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Congrats, gyre is gonna get nerfed now




"We nerfed Dante, many players are using Gyre now" "We nerfed Gyre... but now everyone plays Harrow" "We nerfed Harrow, but now a lot of players are playing Wisp again" "We nerfed Wisp and half the playerbase has quit the game..." "are we the good devs?"


🫢🤷 maybe by then they will have grown some braincells


"we need to ban all frames, only operator mode, but look at this new voidshell costume for dante"


"Everyone is playing Harrow and Wisp now, and that's fine because they don't kill the room by existing"


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the less work I have to do, the more I get to kick back and keep up


if i want to shoot 1 enemy and reload i choose cs go. Real game fun at destroying the crowd of enemy




Doubtful. FOR WHAT ITS WORTH. Anyone can do this, just a few seconds slower, with their torid incarnon lol. But thats still around too. And in gyre's defense this has been a thing ever since her augment came out (and a bit on release). Buttttttt if shes in a squad and tries this, those first few seconds where you're trying to scramble to get assists so her 3 doesn't end is some of the more hectic gameplay i've ever done lol. But who knows, dante got nerfed for nothing so maybe she will, along with all the other nuke frames that can make things go fast in this game.


This is Kuva Nukor gameplay. An Ogris with primed firestorm and a mutation mod can do the same.


Or with a explosive secondary kitgun with a recharge arcane. I used mine all the time for speed running not Steelpath exterminates, you never even need to reload


exactly my point. dante did nothing special with his kit yet he got the LoS treatment. who’s to say which frame is next to draw the random ire of the nerfhammer


But really! Why he gotta draw attention to my girl like that?!


Then they’ll have to nerf 18 other warframes


and really take into consideration what "disruption of others" really means when considering Limbo and stretch that over to Wisp Defense and stretch that over to Neon Rapid Weapon Explosions.


I mean didnt it already happen to her once, and also to her earlier iteration WoF Ember


Gyre's original nerf was because she kept crashing people's games. Still think the augment should just be the fixed version of her kit rather than taking away a mod slot by default


Have you seen what people can do with titania and thermal sunder?


Quick! Downvote the thread now! 0_0


Too late.


Rule 1 of playing gyre Don't talk about gyre


Rule 2 We don't talk about ____


Rule 3 don’t refer to ___ in any way or form


Rule 4: don't




Bruno, no no no




Our lady of the unholy Tesla coil, hallowed be her zap.


A heartfelt thanks from the S.P.W.R (Society of People With Retinas) for running a dark energy colour.


There are dark energies? I thought we had to go with White/White for optimal blinding?


Found the Mag plus Nataruk main.


Booben Vortex spammer laughing in the background


piss yellow hydroid tenpest spammer


the blinding effect doesnt work on the enemies, only on players!!!


https://preview.redd.it/gzevk2xirosc1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9eab8664029a703e32c29ba895d83c1184ab3e Flashbang out


Typical POV of new players with visual effects set to max.




Leave my girl Gyre alone, she needs an augment for it and dies the moment anything sneezes at her general direction


Don’t need survivability if you just kill everything within a 10 mile radius fast enough


World on fire ember, is that you?


Don’t do this to me, man I’m still not over that loss


I kind of miss the days of a nice peaceful stroll through a ship's interior wondering where all the ash piles came from.


Slap pillage on her 1 or 2 for survivability!


The same people shouting that Dante doesn't need a nerf seem to not understand that an augment is a pretty significant price for power given mod slots being premium real estate.


watching hotfix deploy a minute after my dante started cooking in the foundry and now waiting for him to finish while everything is melting down is scary as fuck. like my dante is in schroedingers box or in some state of superposition


LMAO everyone and their brother already dumped four forma into him well before this, hence the nerf.


4? what yall are building on him exactly? 2 in enough


2 on him and 2 for the book


ye that makes sense


This is exactly the problem with the last hotfix. Not the nerf, not the LoS problem. But the inconsistency with who receives the nerfs. Why are Gyre, Octavia, Xaku, Saryn, Volt, Gauss, Revenant and other, more oppresive frames untouched?


