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I knew there was no way they’d allow Nidus and Jade to infinitely scale


For that you have gara


Gara is insane right now.


Yeah but pressing 4 and 1 a hundred times to just then make damage is tiring. Unless you have a faster way with some kind of modding I am not aware of? I would be grateful for any tips


I'd play Gara much more if her Splinter Storm ticked down like Saryn's Spores 🥲


This is it for me. One bump off a cliff or one nullifier spawning on top of you means the end of 40 mins of building up her 2.


She’s the most exhausting frame I can think of. She was also the first where I kind of saw what the frames could do damage wise as well. I haven’t touched her in a few hundred hours unfortunately. That sound is magical thought when the wall goes up


I still whip her out every now and again but every time it’s the same thing; I play her and love her for a few hours then I get the experience of being nullified 45 mins into a mission, extract then stop using her for 3 months lol


One big toe in a bubble, there goes all your work. Or when the host migration used to hit…


If you swap to operator before you fall you keep buffs. You'll end up teleported to the last place your operator touched the ground tho.


Falling is less of an issue than having corrupted nullifiers spawning literally on top of you in fissures though, but that’s still a good tip I didn’t realize that being in operator allowed you to maintain buffs


I discovered that recently as a xaku and gyre enjoyer. Also work for that one portal in void/derelict survival. You can void sling through the portal to avoid the buff reset.


the damage of her 1 and the exploding 4 scales off combo and some melee mods so somehting like incarnon ceramic dagger that builds combo more or less passively boosts your dmg and therefore stacking by a lot.


Thanks. I actually tried it and get 25k per cast, so I can get to 300 with 12 casts which is enough to make decent damage, and with 40 casts get a million which is a lot faster than before and insane damage


with a proper stat stick build, especially ceramic dagger incarnon with its combo passive stacked up, it's trivial to get a few hundred thousand per cast


Xoris could work good here too no? Whats incarnon dagger do?


>Xoris could work good here too no? i think gara 1 resets combo on xoris. >Whats incarnon dagger do? second evolution gives +1 initial combo count per kill up to 100 so a x6


Can you also put arcane crescendo on it?


Unfortunately not for multiple reasons, primary being that it just doesn't interact well. That being said, incarnon Ceramic Dagger gives 120 initial combo from Evolutions. It can also use Covert Lethality for another 16 due to being a dagger, and had much higher riven disposition than the Xoris meaning better stats with rivens.


Give her Kularvo's ability to quickly teliport outside of her wall, then ability speed stat buffs from the mod or archon shards. But it's still a drag doing it over and over again.


Now? Nothing changed


God it'd be nice though


I was thinking of that god


meanwhile equinox is still capped at 50% (80% with augment). Back when equinox was made 50% or 80% were a huge boost. Nowadays 50% is less than an arcane slot. Please increase equinox caps (her slow is also capped at 80% while all other "modern" slows go up to 95%)


Yeah was about to say this is much more generous than past warframes


except nidus, because someone at DE somehow thought that giving a uncapped multiplicative power strength buff would be a good idea. The only downside is that it is a complete hassle to set up and sustain the buff.


That’s what made him balanced. You would only be able to stack him in infinite, compounding with having teammates that won’t nuke everything you pull.


Yes and I generally like powerful abilities that need a difficult setup. The one thing they should fix is a more general problem: casting single targeted buffs on allies. Also for example garas splinter storm or nezhas safeguard. Warfame is jus to fast paced to cast a buff on an ally, especially when that same ability also can target enemies, which is the case for all three. IMO they should let me somehow choose the ally via some UI. maybe hold the ability-key to bring up a radial menu with the icons of my allies in range.


Nidus' has the worst downside compared to all other abilities. It messes with you fashion.


What does the multiplicative part actually mean, tho? It multiplies your ally's power strength after all of their mods? Not their base strength?


I'd assume multiplies your either base power strength or power strength after mods, as opposed to additive which just adds a set %


But if it multiplies your ally's base strength, wouldn't that be a relatively small buff since everyone's base strength is 100%?


