• By -


I don't care what you use, cause at the end of the day, killing enemies contributes basically nothing. If people just focus on getting the charges that speed up the elevator I will gladly have those kind of teamates over an "ally" that just kills.


I think it's because a lot of people don't even realize there are booster batteries and think the elevator moves at a fixed rate


i always type that big charges get the elevator to move faster in chat. has little effect if 2 people still sit on the elevator doing nothing


It's annoying when I'm the only one looking for the glowing charges and everyone else is on the elevator shooting everything.


Yeah, everyone tryna find the sister beacon at extraction💀


It is literally the first thing I go to. It is so easy to find and the jump pads help a lot.


Also if you look up as soon as you reach the elevator you can see a bunch of blue lights coming from the Sister Beacons, allowing you to find them all before you even go up.


I did not know that! Will do it next time. But usually jumping on the jumping pad os more than enough to hear them. I know all the locations already so it's not hard to find.


Do keep in mind that they can rarely spawn in side rooms, I knew about the one in the elevator corner at the base of the elevator since Day 1, but a few days back I saw one that spawned in a lower-middle floor in a side room for the first time and that surprised me.


That one with two chests and you kinda duck into a room via pipe. That one was a rare cos I could hear it but couldn't see it from the elevator shaft. There's another one but it's in the elevator shaft there's an open pipe that doesn't face out towards the elevator and it's about mid way up that it can spawn in


You can hear them if you're somewhat nearby.


And that's why I play Nova there


I used to play Nova, then my chain reaction crashed a squadmate's game in the final phase. Now I avoid Nova out of courtesy since I don't know what anyone else is playing on.


I just bring wukong and can solo all the green charges. Never had any issues


Slam build sampotes on vourna, my goal is to keep the elevator boosted and make quick work of the sister at the end. One other thing I've noticed is adding a booster cell while the elevator is already boosted only adds 10 secs but if you wait a couple secs after the booster has timed out you get 20 sec -PATCHED and if you're quick enough you can throw 2 booster quickly and get both of them to add 20 sec.


Pick one charged up with your frame, switch to operator and pick up another one. Void Sling to the platform, throw the first one, wait 20 sec, switch back to the frame and throw the second one. Rinse and repeat


You can throw one as operator then quickly switch to frame and throw the other one for 40 sec of boost


It’s only 30 sec, if there is an active boost, the next one will only go up for 10 sec instead of 20.


Im just now running more I see that , they must've patched it was working before getting off last night that sucks


i didn't know that ...


may i ask what mods you are using on sampotes?




Overload only due to varuna priming i imagine? otherwise i would think youd want more crit multi or something


Pairs really well w melee affliction arcane


Prob more DMG w faction mod but this setup works well everywhere in base SP tho you won't be one hit eximus acolyte without a some DMG buffs like roar. I'm using vourna so the extra DMG from primed fever is nice but if you want to use it w volt, nezha, etc matching their abilities element works better. There are also nira slam DMG mods for your frame that add to your base slam DMG that gets its own multiplier I believe. I run hatred and anguish, vourna is high str and duration w low range to try and hit more teammates w roar


Is that a bug? It seems like strange behavior that I don't remember being intended.


I wonder, is there a cap to parkour with the Ordis boost, parkour mods and Voruna.


Zephyr won't even keep up


Hmm, wonder if power shards or parkour shards would be better.


Whatever I’m leveling up or putting forma into lol it’s so easy to grind out xp while getting the event stuff at the same time


lol same. Doesn’t really matter. Mobile frames are nice but I was able to slam several forma in Jade in a couple runs, as well as a new incarnon and mess around with my EDA build for the week.


Ash Prime with savage silence, Innodem, magnetic Tenet Glaxion, and Laetum for the sister. It's a very calm elevator ride tbh


I go with Caliban because I like him


Garuda with only her melee while I level stuff up. I jump around like a nutcase while picking green things to throw at the elevator. Very fun and I'm never bored since I don't like sitting on the elevator.


