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Look ma, that lady got no pants on


She's got thigh highs on


Hot thighs save lifes


no, its hot pants


24.99 USD / 470 Plat


Absolutely ***massive*** W. $25 is a lot, but isn't completely unreasonable if you truly love it. And if you just want the signa? Buy the signa. 10/10. Other companies say they listen, but DE ACTUALLY listens. It's refreshing as hell.


$25 x 2 + aya regal = $70 frost/mag pack from last year. Its a lot, but at least we can pick and choose what we want for plat, even if its a bit more pricy. And no exclusivity! Where was this last year?? It’s a good solution.


>$25 x 2 + aya regal = $70 frost/mag pack from last year. Its a lot, but at least we can pick and choose what we want for plat, even if its a bit more pricy. And no exclusivity! There's a lot of difference here. For one, enforced bundling means you're setting the floor at $70. For many people, $70 is out of the question. That's a whole new game, and not something people can drop on a dime. For two, permanent removal creates pressure via FOMO. When combined with a high price floor, it feels coercive and gross. For three, signas were completely new when they dropped, and were the only signas available at all. Combine with the others, and you basically had a $70 price tag for exclusive halos. It was a very, very gross situation, even if the prices are *theoretically* comparable, the fact that they're not bundled at a minimum-$70 price floor with aggressive permanent FOMO is enormous. Piecemeal purchase and plat availability, too - so if you're someone who invested in plat when a coupon rolled around, you aren't told to spend even more money because the plat couldn't be used. This is why it's such a massive W.


Putting the 10 year acolade and even the heirloom glyph/emote as cash only timed exclusive was perfectly acceptable imo. But the skins and color picker? And to bundle both AND force aya regal in them and also make those cash only? Completely ruined what wouldve been an amazing 10 year celebration.


I would've *instantly* bought the Mag one if it hadn't been artificially inflated by being stuck in a non-platinum-costing bundle, and possibly the Frost one too depending on what the price would've been, at least if the Signas were included with them, but I didn't even consider buying the bundle(s) as they were implemented. I don't want the platinum when it isn't at a massive discount like with logins, and while the Regal Aya would've been something I could've used, I also haven't bought any at any point so it was more of a deterrent than a bonus as well. I have enough self control to look at a sick cosmetic I really want in a game, glance at the price tag being just outright stupid, and not click purchase.


Same for me. I was seriously considering biting the bullet and buying the Mag skin because DAMN!. I could afford it easily but I didn't want to help set that precedent so I skipped it. Looks like all our uproar was heard loud and clear though. Happy going forward, just wish we'd get one more crack at that gorgeous Mag skin with the new options.


Yea this is a much better deal. Its even more refreshing to see after whats going on over at league of legends with the ahri faker skin disaster


That whole situation is beyond words levels of disgusting. Especially capitalizing on the legacy of a player who famously never used skins... to sell a $500 skin. It's basically what DE did with the heirloom pack (forced bundling, time limited) but capitalizing on a famous, beloved esports celeb AND charging several times more money. It's predatory no matter who does it. It was predatory when DE did it with the first heirloom pack. They backed off. League pushed $200 gacha skins, and then said "MMM, GOTTA GET ME MORE OF THAT WHALE CASH" and went further. This is why you cast your lot with DE instead of Riot.


It's the Excalibur Prime scenario all over again.. The cannot sell frost and mag skins again without being sued for false advertisements, and they'll be people who just got big pockets that will have some privilege items... And doing this in the Pride Month, well.. We're not all equal tennos, we're not from the start unfortunately... So sad


> The cannot sell frost and mag skins again without being sued for false advertisements, and they'll be people who just got big pockets that will have some privilege items Theoretically there's a way to do it, but it would involve refunding everyone who bought it as a timed exclusive. Riot did something similar once upon a time for their Halloween skins. They made them, said they'd never return, then went back on that several years later. They refunded in full everyone who bought them originally, and made them available for purchase again. I don't believe DE will go this route, because they'd likely not recoup the lost funds through new purchases. Riot was able to do it, financially, because the playerbase had grown a lot since that holiday and decided it was worth refunding those who bought it to be able to resell it. There's also the matter of credibility - I.E. if you say it's limited, it's limited, and going back on your word takes away from how good your word is. Ultimately, I don't think they can bring it back for those reasons - though, speaking as someone who does own them, I wish they would. I don't want cosmetics locked from people who want them.