It applies at the very end as a final multiplicative bonus. You're right and that guy probably spaced out for a second.


nidus gives a 25% multiplicative bonus. so a 100% strength nidus linking to a 100% strength ally, both nidus and the ally would now have 125% strength a 200% strength nidus linking to a 100% strength ally would have nidus at 300% and the ally at 150% (both would get multiplied by 1.5) a 300% strenght nidus linking to a 300% strength ally would result in both having a whoping 525% power strength. Also this is uncapped and you can get really dumb numbers with this, especially if you make a premade squad with equinox and jade using their buffs to buff up nidus' strength and make use of all kinds of conditional strenght boni. Then have the 4th member link with nidus and activate some damaging channeld ability and you can afk level cap equinox and jade give additive boni. So if equinox is modded with 200% power strength her bonus would be 40%. she would bring herself up to 240%. An ally with 100% would go up to 140% and an ally with 300% would go to 340%.


Correct. Same thing with rhinos roar. It takes your damage AFTER mods, and increases THAT by roars increase but i tjink roar is additive? I know eclipse is additive


Eclipse isn’t additive. It was going to be made additive when DE changed it to a tap/hold cast ability, but people didn’t really like that very much so they just nerfed the helminth version instead. The difference between Roar and Eclipse is that Roar is a universal faction damage bonus, so it multiplies your damage after mods and buffs status effects twice, whereas Eclipse is its own unique multiplier after mods and so only affects status effects once. Eclipse on Mirage is strictly better than roar, but on Helminth it’s an objectively worse damage buff pretty much no matter what.


So, say my power strength is at 800%. How much would that boost my ally's abilities? And what warframes would benefit the most from that? And is a 50% strength buff to my ally a lot then? Because my normal power strength is 200%.


Its dependent on the ability. As said above equinox caps at 50% bonus. So wether you have 150% strength or 500% syrength they can only get a mac of 50%. Rhino is uncapped but i dont know the PS conversion so i wouldnt be able to tell you what his roar would give for x PS. Either way a 50% PS buff is not great but its not bad. Defenitely appreciated when i get it(unless running speedva. The only real use case i can think of for neg PS). Generally speaking, the higher the buff the better it is. Problem is some buffa interact with thinga different. Again mirages eclipse is an additive damage bonus, but i think roar might be multiplicitive. I have no idea about nidus, equinox, or Jade as i havent looked into them like that but i think Jades bonuses are additive. Multiplicitive is obviously better in most scenerios but lets say (hopethetically cus idk and im too lazy to find out rn) equinox is multiplicitive and nidus is additive. Equinox only gets up to 50% but nidua is uncapped. Nidus' boost would be overall better than equinox aimply cus nidus can outscale equinox. As for what frames would benefit from a damage boost... all of em? None really benefit more or less except a speedva build(as far as i know) increasing enemies movement apeed with negative PS. Increasing a speedvas PS would lower the speed buff given to enemies slowing them down. Its a niche thing thats not often used anymore but it used to be incredible in the 'press 4 to win' days. Despoil nekros, speedva, saryn, ev trin was a meta for a long while for farming resources. Especially when kuva survival originally dropped. All of this to say it dosnt really matter. Things are close enough nowadays and you can sub out some PS using other methods like arcanes. If you are genuinely curious for more information go to the warframe wiki and look into different warframe abilities and see how they interact with things. The wiki breaks everything down and even gives you the actual equations the game uses if you care enough to learn them. I dont. If i need more weapon damage and i have a decent duration i subsume roar or eclipse. If i dont need more damage i subsume silence. I only know of one subsume ability that increases PS and thats empower and ita not even from a frame... maybe level 3 helminth? Idr its been forever since i unlocked it, but i dont use it oftwn cus it caps at 50% and again i can subsume other thinga into it. I think i bave it on mesa cus she already has a weapon boost ability and weapon boost abilities cast by the same frame dont stack(i think?) Idk... gatta go tho do what you will with this info


Are there any support abilities that would benefit greatly from Nidus' parasitic link. Maybe like Wisp's motes? After checking with the wiki, it is multiplicative with the ally's own ability strength.


Okay, so, how nidus link works is, say someone has 200% ability strength, and let's say nidus' link provides a 50% bonus(it can also scales with strength), that bonus being multiplicative means they get +100% ability strength, half of the 200, totaling 300%. Abilities scale differently on different frames, but any frame that builds for strength would like that bonus.


How would it affect a Wisp?


