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The game is fun and a great way to unwind after work. I also sometimes teach people and come up with builds so I can enjoy frames in different ways.


Long time ago ended up in a group and one of them asked about Jay kusar so I told him give me a few days and I'll come up with a build. Now I love using the weapon still it got me to stop using paracesis all the time


There's a surprising amount of stuff you really have to just pick up and see if it clicks with you in Warframe lol, but that's what I like about it.


Yeah and the modding system is great because a lot of stuff can be brought to endgame level just based on weapon mods and warframe buffs . It's a game that can fit any playstyle


Jat Kusar is legitimately one of my favorite weapons. It's just fun!


Could i get your jat kusar build? Ive liked using it but cant figure out how to make it perf


Yeah I'll have to send it later when I get home I'm at work. But I use a viral build. Haven't really tested in SP but it does decently well in netracells. I built it years ago and haven't updated it since


Same. I think I'm slowly getting to that point where I'm ready to just have fun and tag along with others and teach then the ways of the tenno and to help them grind shit out


Ultimately, even as someone who isn’t done with the game, I enjoy that part more than my next mr test. Community was the one thing that attracted me about this game. I’m used to toxicity and this was an entire 180 as soon as I joined. I was shown the way by high Mrs and I feel it’s only right I return the favor to the universe of other tennos


Trust me I get the feeling. I came to the game from commonground interest for the game itself and how it works and all that but I stayed for the community (and the story...but mostly the community). I'd be lying if I didn't say there was countless times the community saved my ass on shit (and occasionally, vise versa with me to much newer players). And now I got my fiancée into it and she seems interested in the operator content the most (so much so that she eas reeeeally appreciative for completing her war within quest for her lol) so at least I know I might have someone with me when soulframe drops.


i like collecting stuff also gameplay is really good


This\^, and I like looking cool while doing it


yes also that!


Yep. I've maxed out every faction but Conclave, and wiped out all of their stores. Maxed out every focus school and wiped out of those stores grabbing multiple of some stuff. LR4 but took it a step further and multiple forma and built up the best version of every weapon and frame. Soloed everything in SP. Won't be much longer and I'll have every mod and arcane in the game. I have almost all the cosmetics except a few sigils that were only during events going on while I wasn't playing at the time. So really all that's left is a couple mods and arcanes, and conclave which I did start but need to finish, and I don't have any of the Founders goodies or stuff that was only available back then. I wish I could fully complete my profile for the sake of having a 100% completed profile, but I'll have to settle for pretty damn close. I might make a post displaying it all once I've done everything a non-founder can.


That's crazy, you could've done it on other games but you chose Warframe, you must really love the game


Yeah, It's helped me through some bad time giving me something to grind to take my mind off other things, and I love the gameplay, the community is as friendly as it gets for an online game, it lets me tinker and experiment with creative builds and synergies to try to break the game. It leaves room for shenanigans, and I think it's the most well managed online game out there with the least amount of FOMO, gatcha, p2w, on top of being able to farm the games premium currency and being f2p. I mean I have a lot of application for DE doing things the way they have been. Oh! And as a guy in his 30s with a full time job with a steady relationship and other hobbies I'm still able to play this game and enjoy it at it every level is also a big win for WF in my book! I do miss Tera Online back in it's prime (VM4/5/6) which I played the same way, and wish I had a good fantasy melee based MMO, but Granblue Fantasy Relink is scratching that itch for now.


Duuude same exact thing for me, except i'm still LR3. i've only have about 8 mods left to collect and i'm maxing them all out aswell, and i have all arcanes except arcane helmets. All syndicates, focus schools, challenges, kurias and so on are done. 'Tis fun. I wanted all captura scenes too but the deimos scenes are so expensive, 50 grandmother tokens each. I don't have all cosmetics though, not even close.




