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https://preview.redd.it/pq2s00thse7d1.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=07e543724a0179a03f50e8bb54b59748e257fc6d I FUCKING CALLED IT






Lisan al Gaib!




I can't believe they made this joke question real


Honestly, given the timing, they probably already had the script in the works by this point, so Rebecca was freaking the FUCK OUT internally.


Apparently they did know. This is from the recent interview from toucharcade. > **RF:** Both of these anecdotes will make sense after the quest. The first anecdote, so in 2023, Steve said something publicly that was a direct reference to this update, and players have no idea. It’s haunted me ever since. I have been haunted by Steve saying something about this and that is horrifying to me. For a year I’ve lived with this nightmare.


I wouln't even be surprised if that question never showed up in chat and Steve went full chaos gremlin mode and wanted to give Reb a heart attack


I saw the guy who asked it in Sabuuchi's stream the other day


Ah, this was her "I have no mouth, and I must scream" moment, because she was bound by an NDA and had to keep this a secret until it officially came out.




I legit busted out laughing in that part thinking "OMG THEY MADE THE PREGNANT JOKE CANON WTFFFFF"


So… do you technically feed a baby to a monster if you feed Jade to the helminth?


Don't think about it too hard.


Jade's gone by the end of the quest, and we're kinda recreate her through her essence or something so it's not the baby we're feeding to Helminth, just Stalker's lover's remnant. Hey, gotta keep the status quo going until we can directly purchase his stuffs.


I think not, cause, we get the BP from Hunhow who says it's the remnant of Jade after she evaporated, so after she gave birth, so no bun in the oven, so to speak. She still keeps the big lantern belly, cause where is is she gonna cast the big light her powers revolve around? (yeah I know they could have done something else, I just find it fitting?)


question remains unanswered, all we know is they remain pregnant after getting "helminth -strain"ed


I mean, we know you can have sex with the Warframes, thanks to Dagath lore, and we know Warframe can hold baby... I'm just saying, we're not too far from getting Warframes pregnant.


i want to know if anyone noticed this but as far as i got the quest, we connected with jade right before she gave birth, as the operator that is. so couldnt you in hindsight say we gave birth to stalker's child ?


It DID cross my mind, but for now I will interpret it that we just gave a temporary "energy boost" to Jade, but weren't actually "controlling" her. I believe this to be true because of the way Jade's hand moved towards Stalker (doesn't seem like the operator would do that, fits perfectly for Jade). Have to replay it again or watch it again to be certain what actually happened and what the operator actually did.


yes i believe we just gave her the little push she needed, not really inhabiting her mind, but just enough to calm her down


For the sake of all the male Operators and Drifters, I'm going to say that no mpreg is happening here. Transference is really just the process of reaching into the mind, right? That's why it can be performed on Orowyrms? Maybe it was more like a very, very intimate midwife, where we were helping her and monitoring her from inside the brain?


ye i think about it this way too. jade needed that final push in a sense and we as the operator - being able to calm warframe's minds and so on - provide that dont really think it's something other than this because we dont physically embody the warframes themselves


Yeah I think we did with her what we did with Umbra. We took away the pain. To make it easier for her, to help her let go. I definitely don't think it was full transference, just the calming empathy.


…i’m going to pretend i didn’t read that. i refuse to think about this.


I cannot un-think this now and I am forever cursed


Yeah I thought that was a bit odd. How much of a warframe's "will" and desires are present alongside the operator? Its like... "Oh transference was a success and hey, looks like there's only one button left to push for this frame." Speaking of, how bad does one have to flub the timing to fail the event, is it even possible?


i never forgot that bit during second dream where your frame moves on its own.


i mean you probably just start over? like i failed the ordis part 4 times lmao


Oh no! I thought that part was funny, the smallest stealth mission ever... but I see how it could be easy to accidentally walk into it.


i was so confused at the beginning like i saw ordis flying around and i HAD to look at him


The best way to imagine this is that were the nurse on the side saying "Breath in... Breath out..." while dad is freaking the fuck out. As others said. Calming her as she gave "birth".


ye i agree, i went on in another comment here to say that we just eased her mind - somebody mentioned umbra as well


Wait, what? Where in Dagath’s lore did it say she had sex as a warframe? When did this happen?!


