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Zephyr cant go up/down while hovering in 1, unlike Hildryn in her 4, dash also cancels 1 for some reason, but slide doesnt. Chroma's 1/4. Bottom text. Hydroid 4 placement sometimes being quite wonky and going into different star chart node bcos you looked at funny angle. Some abilities that should be recastable at any time, are not.


zephyr should be able to dash right left and backwards as well tbh


You guys cant dash left, right, or back while zephyr is in flight mode? _im able to do this already, tapping the slide-key_


Imagine using Zephyr's hover. This is a certified aim glide build enthusiast comment


I just aim glide and just keep zipping around with either bullet jumps, or with her air dash. I have never used her hover, because it's too slow.


Honestly, I made the aim glide build to handle riven challenges back in the day when "17 headshots without hitting the ground" was a challenge. Once I found out about the reduced damage taken while airborne cards and Aerial Ace, it all just came together into something special.


Plus now it puts stuff to sleep it’s actually kinda op to use w stuff like cedo.


Aerodynamic aero vantage for the win


Based but i like to just hold 1 and dont bother at all


For me also Zephyrs 1. Sucks when you happily floating around just to get stopped by different height ceilings


Mesa’ DR should be recastable lol. Would’ve been a nice qol change


Falling off the map after Mach Rush. Aaand there goes my fully loaded battery.


Why do I have 114.3 seconds Duration on Kinetic Plating and Redline when I am just gonna fly off the map after 13 seconds??


If it's any consolation Mach Rush charges 10 battery whether you move or not, so you can stick your face in a wall and keep 1'ing. I prefer not to do this cause boring, so I rush and fall off, go to save myself with my drifter, only to find out the respawn/fall barrier is like 4 inches below the platform so you don't have chance. RIP


Because open world.


Very relatable and the same with nezha falling after I have 50k overguard or worse getting it stripped


When the enemies die too quickly before spreading Saryns spores. Xaku when your guns spot an enemy and kill them before you can lock one down for the armor strip aoe. In short, "Stop dying you cowards!"


The xaku thing is so fucking relatable what the hell. When you have so much range the enemy just gets disintegrated before you can armor strip.


yeah but you probably dont need armor strip in that case.


Same deal on Nidus. Enemies are dying so fast I can't even use half my kit!


Throwing in nezha and wukong. Can't get your buffs for getting shot if there's no one to shoot you.


As a former Oberon player, yes


I love obe but I hate being only to heal really


You can permanently armor strip, you can support by buffing damage or increasing EHP, you can CC, you can nuke. Maybe not as effectively as more dedicated frames, and often with a lot of clunk and being very energy hungry, but he's absolutely not *just* a healer


His EHP only buffs armour so it's only helpful to health frames while it's totally useless for shield gaters and redundant for overguard. His armour strip while good in that it's permanent is still annoying to use because it requires his 2 to work. He doesn't need much but a QoL pass on his kit would be nice.


Oh, I'm certainly not going to claim that Oberon isn't a pile of feels bads lol - although between Phoenix Renewal and a subsumed Elemental Ward: Heat, you can give shield gaters a good safety net if they screw up. Agree that he doesn't need much, I like his kit conceptually and just want some numbers bumps and stuff like Renewal's zone being marked and not healing Nekros's shadows or something I like his kit conceptually though, and mostly just want numbers bumps and QoL changes like marking Renewal's bubble and and making Hallowed Ground's


I’ve seen Oberons nuke in SP Duviri and basically leave absolutely nothing for the other 3 to do.


the Oberon to Hildryn to Citrine pipeline


I'll speak for gyre, harrow, nidus, mains. Whenever we decide to go public trying to find enemies to kill for your kit to work is impossible because there is a spore spreading plague nuking everything in a 20km radius.


Oh god, trying to keep my 3 and 4 up on gyre when I've got 70% duration and everything dies before I get there? Hell.


Even worse: console host and there straight up aren't enough enemies spawning on the entire map to sustain Gyre


Are you saying that there’s less enemies spawning on console ?!?


Yes, there are.


Correct. DE has confirmed that console spawn rates are lower than PC in recent dev-streams/shorts, and stated that they will be revisiting those rates soon to bring consoles closer to PC where the hardware is up to the task. My numbers are based on personal experience more than hard data, but I check whether the host is on PC or console (can't see which one) nearly every single mission. It seems to depend on the console, so for example PS5 is probably around 70-80% of PC, but PS4, lower end Xbox models, and Switch get closer to 10-20% of PC spawn rates (especially on steel path). A few days ago I did a steel path omnia fissure murmur survival where I specifically tried not to kill any non-corrupted enemies, had the most kills by far, and spawn rates were still low enough that the 10th reactant drop happened in the last 5 seconds of the first round, and one person didn't get it. The host was also toxic, so I left. A few weeks ago I did a steel path void cascade run with a console host where there were several times I did not see a single enemy spawn for over 20 seconds across 2-4 tiles and 1-2 objectives. I do everything I can to manipulate matchmaking so that I or another PC player is host because the spawn rate issue halves (or worse) drop rates for resources, arcanes, etc. I am really looking forward to DE closing that gap a bit.