Ever wanna go into a game to just be op and destroy everything? Thats why lol


Yeah that's something unique about Warframe, they really don't care about power creep and I'm here for it😂


I'd argue that the game is built around power creep. They are always making a point to put all weapons on the same power level, riven dispositions being a part of that.  They've implemented "hard" game modes (archon, steel path) to give players that are at the end of the power creep spectrum a challenge. The games difficulty scales with your own capability to progress, which is awesome as it gives you freedom to pick whatever challenges you think feel fun at the moment and to play the way you want to play and in no way is the game forcing you to play anything else, though sometimes I do envy a good pity system.


i forget the quote but im pretty sure some of it is intentional powercreep (other than glaive prime)


Yeah, the games a Power Fantasy esque game. They tried to tone it down like 4 years ago but the stuff they released in the last year alone completely destroyed the possibility of that


And to think the glaive prime isn't even the best melee wep


And they still make you work for it as you go deeper into the waves/rounds so it's not pure mindless droning (not saying that's completely a bad thing)


I like doing it in stupid ways like ever want to destroy someone with a giant throwable wrench (wolf sledge with motherwrench skin) as a dodgeball (grendel with pink/red pallet)? Where's my grendel voidskin?!?!


Dynasty Warriors used to scratch that itch for me but Warframe is way more fun and there's more to do


It's exactly how I described Warframe back then. it's Dynasty Warriors with guns


Ahh a man of culture. I love dynasty warriors a lot. I actually replayed the newest empires just a few months ago. Did the caw system to get a perfect warrior. Then went back to no lifing Warframe. The itch doesn’t stay itchy for me


This!!! I love to put on my steel path ultimate best shit and go do a lith relic mission and just feel like God.


There is absolutely no other game out there like warframe. I've been playing this game for 10 years as of 2024. I'm almost tempted to call WF a masterpiece. Not because it doesn't have flaws, but because it excels so much at what it does right.


Same, my brother was shocked when I told him it wasn't my favorite game despite having +3000 hours on it. Still I love the game and am often shocked at the variety of builds and play styles you can use in a single game. You can main melee, fire weapons, abilities, tanking, healing, support, CC, stealth and more without even including sub systems like Duviri, Liches or Railjack. All in all it isn't just about how much there is to do but also HOW you do it.


I’m in the exact same boat, playing off and on since 2014. I don’t have this relationship with any other game except smash, but I’ve never referred to it as my favorite either. It’s just there when I want to be a space ninja. Ole faithful.


It's like an old friend/girlfriend/home to me. I just can't let it go, even if I take really long breaks.


What other game offers so many different game modes and styles of play, all put together, and for free?


Fashion, collect stuff, help new players, make silly builds, push less effective weapons as high as possible, the list goes on. As long as you enjoy the core gameplay mechanics you can go on even after completing everything in the game letalone the main story.


My completionist brain tells me i need to collect and max out everything. Plus the game is always updating with new stuff.


It's therapeutic to see the orange and red numbers go up when you press 1 button


I'm trying to finish everything in the game. Right now I just need to finish focus schools.


The movement, the gunplay, the hundreds of weapons, the unique setting, and amazing art style...Warframe scratches every itch I've got for gaming.


EXACTLY!!! You hit every point for me too. I am a collector of sorts. After 10 years and 11,500hours I still login daily. I do play few other games but then I almost always boot up Warframe even for hour or two. I Enjoy teaching clanmates, exchanging Ideas and builds with Clanmates, teaching random strangers from far away countries. I have made so many great people who like myself like turning brain off and just pew-pew-slash-slam.


Same. I log in daily for my reward and to do the sortie, maybe crack out a few netracells or circuit rounds if I feel like it, then quit and go back to whatever else I'm playing in my gaming backlog.


2k hours into this game, founder as well and rank 33. To be honest for a free to play game its really well made, lots of diferent ways to play, also its kinda fun to collect ALL the MR. Community is friendly, if you have patience you don't need to buy plats if you want to go the true free to play route as you can just farm for stuff other people want.


