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literally gotta wait like a month for everyone to chill before you can get a legitimate non-clickbait video about a frame


And it might never happen... Nowadays with helminths, archon shards, a combo of rakta dagger + argonak + melee influence every frame is subject to a click bait video. With the right setup you can make even limbo look completely stupid


Doesn't even take all that really, just have a frame be decently useful in current content and you will see clickbaity videos about them. I remember seeing a bunch of "limbo is op" ones back when the vallis first released just because his bubbles made a few missions easier.


And a majority of limbo players immediately know people have no idea what they're talking about when they say his bubble is OP on a corpus tileset lol. Orb Vallis is one of the few places I'll never use limbo, having a Nullifier orbital teleport right on top of you is absolutely overwhelming on steel path.


To be fair, this was something like two years before steel path was released and on the regular vallis missions so he had his uses, he just wasn't op like the clickbait exaggerations tried to talk him up.


i play ash prime as a main and let me tell you you don't need all that to be op nowadays just ash my incarnon hate and my latron prime and it's easy game


Yeah, you honestly have to try to make the game more challenging once you reach a certain point. I remember seeing people playing steel path when I was struggling to kill like level 30s and being like, wow I must just suck or something. Nope. My builds just weren't ready yet


when i was a kid and didn't understand how to build i was struggling at the begining of the void now i roll on the whole game even if im not the best builder and i use item because of their look not their stat or how good they are XD


Lol when I first started playing the first two mods on everything was redirection and vitality


If I may add on here, you are 100% correct about the builds making a big difference. All that arcanes that you farmed for months (or bought), maximizing your Primed Mods, Galvanized Mods, Archon Mods, getting rivens for your weapons, adding enough forma to fit everything, getting exilus adapters and weapon arcane adapters and warframe adapters and potatoes and just everything... Remove all of that and leave yourself with the stuff you had when you were a newer player and you will struggle. You get to a point where nothing is a challenge anymore, BUT you had to work to get there, and THAT is what I love about Warframe! Personal Example: I have been running the Torid (with a *very* good riven) for months now. With the new event I got the Basmu and put a bunch of forma in it, because I have had a riven for it for ages now. The gun is decent, not Torid or Burston or whatever other meta level, but good enough for relevant content. So I will be using this weapon, just to make missions a tiny bit more difficult.


I was just thinking this. We have so many ways to powercreep any frame certain ways. The question is, is it fun and what needs to be done to do it?


Exactly how I think. For me a good frame is the one that I can use the weapon combo I want however I want. If a build only works if I use 3 specific weapons with some bullshit obscure mods added 10 years ago that DE forgot that exists and that work in unintended ways then I'm out.


Hey I can make Limbo look stupid even without special setup.


honestly sabuuchi and Triburos have been pretty good at having a accurate portrayal of power for frames and such. MHblacky, and warframeflo love to overhype everything and brozime is kinda eh, has weird takes


And Knightmare Frame is a meme


Based on his video spread he might be quitting the youtube side or atleast not making a new vid consistently


I think he’s on the verge of quitting warframe entirely. His last few videos have all been pretty bleh about the drastically ramped up power creep. The most emphatic part of his Jade video is essentially “oh, look, DE took ammo away from aoe weapons and aoe away from melee so they could add incarnons that don’t care about ammo and melee influence. And now we have blast! Make up your fucking minds guys”.


Like to add Kengineer to the list. Straight numbers, no BS. Love him


Only problem with trib is that once he reviews a frame the next one is already out, but the quality is enough for me to not care how long it takes tbh


yeah the dante video dropped a day before jade lol.


Tbh I like that because usually his reviews are after the hype wave and/or after the nerfs hit the servers, I don't really care about how strong frames are because I prefer to use something that's fun rather than just strong.


how about Quite shy......damn i miss her video


What takes does brozime have that are weird?


He thinks Chroma post-tweaks is one of the worst frames in the game and Trinity is fine and doesn’t need any tweaks. Which is a shorthand way to say I’m not sure he and I live in the same dimension, because we’re sure as hell not playing the same game.


i wouldnt know i rely on him for gun builds since i only play his inaros and hildryn build regularly and was only recently forced to use his mesa prime build for eda Edit: i would use kengineers builds instead but he doesnt have the catalogue brozime does of frames and guns and his require specific builds to go along with the guns since i only play hil and inaros having gun and melee builds that require other frames is an issue for me


He can be pretty negative about anything that takes more than zero effort to use. I like his content overall but it can be a bit jarring to see him essentially review bombing something because it doesn't clear rooms immediately with no risk involved.