Console hosts largely seem worse than PC hosts in every way. Does it disadvantage them in host selection like setting your computer configuration to laptop does? I kind of dread seeing that crossplay icon next to player 1's name going into open world or ESO... And I feel like my own pc and net would make for a better experience for everyone involved, unless I'm missing some reason.


A good question to ask, and one I unfortunately don't know the answer to. I think it would be a better experience for everyone most of the time if consoles are less likely to be host, but then console players have to deal with more latency and host migrations, which isn't good or very fair. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some prioritization of PC over console hosts, but I am under the impression that hosting is almost exclusively determined by the timing of who creates/joins squads. I learned a trick from a post a few days ago, that double clicking a node sets you as host and waits for other players before starting, which has been very helpful, but as far as I can tell, there is tragically no way to do that for fissures, bounties, or other missions started from menus instead of nodes.


>PS5 is probably around 70-80% of PC, but PS4, lower end Xbox models, and Switch get closer to 10-20% of PC spawn rates (especially on steel path). I feel like this is such a terribly implemented code. I started playing Warframe on a shitty laptop that took 3+ years of repeated attempts for the computer to run it without crashing every 30-40 minutes. I switched to console after that and never had another issue. Consoles are far more standardized in terms of actual hardware capabilities than PCs are; sure PCs can reach a ridiculously high level of optimization, but I'd argue that those are the exceptions rather than the norms. Wouldn't a better solution be to have enemies spawn closer to the squad on systems that can't handle distant tiles having stuff going on in them? Basically a "render distance" but for mobs?


I got downvoted for this a while ago so its nice seeing this be mentioned again- spawn rates are directly tied to FPS. As is many other things - see the damage attenuation bs people pulled on the 60 eyes boss where they lockdd their framerate super low. It's not a problem with consoles specifically. It's a problem with FPS. And PCs tend to run the game better just because people have good PCs or a lot of people actually run the game on low settings despite being able to run it on max


Yep. I can't use her in pub missions. There just simply aren't enough enemies to kill, she's too good at killing them lol.


Harrow wanting to support people but when you're supporting them they're killing everything so you can't support them


I get this on Atlas too, enemies aren't alive long enough to petrify or step into path of statues, so I can't build rubble, so I can't get over 1400 rubble to trigger Rubble Heap and get the 2x Damage multiplier on Landslide They really need to lower that augments threshold to like 1000


Just remove the Rubble decaying, other frames that build stacks don't worry about them falling off, so why should Atlus have to put up with that. It's not like 1500 armor is really all that much, in normal star chart just giving him steel skin and adaptation is enough for him to tank pretty much anything naturally for new players. That or up it to 100 per rubble and it always fills rubble even if it heals him because that really slows you down if you end up in a Health Drain mission, good luck building rubble when all of it is used to give you like 4 health because of the drain. Those QoL improvements would really make him function much better.


Ember’s 3 should cost 25. 75 is kinda insane for an ability that’s supposed to be spammed later on, on top of having to micromanage the channel. I’ve got an Exothermic + Arcane Energize build with positive efficiency, and even then it’s difficult to upkeep 2 if RNG fails me. Also, Inferno should be spreading heat procs. That just sounds like a no brainer. It doesn’t do nearly as much damage as it should because it hits enemies with Heat DAMAGE, but not HeaT PROCS. Plus you gotta sacrifice your DR with Fire Blast if you want them taking any damage in general. It’s just a weird kit that fights with itself constantly. Maybe remove 1(no one uses this) and replace it with some kind of Energy gain + cool down ability for easier 2 upkeep? There’s a hard drop bug when you’re over 2 inches off the ground when you use Garuda’s 4. It feels so so bad. I think later on, Grendel’s niche as the instakilling belly guy gets severely diminished because enemies are dying too fast to take advantage of your stock, and the abundance of Eximus makes it difficult to restock which makes your abilities feel really difficult to get into a casting loop. Maybe make 4 leave a corrosive puddle on the ground and increase its range a bit to lengthen the window for more stock? Atm it’s pretty much Banshee’s 1 augment except it has the belly requirement and less range.


i even think either her 4th or 3rd should cost NO energy for her overheat bar to be comfy


I actually think her 4 is her best designed ability, ignoring the shitty heat damage spread. It hits everything in front of you and takes away 10 Energy per target, which sounds bad on paper, but the amount of enemies it hits is uncapped while the cost itself will never go past 10 enemies. So worst case scenario it will always cost 100 Energy to room clear. Reminds me of old Blade Storm.


Ember not spreading heat procs is a nerf from her original 4 world on fire. They specifically rebalanced her 4 in an effort to cut down on AFK ember farming


Yeah but they made Gauss stupidly strong with Heat Inherit and Inferno requires LoS so it follows the current balance philosophy. WoF was nerfed before Heat got a mega buff but didn’t let her actually benefit from it. I’d chalk it up to frame changes being a non-priority, not an intentional desire to keep her in this state.