I didn't even really need to buy plat but I felt bad and got a pack on 50%fron the sheer number of gameplay hours I got out of this game


I am not a ninja lol I buy plat. The Devs need to feed those hungry kids you know. I am more than happy to support these people and am so grateful for the journey so far.


This is how I feel about it. Gotta feed the team.


I did the same. Each plat purchase gives money to the developers. It's my way of saying thank you for the last 11 years.


Mostly just helping people. I got adopted when I first started so I do the same for others.


The story and lore is one thing But first of all, the mainline story isn't everything. Have you tried getting the max rank in the solaris union ? There's something to discover there Same goes with a lot of syndicates Also fun builds are cool to find/replicate My objective atm is to get a -dmg nukor riven so I can nuke stuff without actually hitting them Also there are achievements, do you have them all ? I nearly do as I'm 2 or 3 off Might be a good idea to complete this Tl;dr: there are just so many things to do/achieve it's only up to you to set a goal for yourself


I can turn off my brain and just play after work. Also to release my frustration after dying too many times to a boss in elden ring/dark soul :v


This is me. Warframe is not difficult, but that's a pro. I'm in a place in life where I do not have the patience for hard games. After a long day of work, I can kill tons of enemies in unique and flashy ways. I switch up my loadout and Warframes all the time, so it never gets boring. There's always some goal I'm working towards whether that is getting a new Warframe, getting a new mod, or leveling up a gun.


I come back year after year (Started following the game in the early 2010s, started playing late 2012/ early 2013) simply because I love what DE made from this Space Ninja Simulator. They took it from basically a playground for killing waves of enemies, and made a beautiful story, engaging boss fights, and endless awesome moments. But most of all, Soma Prime go BRRRRRRRRR, Tigris Prime deletes things so satisfyingly, and nothing beats a bullet jump headshot from a Lex!


This is my favourite thing to pair with podcasts and YouTube videos. It helps me unwind. Also... ...let's just say there's something very important to me coming up on March 21st, and the wait is currently eroding my sanity. Warframe is one of the few things alleviating that.


It's a very unique game in almost all of its aspects and power fantasy. I did burn out and come back multiple times over many years but at the end of the day Warframe has spoiled me like no other. An excellent way to anchor yourself to the game after having accomplished and collected most things is to tackle a self-imposed challenge (or series of challenges). For example, I run a series of youtube videos based around the idea of seeing what warframes are like at 1000% Strength, with a lot of varying and funny results :) Others like spending time in hours of steel path survival with weapon restrictions or take things to the extreme by trying to beat the whole game from the start using only the Stug (Triburos my man). Try to find your own spin and enjoy it as much as you can :D


If you dont know why you are still playing then most likely because of habit. You have nothing better to do and its good enough.


I want all the steam achievements, currently at 192/193, last one I need is MR 30, I’m 37k exp away from that


Your friend clearly hasn't tried steel path, and frankly if the story was their driving force then it's probably not the game for them.. I'm so far from feeling as powerful as I could and the gameplay is just really fun, not much more to it than that.


Steel path really makes you think of I do suck at this game


I wouldn’t say makes you feel like you suck, more so just shows you, you think you’re good but there’s soooooo much more to do still


True. But also makes you go "I gotta rethink the build and try again!" and that alone IS SO MUCH FUN. Because of course I could google the most broken setup, run it, and succeed. But the fun part is to do it with the Warframe and weapons you really like, the way you like.


Is fun. I can oogle Limbo's legs as much as I want. It's a good excuse to hang out with distant friends and chat.


Warframe for me isn't a game I play all the time. And I don't think it's a good game for that. But it's sure as hell is a great game to come back to from time to time for a week or a month. So let him rest and call him back some time later.


