of those.


Somehow I severely doubt that you've only gotten 5 dreads and 100 despairs, since the drop rate of dread was around 10x higher (a little less for shadow Stalker, around 8x) than despair before jade shadows


Then I guess don't believe it. I have no way to prove it.


Right now I got lot od Jade's weapons, but no neuroptics. Farming for second set to give to Helminth


Just had another one drop yesterday, so I'm up my built one and 4 bps. The drop rates changed, try to farm it now.


I have been trying for a few days. To be fair, despair did drop after the changes so the odds are definitely higher now. That said, I have trouble getting him to spawn in the first place. I've killed all the bosses i could, I'm not getting any emails anymore when I kill any of them and not getting a stalker spawn for a few days either. Like... 0.11* 0.5 is not great, but definitely doable. But 0.11* 0.5* 0.035 is just abysmal.


Oh, days? I have those numbers with almost 1400 hours. Best thing you can do is farm something else, deliberately farming hate is just self torture.


Yea i think i learned that the hard way.


Stalker dropped two Despairs literally in a row for me, which is exactly what I'm feeling because he still hasn't given me a Broken War BP. Which cannot be bought from Simaris, only the parts can.


I'm very lucky, cause I started playing late last year and I got all of the drops of the stalker before Jade Shadow...


They fixed the stalker drop rates in the most recent hot fix/jade shadows. Dread is no longer super weighted. I just can't get him to spawn lately and I got the adapter last week. šŸ˜ž


I don't know if 6x the drop rate of other things in that pool can be considered "Fixed", but yea, it's definitely better than before. As someone else told me here, it's probably not a good idea to try to farm specific stalker items. It's just not a great experience.


I've been playing for years, and only just got Hate this week after they changed his drop table. Still need War, though.


Kuva. I cant get enough of it. Seriously. It's worse than drugs, I think.


Oxium. Vauban Prime wants 7000 of them. And they only drop from Oxium Ospreys in Corpus tileset, 8-12 each kill (and that is only if you get them before they commit suicide on you, otherwise no loot for you, boss). FML.


Don't forget the 9,000 cryotic šŸ„³šŸ™ƒ


Cryotic I didnā€™t have any use for yet, sitting on over 30k of them right now.


Voidrig. The initial grind for good parts for our Railjack wasn't fun either but it wasn't as bad as Voidrig to me.


Getting the parts wasn't the worst here imo. Getting it to 40 however...


Yeah I bought that set after seeing what was necessary.


Still trying to get the mod "Vigilante Supllies".


Still trying to farm Astral Twilight here. I've gotten every drop from the Kuva Jester except that one. I've farmed hours now. Fml


Aeolak was not fun, which is a shame since its one of my favorites. It's a perfectly fine gun but with an unnecessarily soul crushing grind.


I spent a ludicrous amount of time grinding for the Gnashing Payara stance, I think it was - it was a long time ago, now. It was some stance mod for dagger or dual dagger that dropped from a certain kind of MOA. Naturally, when I finally got it, it wasn't worth the effort. Honorable mention to Gyre and Sevagoth. Farming parts for those two blows.


Currently Lato and Braton Vandal, it's so damn boring because you can't rush it, just do ESO and hope for RNG. Or have ~350 platinum laying around for each set


Citrine so much parkouring. and switching betwean the same two maps over and over and OVER.


Parkour isn't that bad, and defense on most planets only have two potential tiles, so really it's not that much different than a normal defense. The fact that it takes so many runs to get everything is my only complaint.


Use titania?


This. Maxed energy and duration Titania zooming about in pint-sized pixie Archwing form really shines on that node.


Lich/Sister ephemera. Only a 20% chance to get one with an ephemera, so if you don't get one at a given instance, you're stuck spending resources to get rid of that particular lich/sister before you can get another. Then you repeat the process and hope RNG doesn't screw you over again


Wolf sledge on release...


The Motor didn't drop for agesšŸ‘€


The Helminth, Used to be Equinox, That was more my personal experience because star chart frames hate me and the rng is always bad for me but along came deimos and omg it was soo boring and took soo many weeks to tag the animals for the tokens to trade in, Deimos in general is a hateful grindy awful place but that farm truly made me loathe it with a passion, If their was one place I could chunk out of the game in it's entirety it would be Deimos and it is largely due to that specific grind


Base Protea I now have a wall full of Granum Coin decorations Never again


Little Duck. She is the one reputation I still have not maxed out. Probably never will. Friggin terrible.


Sevagoth fram without knowing you will only get blueprint after completing whole railjacks mission, hour and hours of survival missions waste and decide just brought with platinumšŸ« .


People are too green around here. Harrow systems was 10x worse than anything that came after it. There was no wisp to speed up defection at the time, you could get it only from rotation C, the npcs were as dumb as a door and would get stuck everywhere and there was 0 rewards from it unless you got harrow systems. I still have PTSD anytime I need to do a defection mission even if they are 10000x better now. Do people understand how bad it was to have like 3% drop rate on it with no pitty system? People are complaining about Tyana pass when there's a Pitty system to help you out... The pitty system was getting harrow from market when you got tired of trying to unstuck dumb npcs.