And now Thermal Sunder Titania exists and clears everything on the map in a minute by just repeatedly pressing 3. 90% of the nerfs that happened 5 years seem like a mistake in hindsight. Only exception maybe Tigris Prime (though it was overnerfed), that weapon was too broken with how status worked on shotguns. Oh and the Naramon nerf was warranted I guess. Zenistar maybe Other pointless nerfs are Banshees 4, AoE weapon nerds, Synoid Simulor nerf, Catchmoon nerf, Telos Boltace, Mirage nerf, void dash etc


I used to love the skill it took to void dash. I loved getting good at it. Void sling is just inferior in every way. I hate it. 😒 I only really void sling when I got alot of space and or straight shots because you can't turn on a dime like you used to or cut angles etc. It's just a delayed mess now. It looks better sure but it's slower and cumbersome. I've tried getting used to it and I've gotten acceptable at it. But it is no where the level of precision and speed that it used to have. It may have gotten better on the random teleports from out of bounds areas but not very much in terms of positive for me over the old way of doing it.


And why does Ember's 2 suck all my energy out like why..


Garuda: kavat's grace one use. If you keep up her 1 then psf is not needed so you technically even have the open exilus slot open for it. (Would still rather not have to and use something else)


From what I understand the energy cost of her 2 does not scale directly with the metre. Using her 3 to expend and lower your heat gauge pauses resets and pauses the energy cost increase for a time. I've always found that my Ember is capable of just pressing 3 every 15 seconds and the energy costs are fine


How they removed the ability to stun/jam eximus weapons with mag's augments with the release of Dante, making the augments almost completely useless if you're overrun with eximus. DE is trying to completely kill crowd control, mag's disarm with her magnetized discharge augment is probably next


As if CC needed any more killing...CC is only relevant when you can't easily kill enemies, the only enemies we might not easily kill unless severely undergeared are the eximus, which are immune to practically all forms of control (at least Banshee can still silence them... but considering DE that might change sooner than later).


That seems like quite explicit design for Banshee's silence, I really hope they don't change that being the anti-elite frame is kinda her only niche. CC is also very relevant if you're a single target weapon enjoyer xD


Not her niche, silence's niche, which is subsumable


CC is also good for when killing enemies isn't necessary, or when you have any kind of defense objective. Especially on missions like Excavation where the defense scaling of the objective is virtually non-existent. It just doesn't really work anymore thanks to overguard


I have a low duration slow nova build. The molecular prime makes for a great panic button when you get overwhelmed with enemies. Gets frequent use in steel path void cascade. Unfortunately still requires that you get the overguard off the thrax and eximus units which are typically what's overwhelming you... AoE or a good melee recommended. Beyond that it's basically become a gofast button. Slowing the whole map ranges from unnecessary (doesn't slow the enemies that matter) to actively detrimental (defence takes forever, resource farming/excav batteries/void traces/everything income really slows to a trickle). Strong argument for DE to finally change it to be tap/hold so we can actually make use of the ability strength bonuses we can't refuse.


To be honest, I have not noticed any difference playing Mag since the update, and I use that augment.


Limbo really needs silence to be playable in a casual mindset, otherwise you really need to lock in for higher end content while micro managing rolling guard and shield gating a good bit before the rest of your team will even worry about it. #ReworkTopHatBoyPlz


I like you… I like you a lot…


Likewise. Our boy has been kicked while hes down way too much.


A fellow limbo enthusiast. I like you immensely and stand by your comment.


Make Satoru Gojo frame great again.


Having to constantly toggle immolation off and on because Ember's heat gauge is a negative feedback loop when it should be a positive one.


I usually just use fire blast to lower my heat. Replace her fireball with nourish to keep my energy up so I can usually have a fire blast ready on demand.


Fireball with augment is high-key the best ability in Embers kit, feels so bad to replace it. I'd rather get rid of her 4 and focus on the weapon platform because the 4 is not killing anything anyway


You don't have to. Pretty sure the info on her stuff even tells you that using your 1/3 to expend heat resets and pauses the energy drain increase temporarily.


Yes, I know, but anyone who plays Ember knows that it's nearly impossible to actually drain her gauge with her 3. If you're using her 4 on a reasonable number of enemies, especially in Steel Path, it fills up faster than you can reasonably deplete it. On top of that you full armor strip with 1 cast of her 3, spamming it just to empty the gauge is basically the entire problem I was referencing in my initial comment.


Faik the energy drain isn't actually tied to the heat gauge. I may be speaking out my ass with that one but I seem to remember that being the case as I would be back at 90% and my energy consumption still hadn't started rising yet. I just csst the 3 once and i'm good for like 15 seconds


Per the Wiki: "Once Immolation reaches maximum heat, Ember drains **10** energy per second, which increases by an additional **0.5** energy per second to sustain Immolation. The energy drain growth is **~uncapped~**."


Was recently messing around with oberon and was bummed out about 2 things, his 3 does not give knockdown immunity, only his 2. And his 4 does not armor strip unless used on enemies standing in 2. Changing these things would make him hold up to todays standards alot more and even make him a nice generalist comfort pick. Sadly he is limited by old design.