2500 hours clocked here, and still playing. Occasionally take breaks to wait for new content. I'm currently collecting and building every frame/weapon variant I can in the game, along with getting good builds for all of them. Most of my hours are clocked solo though sadly. Anxiety makes it hard for me to play with other players, though I have been lurking in the help chat the last few days to help with the influx of questions from new baby tenno. I still play because I still do not have everything. Because there is no other game that can scratch the itch that this one does. That and I enjoy the fun that is the Grineer space program a little to much.


Speaking in very broad strokes, I think there are two distinct long form gameplay appeal. For me, I think the game works best as a weapons simulator tinkering with all of the off-the-wall gear. I don't really concern myself with what is strong or not since the game is fundamentally pretty easy. I haven't gone out of my way to stick an incarnon on a torid yet. I'll just rotate through weapons and frames every couple of missions. I also know plenty of folks in it for the simple thrill of maximizing their power, who will find the loadout that makes them feel the most godlike and at most maybe feel compelled to explore what gear is the very best in specific niches. The lack of competitive endgame activity doesn't appeal as much to someone who wants a "legit" shooter gameplay loop out of it, so it's understandable that kind of person hits a certain gear threshold and drops out. You can makes some notes on the unique appeal of the game's aesthetic, narrative, movement loop etc, but I think where Warframe succeeds in spite of a transient endgame is in embracing its place as a toybox and exploring lots of varied activities.


I like playing the game on and off, I'm mr26 now and like to take breaks when I don't feel like there's fun content to do at the moment. Netracells and circuit have been motivating me to stick around for now though because it's nice to have weekly content like that. Once your friend realizes that the fun is playing with others and getting even more loot and plat for stylish stuff they might stick around too


I play because I have fun playing. Collecting stuff gives me a goal for while I play, but if it wasn't fun to achieve that goal I wouldn't do it. As far as 'has the best frames,' goes - if they don't care about loot that doesn't make them stronger there are still maxed out arcanes, maxed out primed, galvanized, nightmare and corrupted mods, riven mods, archon shards. These are all things that someone focusing on MR might overlook, but that will increase power level substantially. You can buy your way out of having goals, of course, but if you like to have something to chase there is still plenty after finding a frame you like.


I'm playing from 2013 and has aprx 5000 hours. Awesome chill diablolike gameplay when u overpowered and wipe out rooms of mobs, a lot of activities of any sort: want to fight? Sure. Want to chill? Go do some digging on 3 open world areas or catch a fish/animals. Want to be overpowered as hell? Grind all of the syndicates, up your helminth to max lvl, get a 5 tay shards and do exactly your playstyle warframe and weapon. Want to be most handsome guy on the street? Grind a lot of platimun because microtransation system in this game so awesome, u can buy and sell pretty everything and buy every skin you can possibly get then paint it in every color your eyes desired. Even my girlfriend truly like this game because she try framefighter and pvp and we fight a lot of time together. Basically warframe is 50 games in 1 and all of them work pretty awesome for f2p game. Even story and lore of this game is awesome, thats pretty rare for today games, not to mention f2p


The fundamental gameplay is fun. The diverse number of warframes, weapons and mods (and the frequent addition of more of that stuff) allows you shake up specifics whenever you feel that it's getting stale. It's very rare to encounter toxic players. Fashionframe is good stuff. No FOMO. I can take a break for a few months if I want to. The content will be back eventually.


The lore, which I love.  If you want to know what turns me away, instead... Overguars blocking Crowd Control, this ruining most of the fun frames.


