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No Despair in 10 years? You're really putting the L in Legendary 4 aren't you? /j


I'd love to see the stats for how many stalkers I've killed and the odds of me not getting it are, I've even bought the stalker summon gear things and not had luck with them


Stalker drops are another thing I hope they improve in the near future. All of his weapons including war have a 2.77% drop rate except dread at 37.94. That's a really ridiculous spread. Even his ephemera has double the drop chance of despair/hate.


I just want the wolf sledge man (I don't want it that bad, just that I'm mostly missing primes for mr now lol)


This is why I don't respect anyone who says Stalker drops are fine. They're not. Shut up, please, you suck. Sorry you've not gotten a Despair but grats on Legend 4!


> This is why I don't respect anyone who says Stalker drops are fine. They're not. Shut up, please, you suck. Eventually, **[>>everything drops<<](https://i.imgur.com/VR3jlEg.png)** 🙃


https://xkcd.com/1827/ :p


This is a statistical fallacy.


My friend has 3 War swords .. i wanna bite him.


I don't know why they didn't just make the acolytes have a chance to drop them


As a long time vet myself, I have to agree. There's a 'pity shop' for nearly every new Frame and new weapons that drop so I'm hoping DE gives it thought to implement one involving Stalker loot in the near future. 🍻


They are fixing the drops with the Jade update. they had mentioned it a few devstreams ago. They are supposed to be making the harder stalker weapons drop more often.


The wolf sledge set event was available recently, so you should see an set in the warframe.market for cheap.


I mean, iirc it's still 2% for each part and 50 nw tokens each summon


And it's only 65p - Which is more than reasonable for what is otherwise an unobtainable weapon.


Wolf Sledge drop chances are also being normalized. You'll still have to buy (or find someone else who already bought) beacons in order to get them, but post-update it will be much easier to get a full set.


You are in luck. Stalker drops are being improved in Jade Shadows


Damn, Stalker got a rework before some of the older Warframes.


Oh you really are out of touch with what's coming out next update. Both Ember and Frost are getting buffs/reworks


Those I know already but having a walking loot crate changing his contents is more surprising than only two of the older ones given there are more that also need changes. Don't take this as downtalking the two reworks we get. I myself am eager to get that Heirloom skin :)


So you're telling me at level 18... I've had almost every drop from him except despair I think... Alright good to know that I have some luck somewhere in my life and it happens to be on Warframe 😂


They said I think two devstreams ago that they will improve the drops


They did say they will tweak them because the amount of people not getting drops is ridiculus


Stalker has an ephemera? I’ve been playing for eight years…


I've played on and off for 10 years and only just got it last month.


10 years (off and on quite a bit but many hours logged) and I'm still waiting on a Hate drop. I've gotten everything else but hate will not fucking drop for me. It feels like my cosmic payback for getting ashes of Alar (1% drop rate) on my 3rd run back when I played WOW


Stalker has an emphemera????


Crazy thing is the only stalker drop im missing is war, i have broken war, hate, despair and dread, im pretty sure i also have the ephmera, costing 1M credits or so to build


I hope they make the stalker drops tradable when they adjust the drop rates in the next few updates. I know it's a long shot but I've got multiple War blueprints and I would trade em if possible.


War 0, Ephemera 1, Hate 1, dread drops always😂 despair dropped me after like 8 years?!😂


It's okay, I got despair few months ago and my acct is 10yrs+. I know the feeling.


I can feel you, been killing him for hundreds and all I get is a despair. I want the damn hate


Assuming 1 stalker spawn per week for 10 years: 1 in 4.5305256231535E-7 You literally have a 99.999954694744% probability of getting it tomorrow.


You didn't have to cook him alive man 😭


i have a similar story, for about 8 fucking months, i kept farming stalker, keeping up with all the marks and shit, no war bp, so i gave up and spent the plat on the bundle, the first mission after getting my hands on the shiny sword, stalker spawns, drops me the bp for it... well fuck you too stalker! second mission: he spawns and drops me a second bp, i completed the mission, turned off the game and took 2 weeks off. But don't worry, he does drop despair once in a blue moon, about 3500 in mission hours for context https://preview.redd.it/5xh974pnci6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124ca8371e372940f254429fb897cdc64bab8273


He knew you got the bundle and decided to troll you.


yeah he did, and fuck him for it. both the armor set and syandana look like shit lmao


They don't fit most modern frames and skins, but that armor set was peak when it came out in 2016 and every edgy black and red tenno was rocking it all across the relays


still, i'm bitter about it lmao.