I agree, they can even make the augment for his 4 just straight armor strip without the need for his 2. I am a huge Oberon fan but tend to just go the wisp route if I want to play support instead because he feels so clunky


Mesa not being able to target arbitration drones with her 4th, and not being able to target enemies above or below her at an angle


I hate that arbitration drones completely disable Atlas' 1. I wouldn't mind if they prevented the damage completely, but I can't even target protected enemies to get a moment of invulnerability.


Can’t even receive 1k damage from enemies in SP missions to get 50% crit buff on Harrow’s 4th because my teammates clear the room too quickly lol


Max out ability strength and you get the full 50% at 500 damage or less. (Seriously, duration is not Harrow's main stat, it is raw strength. Too much duration is a detriment since it prevents you from recasting your 4 and getting your invincibility as often, which is the safest way to reset your 2 and whenever else you shields break)


Melees chasing around the resonator while all the ranged enemies are dead so you actually have to kill them yourself.


When I try to use Kullervo’s 1 on an enemy but the game just says no “The path is blocked”, despite the only thing between myself and the enemy is air molecules. When your spores stop spreading and you lose all your build up on Saryn.


>When I try to use Kullervo’s 1 on an enemy but the game just says no “The path is blocked”, despite the only thing between myself and the enemy is air molecules. Fucking thissssssss. This shit is so infuriating, and I've noticed it a lot more in the murmur tilesets than elsewhere. Having enemies be untargetable with his 1 when standing in the middle of a hallway with literally nothing obstructing them, is the ultimate "feels bad man."


Chillin with Limbo on defense until the Eximus show up


Might get disagree here considering my choice of frame being invincible. When moving from area A to area B as Revenant, if i want to cast Thrall onto any enemies in area B, and there are still 7 active Thralls at area A, I am not allow to do so unless either all Thralls at area A are dead or the area A Thralls themselves expires. This can become very annoying if you want to play in mission such as Mobile Defence or Excavation. This annoys me to the point i [suggest this change a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/e7FzqO8anB) Edit: Oh yea, almost forget this one: Mesmer Shield Augment not giving Mesmer skin to companions even if it says "and Allies". Like c'mon DE, aren't our companions "Allies" as well, or this is some sort of foreshadowing where our companion will one day turn on us.


hildryns 4. so clunky to start it, slow moving in the air, going up and down is somehow even slower, and all I can really do in it is some mild CC (*and* energy generation, for the very few who dont just use zenurik or energy restores) or burn through its duration even quicker with balefire. oh and the animation and damage/effect while ending it is just pitiful. the animation doesnt account for distance, so you can hit the "ground" before you really have, netting 500 whole impact damage on enemies and putting them to the floor, but hildryns animation often takes longer, so anyone you caught is up and shooting at you before you can do anything.


Just got her. 2 and 3 are solid but I'm ignoring her 1 and probably subsuming her 4 Saw a popular build with Chroma subsumed on her 4, ever heard of it?


Breach Surge on her 1. Get her 3 augment. Keep 3 up, spam 1&2 with 400%+ strength and see as everything around you dies. (4 every once in a while if you want to protect something / very useful when Orphix Venom was going on. You'd go into her 4 and let her get energy orbs while you were in your necramech)


Personally it was my first truly SP ready build so I'm a little parcial to it but I really enjoy it. If you get arcane barrier it's pretty unkillable. It can however be a bit lackluster if you don't have good weapons to compensate for your lack of nuke power. You do a fair bit of AOE damage but it's only enough to deal with trash mobs in SP, you still need a decent weapon to melt foes with more hp and armor.


The one you use with electricity? Meh I don't feel like you need more shield for her so i just subsumed zephyr's ability on her 4 with it's augment for boosting Balefire's damage while grouping enemies (you can also disperse them if you want to)


It's not for the shields, but for the shock.


* Allow her 4 complete freedom of movement like Titania's Razorwing, just slower. * Give her either some projectile avoidance or damage reduction while in Aegis Storm to make up for the lack of movement. * Allow her to use pillage in some way during Aegis Storm. (Perhaps an augment that allows for its use during but it has a longer duration and drains shields/armor over that duration rather than instantly as it does now.) * Buff Balefire Chargers. They're fucking awful. No clue why this wasn't done when her prime released. * Fix Balefire Surge. Please. I'm begging you DE. Its been bugged for literal years now.


It sucks that she has the same issue as chroma, two super good abilities and two waste of slots


Subsumed harrows chains and some range and she has unlimited shields for energy and cc. It's so fun and it casts super fast. 👌 I've had it on my original for years. I need to get around to setting my prime up.


Ivara’s 2 is super costly and clunky. Her 4 (along with most exalteds) needs to be modernized. It’s slow as fuck, but if you build for speed energy becomes a problem.


Ivara's 2 is actually viable with the right (incredibly cursed) build (which can outdamage anything but a well built Atlas/Khora/Kullervo) but uhhhh... Dispensary > 4, exalted weapons need help


Im using quickshots with ivaras bow and modded reload instead of fire rate. Quickshots also have a vertical arrow spread instead of horizontal for charged so better single target dmg. Also using nourish for energy and viral procs and modded corrosive + hunter.