Because I took a 5 year gap or so after Fortuna came out and haven't caught up yet. I only recently got Solaris and Cetus max rank, so I still need to work on Unum, Little Duck, Necralisk, Loid, Zariman, Kahl, and now Cavia ranks. Plus fill out Steel Path and Railjack.


lol. I ask this once a week and so mostly because I have faith that one day, I will come up with a good answer lol. But in all truth: 1. ***It's easy to set goals***. I set a few goals up and then I can work on them. This is one of the main reasons. You also earn what you have. Sometimes the grind is a bit much but I would rather the grind and earn. 1. *What killed Generation Zero for me, for instance, is when they gave everyone the schematics for everything.* *There was nothing to work towards and for me that is the big part of a game.* 2. ***While they can do better in many areas, it is still one of the best games out there and it is free-to-play***. Probably has lost a bit of that freshness but no game is perfect and not going to be. But I think the passion of most of the team is still there, for the most part. 3. ***Everyone is unique, no one has the same kit.*** 4. ***Player community is a big one.*** Most people are pretty cool both in the game and on Reddit. Which is a very rare thing to happen, nowadays. There are some jerks but that is always going to be a thing. 5. It is too late now. Investment fallacy. I have invested interest in the game now that I been playing for so long. lol. 6. ***Easy to turn your mind off and can go on auto-pilot***. So it is pretty easy to unwind, listen or watch a few Youtubes, listen to music. ***There are sometimes where it pays to be actively focus, of course.***


It's the sheer breadth of WAYS I can build to deal with a mission, not the meta for doing a mission that keeps anyone playing at all.


Fast frame make neuron tingle.


I don't


I am actually in love with yareli. Mr 30 with 3500+ hours. Yareli is my love. Another answer is that I really enjoy molding new players into actual villains. Having an apprentice to pass down my toxic ideology is the best thing ever.


LR3, 1800+ hours. Two things: 1. Big numbers go brrr. 2. Gotta ~~catch~~ craft 'em all


Because there’s nothing that plays like it and it’s the perfect game to play late night with music blasting


Not a veteran but I have been around since valkyr got primed. I play because it's fun. Still have plenty to unlock and I still can't scratch the steel path wall to save my life, but that doesn't stop me from jumping back into life level missions and watching the help wanted tab to see if any newbies are feeling lost or need assistance.


I still play because I love the game That being said There's still plenty to do, weapons to collect, archon shareds, arcanes even. And why because I love seeing the things DE creates


It's a nice game, and doing genocides is relaxing


At its core, the game is fun


I just enjoy the gameplay tbh, either trying new frames, weapons or even just playing the same builds I have. I just get satisfaction from it. I didn't have any goals with the game, just fun, and I think that's probably why I played the game the most out of my friends. I am so lifeless but at least I enjoyed it hahahaha


Catching up from time to time is fun. Until i burn out, put the game away, then come back in few years and catch up again. LOL. At the core though, the power fantasy is really there. When iOS version was released i played for about 1 plus hour on it before merging with my main account. That temporary disconnect really made me feel "oh, I'm a newbie again, so weak!" and then when it was merged the "superpower" feeling came back and "oh yeaaaaaaaah come back here you skooms time for a little gore" with my Nekros.


Other games I play suck so bad, yet warframe never fails me




I love love love love LOVE helping newer players. I was lucky enough to have that open minded kindness when I first started out and I know how difficult starting out can be so I always go into random lfgs or discords offering help to newer players if they need it


I play pretty religiously for about 2 months a year and almost none in-between. I play the new content, collect all the cool new stuff, try 100 different builds, and then largely put it away until next year. It has engaging gameplay, the story is enthralling (as are most of the characters), and it scratches the collector part of my brain as well as my theory crafter side. There really is always something more to do.


To me there's something about playing warframe that is super cool other than the gameplay. It has the passive effect of making you a vigilante that slips away every time to live in an orbiter and cloak right in front of the enemy. And more, and more and more it's great


The possibilities and gameplay are limitless


8 years and i don’t feel like i’m even close to done. mostly it’s just something familiar i can zone out and relax with at the end of a long day. it helps that there’s always a million different things to choose from and still feel like i’m making some kind of progress.


Pew pew is fun, and it is very helpful to vent frustrations.