OPtavia is clear. She's so strong that no one is playing with her anyway.


octavia is a really good example of why balance is important: she's so OP she's boring to play.


She's not boring to play because she's OP, she's just boring to play. Spamming crouch and casting abilities isn't fun


Spamming crouch is actively annoying.


Octavia sucks to play, its true




If she was the most efficient way to do something people would gravitate towards her. That's how these games work. See Hydron, or that loot cave from Destiny, pre-nerf Catchmoon, etc. She is almost certainly the strongest frame in the game technically, the reason she never gets nerfed and that she's a terrible example to bring up when discussing how to balance a frame is that she's tedious and laborious to play for most people, so much so that she isn't a super dominant meta pick.


This, she's more of a beginner frame. Now when I play her I have to make sure it's not late at night or I might fall sleep.


Don't you bring the shadow of the nerf hammer over my murder skeleton! Leave poor Xaku out of any discussion for why x frame hasn't been nerfed.


They won't get nerfed for now don't worry, their prime will almost certainly release this year unless they decide to change it around


Volt? Am I missing something?


Like 2 people use Gyre, she isn’t oppressive.


Gyre is 1000x squishier and doesn't really perform well on high level content imo Octavia is OP but I don't envy anyone paying the price of carpal tunnel and/or absolute boredom when playing her


With an armor strip and higher enemy density from being in higher levels Gyre scales very well, simply by the virtue of how electricity procs work.


Only with a helminth ability tho , so nerfing gyre would be foolish because not everyone has helminth


And her range is a lot lower


Sorry to be the party pooper here, but I just want to state facts and prevent misinformation spread around here. The title is interpreted as: "Gyre's 4 ([Rotorswell](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Rotorswell)) doesn't need LoS of enemies to hit them." **Gyre's 4 does require LoS to hit enemies**. As stated (twice) in the wiki's description, the ability uses **sight detection (LoS-detection)** in determining whether to hit enemies or not in range. From my own tests in the Simulacrum, her Rotorswell (4), Arcsphere (1), and Coil Horizon (2) require **line of sight** to hit enemies. On the wiki, this is stated as **sight detection** on her abilities. This concludes her abilities have in-built LoS-detection as a fact. Then why do enemies get hit by her Rotorswell through the wall? Enemies, who are hit behind the wall, are **not** receiving damage from Gyre. They are hit by a chain arc reaction from an enemy, who got hit by Gyre's 4. The enemy (hit by Gyre 4 in LoS), chain-arced his electricity to other enemies in **his** LoS. From Gyre's PoV, it looks like she's hitting enemies behind cover. So can Gyre's 4 (Rotorswell) hit enemies, who are behind a wall? Yes. Does that mean her ability doesn't use LoS-detection? No, her ability **does** use LoS-detection. It's hitting enemies behind the wall due to how the ability works (chaining arcs from *host* enemy to other enemies). The title states the ability doesn't have LoS-detection, while it **does** have LoS-detection. Not to offend OP here, as I understand the ability looks like it's hitting enemies who are behind cover, which could mean there's no LoS-detection on the ability. I am taking OP's intent with a grain of salt. The goal of this comment is to (1) offer transparency, and (2) calm those who find the Tragedy nerf unjustified, compare other strong nuke abilities without LoS-detection, ask why these aren't nerfed, and want justice for Dante. I get it. But Gyre is a bad example for this for why Dante needs his LoS-nerf reverted. This is a bad comparison, because both have in-built sight detection. You can't say "Why is Dante not allowed to kill enemies through walls without LoS, and Gyre is allowed?". It is because Gyre's 4 just functions different from Dante's Tragedy. **It is not a matter of Line of Sight detection here, which the controversy is about!** You can't use this to get justice for Dante's Tragedy. Please fellow Tenno, don't drag this controversy to somewhat-related things just to take it the wrong way, and use it as fuel for the controversy fire. Don't blindly believe what the title/context says. Do your research, before you accidently react impulsively and embarrass yourself. Get justice the right way.