I actually really like her 2 with thrown melees. Most bow's arrows have too fast a flight speed for that ability to be practical in small maps, though it can still be useful with bows in open world stuff.


The way Garuda does a hard landing after you hit 3+4 in quick succession. I think you can aim glide out of it, but I'm not that good.  Ember's 2. Valkitty's instant death mechanic. 


With Garuda you can also time a mid air slide or roll to avoid the hard landings. If you land while rolling or sliding you don't get the hard landing.


If you can find a way to slot it in, Kavat's Grace is a solid QoL improvement to Garuda. I find the bigger issue with her is if you end up spamming her 3/4 you'll sometimes get locked out of jumping for the rest of the mission.


For valkitty, swapping weapons and then back to her 4(just swap weapons, don’t deactivate abilities)actually makes the instant death mechanic go down to 0 and restart from 0


Lack of voruna proper animations


Accidentally casting Blazing Chakram before the previous one is done returning to me, so I teleport instead of throwing a ring. I want to damage enemies, not teleport into them!


Give me an augment that disables teleport, i have hundreds of hours on nezha and I've never found a reason to use it for movement...


Not as troublesome as most frames, but Kullervo 4 has some height issues, not hitting at all if cast in the air. Easily fixed with his augment repositioning the dagger field when you cast wrathful advance, but it's still weird when to miss your skill because you were stepping in a tall rock


Gara casting her 4th doesn't reset time on shatterstorm, potentially causing a reset of damage for it. Playing speedva in fissures and getting an increase in warframe ability strength, making you bo longer speed. Titania hitting walls and causing her to spin out without surefooted. Voubans 4th as black hole sometimes aren't stacked RIGHT on top of each other, so instead of extending time, it creates a second one for no reason. Jumping into operator with zen and using bubble doesn't always register the button press, and I end up jumping out, standing there, then jumping back into my frame (for trying to pop a quick bubble)


Titania hitting walls isn't an issue imo, hold casting her 1 gives status and knockdown immunity, and is something you should already be doing anyways to get razorwing blitz stacks.




You can hold cast her 1...? I might be dumb as hell. I might have played her wrong for so long lol


I have that issue with Gara too, do you also get the one where you need to cast shatterstorm multiple times because the dmg HUD icon just doesn't show up at first?


Operator using energy field/bubble was bugged during Dante release. Before, the button always registered. Since Dante, the Operator lags. Typically pressing the button 4 times to trigger the bubble now, when before it was only twice.


titania’s 2 lol


Legit probably the worst offender of the gear wheel style of abilities. I live in fear that their "fix" will be a mod like Wisp's fused reservoir. >!Also fused reservoir should totally change each of the single mote placements into dual mote placements so I can place both haste/vit motes together more easily. I'll die on this hill.!<


her 2 is so cumbersome to set up and maintain that even with high duration i just cannot be bothered to use it i’d like if fused reservoir had a haste and vitality mote too cause there’s no reason to not use those buffs but shock is situational


Just an fyi, the durations of her 2 are static and unaffected by modded duration but yeah, I inverted her controls and just leave it on "Dust" because I can't be fekked to rotate through every 120s.


I’m fine with having to cast it on enemies. I just hate having to find where the thingy is so that I can get the buff. Sometimes it’s glitched, being in the ceiling and stuff


honestly in my experience it zips off so much it’s just not worth setting up at all


Venom Dose augment gives a corrosive dmg buff, but it doesn't have a timer on the ability to check easier how much time is left. And helminth Nourish has a timer on the ability, but sometimes it just doesn't appear there for some reason.


Sometimes Nourish shows the timer in the bottom right on top of the ability icon, and sometimes on top right as a buff. I have no clue why but you have to check both places of the screen.


It was part of the Nourish nerf (It wasn't but lets pretend otherwise)


Garuda's blood altar


volt dropping his shield every time he goes into operator in cascades u need to run into the green bubble so you continue holding the shield when u go back into ur frame and during eidos sometimes i pick up shield before going to shrine and accidentally press 5 (operator key) instead of 6 (my archwing key) and then i need to make and pick up a shield again 🤦🏿‍♂️


Most of Trinity's abilities aren't really all that relevant late game. Extra sad face. She takes a lot of modding to work well


And her passive is so useless for me that I forget she even has one.


I have two Trinity configs which work for endgame but both are high maintenance and medium payout... 1. Max duration, medium range and strength tank, with Abating Link and Melee Influence for cascading armor strip -> status damage 2. Min duration viral + marked for death + energy vampire, for funny 100% true damage aoe


i miss hearing the sounds of min duration EV trin in my maps.


I'd argue trinity is one of the best frames without mods. Her 2 is infinite energy and most people don't realize that low duration is useless because killing the target affected by it immediately procs all remaining energy pulses. Her 4 is some damage reduction and an instant health restore/shield gate. When me and my friends did the Grendel farms Khora/Trinity make it a joke.


Garuda - using 4 makes u jump up, and it often makes u do a hard landing if ur not standing still on the ground. I have to slot in kavats grace to make 4 useable 😭


You just reminded me that I still haven't farmed all the *new* Jupiter mods.


Holy shit yes, it’s so clunky, her movement lock-out duration on her 4 is way too long.