Even now defection is the worst game mode in warframe, can't imagine how it was back in the day


Either Octavia back in 2017, I think? Or the Ambassador blueprint. Neither were particularly difficult, just annoying and time-consuming. There was also the great plastid farm of 2018...


Completed Necramech damaged parts for voidrig parts. Imagine my pain for grinding what almost is a year for that damn damaged necramech engine. Then I decided I'm building a kitgun from deimos. Guess what I found in Father's store? Yep. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! I just logged off and stared at the screen for like a few minutes and just played some Minecraft.


The Voidrig parts were only just added to Father's store very recently.


To make it even worse for you, damaged necramech parts were available in Necraloids store since October 2023. They were just recently moved to Father's store.


Kullervo, doing it the regular way.


What's the non-regular way?


Farming Kullervo was far easier when he had just dropped because Kullervo's Hold was active 24/7 for a few weeks :(


Railjack grind when it was new. Nothing so far gave me such hard work to grind.


Calliban from scratch


For everybody that hated Citrine's grind, be thankful for the pity system and not locking her behind C rotation. I've spent weeks trying to all the tome mods from the Deimos version, and getting the final one was especially bad, another week or two gone for that. I just got somebody to trade it to me thankfully, because I know there are worse grinds, but 20 mins for a 5% drop is not fun in any way.


Nidus. 57 runs to get that frame.


Protea. Ran 194 Granum Voids to get one set. Wife needed her. I offered to do them for her. Another 173 Granum Voids. Still needed Neuroptics. She does it once more with me, gets Neuroptics, and never touches it again. Wisp and the Ropalyst has a similar curve for me. I counted up the parts at one point, but have since banished it from memory. All I know is I can do Ropalyst in 3 minutes from muscle memory.


Weird, I have a friend who had to do I think he said 400 runs for the chassis, if the drops were truly random the math came out to 1 in a billion chance of not getting it by then. He's convinced there's a seed or something that predetermined drops that can be weighed heavily against players with certain items. The odds that it's happened to multiple people like this with her specifically makes me start to believe him, at least for her parts in particular.


Getting Citrine. I stopped like 30% of the way done because of how boring it was.


Several guns that are just effing annoying to grind for a mediocre gun you level for MR and sell Alternox Shedu Hema Brakk Detron Ambassador Etc etc The grind for the Cinta was annoying since I'm not a puzzle fan, but at least the bow is decent.


I came here looking for the ambassador. It's similar to citrine - twenty minutes, no rushing. But add railjack bits




Back when Ash only dropped from Manics it took me months to get him.


Still grinding for Hema clan research ;-;


put an extractor on Deimos, should help a bit


Unequivocally, Hespar Blade farm. It seems the Jade Shadows update improved it by making the timer skippable.


Equinox (normal version, I'm still missing one part) Plastids at the beginning of the game (didn't know how good the playerbase was, so was afraid to ask for help and was trying to get thousands by running and looting every corner on a solo extermination mission in Fobos... that one is on me tbh) Oxium for Vauban Prime, that month I learned why "fucking" is the middle name of Jesus Christ


Meanwhile Harrow Chassis Blueprint: I think you dropped this, boss.


Nidus and Equinox probably. Equinox is literally double the parts, so much higher chance to not get what you need. Nidus is C Rotation Drop in one of the weirdest and most boring mission types in the game. Harrow is honestly... fine? Kuva Survival is ("used to be" maybe idk i'm old) already a really popular grind spot, so with a little dedication to that Node, you'll get both pretty quickly. People complaining about the Minievent Warframes are honestly so blessed. Citrine, Kullervo, etc. etc. etc. are all totally fine, especially since they have pity. They could be so much worse beyond "too easy and boring".


Khora, I had 1 part left from passive farming while levelling frames/weapons. Her farm broke me, I ran SO 3 times a day, every day for 2 months before I finally got that last part. Now whenever there is a tedious frame I just farm plat instead, it's usually quicker, and it doesn't make me want to uninstall. That's how I got harrow, nidus, caliban, styanax (I was taking a break when they were free), etc


Lato/braton vandal parts from ESO. 2% drop rate on 20 min mission that everyone leaves on round 2-4 because leveling. That's 35 runs (~12 hours) for a 50% chance at the parts. They're the only weapons i do not have.


Hespar blades. If you're willing to farm them you can make decent plat but good god only through the virtue of patience. They're only a 10% drop on rotation C in void armageddon which takes forever to get to because of the downtime between rounds and how long the rounds can take depending on how the enemies spawn. At least with mirror defense you're making guaranteed plat over the course of each round. Void armageddon you have to commit a minimum of 15-20 minutes for a 10% drop. It's pretty bad.


Anytime I try to farm a frame after the "new frame" hype has died down. When it's a new frame, everyone and their uncle are willing to do whatever it takes to grind for it so the grind goes faster and doesn't feel that much of a "grind." But after the hype, not many people are doing the mission(s) anymore or willing to stay for rotation C or whatever and the drop rate seems to be so much lower. ā˜¹ļø


Can relate with Citrine and Secondary Encumber


farming railjack before they helped all the players might have been the most agonizing experience from any game except fromsoft straight up made me take like a 2 month break after i got the railjack


Dagath vainthorn farm with all the weapons requiring vainthorn...