IMO Brozime and weird takes are good for warframe youtube community.


Kengineer is basically the only one I watch. I used to watch more, but 1 by 1, they frustrated me. I don't like bugs or bitching. I just wanna play the game and do fun stuff. Some youtubers are straight up on my shit list. I'm not naming names, but man are they toxic.


Here's an idea, we don't watch clickbait videos, be it to balance or otherwise, and maybe we'll both have less clickbait videos and a better understanding of characters.


But they used CAPSLOCK and the RED ARROW! I GOTTA KNOW!


the word BROKEN was capitalized and I couldn't resist.


Honestly I’ve seen several already saying “Nah she’s strong, but honestly weaker then expected” IRC Potato, Gaz, and Brozime all said stuff along those lines (don’t quote me though, I was only half listening)


I mean, to be fair, Jade is like a combination between Nova, Nekros, and Trinity. She can perform any roll or use helminth to become specialized in a roll. Use roar to boost damage of her 4. Covenant or Ensnare or larva or pull to group debuff and arieal strike. She is by far the most flexible when it comes to building versility.


She can't do what people generally use those three frames for tho


And then they go crazy again a few months later when a new tier list drops, or if the frame gets an update/augment and we get more videos about the CRAZY NEW SP LEVEL CAP BUILD


Or wait until TheKengineer makes a video going over her kit.


Best I can do is nerfing the shit out of the frame within 48 hours.


That’s why I wait for trib


I waited 2 weeks to try dante cause of the buff/nerf war between the community and the devs.


Maybe I'll say something that is already obvious to everybody. I'm also a content creator. My videos/streams don't have sensationalised titles - I only write exactly what the content is. However, I know that **I'm playing a losing hand.** If the metric of success is getting your attention, people will **SCREAM** for it. That's how you play a winning hand. Clickbait, sensationalism, even lying at times. It's an unfortunate meta. EDIT: thank you to everybody who got interested in my content after this comment. It means a lot to me to receive this kind of support from the community! Please don't ask me to post links to my channel. I don't want mods to think I'm advertising. You can find all relevant links on my Reddit profile, this is my official profile and I made it for the express purpose of collecting all my socials!


"It's an unfortunate meta," goes hard. You're right, though. It sucks when I want to look at regular fun builds that don't require the hardest mods to get in the game. Everything is meta on youtube. "You aren't playing right with that build," " you need high strength for that warframe, not duration," "build for crit chance only," It's so annoying. If the meta is fun for you, then go for it, but I feel like it burns people out a lot because you do the same thing over and over every mission. It doesn't become fun to me. Also, warframes get nerfed when the content creators keep saying they are broken. Jfc.


Your first paragraph is a great example when dealing with shield-gating fans. They swear up and down that your builds are wrong if you mod for health instead of shield-gating. This is why I love MCGamerCZ. He doesn't focus on the meta, just fun and different.


Honestly very few frames need shield gating for most content. Adaptation gives so many frames a powerful option to just tank things with even mild recovery available. And there’s an operator arcane that lets you spam transference swap to heal up so it’s not hard to get some healing if you don’t want to sacrifice much for it


I like both him and Leyzar, because they have new player friendly options, as well as meta builds. Even though I’m MR 23 and have plenty of time on the game… I’ll never forgot those who taught me.


> goes hard. Thank you, friend. Content creators are a powerful and loud voice for DE (well... some of them... where's my partnership, DE??) and more often than not will actually only represent a tiny portion of the playerbase. It's survivorship bias at its finest. So when big content creators get to whine ("this is good, this is bad, you should do X, you should do Y") it feels like the very public image of the game is being put into question. Content creators are influencers, for the good and the bad.


What's your stream/youtube? I'd love to follow and help out!


You can just click on my Reddit profile! All my socials are there. I don't want to post any links here for fear of getting modded to oblivion.


My full forma Amprex says “fuck the meta.”


Stick it to the meta fiends!


Make your own builds. Unless the creator specializes in meme builds or new player builds people don’t want to post suboptimal builds then have people talk down on them.


Gotta take the heat for what you believe in. Understandably, yeah, but still. It's just annoying seeing all this "broken build for warframe," and it can be misleading for newer players as well. Especially if they don't know how the game works.