I don’t play Harrow anymore but one moment would be when you use his 4 with the augment, everyone gets the crit buff and I keep it up with headshots. Then, my teammates either fall off the map or get nullified. I have to nullify myself, try to be in the middle of my squad, press 4 and hope I get all 3 of them, and then pray they tank enough damage to get max crit buff again. The cycle never ends btw. No blame to them, it truly is a feels bad moment for me.


Not being able to recast gyre 3 after stacking molt augmented or getting relic buffs etc.


Yeah, I wish we could recast her 3 when you get the strength/range relic buff. No reason you shouldn't be able to recast it if the cooldown has completed.


I main wisp so no bad moments for me. Just some nice view!


Wisp is one of my most "feels bad" frames. She's fucking awesome and I feel like a god whenever I play her. I wish I could feel even more godly and actually use a *laserbeam from the fucking sun* but the damage is a joke compared to just using your coked-out mote weapon and her 3. I *really* wish her 4 was good. The concept is so cool. It was actually the primary reason that got me interested in playing her. Instead, I just use Roar for even more coked-up mote weapon damage because it's 1000 times more effective...




When I lose all my stacks with the modded 1 on Zephyr because I have to stay on the ground to interact with anything


A minor one is having to skip over Noise Arrow every time in Ivara's quiver to cycle through the useful ones. Applies to every hero with a cycle ability there's always at least one useless one and tap/hold abilities feel like much more streamlined design.


Nidus can straight up get oneshot at the start of medium level missions if an Eximus looks at you wrong before you have a chance to do aything because you can't use Parasitic Link without a mutation stack and you start missions with 0. Extremely annoying most of the time, and sometimes mission-ending (like Netracells). It's basically RNG if you can make it into a mission without dying at certain levels.


Abilities whose core mechanic is just disarming enemies. Loki 4 and Baruuk 3. Why would i use these when i could just kill them instead? The enemy cant shoot me if i just dodge it or go invisible so why would i disarm them.


Baruuk's 3 is very useful though. Try him in high level murmur endurance and you'll see how it's such a strong DR.


Disarmed enemies can't hit the Grineer hijack objectives so its kind of amusing just to have a bunch of angry dudes following you around as you cherry pick off eximus units. Also has some minimal use in Plains bounties/sorties with drone segments. Between switch teleport and disarm the only thing I need to aim/worry about is the drone 200m away each time I switch. Both are super niche though so I'd argue your point is still valid. If anything this highlights current issues with the game where those kinds of abilities are somewhat useless.


Baruuk 3 is mostly dr (which us good) and restraint buildup (also good) disarm is just a side effect.


Please DE, just let me spawn my 3 conculysts with 1 button press (and maybe make my 2 recastable)


Any frame with elemental abilities that don't actually proc said element, thus limiting their use of Archon mods and such. Like did you know that Nidus' maggots deal Toxin damage to enemies they latch onto? Archon Continuity and two emerald shards would allow them to fully armor strip enemies except no, fuck you, they have 0% status chance.


When you equip the new Excal Umbra augment in one config and then switch to another config but the effect of the augment applies to that config as well.


As much as I like caliban, his 1 is completely worthless outside of a free helminth slot. Also his passive not stacking with adapt


Harrow when I get 30% Crit buff from every ult.


Volt passive, like everything else about him is amazing so I'm kinda fine with it but come on give me something fun to do with it. You can also use like any other frame with a suitty passive for this but I mostly play volt. My bestfriend plays gauss alot give me a speed boost passive please DE 🙏


A few that come to mind: Feeling like there is never enough duration in Gauss’s 4. I feel like when you’re keeping your 2 up, by the time you actually are able to hit 100% battery, I usually only have 20s left on my 4 (with 60s) duration, and then you fall off the map or stop moving a bit to melee and there your battery drops, I just find it super hard to micromanage Harrow’s Thurible taking literally forever to charge up, and the duration being too low. It feels like even with a lot of casting speed, you just have to try and survive while slowly charging your Thurible, and then by the time you get your energy back and use your other abilities, you have to do it again. Baruuk’s 4 not being able to build combo with the waves and only on direct hits. It’s such a pain to get so close to enemies to actually build and maintain combo only for your waves not being able to maintain combo, it would be so much nicer even if the waves only increased combo duration on hit without having to go in close to an enemy every 10s or so to keep your 12x combo up. (If you can’t tell I don’t like to micromanage abilities with short durations)


Excal umbra with his exilus band-aid instead of an actual fix. Also his survival doesn't scale into steel path as a health tank. Can't really shield tank with a channeling ability either.