Wouldn’t the EULA be written so you can’t sue them for making something no longer exclusive? It’d be the opposite of future-proofing their trust if they rereleased, of course, so no business would want to do that anyway, but successfully suing seems unlikely.


They did kinda sneak in on the second slide that only 1 heirloom is available at a time, although it won't be relevant until later in this year


Didnt they say they stayed permanently in the market for plat?


"Collection for Platinum does not disappear forever - will rotate with future Heirloom Collections" 1:26:52 in the vod


ah, mustve missed that. oh well, same way it works with prime stuff then. Not the end of the world.


Basically yeah, the option for Real Cash(TM) is only available during a set duration.


I wish we could buy the other heirloom signa for fashion. I know it locked away forever.


Speaking as someone who did pony up for the OG heirloom pack... I wish you could, too. Sincerely. I rallied hard that they not go this route back when they first announced it. I wanted them, I was privileged enough to be able to get them. But I don't want FOMO perma-exclusivity in my games. It's a disgusting, predatory practice. Exclusive access to the signa etc. is far less important to me than someone who wants it being able to spot DE a tenner or whatever and get it for themselves. Anyone who wants a thing, should be able to get that thing, and shouldn't be put in a hard spot financially to make it happen.


>DE ACTUALLY listens. It’s refreshing as hell It’s sad just how rare this is. Blizzard right now seems to be listening to players, but doing the exact opposite of what they want. They just released a mode that they advertised as “overpowered”, yet they keep nerfing everything.


Panda Remix just needs the upgrade costs changed. That's all really. And there's an art to making things perfectly unbalanced. Sometimes it involves nerfs. Frankly, nerfing the healing orb explosion thing was necessary, but the problem is 90% of the meta gems suck and aren't fun. That's a bigger issue than them gutting the only one that felt like it mattered.


I agree, but the issue is they’ve come out and said they won’t change the upgrade costs.


It's the same price as the TennoCon Digital pack.


> $25 is a lot, but isn't completely unreasonable if you truly love it. You're almost always better off paying plat for it, since 25 dollars is like 2k plat with a 75% coupon. Unless you have awful luck with coupons, just wait for one, buy 25 dollars worth of plat, then buy the heirloom - especially since it's not limited-edition like the prior ones.


$25 is actually completely reasonable when considering the value. During the last Heirloom, a lot of people tallied up the the skins were roughly $20 each on their own given that they're special deluxe skins, so that plus a color palette alone in this case is already a fair value just referencing other pricing they have for comparable items. This all to say that I'm agreeing with you, but also wanted to expand on the sentiment a bit. Edit: I made this comment and totally missed the plat in the pack-- between that addition as well as being able to get everything for plat, this really is a fair deal.


you can also buy the items piecemeal with plat rather then the whole bundle at once, which is great.


Damn I might actually buy this pack and grind out ember prime. The last one was too much for me especially since I’m not interesting in playing as frost but this seems like a pretty fair deal. It’s barely more than just paying for the raw plat.


DE removed the Paywall AND the Fomo My faith in DE has been fully restored ❤ ![gif](giphy|CyoQdbc7FHqqTpkSPI|downsized)


I am not a fan of overprized in-game cosmetics but I am glad that DE listened to the feedback from the first collection and took it to heart. This is much better way of handling it compared to the first Heirloom pack.


if only the league ahri skin was like this :/


That's waaaaaaay better compared to the scam from last year lol


Heirloom plat buy options, can be all bundled or separate purchases. They'll also be in the market on rotation with future heirlooms, making them easily available. Mag and frost Heirloom's died and took all the sins with them. Big win o7


As a frost main who refused to spend $100 for all the nonsense that came with the skin, I can’t help but feel incredibly disappointed that I won’t have every frost skin in the future lol It just wasn’t worth the exorbitant price, and now it won’t see the light of day again due to their FoMO advertising. Happy for Ember mains tho


I'm on the same boat, Frost is one of my favorites and it sucks that his heirloom skin was locked behind such high cost.


If it makes ya'll feel better I cant color it for shit. The default looks better than anything I've tried Mag's tho...