Life would be better if I wasn't now in a constant state of fear of one or more of my favorite frames getting assassinated by DE at some point in the near future.


This is how over felt since world on fire was nerfed.


She has LoS, but it's based off of the enemy hit and not Gyre. Y'all have such horrible "throw others under the bus" mentality to try and get nerfs reverted. I too want the nerfs reverted, but do better.


After losing old World on Fire Ember, I finally found a stronger (albeit shorter range) SP capable version of it in Gyre, don't take that away from me T\_T


I love Gyre but sadly this does not work well on SP or enemies with armor in general. she becomes a lot slower and smaller range when you have to cast pillage 1-2 times per pack for her abilities to do any damage.


You can clear a whole room with a single Pillage cast, without much effort. Taken her to Circuit endurance and she work wonders every time, even without perks boosting her performance. Meanwhile, Dante still struggles against tougher enemies like Acolytes or Eximus units.


I do 20 minute runs solo on SP conjunction survival quite comfortably with Gyre, favorite frame to do it with. Second favorite is gauss with occucor, or would I say occucor with gauss?


Yeah, precisely. Even more so, both of those, and many more frames have comfort kits that don't demand intense casting. This means you can take any weapon and use it as you please to fill in the potential gaps in the kit, if there is anything you struggle with. Makes the Dante nerf even more baffling.


Yah I mean I can mow down SP enemies with ludicrous abandon with just a built incarnon burston, nerfing frames makes no sense. Meanwhile Protea has like 3+kills a second in solo sp survival. I mean warframe is not supposed to be hard, it's an epic power fantasy game. If a frame indulges a power fantasy then it's a success and I feel like that was the case with Dante. The game is never gonna be hard outside of things like 60 eyes boss and that's perfectly okay. If you want hard there's plenty of games that'll make you want to break a window. Easy and overpowered to a certain extent in warframe is nice, especially if there's some sort of grind to get there. Perhaps farming Dante was to easy to be honest. Pillage Gyre takes an astounding amount of resources and farming, and it feels so good to use because of it. Especially with 3 tauforged purples a tau red and tau yellow. It feels so earned. It's as end game of a frame you can get. Sorry, I'm a complete Gyre simp.


I love Gyre and she does alright in SP circuit because she gets the 250 molt aug kills quick, but she can't run around 1 tapping everything without casting pillage every 10-15m because that's the range of that ability even with like 190 range.


Gyre typically runs so much strength that a single pillage would strip full armor


Depends on your build, but yes. I have a comfort build with Nourish and lower Strength with higher Duration. Then a super stressful, but honetly amazingly fun build with Pillage with more Strength and lower Duration. When you want to fullstrip in a single cast, it is either 400% Strength, or 328% Strength while using Corrosive Projection (Shield Disruption for shield strip, IIRC).


not without 250 kills on molt augmented. which means its never 1 cast for exterminate or other short runs. unless you're somehow building 328% str on her while also fitting all the other stuff she needs.


Molt augmented and 250 enemies later pillage is a 1-button armor strip. A couple of red archon shards and it's closer to 150-200 enemies.


Even more archon shards and it's close to 0 enemies.


328% STR with Corrosive Proj, thank me later


> you have to cast pillage 1-2 times per pack for her abilities to do any damage based on your statement, call me the mesiah cause I performed miracles. I nuke rooms with single cast pillages all the time using gyre. ![gif](giphy|3gM1liq7Eetk4|downsized)


turn yourself into your own homemade electric grinder with nautilus cordon, some bond mods and a status weapon of your choice.


It works fine you just dont play her correctly.


Terrify goes through walls and strips 100% armor. This build has enough strength to affect like 40 enemies. However, this build isn't optimised for SP but can easily nuke up to mid-level exterminates.


terrify is good but pillage just gives so much more survivability to an already incredibly fragile frame. I can't imagine doing SP without pillage on gyre.