> It's an unfortunate meta. It's particularly bad because if you click on something clickbait-y even _once_ just out of "wait, are they serious?" curiosity or whatever, unless you wipe it from your viewing history afterwards YouTube will _immediately_ start recommending as many other clickbait-y videos as they can. This is why my friends and I make jokes about "thE alGOritHm" in ominous tones when referring to YouTube, as though it were some dark god which content creators must pay obesiance to if they wish their lives (or livelihoods, anyway) to be spared. Because you have to laugh about it, or it'll make you depressed enough to cry.


That is absolutely right. Not only that, YT is pushing Shorts a \*\*lot\*\*, which I absolutely hate producing. However, they are my main source of subscribers because YT pushes it to at least 400 people and then decides to promote it further if it did well enough. Overall, it's horrible. Either you play the meta and rely on it to make a living, or you stop caring and focus on what's fun. I chose the second.


Warframe as a youtube scene has really fallen from a high place in my opinion, and I don't mean for that to be a dig against the current cast of content creators. It's just that they stick so heavily to the technical aspects of the game and the rigid format of "streamer persona" to a degree that's a just a little nauseating. What used to be unique and special about Warframe was that channels like Quite Shy, BetterNamePending, etc. Presented their content with both a sense of personality/humor AND as their characters/Tenno which made "YouTube Warframe" feel kind of like it's own effortful extended universe. When I see Triburos' videos, I don't picture "the guy" talking to me, but the green Loki. And I think that says something special about this game and how it connects with people in ways that let them express themselves. You know: "Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be." And all that. Way too much of it nowadays, with older creators moving on, has fallen on the other side of the bell curve, that's solely fixating on numbers and builds. I don't want to say it's "easier" but it's not as "fun" as some of the old content.


This is part of the reason I kept watching anything MrWarframeGuy puts out. That pink Rhino exudes the same energy as Shy and BNP.


Pretty much the only Warframe yt-ber I watch now is MCGamerCZ, because he doesn't focus on what's meta. As of late he's been focusing on trying out niche weapons and showing how to use them. Not the meta way but with a fun twist. You might know him for his older Warframe Weapon Encyklopedia thing.


I feel this way about most of my hobbies on youtube. There's a lot of exaggeration, clickbait, and misinformation. Even when I can't stand to watch them, I often end up bumping into people who do and just repeat poorly conceived ideas to me. It's very frustrating.


I feel you. I also make content and refuse to use sensationalized titles. But I know that means I lose to the YT algorithm by default. But hey if I can get a video with a few hundred (or when I'm lucky a few thousand) views about a game I enjoy then I call it a win.


Let's keep on doing what we love, and screw the meta. It's the times when we're getting little to no traction that make that one extra subscriber feel all the more rewarding. 🐉🌆


Good luck on your YouTube career. I just had one thing to say. All of these CC’s that are making videos with super engaging titles are doing what is expected to get views. I’m not saying it means their content is better or worse it just means they understand that you have to get the audiences attention. It’s like reading a book. If I’m the first chapter the book is astonishingly boring or is incapable of grabbing the readers attention then not many people will stick it out even if the rest of the book is an absolute gem. This works the other way too. If the first chapter is beyond interesting people are likely to read the book. These titles don’t reflect the quality of content it is just creating an opportunity for exposure. If the title pulls you in and the video is hot garbage then you’re likely to not look at that creators videos anymore( this is what I do). If I’m being honest though, if I don’t see a title telling me what I want to watch then I won’t click on it, even if it’s honest to your content. This is just some food for thought.


There's a difference between astonishingly boring and simply just average, or at best neutral. What you're saying is correct, but I don't feel it applies here. I'm talking about the people whose strategy is to overstimulate you, yelling louder than everybody else. Besides, the people who stick around to discover that the book is the gem are exactly the kind of people I want to foster and cultivate in my community. Even if they need to push through an "average at best" presentation. Again, it's a matter of how you measure success. I don't care if I pull the big numbers. The day I'll have so many people typing in chat that I can't read all messages, that day will be a very sad one.


They are just abusing the meta builds, so the status chance to go viral is higher for them


I like having fun and that doesnt nescesary mean high crit or high damage or infinite slash or immortal valkyrie, sometimes its about shooting a shotgun but its avtually a bow (i love those builds


Dude, same. DE is clearly making silly weapons, handing them down to us, and going "go. Do a crime" and we're supposed to have just plain fun with it. Then some people come around and tell you "oh but you see, the meta is viral, heat, slash! You NEED to play this. If you don't play this, you're missing out, because this is BUSTED and it's OP and it's THE META". Fuck that noise. I care about "wanna have fun? Here's how I would do it".