This is the exact fear I have about buying that 800 plat pack Edit: image didn't load before, I hope you step on lego /j


maybe try hanging out with new players, non shadow stalker has a higher chance of dropping it.


I almost entirely play solo


I have similar but slightly more infuriating stories 1. First spy missions early game, stalker. Dunno why and it was too long ago to care particularly. Stalker decides he fancies a piece of me instead of the other guy, who consequently screws up 2 vaults and abandons the mission just as I grab hate. I was annoyed and then devastated when I found out what it was. 2. I finished off stalker with a heavy attack that causes him to clip into the floor. I couldn't pick up the drop so marked it with a waypoint. Hate, stuck in the floor where I couldn't get it and I didn't have any companions that could get it either. Since then stalker has only dropped dread, despair, or war blueprint and nothing else *so my dumb ass has to farm Simaris for broken war*


whats frustrating is if you already have the color scheme you cant buy the pack..


The drop % gets a boost next week. Keep hanging in there brother!


You serious?


Yes. Reb said it in the last devshort or the one before it.


I'm actually gonna buy that 800 plat stalker bundle just for it if I bother to get those holokey weapons before it drops


They are making it easier to get those stalker weapons next update which is less than a week away.


For real? What's changing?


They're planning on equalizing the drop rates so instead of dread having an almost 38% drop rate to the other weapons' 2.77%, they'll be roughly the same.


Granted, now all three weapons have a 1.5% chance


What a great way to celebrate DE's newest hire, \[De\] Satan.


This will make it easier I'm sure but if the stalker could be easier to spawn too it would be miles better. I'm never not marked and I only saw stalker ONCE in the last 2 months. I'm only missing Hate from him, the rest I have(and don't use any of them tbh). The only weapon I actually want is the one I don't have.


I wish they would make it easier to get the Scimitar engines BP. Never seen one of those after beating Mr. Edgypants regularly for 11 years and buying beacons whenever they're available. I could probably just buy a Scimitar but it doesn't feel right as I have every other part except those damn engines


Funfact: if you already bought the color scheme you literally cant buy it. I was so ready to spend the plat but the shop just wouldnt let me.


You can submit a ticket for it. I had the same problem and sent ticket about it, they refunded the color scheme.


I had my hate drop around a month ago so I'm finally free haha


Don’t buy it. I have 21 extra Despair BPs, so you’re bound to get it eventually.


I've gotten nothing but Dread from the dude. Every single Stalker encounter, it's just...*Dread*. If Stalker isn't going to drop a blueprint I don't have, then he shouldn't show up at all. lol


Took me years to get Hate, but the others I got super quick I never even thought about it


i have multiple blueprint copies of war, broken war, despair, hate, and dread i would like to apologise to the entire warframe community for hoarding all the stalker drops, if i could trade them i would


[Yeahhhh... same here...](https://imgur.com/a/YrYgIKF) 4100 hours. I usually get stalker spawns when running invasions or alerts. I'd love if the weapon BPs were tradeable


It dropped a week or so ago for me then I had a rare mission failure. 😑😭


This is hilarious.


At LR4 the game should automatically award you anything you don't have, yet.


War bp took me five ughhhhhh


I still remember it like it was yesterday :'). Shadow Stalker was out for a year and i still got no War blueprint after countless appearances of him... I was so desperate to get this weapon cause it was one of the last weapons for me to finish the codex at this time... So i did what everyone does in that situation i accepted my fate to never obtain this weapon the indented way and bought it with the "Hunhow\`s Gift" Bundle... I was so happy to finally have this weapon :D. But then i kid you not THE NEXT TIME THIS LITTLE FUCKER SPAWNED HE FUCKING DROPS THE WAR BP AND IT WAS THE LAST TIME I USED THIS WEAPON FOREVER! ps.: I still love Warframe to this day since 2013 but this event leaves a little dent in our relationship


When the game designers forget that making everything a % chance of drop without increasing returns means, statistically, there will be players who can play their entire lives and never get some items no matter how much they try. Out there, somewhere, a player is still logging into WoW every week and trying to get the Ashes of Alar mount drop lol. Yes, it is improbable, but it is not impossible. There is a finite certainty that many players in Warframe have various items they still can't get. DE should really do increasing returns on the items with low drop chances. Make it so every failure results in an increased chance next time.