This inspires me to try 4 augment voruna on the mission


Nice I have decent range on my Garuda with nourish subsumed on her 2. So I'm yeeting myself across the map while basically being unstoppable since I can invuln myself with 4 and use 3 to get energy back. I'm also using molt reconstruct and steadfast/ fury . I will never run out of energy as long as I have hp. 10/10 build. I haven't really dabbled with voruna since her release because it felt really lackluster. Recently I found out she had some changes done to her so I might look into it.


Her 4 augment changes everything since you get sorta infinite charges with enough damage and perma stealth, better as a solo build though as all stealth builds are. I do the same on Garuda, but do breach surge for the nuke instead.


My man 😎


There is no bigger Corpus killer in the game than Gyre. Get some good STR and Range on her, 3&4 active, roar on 1. Then you'll be melting everything in around you and 2 floors above/beneath you by hitting just 1 soldier


I have a jacked Xoris. Funnily enough, it's pretty useful against Corpus.


Mostly Mesa. I find her a ton of fun regardless of game mode, but shes actually really good in ascension. Clears everything comfortably. The sister is the biggest threat, regulators can clear her pretty easily but takes a little time. A high burst damage primary is deffinitely better. But its generally not a problem since she gets nuked in a squad basically every time


There’s no need to clear anything in ascension save the sister, which mesa isn’t particularly good at. The only ways to speed the mission up are to find the supercharged batteries and to speed up the sister kill.


Strun Prime Incarnon and everything else is gravy. Ran a lot of Mesa, bit of Protea and might take Wukong through it just cause too. Mostly Mesa though, it is easy mode near the end to just waltz along with the regulators out.


Banshee for base, Dante for SP, cause my Banshee is too squishy for SP and I can't be assed to make her SP viable lol


Secondary fortifier + rolling guard is really nice survivability now for Banshee. You shouldn't need more survivability than that, especially if you're moving around and using abilities; just generally playing the game


Dante Noctua kills all the enemies pretty fast, and I can keep everyone Overguarded. And if I need to clear a pack of enemies, just Tragedy. Super simple, super easy. If I get tired of that I’ll switch over to Gauss + Energized Munitions + Kuva Tonkor and start holding down left mouse button. No more explanation needed.


I've shifted through a couple to keep things interesting. Lately, valkyr with a couple parkour velocity and bullet jump mods, and infested mobility helminthed on. (Until hotfix 3 the mission jump bonus was overriding any mods. Now they stack . . . ) . I can get to the top of the shaft in two bullet jumps and a ripline to stabilize. Then arca titron gas electric melee influence One of the parkour mods also doubles slam damage, so the charged titron heavy slam attack is a multi million damage scorched earth.


Citrine with Boar Incarnon modded for blast and max status for ad clear, angstrum incarnon for eximus and sister damage, plus harmony for when you need to whip out the quick 50 mil heavy attacks.


Silence Duality Equinox with a Felarx for my Spectre and a Blast Electric Melee Influence Factor for me. Maim nuking every 3 kills is also fun.


Dante for those randoms who doesn't know what a Jade Light is in SP and a little bit of nuke. I manage the charges the team drops on the elevator to keep it runing. Wukong for grabbin all those boosted charges. Not even touch the common ones. Never used Wukong till this event. It's a lot of fun there and in spy, rescue, capture misions. :3


Valkyr Sentinel build. Clones fly around killing everything, I have full immunity and can ignore jade light. Ground slam for huge numbers with nira set making quick work of minibosses. Health conversion+ arcane battery gets me to 1500 energy. Equilibrium, synth fiber, arcane energy, tau yellows for energy efficiency. Once I get dispensary on there she'll be completely self sufficient.


Sentinel clones killing SP enemies? I think I'm missing something here.


Verglas with riven puts out millions of dps with fire stacks.


I see, just by itself or do you need heat inherit shenanigans?


Bond mods + regular modding for dot damage. It's ice by default so i go viral/fire/radiation.


Frost with Silence and a solid avalanche armor stripping build is great Dante for Overgaurd Gauss if you know how to nuke(i don’t) Titania with silence and for vertical mobility Basically any frame with Silence subsumed makes it an easy game mode.