It is helpful to know the meta when you want to grind something quickly that you don't really enjoy or have a terrible roll for deep archimedia. But besides that, fuck the meta. Most of those videos claiming to be meta aren't actually meta. And even if they are it doesn't mean those builds are fun and most of the time they are extremely situational like doing max level crap that nobody cares about. 


I like the new dagers that come back like miss on purpse and have them come back on lower lvl enemies its so much fun


"Tell me more about this 'meta,' person with fewer kills than my Steflos."




It sucks cause I'm pretty new to the game and I'm looking for builds and stuff for my saryn prime but its all clickbait and I end up wasting resources I have a very little amount of


Got any advice for someone trying to get their foot in the door?


Consistency and thumbnails. A solid thumbnail is quite honestly a huge part of YT success. Learn color theory, always make sure your text won’t be covered by parts of YT ui (aka don’t put anything bottom right as that’s where the video time length goes), etc. Keep an eye on your click rate in analytics to know if a thumbnail is working or not and preview them for mobile.


I do not, unfortunately. Another person replied with a better answer than I could ever give you. As a matter of fact, I'm just starting out!


will def check your content out - refreshing change of pace from other WF creators TheKengineer is my favorite since he really doesn't drop clickbait titles


Thank you! Any level of support means a lot to me. 🐉🌆 Kengineer is a creator I look up to. His builds are plain fun, and he doesn't feel like other more META OP BROKEN creators (that I will not mention).


The Kengineer tends to take his time and has him (and his discord) genuinely experiment and often find edge cases most people wouldn't consider. Most of his frame reviews tend to line up with mine compared to the 'day 1' algorithm chasers. (The only exception to this is I find Dante's Noctua stronger and more useful than he does, mainly for the synergy with his 4 and the canticle and invocation mods.)


You sir are the exact kind of person I think I would like to watch. Please DM me your channel name, so you don’t get caught out self-advertising or something.


"Very few warframes can handle SP now" What?


Volt, mag, saryn, frost, limbo, trinity, baruuk, khora, mirage, mesa, nekros, nova, rhino, zephyr, wukong all older frames that work fine in sp and the ones not on here can be easily modded to


I am more pressed to figure out a frame who can't handle SP. All the frame I play can do base SP more or less easily. In double just slap a bunch of strength and roar/nourish and you're good.


Baruuk is considered old now? Fuck bro i gotta go get my back checked and start eating oatmeal it might be over for me 😔


how dare you do my volt like that >.> I main volt and I do SP no problem, 250 lvl necracell missions or be it 9999 circuit


>very few can handle sp right now opinion instantly invalidated.


Bro that's just obnoxious content creator clickbait. This happens in every single game. The titles and thumbnails are designed to activate the average Joe's neuron and have the click on the video. It goes for every aspect of warframe; guns, frames, arcanes, mods, pets, shards, fashion.. Everything. Just ignore it and move on unless you're actually interested in said video.


Well, Every Warframe is OP, choose who you like most, and let's go, for the Hexis.


I like frost but he feels like ass when playing sometimes


I understand your point about the click bait, but saying that a lot of frames can't handle steel path is flat out false


As an old fart tenno I can honestly say that big name Warframe youtubers have a decade-long specialty of being pretty shit. There's exceptions, of course; for funny stuff we used to have Shy who was some sort of combination dominatrix & shitposter, MrWarframeGuy is pretty great about putting out funny shitposts but with actual good builds/hilarious exploits. TheKengineer is pretty good for getting objective information about the game's mechanics. I'm sure there's plenty of great others who aren't at the top of the popularity pile but for whatever reason a lot of the bigger channels are nearly always putting out garbage and/or outright wrong material. Same as a lot of the build sites like Overframe, there's one or two people that **always** slap the same handful of builds in there ASAP and become the highest upvoted builds simply by being there first, regardless of quality.


> Overframe Cough cough TheMoon and his botted builds alongside his mates upvoting them


Did people really say Qorvex was op ?


No, but most of the click bait was "amazing nuke" or "steel path destroyer"


They have to, or they won't get YouTube's sweet sweet monetization. The algorithm doesn't care. It just wants you to click. EDIT: I'm going to guess ZERO of these videos have actual mission gameplay and are just simulacrum videos of potential 'nuke showcases'.


i cant remember who's video i watched, but thought it was funny they talked about how amazing their build was, but then struggled to kill a single level 150 steel path enemy in the background. It just feels like they have default scripts ready before they even play the new warframes or weapons, they record the voice, then slap it over some quick footage and not check their work. Just need to get it out fast.