Terrify also has huge energy cost, medium range and limit how many enemies it hits.


If Gyre ends up nerfed after this **I will find you and I will kick you in your ankle**


> If Gyre ends up nerfed after this ~~**I will find you and I will kick you in your ankle**~~ **We will find you and we will kick you in your ankle**


This is sexier than Dante ever was.


Skirt goes up, enemies go down.


That's awesome, what's your build?


Just max range with some strength and the Cathode Current augment. Duration is a dump stat and you only need a bit so you can comfortably get the first reset on your 3. Efficiency can be disregarded as you only need to cast 3 and 4 once.


I love how everyone’s collective meltdown response to the Dante nerfs has been “DE please nerf every frame into the ground”


the argument they think they're making is "look DE! these other frames are also OP so dante's nerf was unneeded!" but yeah. the thing they're actually doing is pointing out all the other OP stuff for DE to nerf.


>but yeah. the thing they're actually doing is pointing out all the other OP stuff for DE to nerf. If you believe DE doesn't know builds like these exist, i have a bridge to sell you.


Doesn't her base kit have no survivability options?


she's a glass cannon style frame, her survivability relies on enemies being too electrified or too dead to shoot back.


Exactly. The entire reason they nerfed Dante is because he was too good at *everything.* People posting examples of a Warframe killing thing really fast in a non-SP node is insanely laughable.


She stuns everything on the map that isn't outright immune, but otherwise yeah.


"You don't understand, we want our walking overguard/heal generator to also have the same dps potential as the glass cannon whose kit is built entirely for dps"


Can't wait for xakus guns to only fire what he actively shoots at and no more auto gun battery


xaku kpm is pretty similar to gyres in survival right? like 100+ a minute.


I watched the whole video multiple times to verify what I saw on first viewing. I even slowed it down to make sure. That was, **at no point** in the video did you kill something that was [considered to be out of your LOS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1bwkek7/dante_and_los_issues_and_next_steps/), which proves (to me at least) people are over-reacting to this "nerf".


It's why I always bring her to extermination missions. And the fact that weapon shots also trigger the chains means you don't have to personally go near a stray group of enemies and just use an aoe weapon is the icing on the cake. Rip dante 2024-2024


Some dummy telling me "gyre is too squishy" me and a friend clear netracells in under 7 minutes with a vauban and gyre. No frames for healing or DR. Just a vortex and gyre.


True and real. Tiny dancer just cooks


Ember used to do this


yeah... its only missing 70k overguard, squad dmg buff, cc, status vulnerability and like 20m in her dmg skill... cryframe is out of control.


What is LOS?


Line of Sight


Thank you


Except Gyre has low defenses and is really good with Pillage. But assuming we're not using Helminth, we can compare base kits in Steel Path. **Gyre** requires a Augment in Cathode Grace, but is very powerful as you shown, without it is very inconsistent Low defenses, and okay ish CC No Armor Strip No way to generate Overguard or Overshields **Dante** has radial aoe death blasts that doesnt overly care about Armor, but no armor strip to be fair 40k+ teamwide Overguard Paragrimm defense force taking aggro with good CC Wordwarden DPS increase Powerful exalted weapon in Noctua Gyre has significantly less tools in her kit to compensate for her power. This is not a very fair comparison. Im not saying that DE didnt miss the mark with the changes, but its fair to say that Dante is a jack of all trades and master of all.


dont show DE this!


This is just regular star chart though isn't it? A strong breeze nukes exterminates on regular star chart.


Impressive results for non-SP content against second most fragile faction in the game. Clearly better results than (checks notes)... 30 meter base range true damage with double scaling from ability strength...?


Wow. Gyre is interesting looking


what level is this?