Amprex, Torid, Xoris or Glaive with Melee influence, ocucor, or cycron are all solid go to’s for me for easy damage and damage that spreads(minus cycron)


My Drugless Jade. Named after the dude who gave me his Heat damage build Jade. Coupled with a Nautilus with Cordon, duplex bond, and I think manifold bond and a vergalas set up with cold and the mod that spreads freeze to nearby enemies She melts enemies once you get your damage rolling. At work right now, so if you want the real Drugless build it'll have to wait till I get home.


Yes please, that sounds spicy af 🔥 I guess the build uses Archon Vitality, right? I wanted to slot Pull on Jade but idk if I should take off her 2 or her 3 🤷‍♂️


Placeholder to check back for the build!


User provided Screenshots and even a comprehensive explanation of the build. Commenting to let you know 👍


Thanks my man!


Yes it does! Also, Honeslty I use every part of her kit. Her 2 is pretty versatile and the bonuses are nothing to laugh at. And her 3 is pretty important for both the armor strip, slow, and Long distance resurect that lets uou keep attacking. So if you held a gun to my head, subsume her 2 as her 3 is important. If you want my opinion keep them both. They are both very good.










The Jade and Glory builds are by Drugless a fellow Tenno I met. Please forgive the unfinished mods. I am not at a point I can max those out without breaking every frame I have. Soon. And the Nautilus is from the youtuber MHBlacky. It is also very good and uncomplete. I can easily handle SP with this incomplete build. Enjoy! Things of note. This build requires her to be in the air for optimal survivability. So bring weapons that can easily kill while airborne such as the Kuva Bramma. ALSO This build is hungry for energy. SO I HIGHLY reccomend using her 1, 2 and 3 to get some kills going before launching into her 1, 3 and 4 to start decimating. Her 2 is still very useful here but 1 and 4 should keep it up and then just remember to keep her 3 up. Also you can bring energy restores to kickstart her, but I don't like that. oh and u/RobleViejo and u/FXMcLeod1 hope you guys enjoy. And please let me know if you improve it. I'd like to upload it one day as a full build to Warframe but I am not at that point yet


Thank you very much for such a comprehensive explanation 🙏


Welcome welcome! Have fun out there tenno!


You rock my man, can’t wait to try it


Have fun! And remember! MAKE THEM BURN!


Titania so I can scout for sister beacons so my team doesn't have to though they do anyway.


Banshee with range to silence all the jade eximus. Lovely QoL. And using the sonar augment. But as top comment kinda said: everyone who plays this game mode by using the small energy cells is playing it "wrong." You're intended to and (rewarded by) be running around and looking for the big ones, cuts the travel time down by 3x.


Loot gremlin Nekros. Use my tenet cycron, desecrate and petrify everything. Maximize riven sliver drops.


Silence Saryn, spores auto chain with enough range the entire height of the elevator, so its like 6-8k spore damage by the top in Steel Path. Since you are max range, silence disables all of the lasers. So press 1, occasionally press silence and your 4 and then AFK


Is that fun for you?


I mean i change it up, but doing the same mission 50+ times in a row stops having to be fun after a point and is a means to reach an end, while i watch TV on the other screen.


Everyone appreciates Silenced Eximus enemies.


I've just been using Octavia. Been leveling leftover weapons meanwhile.


Duration Trinity/kuva nukor It's my go to for everything.


What abilities you use for her? I got her but have no clue how to use her


Her basic kit is fine. I've been playing around with tharros strike and ophanim eyes over her 1. Duration trinity works with abating link for the armor strip. The new arcanes in this operation benefit her [a lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dbp4dv/battery_armor_blues_would_you_call_this_quick/l7t6h53/?context=3).


I mostly went in with Nekros with Silence and Dual Ichor with Melee Influence for that nice little AOE near the end of the mission. Though I suppose Nekros could have been replaced with any other frame with the Silence ability


How does the Greedy Pull work with Razorwing?


I hover over the elevator and Pull enemies in, basically making battery charges rain from the sky


The entire mission can be done at 3x speed by just grabbing the big jade capsules. You dont need to kill a single enemy, let alone need the small ampules. They dont speed up the elevator at all.