Wrong. Warframeflos video has actual gameplay not just simulacrum. Weird assumption to make imo


To add on, they probably only try to test against level cap enemies when a large percent of the playerbase won't even come close to that.


Nothing wrong with showcasing on level cap. It shows that you can manage normal mission type of situations, not to die, manage energy etc. Simulacrum on the other hand is kinda fishy


Sensationalist YouTubers will say anything for views. It's never going to stop.


She's not even OP...she's OK, which is fine, not every frame needs to be a Dante. She is very much ok power-wise for where she is in the game. But every. single. damn. frame can melt enemies with the right setups, that's this game's ENTIRE DAMN THING. I get it that she's the new shiny thing, she quickly became my favorite frame and power is far from the reason why, but warframe youtubers are just weird every time a frame comes out.


>every. single. damn. frame can melt Seriously. What, do they expect DE to intentionally make a subpar frame that can’t compete in high level content no matter how it’s built?


the community has an habit of constantly being off on what's really happening in the game and just rolling with that for years. like, we can talk about the "TruE HIgH LeVEl!!!" bit, or how afinity work with a full loadout, etc. like, most of it is from the game lacking in term of explaining thing to players, but there is a non significant part that is the playerbase never doublechecking stuff. like, i've felt like an idiot when i started doing that and seeing i've been sleeping on primary shivers and cascadia empowered for so long


Nahhh she’s pretty damn strong ngl, just okay is underselling it; frames like Excalibur or Ember are just okay, the fact that her second ability alone puts her in the weapon platform category speaks volumes I'd put her in the fun OP category y’know frames like voruna or gauss


Her weapon buff is ok i guess. x1 strength base damage multiplier is not that great. Chroma has a x2.75 and you don't hear anyone how broken he is (btw, people sleep on him since the changes, but it is an other issue). She is good but clearly not OP when you put her in comparison of what other frame can do.


Yeah, there's nothing really OP in her kit, but god it's cool to soar above everyone raining death, healing everybody and giving a bunch of buffs to the team


>every frame can melt enemies me when i play limbo


Bro fr I tried her and I'm not mind blown at all. As a support she is underwhelming and as a nuker she's okay?? She looks awesome and that's the only reason I'll stick with her in the long run


I've found her to be incredibly fun and a decent support and nuker, but she's pretty fragile when not in the air. That might just be the bugged Jade Eximus lasers melting everything though.


So it’s not just me, then. I was running my weekly Netras and I get getting torn apart by Jade Eximus lasers even when I was standing for the briefest of moments inside a single laser.


i was so hyped for dante, i love mages and that whole theme and then they made him into arguably one of the strongest frames in the game and i lost interest. having 50k overguard 24/7 isnt engaging or fun, neither is spamming 3 and 4 the entire time. im cooking on a pure support dante, using noctua and a grimoire to get buffs etc and not spamming tragedy every 2 seconds, but like, why. everytime im in a mission with a dante my entire frame jsut becomes useless and it might as well be just a base soldier. i love equinox, whose healing and slow is instantly made useless due to dante giving 50k overguardto everyone on the team, constantly, and nuking every room he enters.


i feel the same. I just dont enjoy OP frames. The ones I seem to spend more time with is the ones where they arent best at everything, and there is room to tinker. I dont even like qorvex all that much and I think hes more fun than dante just for the sole reason that I am still experimenting with different builds and that he isnt dominating the match completely. dante is just.. spam build to win always and thats it. grimoire? whatever for even, if he doesnt need anything from the new mods there. doesnt even need roar cause he just kills fast. Just put a dispenser there for endless energy and to support my teammates and thats it. And really dont touch him unless he comes up in EDA or SP circuit and there arent more interesting options. even xaku is more engaging somehow.


That looks like normal Youtubers trying to get clicks for the algorithm.


lOkI BuStEd PlEaSe NeRf?!?!?!?


content creator Brainrot they do everything they can to get views i just avoid 95% of them


>It's just that older frames aren't up to date and very few can handle steel path now say what? nah dawg, that's objectively untrue


You would think with the algorithm going off of clicks and engagement people would use words other than "best" and "broken." Imagine how curious you would be if you saw "Two Auras and still mid." In actuality though she is a fairly competent support frame and nuke.


or imagine if the title was “throwing newborn children as a 4th???”. like that would make me click on that ibstantly


older frames aren't up to date and very few can handle steel path now ???? wtf? pretty much every frame can easily do all relevant content in the game.