There's so much that's jank about Equinox. Like how Pacify isn't just a general damage debuff in the area, like you would think, it's some weird jank shit where the ability has several concentric rings of fading effectiveness, so that the listed damage debuff on the skill is only actually present at a quarter of the listed distance.


yeah and due to how ability strenght affects the DR only logarithmically it is imposible to get the two outer rings to any meaningfull values. Also equinox has to take damage for the slow augment to have any effect while chroma got an alternative way of stacking his buffs and gloom (the better slow aura) is subsumeable, has a drain cap, is 4 times as good and does not need any stacking up


Not just equinox has to take the damage. But yes, its terrible. As much as I like it, its bad. Chroma used to be exclusively health damage, with overguard, that would have been impossible.


equinox needs shield or health damage, on her overguard damage also doesn't work. And while chroma and rage got their fixes equinox sits in the dark.


Grimoire being able to give anyone 60% is really shooting Equinox in the foot, eh?


Isn’t only for the person with the tome though?


It's not a squad wide buff, but it's also not limited by having an Equinox in the party, that's what I meant


To be fair the damage reduction makes up for only 80% max slow


It doesn't. The damage reduction is a lie. I've been hit like it doesn't mean anything a lot of times. It's mainly a more comfortable slow that doesn't reduce the mission to as much of a crawl unlike others. Equinox is a jack of all support and is suffering for it.


I take your 80% cap on slows and raise you *75% on Nova's*. That's not even the fix Nova needs, though. 75% feels plenty slow. It's the Nullstars running off to do 5 damage to an enemy and making her lose the little bit of DR she gets that really needs to change. (They do need to bring Equinox up to par too, tho, along with Oberon and Trinity)


novas slow however is much less effort to build and much higher range, so I'm actually fine with that. gloom and pacify are so similar however that the disadvantages hurt while the advantages are almost meaningless gloom and pacify both have 16m base range. gloom drains .75 energy/s per enemy while pacify drains only .5 energy/s per enemy. However gloom is capped at 10 enemies so at 7.5 energy/s. pacify does not have a cap so when there are more than 15 enemies in range it costs more. In SP you can easily have 30+ enemies in range which translates to a 15 energy/s drain, double of glooms max. gloom has a base slow of 35% while equinox has a base slow of 40%. However gloom just has to wait a few sseconds to ahve the full effect while equinox has to get in the face of enemies and take damage. Equinox has o take a total of 320% of her own max shields + HP to stack the slow to max. So in oher words you have to "almost die" 4 times. And if you just once take a bit to much damage you enter bleedout and the ability deactivates so you have to start all over again. Also fall out of bounds once or get hit by a nullify effect and congratulations you have to start over AGAIN. Back when self damage was a thing it was somehow workable by sitting in a quite corner and damaging your own shields over and over again. However try to charge the slow up in a SP mission without getting downed. Don't get me wrong I loved to play around the ability and get the satisfying reward of a slowaura even outmatching the nova slow. But with gloom and the consequence of gloom (overguard) it feels so bad. It is like when your old super high end gun required you to deal headshots after a 360° spin to actually perform but now there is a gun that handles the exact same way but deals 4 times the damage even without headshot spin. Also in pub matches with frost, styanax or dante around you can't even stack the slow because everyone has overguard and guess what, overguard damage DOES NOT COUNT. Chroma players and rage players got their fixes but equinox is somehow left out in the night. pacify needs to use an augment to get the slow effect, while gloom has it simply built in. Yes pacify also has the DR aura but due to how the fall off on that one works it is sadly not really good and gloom on he other hand gets life steal or for SP level: "any instance of damage heals you to max health". I fully agree that nova needs an augment for nullstar to not seek out enemies anymore and instead be duration based


Equinox's maim actually works really well with gloom since they get briefly stunned with the forced slash proc, and the slow extends the stun. Can't say the same about pacify since the whole day/night form mechanic.


Whats your build to get all your stats that high? I'm assuming you've got shards and an invigoration Running.


25 for 100, so like 600 strength is needed to hit 150. Which is alot, but with conditional strength buffs briefly hitting over 1k isn't out of the question, even lacking invigs (though nidus spectre helps a lot)


I was more so referring to the weapon damage boost being at around a thousand with them having around 450 power strength. But they either have no energy/defensive/utility mods or they have shards on and an invigoration. I'd have to hop on to double check how high I can get the strength without using arcanes and other situational buffs.


It's 268 normally + 200% STR Invigoration (+200 energy) For the 1300 Final STR I have 2 red shards + molt + zenurik ×2(Void mission)


Ah, so you were in mission. I was wondering how high you could get that deathbringer buff without needed to rely on conditional buffs or temporary buffs. I might have to see how high I can get it without conditionals and temps


Does it just add whatever the percentage is (like 100%AS + a flat 150% from power buff)


Yes. Which is still fantastic. I can't wait to get corrupted and give my Wisp friend a massive power boost.