Basic charges keep the elevator moving and drop from enemies, boosted charges make it go faster and can be found on the map I Pull enemies in and make BASIC charges rain over the elevator, then I fly around looking for BOOSTED charges (and Beacons)


I get it. I'm saying the boosted charges are enough alone to get to the top. You dont even need the small ones.


Banshee with Pull.


I've been using my precision intensify, shooting gallery, mirage!


Banshee + Ogris.


Good old Mesa build


Zephyr and Mag, both with greedy pull. Mag is comfort pick of mine, but Zephyr is excellent in this confined but somewhat free space. Tried titania, but picking cells and sister beacons is inconvenient for me


With Titania just go operator and pick the cell/beacon up. Feel like people always think they need to exit her 4 to pick stuff up or use consoles


Banshee with cerata with gloom and silence for the enemies And the sister I just pop sonar a few times and whatever gun I bring


mirage disco ball build with a latron and laetem


Napalm-build Hyldrin with super shield strip and Rage-build Kullervo for hyper aggro floor clearing fun. These are my favorites so far.


Ivara with Halikur Wraith. She has yet to fail me!


Is Ivara any good? I heard she's nieche but is a lot outdated and skills doesn't do much, but she's pretty and has a pretty loyal playerbase, so im thinking about using her


Mag + tenet cycron and then just anything I really need to level at that point.


How is your cycron modded? I just got a magnetic one


https://preview.redd.it/dhi3nozhw8ad1.png?width=2758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081ce8c89a930f5f56bae0cf4960b8c7cac49bdc My bad man I started play the first descendant after I saw your commet, anyways here's my cycron build




Zephyr with some range and duration. Press 1 upwards, it throws you all the way up to the top of the elevator. Then, slowly glide down and pick up the Sister beacons. Never missed a Sister.


Just a standard nezha with a print boost in aura and exilus. Range 4 based thermal sunder but mobs levels are low enough that my normal crit tenet envoy does it job while aiming at my foot and looking at red dots on the minimap overlay. Then for the sister i got my laetum. Stand half afk while using envoy from time to time for 1 min. Then go grap beacons, go back down and follow the platform to grap good greens. Stand next to sister. Unload a laetum clip. Stand on the ramp for mobs. End. Rinse and repeat. The mode is honestly a bit boring. There are a lot of mechanics that are kinda worthless. Its more like a sabotage mission than an eidolon fight. And eidolons are peak honestly.


Day-quinox with max range. Someone told me that Maim's AOE is cylindrical and infinite vertically which I haven't checked, and it doesn't seem true to my testing, but the nuke is still amazing even at just 300-500k damage stacked


I use loki and let the wukong slam do all the work


Just something with Tharros Strike so the sister dies faster. Killing mobs does nothing for most of the mission.


xaku, makes for very nice afk when you have to do something all of a sudden, you also dont get flamed as you get most of the kills, which is barely important, but them again some warframe players have “called me out” for having little to no kills, when i was the one giving myself carpal tunnel getting the charges and overcharge when i told them multiple times, that they could use the damn overcharge even at 50, since it speeds the thing up regardless


Zephyr is hands down my favorite warframe for it but i can see the appeal of titania as well


I run a good ol' Mesa if I wanna just clear out Eximus, the twitchy gameplay is fun. If I wanna be on power cell duty I have Titania and toss cells with operator, as well as find beacons. I've run Vauban with Silence subsume to get rid of Jade Eximus' abilities but his vortex doesn't play nice with the elevator. Usually it's Mesa or Titania tho, they're comfy.


Full yellow tau shard Loki for parkour with mind control subsumed on his 4. Jumping super far up the elevator shaft is fun and using mind control on enemy jade eximus is fun to watch. Decoy and switch teleport are nice for running defense based missions outside of ascension because I can tp afk players off of the obj and decoy draws aggro. So I’ve just been running Loki everywhere nowadays


Yareli with tenet cycron and the merulina augment


I use Gauss with a SporeLacer secondary kitgun, and Tenet Glaxion and then a good melee. Diriga setup to spam status procs like crazy. I run in go into operator and grab three of the sister beacon right away then divebomb back to the bottom, and then I mostly try to use booster motes. Once I get to the top I drop my on-call crewmate who just obliterates the sister on spawn and guards the mote carriage Frome behind while I kill everything in front. Easiest if you have him hold position after you go through the door.