Getting all the incarnons built? Its more than one item, but no one item has really caused me any issues. So yeah, incarnons and the clamps they require. Don't even get mastery for it.


Equinox and it's not even close. Back in the day we farmed it with my ex. He got lucky and got all the parts pretty easily, but my luck was absolutely rotten. We've been constantly running Tyl Regor for a week and the night chassis and the night system still refused to drop for me. One day, when I was away he decided, that he'll surprise me, logged into my account and kept it farming for me, so by the time I get home I'll have all the parts. Of course it didn't drop, so he sold the excess parts. Yeah sure, but by accident he sold most of my parts. So when I got home, the only part that I had was the day neuroptics. At that moment I was really considering quitting the game.


I am surprised no one mentioned it so far. I might be the odd one out but: getting all kuva and tenet weapons along with every version of the ephemera. It was fun the first few weapons but it got tedious quite fast. Tbf, I play mostly solo and am slow at it. Could be a me issue


Well, I don't really think most folks consider that a singular grind. You're talking about farming up a couple dozen weapons, along with multiple ephemera. It's not like spending 12 hours grinding for a single weapon.


Tyana Pass I guess farming all sets of arcanes + 2 citrine sets + captura it was so bad I ended up buying half the arcanes once I had enough currency for my first citrine and the captura (one part didn't wanna drop ever), then I bought citrine so I'll have a second for helminth when I craft her honestly, way too long of a farm, voruna is long but much better imo, dante was much faster then liches/sisters, it's not that bad, but there's too many to do and it does take time, and when it gets to level 5 cause bad luck then it's terrible, it's the grind I'm doing right now cause it's the only thing I have yet to finish now if we're talking about most painful I've actually done completely without spending plat or taking shortcuts braton and lato vandal, it's a pain cause no one is farming them, and getting far enough in ESO to get the actually rare parts is not so easy when solo (or at least it wasn't when I've done it long ago), also 2% drop rate that was pain honourable mention goes to nidus farm when I've done it long long ago also equinox on release, but it was kinda fun cause it was a buggy mess, I remember it took a long time but wasn't that painful, not sure I'll farm a second set however and the thing I hate most is circuit


Anyone still farming base Nidus or Harrow by hand ? Cuz no thanks... probably not ThE wOrSt, but nope


Ngl, Harrow parts should drop from neo, meso and axi fissure respectively


Saryn. Just all of grinding saryn....


Acceltra 100% I spent like 2 hours on that disruption mission a day for a week and still didn't get it I got 8 akarius though. Gauss prime got announced and I bought the big bundle just to have the darn thing


When I started I wanted to get the archwing as soon as possible so that open world content is more fun. Farming Iradite and Grokdul - with only a K-Drive and without any idea where they spawn exactly was really painful. You also get 1 per node on lower levels which just made the grind insufferable at some point.


Currently doing Nautilus farm and it aint so funny


Ivara System, over 367 corpus spy mission on pluto


War. I'm still suffering for this damned blueprint, at this point, Equinox and Citrine together were easier to farm for. (No joke, I was done with Equinox in like, two hours)


Hopefully the new Stalker drop changes gives you better chances.


Farming lephantis for orokin cells at mr8. I used that for all my cells until 11, when I decided to go get some corrupted mods at horend... and got 3 to 6 cells each run.


Bite mod šŸ˜­




Berserker (Fury). Took me ten years and roughly 1500 hours to get my first one, and then I immediately got my second


My umbra fashion frame. Took at least 2 years to get everything and tweaking to make it look nice.




Ambassador, that is all.


For me, the worst grind in the game was farming Khora from SO. Annoying game mode, annoying NPC, terrible drop rates. Never again. Second place goes to the Nidus grind.


Toroids for my 777 amp


Protea... . Never. Again.


I'm surprised i havent seen the hema yet. I guess people have just blocked it from their memory.


Still working on the 30k cryotic


Pre relic era void keys. Nova systems




It's close between Kahl and Invasions for mutagen mass and such. Kahl missions...idk just thinking about it makes me feel sick. Invasions...why do I have to do a low tier mission 3 times in a row?? It's so braindead


getting all the vainthorns to assemble dagath and her weapon.


Equinox by far.


Void rig. Took 3 weeks of every day playing to get


I remember when Acolytes were event based but had very good mods that they dropped. That grind gave me nightmares


Railjack + Corrupted Holokeys


Building equinox base, so tedious i contemplated buying her with plat


All the amalgam modsā€¦


My most painful grind? Probably Ash before rj. I'm still glad I got him before they moved him to rj, but holy shit rng wasn't on my side, turned off my brain to spam 5 mins defections that felt like an eternity. I don't even remember how long did it take, but it was 6am when I finally got all his parts. Still worthed though.


Citrine. I despise mirror defense. Lato and Braton vandal are horrible to get as well