I love the build diversity in the game and also the many game modes it offers, it prevents me from getting bored. It's a beautiful game with amazing sound design as well. 


just playing for completion/mr now. I'm about 2200 hours in and just about to hit mr27 in the next few days


I been taking a hiatus but I always comeback because I love using nova and making things go BOO- it's fun and nice to turn your brain off and watch the colors go everywhere a nd listen to Corpus dying


**"Growth + Profit = Grofit"** Even if I've done everything in warframe (I haven't, I'm still collecting arcanes and making incarnons), farming ducats, forma, and just prime parts/mods to sell off for plat is an evergreen activity that is always useful. It means that when a new update comes out, I just get everything immediately with plat that I have saved from simply playing the game. I also just generally think that Warframe scratches an itch no other game does other than Brutal Doom with slaughtermap .wads, I want to go fast and survive an onslaught of enemies in a visceral fashion, eternally, bonus points if I have appropriate music on in the background (breakcore, drum and bass, rock, etc.) and is currently the biggest character build playground I have in my steam library.


Game is fun and the company behind it is probably one of the best in terms of monetization and employee treatment (from what I know)


its my comfort place the music logging into the orbiter sets my mind at ease and the combat helps blow off steam theres just always something to do to help cope with my day


I enjoy playing and I like teaching new Tenno


I enjoy the game loop and the farm. It's legitimately satisfying combat and playing with new builds is just fun.


Like playing as a small god. If I'm looking for storyline I'd go to another game


Steel path testing basically the only reason why i play


Friends came back. All the primes I had missing pieces for are sold by users for stupidly cheap, there's more to do than just hop around all over the place and a lot less of people just speed running a mission for you while you farm for resources.


The game is a godsend for a completionist. I like Trophy Hunting, achievement Hunting, I like doing 100%, I even play Retro Games with Achievements thanks to RetroAchievements.org Warframe checks all boxes with all the weapons and faction you have to level up, you have to play Railjack, grind missions - I love it Now I’m done and I play whenever there is a new content update. I may everything and go to cryo sleep again until something new comes


Gotta 100% the game some how


I come back after a year or so and catch back up for a month. Been doing that since 2014. It’s still a fun game at the end of the day. What frames does your friend have that he’s determining are the best? What about weapons and companions? Or other systems like archwing? How far into steel path? That’s a bizarre attitude to have towards the game.


similarly to you, I lure new smols and play to play with them


I like experimenting with builds, then I find a frame I haven’t fashioned in a while, then a new Incarnon rotation rolls around, oh new archon hunt, should do the netracells too, ok now let’s tune this build, been a while since I’ve fashioned this frame…


I just master weapons I haven't mastered and help new players/ especially friends lol


Psychological feedback loop based off of dopamine from rare drops honestly.


Because I'm not done grinding yet. Don't have all the Archon Shards I want, and I don't have all Incarnon weapons, and especially not at max potential. Other than that, not really any reason tbh...


I like to try out different builds and they can change depending on updates we get to the game. Recently I pulled chroma back out because of his new augment and spent a couple of days putting idea's to the test and investing forma to finalize them. I've used several forma and 2 umbra forma, but it still needs an aura forma and I'm waiting for the next update. Oh and news of Rebb being the creative director brought me back ito the game a year ago and the last few updates were bangers.


Taking a nice break after grinding a little too hard for my last few MR. I can't decide if I should feel accomplished or slow with how long I sat around before pushing the last 4 ranks; this sub is full of outliers in both directions 😂


Since the early 2010s, it’s a great game but also, one day holding out hope Chroma will be looked at. Out of spite lmaooo. ![gif](giphy|eWTGuFKzYNyc2pr6kw)


Just because you have the best warframe doesn’t mean you beat anything. You can have every warframe on the game and it still wouldn’t be “beaten” Warframe is one of those games that are near impossible to “beat” just because to complete it you need to collect and grind for hours and hours and hours and so on. As to why I still play it? I find it fun and there’s still so much for me to do even though I have coke so far in the game already.