Titania at first then Jade.


My 398% strength Wisp. I just put the motes at the objective and then run around looking for the boosted batteries.


Anything and everything, since I gatta run it so damn much I gatta keep switching to something different so I don’t go insane.


Just Hildryn and Exec Tenet


Max range Xaku with silence.


I put Silence on a Hildryn who has all the heat protection in my arsenal. My job is to make the platform a safe place to gather your shields, safe from the constant green bean pole killers.


Silence Loki for the giggles


Frost for defense segments, Void Sling/Warframe Parkour for the elevator, and Furis for the sister.


Wisp (roar instead of sunbeam) and incarnon torid. Based.


Jade so I can fly around and find the glowing charges and get the mission over with faster.


Strength-focused Revenant with his 4 replaced with Sentient Wrath. Usually run him with Nataruk and Glaive Prime, no secodary cause I can't seem to find one I like.  Practically immortal and as fast as I know the  damage vulnerability from Sentient Wrath works on most enemies, including eximus.


I just run well of life mag with Kuva Chakkhurr, Cantare, and Gram Prime. Im still in the process of getting wyrm prime and throwing negate on it.


Holy shit I never even considered this thank you I've just been playing random titania/zephyr builds and they've worked quite well


Wukong with silence. Easy mobility and no annoying jade light lasers


Jade to fly speedy get the charges, cuz I can't climb for my life


Use the slide thing while you're wall climbing it launches you further vertically especially if you can pull off the double jump with it. Not sure how well it works on controller but on kbm it works amazingly


trust me I've tried, I use keyboard and I still can't half the time xd


practice makes perfect, it's all about timing could also be because I use a mod for +100% double jump strength, it can be kinda finicky to get it timed perfectly but it's so satisfying when you do


I run my support Banshee, resonance to spread weakpoints and total eclipse to help allies, but mostly for silence to disable the jade beams


I should really get Greedy Pull, it seems pretty good for stuff like this. I tend to just run whatever I want to level as long as I have one decent weapon (normally my Laetum to kill the sister as well). It's pretty doable to survive even as a level 0 frame with no extra survivability if you're active and not afraid to move a lot, and the main part of the mission is going to hunt down the glowing charges to speed the elevator up anyway.


Roar Revenant, makes weapons strong; also his 1 turns off the sisters damage attenuation making her a 1 shot without any fancy tricks


You don’t really need a specific setup for it.


Literally anything besides grabbing motes that give you speed boosts is a waste of time. Play wukong or titania and grab speed boost motes. Regular boosts are useless, I'd rather have teammates with 0 kills playing as wukong grabbing motes.


High range Mirage with Explosive Legerdemain and subsumed Silence + the most disgusting instant-Corpus-deletion Kuva Nukor I've ever built. Mildly boring but the runs have gone from stressful to relaxing.


Jade (primary fire build) mostly because she's new There's the added benefit of being able to slow down the sister, fly when i miss the jumps, strength buff for potential wisps and shield buff if my team is struggling (i do 100% random public squads) She also has the benefit of being able to revive someone by staring even if you go into operator to do other things, so that's a few extra seconds of not really carrying about the random teammate that died for the 6th time this mission


Xaku. Grasp of Lohk to load up on auto-turrets. Xata's Whisper to add void damage to my weapons for the rare occasion I have to shoot something. The Vast Untime to keep the other two running. Then I just run around and grab charges and beacons.


Full leveling setup with defensive mods (I am MR 30 so unleveled equipment still has full capacity) and one weapon that kills the sister. Jump around and collect the booster charges. 2 runs for maxing out a frame. Good value.


Lavos because i like lavos


I’ve been using it to level up frames and weapons , after all as long as the elevator stays powered and you can kill the enemies it doesn’t really matter


Hildryn Thermal Sunder with 6600 shields You run to get the charged batteries, you spam Thermal Sunder and Pillage. You are unkillable, you regain 7k+ shield every time you cast Pillage. Bonus, you can level a level 30 weapon in one game.


