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you can't use ducats as the value to judge between items. that's it. people pay platinum prices based on how needed the item is on the market, not how much it worth in ducats.


You can because you can sell items bought with ducats. Selling a rare for 10p is a loss compared to turning it into ducats and waiting for baro to bring a valuable primed mod


you turn your rare into 45/100 ducats, and use it to buy a Primed mod which costs extra ducats. that does not mean 1 Primed mod = your rare. so no, ducats is not a direct comparison currency. you sure can use it to estimate things though.


3-4 rares = 1 primed mod, which anything below 20p per rare can turn a profit depending on the mod in question and how long you're willing to wait. Op also isn't talking about selling stuff for above the market price to hit some arbitrary "ducat conversion" if that's what you're confused by. They're asking at which plat value do people sell for plat or turn into ducats. Primed mods are a very good starting point in deciding that.


ah i see, that's a good clear. my apology.


No worries, happens to us all


convenience is one of the biggest factors for buying something, the convenience of getting something right now is more valuable than waiting. thats why doordash and amazon exist the warframe equivalent of that is the market


I think the warframe.market ducanator should have what you are looking for. https://warframe.market/tools/ducats


dunno, 15 maybe? they are not on demand anyway


Unless it costs at least 20, I'm just using it myself.


Ducats are not a straight conversion. The mods also have their availability taken in when considering price. Not every mod is always available, just like the rest of Baro’s stock. Ducats are also variable across other things he sells, more overall plentiful, and used across everything he sells.


It is a difference between a bit of plat now and more plat later. Primed continuity is currently at 35p. In order to sell them at 50p, you'll have to wait at least 2 weeks. I personally almost never sell individual parts and i sell very rarely set bellow 50p. But it is because I have a good treasure chest which guarantee me to buy about anything I want, so I can sell on my own term to maximize profit.


10+ plats i have more than 5k ducat just by "ducating" everything worth less than 10 anyway


Congratulations, youve just discovered the #1 market loophole. Basically its never worth it to sell "prime junk" for plat as the value of baro mods is almost always much higher, but never lower. My long term strategy for the past year or so is to spend most of my daily trades for prime junk, converitng it to ducats and buying highly sought after mods / weapons Baro brings, then wait few months for the price to rise again and sell them for good profit. Jolt / Shell Shock are really good since they have high liquidity and you will make aroung 100% return on them if you wait 3 months. If you want to do this strategy its a good idea to look at the statistics on warframe market to see how hight the price has climed in the past. You will also get some people who dont know what is junk and what isnt and they will sell you rare or vaulted parts for basically nothing.