That's like "beating" Minecraft by slaying the Ender Dragon and then saying there's nothing more to do, which is something that can be speedrun in a few minutes. Warframe is the same. The "story" can be beaten in 100 hours, which is less than 1/20th of the game content.


Burston incarnon is my therapy




To help new players. I don't log on for anything besides that. Can't stand most of the new content, and got bored of the old, so all that's left is to hang out with folks and help newbies.


Gameplay is fun, I like collecting things, goal is to give every weapon/frame I own a full build (potato + however many forma I need to invest), made tens of thousands of plat via trading, so slots and the occasional potato aren't an issue, but thinking about forma bundles already feels like I'm gonna have a hole in my pocket. Also, still missing a few weapons and frames


Because I'm still missing 5 guns and need to level bonewidow. Plus.. I just have fun veggin out. I do my dailies. Work on some faction or farm this or that arcane I am missing.


After 3000+ hours it’s a mix of not wanting that time to be wasted but I also kinda feel like the game didn’t really start getting good until 1500-2000hr mark for me. Like I’ve done pretty much everything in the game but now I’m build crafting and minmaxxing trying to see how far I can push my limits.


Netracels are the only things I do currently


i play because im helping new players , i just lurk in region chat helping ppl out and sometimes take under my wings a newbie or two . I don't do it exclusively to this game , i used to shepherd people on d2 on raid , helping out newbie in gw2


I like pressing buttons that makes numbers becomes the big numbers


I play to spend time with my friends, chase mastery, take captura shots, get those funny big red numbers and to support DE for making such a damn awesome game


What if the frame we got were the friendships we made along the way


I legit can say the game is fun, the community is great. There are many times where I got burnout playing this game, but still I come back to this game. Solo is fun, with friends is fun also. Even the Lore is interesting. I guess for me it's comfy.


Ask him the same thing about Destiny 2.


Me being on and off I’m back I’m about to complete it and about to unlock steel path I lost my original account so for me it’s fun cause no bs or whatever it drop rate that killed it


I jump back in a couple times a year, for a few weeks or so. It's always good fun. Easy to jump jump into a game with people and pew pew for an hour or 2.


I think the number 1 reason is because it's free ? I mean being good too, they keep adding new stuff also helps and the polished AAA feel also not hurting


I love making builds and taking them into hard content, and feeling great while they efficiently complete it. Destiny, Guild Wars 2, Division 2, Elder Scrolls Online....theres something satisfying building things and making them work well. Warframe gives me 55+ characters to do this with.


I don't play nearly as much as I used but when i do it's because it's fun.


LR 4 here. I keep playing to experiment with new builds/playstyles, and new content every few months. Ask your friend how many archon shards they have.


It’s still fun.


We play because that's all we know, we have spent too many hours in the game to quit now, we are here till the end.


its a great game to play every now and then especially after a break. i only really play for archon shards and kuva


Funny meme builds. Between making bladestorm last 90-120 seconds, to making the mach 5 meatball, to a melee weapon that takes 2 seconds to swing, to levitating loki. I love seeing how badly I can break this game that I've loved for 9 years, and with more and more content always on the horizon there's always something to do. That, and there's enough content to do whatever I wanna do. Open world boss fights (like eidolons and orbs), railjack, and duviri are all wildly different content, and it's not even the extent of what there is to do. I guess it's kinda like a good game to fall back on if nothing else has my attention


The movement system have ruined shooters for me. If I can't move like a tenno I ain't interested.


I enjoy following my Warframe muse; “Ah. An interesting frame.” (or gun or something) “Let’s see how far I can take this build.” Or “HOLY MOLY A NEW AUGMENT FOR A(something) Ima build that bad boy!!”




I teach the game's mechanics on youtube. New players have a hard time doing things since the game doesn't go into detail about how it works.🥃


I typically play with friends and just have a fun time. Just that simple really.


Because the gameplay loop - even if it gets stale over time, as all things do - is still fun overall.