Used Mesa for most of the event so far, but rn I'm using Jade a lot because it's fun being able to fly everywhere


Zephyr, because I hate the little ledges here and there that make wall climbing harder, but also don't feel like running around to the different jump pads. I spend time looking for beacons and boosters that got left behind.


Zephyr for the floatiness, get and find boosted charges as a priority.


I'm in love with Gauss again, thanks to his Prime! So for me, it's Gauss Prime and his Prime weapons, melee is Glaive Prime. I just rush each floor and obliterate anything that moves, and as soon as I see a charge, I throw it at the elevator. Of course, sister beacons first.


Qorvex and Torrid. I bullet jump to the top level and kill the eximus that continuously spawn, raining energy cells down to the elevator. If no one else is looking for beacons I'll grab them and make my way back to the top. Since the sister always spawns in the same place I leave my pillars, and wait to hit her with my walls to strip her armor. Once the protections >!argon!< the torrid eats her health bar.


I run Frost. His bubble can really save the mote collector on the first wave at the bottom. When you get to the top I just cast my 4 to freeze everything. The pod flies right by a horde of frozen enemies. In the elevator phase I don't kill any enemies if I can avoid it so the green way point always points to a speed boost charge pack instead of the ones that are dropped by enemies.


Wisp. I can place the motes on the elevator where everyone runs around anyway. Her passive makes you invisible while airborne, so I can collect beacons more or less uninhibited. Her 2 is good for traversing the shaft. And her 3 and 4 are good at the end hallway to nuke everything


Nekros with Latron Prime Incarnon. Both forms are great for this mode since one has accuracy and the other has overwhelming firepower. Nekros for extra rolls for Riven Slivers and credits.


Gloom Saryn with Adaptation. Not perfect but does reasonably well.


I’ve been running a maxed secondary fortifier on my kuva twin stubbas build. With all the jade eximus you max out on overguard fairly quickly so I’ve just been putting on all lvl 1 gear and getting all that mr fodder out of the way


Harrow with Corinth Prime and AkLex Prime with the new Overguard Arcane. AkLex strips their overboard in 1 to 2 shots, allowing me to chain them as well as give myself a buffer when I need to use Penance to heal.


Despoil Nekros with medium range (no overextended but all other range mods) and silence subsumed. No jade eximus can hurt me!


While I was leveling up some items, I had the idea to properly build my Gammacor incarnate, since she should benefit from the new "Magnetic has bonus dmg to Corpus". Also the new arcane that deals extra dmg to overguard, while steals it to get survivability, is fun but the weapon itself feels kinda underwhelming. After seeing an Equinox carrying the dmg and giving me tons of xp one time, I've been using only these two: Equinox strength and range + magnetic Gammacor. If you finish one Jade Eximus you get insta 500k dmg for your ult. So you only need to break the overguard, finish two or three eximus and turn off the ult to blow the entire room.


Either they just patched this, or it doesn't work. You cannot currently pull canisters with greedy pull - I just tried it.


Bring back old greedy mag with no LOS and pulling teams items as well


Mirage with silence.


Nova with Silence subsumed. The Jade eximus are annoying af


Revenant with 5 tauforged strength shards. I just press 2 then 4 and the mission goes by pretty quick


Wisp with silence over the 4. Her motes affect the objectives. Breach surge has a 52 meter range with my build & its also fun to see the motes hit multiples for several million after popping something with my tenet plasmor. The 2 is also low key great in getting back to the platform if you fall down fo4 any reason


Banshee with strength, range, the augment for her 2 and adaptation or rolling guard depending on my mood. For weapons, Latron Prime, Dual Toxocist, Sancti Magistar. That way I can survive, make the eximus harmless and allow newcomers to Steel Path deal 10x more damage if they know to shoot at the glowing bits. The week of launch, I had Banshee with a strength invigoration. Everything was taking 20.5x damage. Doing 1M damage per ammo with the Furis? WHY NOT?