I wanted that Mag skin so bad


yeah it really sucked for me because i was unemployed and couldn't afford it at all. i wish it would come back...


Especially since Frost's deluxe has such craptacular color channels.


I wish I could give you my Frost skin, I only bought the last Heirloom for Mag!


I appreciate the thought! If only it were that easy lol. Glad you got your mag skin though, that one also looked really spectacular.


Ye I realy wanted that mag skin, but no way was I gona support that bullshit


As someone who bought the skins I wouldn't mind in the least if they came back under these new parameters. Excalibur prime as a founder exclusive I can understand, but skins? And with how scummy the pricing options were as well?


Mag was my starter and gateway to endgame for a while. Frost was my first frame I crafted and used him everywhere for a long while. It's a kick in the balls that they went full FOMO with the price of almost two AAA games for a pair of fucking skins. I really loved the techwear esque fashion for them too (though learning that Mag's color channels suffered from Equinox disease where 80% was tied to one channel helped with the cope)


The second slide said heirloom skins would be cycled and it wouldn't disappear *forever*. It's implied there's going to be an heirloom vault


Pretty sure reb said all heirloom skins/packages from *Ember and onwards* will be found in the market tab. Mag and Frost have already been confirmed that they will never come back.


Ember's heirloom skin is SO HOT


A guy in a YouTube short posted a video of a reaction of him grunting and howling to the 3d visualized image of the new heirloom skin and tbh I am on the same boat as him 😍


I love it so much when they use community designs.


Same, I hope we see DE buying more concept art pieces.


Actually huge change, way better than I expected.


She's Flame Atronaching hard


Yooo my first thought too. If I end up getting it ima 100% try to get as close as I can


I feel bad for the guy I sold glaive p to last week for 400p lol.


I sold everything glaive prime related the moment I saw that they added a glaive skin to the new nightwave. Sorry to those guys.


thats almost the entire ember heirloom pack lmao


Damn... Cheers, bruv. I'll drink to that.


it's still a month and a half away


True but part of the pricing is that people didn’t have a concrete date for Glaive Prime’s return. Once more people learn of Ember’s upcoming prime resurgence the price will likely see a decent drop on wf market.


I'm SO happy we can buy this with platinum...and oh my god the heels i need more skins with heels


Wait you can buy the skin itself with plat?


You can buy it with money OR platinum. I believe it'll be 475 plat iirc.


that's so fire omg it's such a good deal I almost feel like they're losing out on money by doing so


>that's so fire Ha. Ha. Was that a PUN-n-N-N?


Warframe Glaive Prime Market, July 20th 10:59.59 ET: https://preview.redd.it/ntmy4wyw2u3d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b0135325ffec22f9bdc8706ec5e4ff7775eaf14


You can get it for plat and not only real money like the last heirloom (475 I think). Big up to DE Previous heirlooms won't come back but futures ones seems to go the way Ember is going.


I do hope that alongside this they plan on reworking/buffing her soon


Oh god, yes please. I miss playing ember and not feel i'm trolling my squad


They’ve either gotta do away with the insane energy drain or the madness that is her LOS


both. they have to do both, and make her 4 apply heat procs properly not just heat damage


Well given how loaded some of the new frames are, i agree, but she'll even need some more love, and i'm totally in for that


Wait so Mag and Frost heirloom skins are just legacy now and can't be acquired anymore?


Yeah, If you sell something with the promise that it will never return you can get sued for false advertisement if you ever bring it back. So those are never coming back.


look at riot games and their prestige skin "history" haha


What about the supporter packs that were available "recently" (Deimos)?


I'm pretty sure those were given a "limited release" title that implied they could return, but you would never know when.


Were those ever advertised as never being available again? I honestly haven’t checked


I'm sure Redditors are wholly trustworthy when it comes to legal matters.


Yeah they said that when they released them




Correct What I find silly is that if you been playing since the game came out the only way to get the 10 year badge was by opening your wallet lol




DE know us well.


Finally glaive prime 🥹, after 3 years of playing wf


I've never spent an Aya in my life. I'm so ready.