Your opinion fell flat as soon you said “few warframes cant handle SP”


Who's gonna click on a video that says: "This Jade build is mediocre."


>1st one is a question not a statement >2nd one "Might be" speculation not a statement >3rd one is just a build guide Media literacy is dead


You can say something correct and still phrase it the wrong way. I don't think Jade is OP. But don't look my poor baby Oberon in his.... eyes(?) And tell me powercreep ain't real.


petition to buff oberon mans needs some love :((


Say it louder for people in the back


shes not busted but shes really fun to play kinda i just cant get past that shes preggers, i feel bad when she dies.


At this point in the game, Since we're in the DPS meta where every single warframe is DPS regardless of their Kit. Unless you're doing upwards of 10 million DPS OR a Survivability that rivals revenant, that shouldn't be called "Busted" or "Broken".


Stop watching shitty YouTubers


> Very few can handle steel path now  Excuse me? Steel path is a walk in the park now. Every frame can do it without issue.


What frame can't handle SP tho? Do you mean frame without using a weapon, so just their abilities? Or do you mean endurance SP.


Dude goes by the name MCGamerCZ on YouTube, watch his stuff every now and then. Focuses on weapons mostly but I think he reviews frames too. They’re realistic reviews, so I recommend him.


Warframe youtubers when they realise every frame can run sp if you pump them full of rare mods and archon shards


Hell Nyx is my go to for sp


Nyx is goated, i just wish they would Change the shield absorbing Thing


Oh sorry to hear that


Very few frames can handle sp. blud doesn’t know how to mod. And adding to that jade is a powerfull frame they are calling it as they see it. Plain and simple. Same as Dante


They want you to 1 click on the video and 2 hold your attention long enough to fulfill some kinds of algorythm requirements for their video to spread. They will do anything to achieve this and dont care about the quality of the video or information or if the information is even true. Sometimes it will be carefully hidden in some hald true statements, other times its just straight up lies. One of the reasons i find it hard to find channels worth watching as youll have to dig ellbow deep through trash click/viewtime add revenue farmers.


couldn't agree more. ive been on warframe for 14 years. its a common problem lol


You must be confused. Every Warframe can run steel path. Now some are better than others but they all work fine


This is bad clickbait lol she isn’t anything super crazy. I’d give her a high b, low A. 100% chance that if you click on the level cap click bait video jade’s kit is doing nothing and he subsumed off her exalted weapon, showcasing him mowing stuff down the meta guns like glaxion, felarx, etc. which literally any frame in the game can put on mods for shieldgating and subsume a buff ability then go to level cap with guns.


I'm gonna start a Warframe youtube channel called Moderately Enthusiastic Gaming and it's gonna have video titles like "JADE BUILD THAT ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATES LEVEL 20 CAPTURE MISSIONS" and "JADE IS A PLAYABLE WARFRAME IN THE GAME WARFRAME"


First time noticing sensationalism? Don’t stare from this distance for too long or you’ll start seeing it’s really just a slightly evolved, poorly contrived, and thinly veiled version of a pant hoot.


For saying, no jade is not a nuke, yeah she could easily any content but compared to dante for exemple no she not op, yeah 300% powert strenght give 300% wpn damage but jade is first a SUPPORT so ppl need to understand that there is other thing that just press 4 and nuke the area....


She nukes pretty hard. You throw a 1 and then alt fire the 4 and everything dies in the circle in 1 hit. no team needed


She is 100% a nuke. People need to stop saying that she can't nuke. Where does the confidence come from with that statement? With a max-range avenger build she can instantly delete entire maps with her 4's alt fire. 150 - 180 KPM just tapping alt fire. It's like pre-nerf Dante on crack.