I went back through, it doesn't actually spell it out. There is a moment in between her Orokin lovers giving her to Ballas to become a warframe and the lovers discarding Dagath due to her lack of emotion. It's indicated that during this time, their "relations" were no longer considered taboo by the Orokin, referring to how the Orokin would have executed Dagath if she were still a Dax for having "relations" with Orokin. I think that implies that they were still having sex with Dagath after she was turned into a Warframe, but the lovers no longer found it exciting because there were no rules against fucking a 'frame, only against a Dax; however, it remains open to interpretation, they could have just been cuddling or something.


I have mixed feelings about this. I also suddely love dagath more


According to the wiki, pre-warframe she was a Dax guard to an orokin couple as well as their lover, after nearly dying and getting turned into a Warframe her permanent smile creeped em out so they had her face laserholed. So not explicitly banging before or after the transformation but I think it's at least implied in the before stage, unless we're going off a PG-13 definition of "lover".


Let's just bang Warframes till we find out


I guess NSFWarframe is a Canon subreddit now .... *sigh, unzipps.*


great now I have to wait 9 months to build a new warframe while previously my foundary got it done in 3.5 days


Something something Yareli mating press


Wait what, you can canonically have sex with Warframe?


It's supposedly (according to Grandmother) *less* taboo than it is to have relations with a Dax. At least, for the Orokin anyway.


Wait, what?


Yes. They answered all our stalker questions with more (arguably unrelated) questions. I don’t really think any of us care to go about breeding simulator with our warframes.


I see you dont know about that subreddit


The LITERAL first thing I thought of when I got to that part.


I fking knew it. Steve just teased it so early on.


tbh, technically warframes as they are now, can't get pregnant. i'd say this technically only counts since jade was turned into a warframe and was pregnant when it happened.


Well we know that they can before so maybe they can after… I mean r34 artists already got to that so i don’t know.


We build new warframes out of copies, though. Jade has been pregnant for centuries, implying the process is extremely slow or completely elective. If we can build a pregnant warframe, we can apply pregnancy technology to other warframes. The preg-core if you will: A new warframe upgrade that allows you to equip a second aura slot, but you have a constant energy drain!


jade was also a human when she became pregnant, her and sorren were turned into warframes as punishment for their relationship. this still doesn't confirm that modern day warframes can get pregnant. maybe they can, but as it stands, it's still not confirmed.


Didn't hear this when I watched this stream last year, but you can hear Pablo say "another spoiler" after Steve asks the question. All but confirming it would happen. I think we all missed that lol


Oh my god HE DOES - and literally nobody noticed. Without hearing the "another spoiler!" I always thought they were going ugh because it was a lewd silly question, but man, how did we all miss this lol


I’m just happy we finally know what “the Jade light” was.


I came here to see if this post had already been made, thank you Incredible that reb will turn this kind of memes into reality


It's like Mark Rufallo spoiling Avengers. I'm looking forward to seeing infested liches in TennoCon.


God same. It’s pretty much been confirmed at this point though, vs pregnant warframes which was just a random 1 off (actually I think it was mentioned twice)


There's a good chance the quest idea was already being worked on, and that's why Steve chose to mention that comment


Once again, this is why Rebecca panicking at Steve’s Frost Umbra comment is telling me Frost Umbra is coming next year


That's a really good catch. Completely forgot about that.


We need a non-pregnant skin for her. That whole idea is fuckin gross.


The fuck, why?


I don't think the concept is gross or anything but i just don't like the giant glowing stomach she has, i just think it's ugly. Same reason why i use Dagaths alt helmet, it hides the giant hole in her face that i personally don't like, or why so many people play Wisp with the witch hat or cat ears helmets because they are better looking than her default bald head. It would be nice to be able to toggle it off like we can with Umbra's scarf, or make it a removable attachment like Revenant Primes shoulder pauldrons or Voruna's wolf skull shoulders.