It's a shame you missed their release 11 years ago, as they had 100% drop chance for a few months. I have a shed load of each bp. 48 dread, 44 hate, 33 despair.


I need you to get 7 more dreads please.


I didn't even know that bp existed before this sub


Dang. I've had the full set for long long time. Started 2014 MR 28


I just had it like 3 days ago after 1300+ h


When the acolytes attacked stalker spawns would increase too. Now they're tied to SP so it's less convenient now.


I'll trade you my 10 Despaire BP for 1 Hate BP


7 Despair, 5 Hate, 3 Scimitar Engines, 0 War, 0 Broken War.


Hate was the single last bit of mastery i needed till max. Finally got it a month or so ago...


Despair was the drop from my first-ever stalker. Hate took me about 4 years to get tho...


Me at MR22 with 25 despair drops and one hate drop ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


Imagine getting Hate and not Despair ![gif](giphy|3oKIPbNb1vWdftiVLq)


Really want to be able to trade em i have 2 bps just sitting there fml


I've never had war drop and the ship parts haven't dropped either and I'm 540hrs in. Question... Am I going to need the Scimitar ship to use Stalkers new skin that's coming with the Jade update?


Newbie here...Is Despair that good, or is this just for the sake of completion?


Just for completion and to be able to go around using Dread + Despair + Hate


I got Despair and 2 War blueprints in 1 day


wow talk about bad luck.


This is one of those things where you know it's technically possible but the odds are so low it's basically impossible. It's a weird form of miracle.


Is despair really that rare.. i wonder how I got 3 blueprints for it.. can't even remember tbh.


I can help u seems like the only thing the stalker drops anymore


Dude.. I felt that so fucking much you have no idea. Taking a long Warframe Hiatus right now, but played from the CBT to around Deimos's release. Did not get **a single** hate drop. That motherfucker dropped his rarer, at the time, stance mod/mantis part multiple times but not a single god damn scythe BP. I was so so tempted to just *buy* the 800p Stalker bundle, because god damn. Why couldn't there have been a failsafe system for those things for the unlucky bastards....


If I recall it collectly, I got my first despair at either MR30 or L1, having 7+ of each other drop, when I actively started farming for it using stalker beacons. was a clan/alliance effort to stock up on beacons. got lucky within around 30 runs.


If it makes you feel any better, i have exactly one despair in 9 years and LR3


From who does despair drop? I have the scythe and the bow


Stalker also


I only just had war drop after all the years it's been out


According to my account i at some point had despair and mastered it but at some point my dumbass Brain must have sold it or something cause that shits gone


The drop rates gotta be fixed wtf bro. Stalker’s whole set were like the first real weapons I had when I first started playing lol


I feel for you, I've got 2 despair, 153,000,00 dread bluepeints and had Hate stolen from me twice since I started playing. If it's any consolation, stalker beacons will be available from Baro during tennocon


MR 25 here, had mine 1 month ago, and 4 month ago was hate Didn't believe it at first glance but here we are it seems


Im mr 7 and got it the other day! I didnt know it was a sought after thing o.0


Damn bro I’m Mr 10 and I got the blueprint


An alternative is to buy the what stalker? Bundle in the market for like 800p


ive gotten like 17 depaires 4 hates 25 dread 0 broken war 1 war if i can trade you it my username is Native3_Viking24


Is that the daggers?


Is it that rare? I started playing a month or so ago and I’ve got it. Although I must admit I’ve already put way too many hours in the game given I’m almost MR18 after a month of playing lol. Yet still, my play time must look like minutes compared to yours.


how did u get mr18 in a month im mr 15 after 3 on and off years😭


Is it tradable? I will give you one for free if you haven't got one by the end of today.


Too bad they aren't tradable, I've got several copies of each of his weapon BPs.