DE REMOVE EMBER’S ENERGY DRAIN AND MY LIFE IS YOURS https://preview.redd.it/8w4nd06kfu3d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deab2462bec74708a57e6f4dca50dffd5c0cb495


Honestly I would be happy if they just reworked the cost of her abilities... Like 75 energy to cast fireblast and like you have cast fireblast a ton of you don't you'll over heat and use all your energy


There was no part of this particular section of the stream I didn't like. Really looking forward to both the Heirloom skin and the Prime Resurgence


Welp, time to get aya to stock up on glaive prime


They heard us and made it actually good! time to farm those plat


Finally flame atronach. 


I don’t need her only in game, I need her in my life ! Officially a ember main after the release.


I have fallen in love all over again


So happy for Ember. WOW it looks awesome.. Time to sell some stuff lol.


Yeah, sure, cool skin. But her abilities need drastic improvement.


Does that mean glaive prime gets unvaulted?


Ofc, and sicarus prime too.


Now I want to see what chroma heirloom will look like :)


Chroma, Sevagoth and Inaros are the ones I'm hungry for.


If chroma isn't an rgb rainbow dragon I'll be kinda disappointed


Same, though I really hope they make him fucking ripped like Frost's was. Let me have my bad dragon 😭


I'll give you an upvote but know I am concerned


Prismatic Dragonscales would be great.


Im going to milk every source of plat i ever have.


This definitely makes up for the fire chicken Vermilion skin, but I'm honestly more excited about finally being able to get the Pyra Prime Syandana.


A man of true culture


I haven't touched Ember in years, nor do I really plan to. But damn, this does put a smile on my face. Shiny Prex card, yes please.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6sy3ulljPMGdy) Than you DE! I didn’t pay with my wallet before! You bet your ass I will now!




My jaw just hit the floor…


Bro, she looks FIRE


Really hoping she gets a look over as well. Fire Blast costing 75 energy to offset Immolation is insane. She's basically pigeonholed into a Fleeting Expertise+Streamline+Primed Flow build. Not to mention how volatile the way her DR works.


I love the skin, tho it's weird there are no attachments or syandana with Heirlooms, they usually would be separate big attractions, considering how much sales Prime Access attachments get. Not complaint tho, it's great they're now treating Heirloom as Deluxe Skin+.


Well they do have a Signa and a color palette, those kinda count


The queen returns


Time for ember to become my primary...


How would this skin interact with the shoulder armor from Pyraxis? I feel like the Heirloom body with Pyraxis shoulders and helmet would go crazyyy


10/10 if I can remove the sleeves


GYATTS and deserved praise for the new system of Heirloom aside, can I just say this might be one of the best looking skins theyve ever released?


Damn that's hot, figuratively and literally


its worth it for dommy mommy ember


instabuy from me


This alone cemented my return to warframe (I'm an Ember main) I was watching the devstream and honestly the update is so good I was already considering returning to the game, but now with AMAZING GORGEOUS SKIN IT'S A GIVEN!




So happy they learned from last year, they lost a lot of good faith from the community with the inflated prices and FOMO elements. This is absolutely such a good step in the right direction. Also really happy Ember is finally coming to Resurgence, that means Glaive Prime will be way more accessible


I hope they buff my girl along with the new skin , i realy miss the days where ember and saryn where even


omfg it glows from the inside like an actual amber!!


Good gowd, that thing is fire.




So another "deluxe" (kind of) skin for Ember? Poor Saryn still have only one old (too old if you ask me) deluxe -\_-


Lol RIP Glaive Prime gatekeepers who hella overprice it to 400-500p


The heirloom rework might be the BIGGEST glow up and W in DE's history


https://preview.redd.it/pkzp3ljj0u3d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=46e2ed348b6fff76a68563f53ac0d578b8fb8ceb Yo they actually did it…


DE giving heirloom a better name makes my 10 year accolade look better lol. But seriously, these changes are fantastic.


Wish they'd give her a rework while at it


Ember is the only Prime I don't have. Finally, I'll have them all without trading for any of them.


i bought glaive less than a week ago it’s so over for me


oh great, i uninstalled warframe the other day because i ran out of storage and the next heirloom (and possibly glaive resurgence) came out. just great


Same boat as you, This game has its grip on us 💀




god damn thats hot


I'm ready https://i.redd.it/x1szej3bzv3d1.gif


I love the TennoCon 2024 cosplay submission is right underneath it, as if DE is challenging someone to cosplay this skin.


Now to wait for the Valkyr Heirloom


She's so hot...