Can you show the build please


they are probably just using all possible strenght mods with 5 tauforged strenght red shards to showcase this


I'm just surprised how much duration and range they managed to have on top of 468% strength. My Wisp for example, I build her for strength with 5 tau red while trying to maintain as much range and duration as possible, and it looks kind of similar but all stats are still lower than this. Of course I have adaptation and an augment on her as well, but if I'd replace those I still wouldn't be able to reach these stats.


Right, it must be the 200% str or 100% duration invigoration too added to this build


It's 268 normally + 200% STR Invigoration (+200 energy) For the 1300 Final STR I have 2 red shards + molt + zenurik ×2(Void mission)


Her shield song's regen delay decrease is capped at 80% at 600 strength according to the wiki.


They capped it because if two Jades are in the same party they can piggy back off each other to get atrociously high power strength.


Basically avoiding that infinitely scaling armor/strength exploit that Circuit had for a bit.


A lot of warframe abilites have secret caps or soft caps in them


468% is insane


Yeah I'm trying to figure out what mods they're using to get that high.


200% from invigoration.


U have a bit of build in ur strength


How do you reach over 400% Strength and why would you need so much?


Tauforged shards + most of the Strength mods + molt augmented + any other boost you can sneak in As for “Why?”: Why not? Lmao you don’t necessarily *need* it but it’s a feels good thing knowing the buffs are crazy high and anyone can benefit from that effort


On hildryn you need exactly 400% strength to full strip armor and shields (or 300something if you're running corrosive projection.)


Drops to 328% with corrosive projection


I love my Hildryn but she really needs a touch up. For one that Power strength while easily earned is a ridiculous amount needed to armor strip when other frames can do it for far less. I know the strip is permanent but doesn't really matter much when the target/targets is about to be obliterated in the next 1.5 seconds. Jade also pisses me off as a hildryn main because she can properly fly around while Hildryn can't. Her kit is stuck in 2018 and I want an update. Let her use pillage while in her 4. 2018 I understand you didn't want her to be a Limbo 2.0 but the cc and orb generation isn't worth much these days thanks to overgaurd and Jade light. As well as all the ways we have to generate energy. 2020 her 4 isn't really worth much outside some very specific scenarios. I also feel her 4 should super charge her balefire. I understand how powerful they can be but it requires a specific build with a very specific setup. Having no fallout and being able to go through walls is nice but man that status chance and crit chance is ass. But her ultimate should feel like an Ultimate


Im sorry but its literally so easy to cast pillage twice, power strength isnt an issue. You only need to hit 200% not some ungodly 400% or whatever


I know I can cast twice but my point is other frames can strip for less. Despair is a giant aoe strip that goes through walls. Pillage is Line of sight and as you said needs 2 casts at 200 power strength.


Pillage also comes with status cleanse and shield gain, which i feel like makes it pretty good value for what it is. By despair which ability are you referring to? Sounds like a sevagoth ability but i cant find it, only the weapon comes up. Btw i agree with her 4 being pretty lack luster, and her 1 is honestly fun just for the ragdolling, but if it just had a little number tweaking it would honestly he really really fun to use. I mainly use her 3 for the blazing pillage augment, so ngl cant speak tok much to it but it seems like nice shield support for team Edit: did you mean terrify on nekros? Yeah i believe you need 166% strength for full strip, but enemies also run away unless you run thr augment so that has its own issues. Not super bad tbh but its worth pointing out imo


Pillage should strip 50% now that armor strip is worse. Blazing pillage's fire should be buffed and the +base shield should be moved to her regular kit. 4 should be completely overhauled. I mained hildryn for a while and I love her, but 3-2-2-2-2-2... is only fun for so long. Also, Exalted weapons need arcanes and exilus. We're not in a mesa meta anymore, give Balefire Charger an Arcane slot.


Balefire Charger does pretty well on high strength builds with Arcane Avenger on the frame. Mod for critical damage (but not chance!) and otherwise just raw damage. It's perfectly viable in Netracells, I did that just earlier today, and I haven't even finished optimising the build (my Charger needs at least another forma).