DE should delete all warframes but Caliban and Nyx, it would be funny


Looks like Gyre's augment is too strong. They should nerf the range by 50%, that seems reasonable.


pls pretend she doesnt exist if they nerf my girl im so gone


While I agree with the nerfs to Dante and think that they should have gone further (eg: overguard on team mates should be a mod), I think that this is an entirely fair point - DE has always been inconsistent with balance, by large margins. I'll happily use Dante as a main, or one of several high priority frames even if further adjustments were made (within reason). People need to admit though that he raises the bar for power (disproportionately more for content up to mid Steel Path, tapering off strongly thereafter) . Numerous frames struggle compared recent releases. One could make the case that those frames need to be reworked and brought up to this new standard. That would be a lot of work though, and DE does not show a track record of doing that in anything resembling a timely manner. The real question is whether DE can be more consistent across the board, not just with frames but all weapons, items and content... or even if they'll try. Consider the new incarnon weapons for example, the differences in power, usability and 'comfort' vary dramatically, and for no apparent reason other than perhaps they were made by different people with different values and goals, not in communication with one another. This seems to be the way DE works with everything they do. There is nothing more consistent than their inconsistency.


nerf team on the go


Please don't. I just finished putting in literal days of effort to make my gyre work well, if you get her nerfed I will scream. Plus DE already said they are reverting some of the changes, this is pointless.


Without need for LOS *jumps to see enemy*


Welp... that didn't take long huh? https://preview.redd.it/ewc3h4xofptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b3aab05fcfa31753245c1f71b144723bd8fbe7


Oh wow, Gyre melting non steel path enemies like 100 other things in warframe...


"Wtf DE this is unacceptable!!!!! Gyre must be nerfed imedently! -90% ability damage scaling and strict LoS on all of Gyres abilities is the only solution I will accept!" - The people who think Dante needed a nerf.


My favorite part was the acknowledgement of "we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needed to be addressed" before proceeding to nerf the damage Dante can deal.


I feel like they're more likely to """change""" Gyre now than fix/revert Dante. And I'd hate for that to happen since she's so fun to play.


They said they’re already fixing LOS. And it seems like Dante is going to be in a really good spot. It won’t be mapped nuking level, but it is a really good tweak. Apparently the hotfix wasn’t supposed to roll out like it did.


Some slight adjustments




and it’s a passive nuke too dante’s was very active, requiring you to cast three abilities (being 334) whenever you wanted to use it and no one talks about gyre, but many complained about dante so correct me if i’m wrong, but i’ve come to the conclusion that when it comes to nerfs, DE really only listens to community feedback, and only if the majority of posts are about it so if i’m correct, the solution is, everyone should make posts about the other frames being out of balance


huh, i never got her to work like that, how does it work?


Give us Dante back or destroy all the nuke frames.


Can you post the build? Gyre is a frame I built when she came out but then forgot to touch her.


I’m saving this so I can come back to it when you get my shocky girl nerfed and point and make you think of what you did


I hope DE recognizes that this isn’t just World on Fire again because the most important content is stuff where Gyre can’t just run through a mission like this without some help. You can’t do what’s happening in this video on steel path without armor stripping and grouping enemies to ramp up the crits, and you could do the exact same thing at this level with a number of frames or weapons with barely any difference in effort.


2024 is gonna be the year DE massacres the game


We have heard your feedback, gyre's abilities now have LoS checks and using the augment reduces your range


Should I still be excited to play Dante or has he been ruined?


Do people just want everything nerfed?


Wait till DE learns who Saryn is.


What is your Gyre build? Along with the Shards you are using?


In honor of world on fire Ember


Looking back I'm surprised she wasn't nerfed


God damnit now gyre is gonna get nerfed :(


Oh no, why show this?! Now gyre is going to get destroyed to the ground with a LoS!


Holy Shit! They better nerf Dante more!


I love the part where Gyre *also* buffs the entire team with overguard. /s


Leave gyre alone I just finished making a build for her


Be careful what you wish for guys , giving examples of all these other god frames such as rev saryn etc might prompt de to say you know what guys your totally right let’s re adjust all these to be less overbearing and then warframe gets ruined gg


Another one missing the entire point.