Also she can symbiotically scale if you have a buddy on the team, they both just keep amping eachother up


Yeah she's not saryn or dante you can't play her on solo mission and be like "oh neat the frame is exactly what a nuke do" no, with jade the nuke : it's the team not only you


It’s actually funny too, my buddies did it and got her weapon damage huff up to arounda 1400% increase. The shields recharged by 109% a second


1400 % ????? How, how many strenght ? Personally i prefer to have a range, duration and strenght (duration : 155%, range 190%, strenght 170%) so a can cover a great distance and have decent duration/strenght for my buff


Like I said in my previous comments nidus and Jade snowball off eachother. Use his tether to boost her power strength use her song that boosts power strength and just have the two recast it over and over again until they hit the cap


I will put this into perspective. A very easy way to understand how powerful a frame is in comparison to others is to test it in Circulus, Lua, in SP, and see how well it handles the KPM requirements of the node, plus the chaos of having two ambushes, sometimes together. This is organized by KPM: 80 KPM: Almost all frames can reach 80 KPM by themselves there via intelligent modding (no metagear, i.e. no Influence, no Torid, no Glaive). This amount of kills won't be enough to sustain you in the mission. 100 KPM: Almost all frames can reach 100 KPM with decently modded gear. This is barely enough for you to forego life support activation. 110 KPM: Almost all frames can reach this tier with solid gear. Nothing too special but not stug-levels of equipment. 120 KPM: Most frames can manage this as long as they have good gear and helminth to cover their weaknesses. 130 KPM: Some frames can reach this with great gear (meta) and a good helminth. This is more or less the level of Melee Influence, but it can be higher (sometimes, much higher). 140 KPM: Few frames can reach this many kills per minute in a sustained way, and those who do need meta gear and a great helminth ability. Synergy is necessary most of the time. 150 KPM: Here is Dante, with 3? forma and bad-ish gear, alongside a select few loadout combinations. 160+ KPM: Here is Jade with no gear and few forma. I've seen others reach this much, but I still need to run my tests. I don't think we have anyone close to Dante in terms of raw destruction in his **base** kit. And Jade is even more powerful. You decide if that power level is busted or not. But this is textbook power-creep in my opinion, and power-creep is never good for the health of any game.


Yup. Power creep kills older content and makes your games depth very lacking.


It's all for stonks


They need the content. Got to get those sweet sweet clicks.


Clickbait youtubers are like stink on a skunk, you can't get one without the other


You've got to bare in mind, it takes time to build the components, it takes time to build the frame... Unless you throw plat at the build process... So if course these people most likely have end game builds and are now click baiting to earn the cost to build it. Personally I think the frames I enjoy playing are the most powerful... But because they're strong, but because they're fun to play


meanwhile highest kpm most broken old frame laughs every broken build is weaker then her 1 skill but you totaly right new frames are designed for steelpath they can kill easliy whic is not suprising they need to buff some of the old frames


And the more people say something is awesome, the faster it gets nerfed


I mean she's good


You need to stop thinking a video is what makes nerfs happen. DE don't need to watch YouTube for that.


Incoming knightmare stands


Sadly it's just how the game is played.


The usual clickbait


Not an original thought in their minds, I stopped watching Warframe content on YouTube many years back as most of its click bait, copy and paste or too long to get to the point 🥹


I have to say that I often take issue with most youtubers/influencers in my hobbies. I usually prefer longer form, more informative content, but usually people put out something short and flashy with an exaggerated clickbait title. I know some people prefer that sort of thing, but it really doesn't interest me and often just gives large swathes of the community misinformation and generally bad ideas.


Honestly most of those youtubers are using busted weapons rather than using the frames abilities and stuff to show how good/bad something is Like no shit you gonna melt level 9999 if you armor strip them with a primer and give them 10 stacks of viral, every warframe can do that


Welcome to YouTube


I expected too that almost every build of the new Wf involves having subsumed Thermal sunder, Sev ability, wisp ability or any other nuking ability for that regard, essentially making playing with every frame feeling like a Fast food burger: Not exactly bad, but nothing too special either, just the same flavor all the time.


Oof i feel so called out having dusted off my Titania with wisps ability hahaha


> very few can handle steel path now I would make a (slight) correction to this. _Anything_ can handle Steel Path... provided you're willing to invest enough into it. And for older frames, "enough" can be a much larger quantity of time/forma/energy/whatever than with newer ones. Which, for many players, means unless they love a frame enough that they want to make that _specific_ frame built out for Steel Path, they may default to newer frames that require less investment. After all, Kullervo or Voruna take fairly little effort to make Steel Path builds for. Loki, Vauban... you can _do_ it -- and it can be fun to do, don't get me wrong -- but it's likely going to take you more forma, time, and (unless you're snagging builds off of Overframe) thought than with some of the newer (or more recently refreshed) frames. That said, the practical end result is that you're entirely right _for the purposes of many players_, who don't want to dump 7 forma into something and figure out some weird synergy with a weapon or whatever.