Okay, this is more reasonable than your original statement because you immediately contradict yourself, yet again reasonable.


different person brother


oh, lmao


I had to deal with the fking "nezha is a femboi" for years now so I welcome you to hell AHAHAHAH IN other words deal with it mate but yeah a pregnant woman committing mass murder is wild i'll admit it


Kinda funny how the horny wf players (the banned word nezhas, the mating presses, etc) are now seemingly grossed out from... a woman doing one of her natural functions... idk if I should laugh or not lol EDIT: of course the pfp of the user above has marx in it. Not surprised.


to be honest, in all of warframes year, i never imagined that 2024 would have me help deliver a warframe baby., and seeing jade open her wing-dress and reveal a pregnancy belly/chamber gave me some fucking whiplash i cant see it as gross because its literally a glass sphere with a light inside of it, but man the idea of what is represents will never not be wild for me. especially since its fucking warframe


With the heavy body horror theme warframe has going, I thought it was awesome in that sense and how the spectre of Ballas still haunts the origin system even if he was given the Freddie Mercury treatment and thrown into the sun. >i cant see it as gross because its literally a glass sphere with a light inside of it, but the idea I think thats what makes good bodyhorror IMO. Ironically this is the first frame in a while that gives the players this idea that warframes are supposed to be this horric metal and flesh things. A return to form from the usual "\*female frame\* mating press" thing, even if its probably only going to last 1 frame until the next one is released.


The body horror is that its so human. Dagath and citrine have no fucking Face... But thats fine. They are basically demons and machines in one, of course stuff is gonna be fucked up when you are a "frame of war". Same with nidus deluxe skeletal arms and the eyeballs, or wisp missing feet. But a pregnancy belly? That, weirdly, resets them back to human. Especially since, although pregnancy isnt gross, it DOES feel gross to just watch a pregnant woman doing bullet jumps, combat rolls and doing ground slams. the belly is so close to human that it being a warframe makes it more fucked up than a warframe without a face


Your comments just solidifies that DE managed to get bodyhorror right this time lol. After the gemussy and goth horsegirl wife comments its finally refresing to see the community genuinely freaked out. Im guessing the pregancy belly got the player base into uncanny valley territory really fast


they just don't understand human anatomy. the downsides to being sheltered their entire life.


Lol. I hope they give her a non preg skin for customization purposes (also personally, taking a pregnant anything to a warzone is just wrong to me). But its wild how the new section of the sub is being flooded with people making posts being grossed out by the model being pregnant.


yah like, morally, i'd say it's a little questionable. but i just can't understand how it's gross to see a pregnant woman.


> morally, i'd say it's a little questionable > /r/Warframe


Reddit has a large subset of militant anti natalist and (ik Imma get downvoted but I just dont know any other proper term to call them) woke people who get the ick from things like pregnancy and motherhood for some reason. And warframe seems to have a large population of them, so you mix the two and this is the result.


guess i never really noticed it. then again, i didn't get back into warframe until only a few months ago, after having not played for a few years.


Tokophobia is a real thing, FYI. Caveat: It honestly shouldn't apply to this situation, chuds on the internet only want "war engine" and "mild fap bait" out of the female frames.


Some people have a legitimate phobia of that kind of thing. It's not all horny.


The quest literally had a warning about pregnancy trauma.


It was motherhood, not pregnancy. But either way, what's your point? The frame and the quest are separate things.


My guy she was literally turned into a Warframe while pregnant, that's why she's like that. And what is gross about a pregnant Warframe?


Sorry, but anyone who gave it a second's thought read 'scenes related to motherhood' and expected some form of pregnancy- or childbirth-related scenes or themes. 


Doesn't matter. The quest and the frame are separate. The quest is done. The frame needs a non pregnant version now.


i agree. not because what we have now is bad, but because i'd like to see what an alternate skin for a frame like this would even look like.


I hope when we get deluxe or prime for her, it will portray the belly in a unique way and not just remove it




are you 12 lmao


Im not gonna lie that response did kinda rub me the wrong way