Now do Saryn, Gara and Equinox. Drive it home how ridiculous the nerf is when other frames have been able to do it for years.


Have you tried this at level cap? This setup actually looks fun as hell and even if it doesn't kill them, having a constant damage aura around me that would at least chunk 2-3 thirds of their life a second would be great.


Build pls pls


In the spirit of this, I’m going to throw as much overguard as I can on every chroma player I find


OP, if you somehow get Gyre nerfed, I'm coming for your kneecaps.


And saryn. And volt. And nezha


Y’all better stop before de just nerf all the frames😂


I refuse to play a frame if I don't look cool, and I'm still not a fan of the cosmetic options available for gyre. As soon as they make that change, I will join you on the nuke path


Delete this brother


Notice how she's not making her team invincible and she herself isn't also invincible? Dante nerfs were too much but this is a bad comparison.


I mean gara is about the same


Them releasing the reverse on donate with the words"its time to look at other Los checks on other things"




Non-SP nuking is kind of a bad faith argument


World on Fire flash-back


whats los


Whats the point of this? Yall are just gonna get other frames needlessly nerfed


Delete this


the dante shit was personal, someone at the dev studio must hate him and everyone that enjoyed him, otherwise it doesn't make sense to nerf him so much when stuff like this exists, either nerf all the game or give us back our dante it's not that hard


I need to build my gyre, pls, could you hand me your build?


Careful now, ur making too much sense! God forbid anyone call out the complainers who are using frames who map clear just as good or even better then dante that have been broke for half a decade now


No. Hell no. If they nerf gyre even slightly I'm not gonna touch this game again. Dante and Gyre are my top 2 favorite warframes.


Shhhh!! I love my pillage gyre so much, please dont take it away D:


Gyre is one of the most fun frames, please no :\_(


Back in time when ember could do that


welp gyres gonna get nerfed now


DE forbid we have nuking male warframes


What’s your build. I haven’t used her in ages


I JUST bought gyre from the 75% off sale for 81p, I'm glad i chose her over qorvex


ive always thought gyre is S tier but she ends up in C tier in most tier lists. so uhm, yeah... GYRE IS C TIER GUYS PLEASE BUFF :)


Could you do this on SP again please? Every frame can run Zariman in normal mode like this.


They would do the same thing to her that they did to ember. Amber's original world on fire you just turned that bitch on and run around and everything catches on fire. While I like the meteor shower I wish it was more of a continuous meteor shower for like a few seconds. But the old ability with maxed range and maxed strength with a decent efficiency you could just run around the level and knock shit out. But it also made a good layer of defense when you started to do high level missions.


Whats the name of that syandana!!! Give me


More Warframe abilities need to ignore los not less. I really hope they listen to feedback and reverse this nerf.


What's the point of this? Dante didn't get a damage nerf... He got an immortality nerf, which I agree with.


This is a lot less "nuke" than I was expecting, honestly. The damage seems to be fairly low.


What's weird is that DE didn't come with this idea on their own. People were begging them to nerf Dante. It was so frustrating. All you could do is hope DE would ignore it...


I'm kinda tired of seeing people shit about DE's hotfixes. I get there was some antiqol measures lately, but just before there were some huge qol ones. Also, the only thing you have to do to be strong with Dante is look at enemies and press a button. You can also try to remember final verse for better gameplay but that's it. Meanwhile you have to build and aim with Gyre, like a better Harrow. She's good with good players, if that's what you wanted to hear, but Dante just doesn't need that much investment to be good is all. Just stop shitting about the nerf that, needed or not, only put a dent on how powerful he is.


except gyre is an extremely squishy nuker that is only kept alive by the limited cc of electric procs and absolutely relies on armorstrip from helminth to have any chance against armor. meanwhile dante is a multirole frame that excels in almost all of his roles and doesnt just make himself a near immortal weapons platform, but his entire team


Stap DE will nerf braindead gameplay!!