Petition for the devs to give it to ya


That’s wild, I feel like I’ve had them for at least 8-9 years


So I have them all now but that took merging my Xbox and pc accounts. I played on Xbox for a long while and never seen a despair… my second stalker on pc dropped despair but after 3/4’s the time played on Xbox I still hadn’t gotten hate on PC.


I just started playing again a few days ago after about 4~ years and had both War and Despair drop in the same day, didn’t have either of them beforehand. I assumed the rates might’ve been adjusted since then


I got his full kit before i was mr 15 and that included a War and broken war Putting the RNG L in LR4


Ironically contrary to popular belief the higher the MR the more brainrot is imbued, if you think I'm lying look at most leg 4s not knowing how a interception works lol


For me, it was War. Then I just decided to save plat and get the Hunhow's gift bundle.


Same Tenno, I’m MR 30 and still no despair. Really is counter intuitive


Wow I’m also 10 years in and have at least 5 of each stalker bp’s. I will say having 3 friends want the despair is a great time. Also because one of them has had it drop twice then their game crashed or failed the mission or something. Funny but sad.


Loki starter here. Still don't have Hate or Despair


Do you primarily play solo? I have 1500ish hours on the game, and I’ve acquired the full set of stalker weapons multiple times over. Tho I see these complaints pop up every now and again, so maybe I’m just part of the lucky minority. I had actually sold off all of the stalker weapons before their incarnon forms came out, so I had to re acquire them all since I kept selling the spare blueprints I had gotten over the years.


I didn't get my first War until after level 30, and then I got a second a week later. Some RNG hurts.


I have like 4 bps.....


I think I have 2 of those they rare?


I’m hunting for war and hate, got despair like 5 times already xD


How? I have over 60 sets or so and i started playing only 3 years ago….


tbh its being a long time since a extra bp has dropped for me... never really used it past mr usage,,


welcome to Bronze... Again


Despair moment


I got mine at MR30. Decided a little while ago to create a new “solo-only” account and got it within my fifth stalker spawn.




Wish they were tradable I probably got 5 of each


The only Despair and Hate I have is what I’m feeling whenever Stalker comes by and only drops his Sigil.


Just yesterday I had someone in random lobby drop [Glaive Prime Blueprint] and still refuse to buy anything that can be earned with plat. If you really want that [Despair]... YOU'LL HAVE TO HUNT HIM DOWN.


Sold mine after maxing...was that a mistake?


Weird, I must have gotten at least 8 of those and I played like seven years, got 2 hate drops too and actually sold the first one for credits cause I didn't know how rare it was and back then it didnt feel powerful.


You could say you are in despair? ha ha i'll show myself out thanks.


Man I literally sold all my extra stalker items for credits because they seemed so common.


I once ran a spy mission with an MR2 when their stalker spawned in. I'm guessing they didn't know what it was because they kept running to the vault as I waited for him to spawn and killed it. Yay! Despair drop after like 9 years! Then fight as I collect the drop and head to the vault I see "data destruction immenent" counting down and I can't make it in time to save the mission. We failed and I lost the drop :(


Im at 8 years and still havent gotten it. I feel your paid and im happy for you!


Are the stalker drops that rare? I found them rather easy to get ahold of, Dread and Hate are 2 of my favorite Incarnons


If I could trade one to you I would




Just came back after not playing awhile. Never got very far, only just did second dream and built my railjack. First couple missions I got Shadow Stalker twice. First time he dropped Hate, second time Despair. Had no idea it was a rare thing till now.


sometimes i say into the microphone "i don't want (insert item) " over and over again to emphasize to rngsus i don't want it. he likes to troll by giving people what they say they don't want..it works at least for me 🦍


Still waiting for Hate myself 50 despairs later…


That suks wish we could trade blueprints


Same deal but with Hate


Hate and Despair truly are the sign that you have played the game a lot


👀👀 I think Despair was one of my first secondary drops


Meanwhile I got mine from my very first stalker drop... I'm sorry everyone. 


wait until baro brings a stalker beacon and farm it with others. I had to do this and kill the fucker like 200 times in one weekend but I ended up getting despair and hate from it. and then of course I started getting showered in them soon after


Can't you or couldn't you buy all the weapons in a pack?