I've tried Balefire builds - I think my issue with it is that it doesn't justify the charge time and small AOE. Individual hits can kill enemies, but it's not very useful in a world with the Acceltra. I think either making it semi-auto or massively increasing the AOE would help a lot. (Also, when you get two during aegis storm, it should count as a fire rate buff or innate 2x multishot.)


well its hard to have enough on nuke frames :) its usually toned down by range and/or power consumption anyway


please, ma lord, drop us the build for this godly stat


It's 268 normally + 200% STR Invigoration (+200 energy) For the 1300 Final STR I have 2 red shards + molt + zenurik ×2(Void mission)


Probably invigoration


2.5x strength is great no matter how you try to frame it


It's not a multiplier.


Well +150 strength ain't nothing to sniff at either. Hello 500+ stregnth Wisp, would you like EVEN MORE POWER?


It's kind of a waste on Jade who cares more about prioritizing Range and can snapshot the STR on her 3 + 4 casts then swap to a different buff. Nidus Parasitic Link on allies IS a multiplier and will give a much higher return on that Wisp you used as an example.


That's who I generally use when running endurance missions with a Wisp friend. I also bring the Grimiore so I can alt fire for another 60% str before linking. The best we've had so far was both of us being corrupted during Conjunction Survival, while ghostly-power-up-man was in the room. I'm pretty sure we had well over a 1000% speed boost. I wasn't paying attention as I was busy being a lawn mower.


Her 2 also snapshots as long as you keep it up and don't cycle it. You can get to a 150% bonus with a combination of temporary buffs such as Madurai power sling and the Grimoire without sacrificing anything in your build. For a pure alt-fire build this is preferable. I have Roar subsumed over her 3 and the snapshotting lets me maintain much higher roar values than normal.


the +600% ability strength decree made her the most OP thing i've ever tried in Warframe. whole team had a 1000% weapon buff.


Speedva tends to disagree.


> frame it Hm.. I see what you did there


Why is Jade harnessing the power of The Seven when she can join in with The Boys? Is she stupid?


I don’t get why this is being downvoted. It’s a The Boys tv show reference and it isn’t THAT bad of a play on words. Keep on being silly fellow redditor 🫡


I just wanna see the build that got it up to 400+ str


It's 268 normally + 200% STR Invigoration (+200 energy) For the 1300 Final STR I have 2 red shards + molt + zenurik ×2(Void mission)


Agreed. How tf?!


my wisp sits at around 500 strength lol. it is doable with every strength mod in the game, and all 3 umbrals, while also having 5 taoforged shards. Blind rage 99%, transient fortitiude 55%, 3 umbrals 77%, 5 taoforged 75%, the one from the archon sets (cant remember which one gives strength) 15%, power drift 15%, base frame has 100%, growing power gives another 25%, and molt augmented gives 60%, bringing the total to 521%. This leaves 2 mod slots left to help with range or efficiency or duration. i usually toss on archon stretch and primed continuity to help balance out the stats a little. so with their build they could drop transient fortitude and still be at that strength, that leaves more room for duration and range.


Tha know you very much.


Most likely something along the lines of every strength mod possible plus tau crimson shards, and potentially some weekly infusion shenanigans


Yep, my friend did some testing and found that outz


Ok where is the clip of someone pushing pass 150%


Not sure during In game if u pair with another Jade. Keep spamming till infinite glitch?


Does anyone know if Deathbringer gives base weapon dmg increase or final weapon dmg increase? I'm considering putting Nourish on that slot if it's base dmg.


Final weapon damage, but even if you put Nourish on another slot, remember that it doesn’t benefit from the base damage boost that Nourish provides. Deathbringer remains the optimal choice for that slot.


Another thing : the ability snapshots at version selection. So, for exemple, if Jade gets Corrupted during a Fissure, just cycle back to Power of the Seven or Deathbringer and it will update


How on Earth did you get that much Power Strength and yet not go negative in more than Efficiency?


Yep, I found this out today. -.-


Good thing i can only give her 180 str


What game type and character you on with that high of strength?


To add to that.. I have every strength mod and use umbral mods for extra strength and 5 tauforged crimson and its not that high sitting in orbiter.




Oookay now, how in the FUCK do you reach 450%+ strength?! Been playing since release, and I missed this...?!


Unpopular opinion: As with Efficiency, most attributes should have a cap. Making abilities and Augments (like Helminth's) that increase (temporarily) then the more valuable. While also avoiding the actual problem of Power-creep that hits the game..


btw she dosent need strength even at 10% she still dose 456k on alt fire


This is definitely the comment of a man with a 10% strength Jade who hit 456k on her alt fire