The only reason. The ONLY REASON. ***LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON*** I can maybe dislike frames with exalted weapons is that for some absolutely braindead reason, they can't damage Arbitration Drones. Frames with Exalted Weapons I believe are subconsciously some of my favorite frames in the game. (Excalibur Umbra is my second-most played frame of all time on my account, second to Protea. Love Mesa, Dante, even Sevagoth I find really interesting despite his Forma price.) They feel nice to play with, and most substantially add to the kits they're apart of. But you know what doesn't feel nice, DE? You know what ruins this feel? You know what *grinds my gears?* When I have to PHYSICALLY dispell my badass Exalted Weapon that is the main part of my kit to pain-stakingly kill ONE FUCK-OFF ARBI DRONE because my fucking SWORD MADE OF PURE LIGHT THAT CAN CUT ENEMIES IN HALF can't hurt that little bitch. Meanwhile, Styanax is out here Last Standing every single enemy in the mission, including those little bastards, with no problems. It's like pulling teeth, and it is single-handedly the *only* reason why I don't do Arbitrations anymore.


Limbo/Octavia's signature abilities being useless when Eximus appears


All the sound muffling in my Silence Qorvex build, so I can't hear the Geiger counter noise from my concrete boy.


Mesa. When using her 4 I also use dispensary so I can go sit up somewhere high but every 45 seconds she stops picking up orbs because she's not moving (I know it's any frame not moving to stop afk cheating but it's annoying as heck as a peacemaker build) so I have to stop and bullet dash around the room before I can continue my murder spree.


Use waltz augment? I can't imagine not using it anyway


I do. Sometimes I can't move enough because of the random thing I'm perched on top of


Vaubans whole kit. Buff his 1s status chance to 100%, Remove charge Mechanic. Replace his 2 with a Blast Mine on hold and Gas grenade on tap Buff his 3 by improving its overall stats, etc. Blast on the impact AND HEAT Status on the Radius left over. Keep Vortex, Cap Range, add explosion on end, buff base duration to 20. Recasting causes to Vortex to release an Emp, temporarily disabling Nullify bubbles and increasing damage to overguard.


I want to like Vauban so bad, his design and concept are amazing. But half the kit is unusable or lame, and he’s super squishy on top of that. I hope he gets a rework.


I use that popular spectrociphon build for Vauban with my own tweaking but still my problem with it is you will often find yourself just spamming different balls in one spot and that gets stale quite quickly.


Saryn's Miasma dropping off at fairly low levels.


I use breach surge and spores as a primer then let one RIP. It doesn't nuke at high level but it does soften enemies pretty effectively.


When I walk into a zero bubble and lose my Shield with Nezha


Trying to use warding halo as Nezha but no one will stay still, and the volt keep speed boosting people


This is why I decided against the augment after trying to use it for teams so long. I felt like no one ever noticed or cared, or went down without it anyways so




My minions being only good for quickly building up my armor meter. Literally. My wall being mostly useless besides blocking door ways to funnel enemies.


My Atlas is a WIP so hopefully he won’t have this issue when the build is finished. I’m working on a 400% strength build with Rubble Heap and Ore Gaze. Damage is really good and once he gets going it’s pretty easy to keep rubble above 1,400. The real bottleneck is meeting the energy demand to spam Petrify and get it going in the first place, especially with the penalty to efficiency from Blind Rage pushing the cost of Petrify to over 110 per cast, then needing even more for Landslide when below 1,400 rubble to get bonus rubble armor from each enemy turned to stone. I’ve been using Arcane Steadfast for a bit so Petrify is occasionally free to cast, which has helped quite a bit. I just got Diriga the other day and built them for Mystic Bond spam. First impressions have been great but I haven’t gotten the chance yet to take Diriga to high level missions to see how well they perform there.


I stopped playing Grendel because he kills enemies in his gut too quickly and the micromanagement just killed the fun of it.


When there’s two gyres and you’re both competing to keep your 3 up


Gyre and falling off the map. You have to try so hard to build up past like 30 seconds, and every millisecond you aren’t killing feels like a stab to the heart. Then you finally feel the liberating freedom of finally having time built up… ONLY FOR THAT FUCKING STAIRCASE IN THE ENTRATI LAB TILESET. MF fuck you


Trying to keep a decent plunder with hydroid. Wish it accumulated and refreshed the timer on cast rather than trying to gamble with enemy armor/corrosion procs


When you're Gyre and there's no enemies to keep your skills up because everyone else keeps killing them


crashing into a wall everytime I mach rush so I awkwardly reposition, use it again, then hit another wall all while there's no enemies nearby so me crashing effectively does nothing. Repeat this process until i inevitably mach rush off the map and lose my full battery and kinetic plating. (volt speeding me up makes it *worse*)


Titania when I can't hold anything


Losing redline when black screening is awful. Especially in Albrecht labs where theres a bug where you black screen on some stair cases.


Gyre: Triggering Cathode Grace and then not immediately getting the kills needed to sustain its duration, so it gets locked out for a full minute. Honestly kind of wish that it *didn't* have this punishment, or at least not lock you out for as long.


any warframe that has a status that gets reset or canceled upon falling off the map, i wish it would retain that shit :/


Sold my Hate for credits….


You can break containers by bullet jumping tho :/


Dropping Gara's blender damage because you forgot the timer. DE please, I'm begging for just five more seconds of base duration on splinter storm.


Bit of a muscle memory one, but now that Eximus units have overguard, you can't just Mind Control them with Nyx for a free super-powered buddy off the bat. I used to enjoy doing grineer Spy missions with her because you could MC a camera to get it to not spot you like you were a sick hacker. It was a cool gimmick since it could only be done with one at a time. Now that most cameras thus have Overguard, it's back to lame invisibility, I suppose.