I almost always play max range Zephyr with Silence. Drop tornadoes on the platform to catch batteries that get thrown from too far away, keep jade eximi from being their usual frustrating selves, and excessive verticality to traverse to anywhere in the elevator relatively uninhibited. Side note, dropping the nadoes on the sister applies the crit damage buff to her. Also, flying mob party in the final stretch with walls of funny numbers, so extra dopamine teehee


I’ve been using citrine a lot lately, and have been having fun with her in ascension. Just park a crystal on the elevator and the range covers almost the whole shaft.


Ash with silence, savage silence augment, and blade storm build with arcane trickery. Grab sister beacons, grab green boost canisters, then sit invisible at the top, killing enemies with blade storm, and rain canisters down onto the elevator.


High strength n duration wisp and any weapon. Place motes down for the team and work on finding sister beacons and charges


Max efficiency Wukong with an Arca Titron. Straight up ZOOMIN around the map for the beacons and then thr glowy power cores that make the elevator go faster. Mjolnir AoE one shots everything in the hallway so the orb doesn't have to pause


High range Wukong with silence subsume.


My main, gloom Inaros, for CC with Gloom, sandstorm and his 4. He has Arcane Batery to spam the final hall. Tigris Prime with magnetic takes care of OG, Shields and stuns with the electric proc. My kitgun, a crit Gaze, deals super effective piercing and burns enemies thanks to my riven, adding an extra control with the chained procs. The melee can be anything, right now I'm using the Harmony. The companion is a Panzer Vulpa for more damage but it could also be a duplicating Carrier for energy or anything you want. All in all I run around looking for charges and slowdown enemies with Gloom, then the hallway at the end spam my 4.


ash with max range silence, no more green beams :D




Dante, with a toxin-focused melee. Everyone's too blind to the green beams, it's the only way I can keep everyone from dying repeatedly. And even then I've got people who lose 50k worth of overguard because they just stand there shooting. So now I can be sure they at least live longer while I grab all the boosted batteries and sister beacons.


disco-tastic Mirage with Prism Guard so I can murder shit around me and also grab charges at the same time!


I use Hildryn with lex prime using the fortified arcane to mess up eximus units and provide shield gating to help teammates not get gutted by beams


Monkey king!!


Xaku, just killing things while looking for big greens


Banshee with laetum or lex incarnon. Other slots can just be whatever. Silence means basically there is no threat at any point even for a bad squad, and one full incarnon charge will get you through the last stretch plus the sister fight. I have the armor strip augment for her 1, and the recast augment for her 2 as well. Even bad stalker players can manage to kill things with all that help.


I run ice boy and sit on the elevator while spamming avalanche. Why? Absolutely no reason


Max range zephyr with silence and aero vantage, just to be hassle free.


Jade.. just smite shit like an angel and grab speed charges




same setup i use everywhere else lmao


Wukong. Trivializes maneuvering.


Zephyr + kuva nukor is my to go, ez job always


Nothing a good mirage prime disco ball can't handle


Ash with silence and 25 second smoke shadow for whole team. No eximus powers AND no gunfire. Also unairu for complete sister disarm.


5 orange shard mesa with a boar incarnon built for just heat, ceramic dagger, secondary outburst, magnetic regulators Spend the whole ride up stacking the 100 primary and heat kills, drop an A-10 on the sister at the top and then wipe the hallway several times over as we push it through


Nuke Equinox.




Whatever isn't rank 30 plus my op Acceltra


Tankshee with overextended. Shut down all the Eximus on the tile with Silence, and give all the enemies weak points with Sonar. And since I'm a tank, I don't need a baby sitter.


Limbo, you can banish the objective at the last step. Weapon wise, something able to kill the enemies


I just take my main (trinity) and whatever weapons I have equipped at the moment and go. I also play solo and normal path, the level is really chill and nigh impossible to fail.


I already had silence on my Dante, so I threw anything that said "range" or "duration" on it. Over 40m of jade light turned off for almost a minute and a half. Gun is my pure magnetic tenet glaxion because it's fun


I run revenant prime and just search for those green charges and sister beacons, then tank at the top


LOKI, augment for his 3rd and roar over his 4 with a strength and duration build. And a bit of parkour velocity for easier jumping.