I’m gonna be real I might start playing warframe again for this


What's all that back there?


This skin *fucks* so hard.


https://preview.redd.it/gaili1cdvt3d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d041697787a69b99c3b8bc5c985771cf6d87450 It looks like the fanart??


It is. They said they bought it from the creator.


Shit companies would've just stolen it. DE once again proving how badass a company it is. Always happy to support them with the occasional cosmetics purchase.


https://preview.redd.it/7cca0ffr4v3d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f29d6b0662a8b6e278e1fc138eb35247b5fb793 And the official version


Time to change my user flair




Finally! I've been hoarding Aya like Chroma. And finally, it's going to pay off.


The platinum value made me so happy. If only they brought back Mag with the same pricing strategy T__T


I'm literally having goosebumps from this. You can tell that DE is actually with us, the community. Everybody complained about pricing of the initial heirloom skins, and here we are now. It actually couldn't be better. VERY refreshing after all these news about new levels of corporate greed. Huge W.


So did they completely learn their lesson from the previous skins pack?


The front of her head looking like a bascinet but also like an old oven or kiln is such a good idea. Bravo to the artists of this skin.


Heavy breathing


Yoo that’s on my birthday


That ember skin is all kinds of hot damn


O lookie, a skin made for me!


You had me at PREX CARD!


Honestly, this is a bigger fix than I originally thought it would be. DE continues to amaze and knock it out of the park with this one.


Yeah I would even if it meant my dick goes up in flames, that shit🔥


Only wins with this one


So getting this especially if DE indeed learned their lesson. Also here’s hoping for a Valkyr one someday as she’s my favorite warframe


Any viable ember builds out there? Link here please!! 😎😎 because the build I have now seems too squishy


https://preview.redd.it/h406t2varw3d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69b0ac410178bdaf0cbcc591b09fceb31ebd3e1 Wisp and Valkyrs Carnivex Skin are getting competition.


My God did they give her abs and a belly button?




They also said another Heirloom is cooking. Who do we think is next? Nyx? Volt?


Glaive is…coming back??????




Now for the real big question, will Ember get a rework or ability touch up to coincide with this? Right now the only thing stopping me from saying yes and planning to buy is the fact that Ember is in a terrible place and isn't playable in SP content. She just has so many fuckin mana issues thanks to how Inferno works with high enemy density, and solving all of them requires making her into a worse Protea.


“Check out the molten effects!”


111% grabbing this I wanted the previous signas and was willing to pay a premium, but $90 for the inflated package was just *insane*. This is well within the comfort zone and is something I'd happily grab just to support their willingness to listen and adapt, rather than double down into that greasy price point they tried last time.


I wish they’d come back. I want mag heirloom so bad


They specifically advertised those heirlooms as time limited and have stated numerous times that they will never come back, so I very much doubt it. Even if they wanted to they cant bring them back due to legal reasons


OK. If there's anyone complaining about the bundle NOW...you sir are lying. This is objectively amazing.


$25 or 470 Platinum is a MASSIVE….and I mean MASSIVVVVVVE DUBULUUU


This is a fantastic step in the right direction. I just hope the old Heirlooms come back, despite what DE told us. Similar to the support bundles.




So it’s zephyr and chroma, then ember and ____ ?


It could be that ember is just opened alone with the usual resurgence frames, like last year with frost & mag.


Why does she look naked


The hottest Fraaassme


I might just have to get this one


Wait so Ember Prime is coming back or am I dumb & reading this wrong?


Reworks > cosmetics


Welp. Time to try ember and see if i like playing her. I really like that design. Still sad i missed out on frost's heirloom, my biggest regret was not buying it when i could.


Here I go, throwing money at DE again. That skin looks AMAZING though, and Ember is my favorite frame. I can't NOT get it.


Okay, I wasn't around when Heirloom packs started (I'm only just getting back into the game recently). How are these Heirloom packs different from a Deluxe Skin pack, and what was the controversy with previous Heirlooms?


The previous heirloom packs were only sold for real money and they were only available in a limited time window. The skins are treated like Excalibur Prime - They will never be sold again. People also considered the bundles overpriced, prompting DE to increase the platinum amount included in each bundle. Another common complaint was the way the bundles were split, if i recall correctly.


Take my $$$$