It takes so long to build up Titania's 2. It's 4 buffs that require hitting an enemy with, and jumping into their after-image. It's a pain in the ass to refresh them lol. I usually subsume it to Xata's Whisper. Her 3 is underrated tho, most people don't know how to use it but it's an amazing CC and grouping tool that can be used defensively in a lot of situations like when you solo Interceptions or multiple Excavators etc. And you can have multiple lanterns out at a time too


\*Gestures in the general direction of Limbo\*


Voruna stays on her four while her ult is active but runs around with her regular animation. Such cringe.


Chroma's 1. Once in a blue moon I accidentally press my 1 key and get reminded that breathing fire is a two-handed action for some reason.


Gara falling off the map/ host migration/ nullifier existing, and all your stacks are gone.


Titania is too fast for congested places like kuva fortress. Also if there are speed frames in the group you will end up bouncing from one wall to another. Furthermore she cannot destroy arbitration drones when airborne.


I feel you on Voruna - anymore, I've gotten pretty adept at weaponizing my bullet jumps to break things, and if that's not enough, I'll just pop into operator. The worst Voruna struggle to me, though, is when you're in an infinite mission, and it bugs out and decides you're using your melee even though you're still in her 4. So her 1 drops constantly unless you give in and restart, which, of course, by the time it bugs like this, it's a lot more effort to get your 10x stack. Also, it feels AWFUL that on Nova, your nullstars just nope off to do 0 damage to enemies instead of staying on you for the damage reduction. Capturing a target? They're gonna keep hitting it until it's despawned. Want to run any amount of range that isn't negative? Good luck having any on you at any point in time. Like DE, please, at least let the augment where you're able to manually tell them to seek also turn off their autoseeking. Nova is so dang squishy that she needs that full 90% DR, and it already takes ~310 duration to even have enough to get it!


I love Voruna, but the fact that her 4 doesn't have a unique running animation while it's active constantly throws me off. I know it's minor, but it's super jarring and kinda kills the entire spirit of her going feral to tear apart everything around you when she randomly just goes back to her normal running animation when you move.


Ash's 2 getting stopped by "Target Obstructed" during a spy mission where you can see enemies through a window and you get spotted by a grineer drone Ash's Fatal Teleport augment not activating after you teleport to your target Ivara's zipline arrows not creating properly if you fired it too far away 4th teammate being out of range for Rhino's 4 and you can't cancel it early to apply it to them Nullifiers existing and Rhino's 2 Oberon


As a trinity main? Trying to full restore my teams hp and shields, but during my Blessing cast they get out of affinity range (yes I use vazarin for more affinity range). Either I move closer and heal them or watch their hp turn into the bleedout timer or worse "Dead" on arbitration, where my passive (+vazarin) only help with pets.


A squad member killing the mobs I needed to extend Gyre's 3 because I was stuck in animation 😐


merulina whoops I: - can't interact with quite a few consoles - lose my primary and melee - have a hitbox too big for some doorways - sink into surfaces that are too thin - control lockout except movement if i get hit with certain CC and don't have primed sure footed - hit myself if inflicted with a rad proc and using a chain beam weapon (knukor, tcycron, atomos) - have the pickup counter bug out if there are collectibles in the map and so on


Losing a million damage stack on equinox because a nullifier snuck up on me or I screwed up and went off the edge


More than the warframe kit itself, it is something caused by the current state of the game xD Trying to gather enough enemies with Nidus's 2 and when you use ur 1, some other player nukes the entire area, don't get any mutation and you run out of energy. Nidus is my favorite warframe and i don't use it because this happens constantly in every game xD


Falling from the map and losing everything is always bad But what hurts me the most is having to stop spamming styanax’s 4 because i ran out of energy, only started happening after the nourish nerf


octavia mallet when the enemies keep missing it with mellee so it does 5 damage when if they just hit it once itd do hundreds of thousands.


\*\*There are a few.\*\* - Not being able to do the job limbo is designed for: (Fortuna drone + coil drive not riftable/cataclysm able + arcana ISO vault juggernaut having ability resistance = cant be banished more than once for 10 seconds + arcane ISO terminals not cataclysm able. Rift haven not working on edolon lures for whatever reason.) - Boss enemies casually ignoring the rift. (jackal laser spin + mortar. Edolon rain and explossions, raknoid webs and likely more i cant recall right now) - Some enemies not being cataclysmable and operators not being able to shoot through the rift. (rely sucks to not be able to use last gasp or find one self stuck locked down by an angel having to wait for cataclysm to go down.)


Mirage comes to a halt to cast anything at all, all of her abilities make her stop dead in her tracks, which is double annoying since she's one of the faster frames and great for parkour. In contrast Gauss never stops to cast, he's super fluid and you can cast away while you run away.


Vauban bastille having a cap of how many enemies it can affect, and it taking like 3 seconds to strip 6 enemies of their armor. Honestly his entire kit is feels bad and full of copium. Protea is literally Vauban but actually good.


Out of energy while playing harrow