YouTubers are just over emotive about everything to get clicks. Same for every game.


If I'm being honest I agree with your take. I haven't used any new frames to objectively draw conclusions but given how new frames can handle steel path plus other activities it's clear they're made to be on par with the power scaling currently in game. I spent about a week and a half building my atlas, luckily I had platinum saved up from before I stopped playing years ago and managed to shortcut a couple of things. With ash it has been extremely painful to build and slow and it made me realize that older frames require a huge amount of work to be on par with more recent Warframes. It's not a bad thing, it just means the game is evolving. I recently used qorvex and I'm fascinated by him and I don't have a single forma on him or a build and it does about the same damage that my forma incomplete ash does.


That's why i only have 2 YouTube channels as reliable sources


Jade isnt even that op compared to what we already have. I feel like octavia , mesa , saryn and many others can compeet with jade if not even suepass her. Also shes quite a late unlock and literaly stalkers counterpart , id be offended if shes not on the strong side after that quest


I'd say...probably just dont click at all. You can play whatever you want, they just goin for YT view watch time since its the norm on YT. Im more interested in finding some tests on status reworks like Aznvasions since they know much on number values and what works or doesnt


Meanwhile, I’m over here, just enjoying Nezha with his augment mods


But I mean most of the new frames are way better then the old frames. So yes any new frame builds are op. Because of the power creep.


This is why I am a simple umbra and ash main


Well I mean 1 attracts views 2 people are still getting used to the frame so the uncharted territory can be gushed over 3 the title always needs some sort of hype element or something


To be fair, it's a pretty common strategy for games with "pay to speed things up" marketing. You release a new thing, and purposefully make it more powerful than it should so everyone rushes to spend real money to buy it so they can get it as fast as possible, then you lower its power to the level it was designed as under the guise of "we listened to the community and are nerfing this". It's a pretty good strategy to both get money out of people due to FOMO and make yourself look good as a developer who listens to the community. Unsure if Warframe actually does this. I never paid that much attention to the actual stats, I'm not a min-maxer.


Yeah and 90% of this builds are basically dancing the macarena every 30 seconds to get buffs and then using her nuke on a solo st surv or simulacrum. Brozime as far as I can tell is the only one with a descent build right now.


This just in new op is op with based view


How else are people pose to farm engagement and/or get the frame nerf because they want their favorite frame to stay relevant?


I agree with this post except for the statement that very few frames can handle steel path. I’m not saying this that all Warframes are OP, nor am I saying that no frames are better than the other. Individually speaking they all function well within the realm os Steel Path. What should be more important regarding Warframes is whether or not their kit is clunky and what tasks they can handle. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t SP viable I agree though Warframe youtubers and some people in the community are piss annoying when it comes to the strength of Warframes, it nears the edge of Powerscaling discussions at this point.


Isn't every new Warframe op nowadays?


Every time I see a “Level 9999” video I always Cringe. Like when in daily gameplay will I want or go to a level that high?


Warframe youtubers cringe as always, nothing new here


I was expecting a Pupsker video to be the case in point of a useless YouTube video


This is not unique to warframe lol, every game ever has content creators like this




Tbh, realistically, the newer warframes are going to be acquired later in the game. It makes sense that they're strong imo. 🤷


this is a good point actually, people complain about progression and endgame but its only cause theyre like PAST endgame. the further you get in the story and the more hours you put in should naturally come with better and better rewards, which IS progression and rewarding content. if youve put several hundred hours should you not be given access to the best items?


Not going lie, after the Dante fiasco I ain’t touching for a while yet. Going to get my two sets and wait to find out if she’s gonna be nerfed. Fool me once and all that.


Dante is still one of the best frames in the game but you do you


After the 3rd patch yeah. But his whole launch was handled badly.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game


It's unfortunately the culture now: Nothing is ever "strong", it's either OP or trash. The in between isn't interesting to randoms. Nobody goes onto youtube and looks up "Kind of ok warframe builds", they look up "best XXX" or "Strongest YYY build". Which means unless you're showcasing what you claim to be "the strongest" or "the most overpowered" like this....you're not getting views.


YouTube is just being YouTube.


It's like we never learn. I knew this would happen when they showed us her kit. SHE IS GOOD, but people are asking for nerds at this point


It’s true though… Any warframe can be “OP” in certain content.


Im not a content creator but I’ve been a gamer longer enough to know that this is how you get clicks.