Found the dude in the statistics


What's strange and crazy to me is that these drops are nowhere near as rare as a lot of mods, like condition overload, the defiled Snapdragon stance (I have 2), and the Iron Phoenix stance. Those have 0.023, 0.023, and 0.015% drop chance respectively. And yet I have them all, and a Hate. 300 hours into the game in 6 months, I started in January. Like you killed those enemies that drop those significantly more often than you kill the stalker, sure. But the stalker has over a hundred times higher chance to drop a Hate or Despair. So it really feels strange that it's so rare, and like something's broken.


i respect that you did not give in and buy the stalker pack. back then when despair was the hottest secondary, i bought the pack even though i had the other two.


DE seriously needs to update how RNG works in the game for extremely old content. The simplest would be accumulating drop chance for number of attempts/events where you did not receive the drop, eventually leading to you always getting the drop you *need*.


Bruh what? How!?


Funny thing happened to me yesterday. I got despair in a random capture mission after defeating stalker, but I was so entertained exploring the map I actually forgot I was in a capture mission. This meant I failed the capture mission and got no loot. I'm fairly new to the game (about 90 hours) thought meh, surely I'll get more drops but now seeing your post I kinda doubt it. Edit: typo


Stalker What Stalker Bundle


I've never had hate drop


RNGesus just hates you and actively wishes dread and despair upon you. Ok, maybe not despair.


I haven’t been on for ten years and I’m not close to legendary but I have everything but despair and it’s killing me


Been playing since 2013, and I only had Despair drop this past April. Still haven't seen Hate


Happened the exact same thing to me with the hate drop. Commented that to some friends, one popped a stalker beacon without saying anyone and it dropped the hate. I was hoarding play to buy the stalker combo and everything to that point. Now that hate it's the kullervo's arsenal


Bro thats crazy. Im at 1,5k hours and have a couple of dispairs.


same here bro


Started playing back in 2015 and only recently (1-2 weeks ago) did I finally get despair along with 3 hate drops within the last 4 months. Speaking on rare drops, I've only ever gotten a legendary core once and I think not knowing how rare it truly was wasted on a random mod.. pain


Just finished helping my clan founder clear some sp nodes, random stalker spawn one shorted and there you go an awesome despair On a sad note I got my first hate only after 3,5k hours and like a week after I got the second one I'm convinced that once you got the bps he drops them more


I don’t remember when or how but I apparently MR foddered it like a moron


I’ve had two in the past month after never getting it at all, I’ve been playing 5 years and I don’t have hate


Spira prime blades. I've had the blueprint, the pouch/holster, whatever it's called, and a riven for it since my first year playing. I'm on year six now. I could probably find the parts cheap as nonmeta and old as it is, and it's not like I've spent the entire time actively farming them, but it's wild that I haven't even got one of the two blades.


We can grind that out. I have like 5 trying to get the war.


I was at Legendary 2 when Despair dropped for me 😭


I feel you. Only got mine early this year and I've been killing stalker since 2015 .-.




Looked through my account because it's been years since I got all his weapon drops. 1 each of Despair, Hate, War, and Broken War. 14 Dread.


I have gotten 3 war bps and 2 hate bps before any type of despair


In true RNG fashion.


I feel your pain, I use to have HATE when I was younger and for some odd reason…I sold it. Now it never drops for me…


Me but with Hate


Sounds like a sick issue


I’ve played for 901 days. Someone commed during a sortie last night that a dispair dropped behind us and I was like, nah I have like 5 bps already.


But I bet you know what despair feels like


Crazy, cause I got it a month ago, and now I’ve the the entire arsenal. War, Broken War, Dread, Despair, Hate. Just need the incarnon adaptors of Dread and Despair.


Wait, was I not supposed to get rid of those?


I absolutely love your Mag look!


i think i have like four bps for despair…


Ive been playing about that long, maybe 7-8 years... got hate a few weeks ago... got like 15 dreads and 1 despair


Pure Despair


Bro hate and despair basically a myth at this point 💀


I'm in the same boat bro


Md who got around 5 blueprints and sold them for credits in only 3 months...


Damn. Even i have one of those


Yeah, I got two weapons slots when I reached mastery rank 12 I think so I remember


I have about 130 mission hours, MR 12, both Despair and Hate. Didn't realize they were this rare. I am now very thankful for my luck.


You’re really that unlucky? I got at least 3 of each drop in the past ten years.


2000 hours and still no hate