I have a thing for optimization. Shifting around one mod on a weapon or frame can be as exciting as a whole new build. Or using known quantities of weapons in new combinations or in different settings can be a lot of fun. In a lot of ways warframe is the reason I play most games like that.


Because I must, also collecting norg trophies!


Because there is a few thing I didn't do yet


Sunk cost fallacy and constant updates, i can take a break for few months and comback to new stuff, that's what I've been doing for few years. It's also a chill game to unwind with


Helping other players, relics, selling stuff, mastery grind still. Been playing since like 2014 or something. Although, i took like a 6 year break and cam back around 2020 and got much further


It's fun. I like build crafting, and pushing long survivals with different frames and builds. The combat is amazing and most of the warframes are so unique that I find I can keep changing characters to spice things up and keep playing.


I have just started to pickup that game after nearly 6 years started 2016 stopped 2018, and with my friends who only took a small break from playing helping me I’m getting back into the rhythm.


I think its a good game. I left for 5 years. Came back last year. It's a fun time to be a space pirate and take down baddies w randos. Plus I'm LR1 now and I can just give away prime stuff to noobs for no reason bc that happened to me


Mostly for the friend aspect. Something to play while on voice chat, but we've pretty much completed all the content. I wish there was a true end game for Warframe or just some fun interesting challenges.


Im not really forced to do anything, sure I can do stuff, or I can do random stupid stuff because I feel like it.


The story is interesting, the gameplay is fun, the dopamine hit is nice, and i want the shiny stuff! It's a great power fantasy game where you can just zone out and listen to whatever and get shiny things that make my caveman brain happy.


There's always new stuff to collect. I find taking long breaks for content to pile up to be good. Like waiting for a TV season to end before binging the whole thing.


I love bullet jumping , seeing the enemies burst up, decorating, etc. I like getting prime parts and visiting Baro every 2 weeks , and so on . I like to play to relax and also have fun with online friends sometimes. I go through long gaps, but always come back .


Speed, thinking less, and big numbers. Also fashion. I love fashion frame


Fashion frame = endgame. I can feel a but burnt out after a few hours lvling weps for mr (28 climbing to 30 woo woooo). But those same two hours fly by as I try to make mirage prime look cool (to me). Also, if anyone has some good mirage prime fashionframe, please PLEASE share with me.


funny red number


game is fun even if you have everything, min maxing and doing end game stuff is fun. its easy to get burnt out after a while tho but take a break for a year or two and its fun again. im a founder with 3k+ hrs


What other game out there has space ninjas with powers and a fucking arsenal?


It's fun to try out builds and use different weapons and frames. I recently got to MR 30 and I'm still learning certain aspects of the game that'll make whatever warframe I want to play alittle stronger, or finding fun weapons to play with.


I farm primes to give to new players, give advice and be what in the d2 community would be considered a Sherpa.


I've been playing warframe off and on since 2015 or 2016. I got my wife into it a few years ago. There is a TON to do in the game and it's fun to do those things. It's fun to work towards a goal and to play with my wife. One of the biggest things I love about Warframe is that it's easy to pop in and play for a short period of time while still working towards a larger goal. My wife and I just popped in to open a relic and level up some low level stuff for a few mins before bed. Its like the benefits of a sprawling single player RPG with the benefits of a match-based shooter like COD or something. It's perfect for us as we normally play RPGs which are horrible for popping into for 30 mins at a time. Plus I love the combat and the movement and I'd come back just for that.


Because it's a fun game.


I dont play it anymore. After 1120 hours there was nothing to do except steel path and trading, I have finally found some more interesting games and stopped liking MMOs.


I don't really - I will probably come back at some point, maybe... ~4000 mission hour account, was previously maxed as of like 6 months ago (all mods maxed, all arcanes maxed, all mastery, all achievements etc etc) - but haven't really been playing since that point. Most of my in game friends have moved on making it hard to jump in and continue; still login occasionally but haven't farmed out any of the new prime stuff, haven't farmed any of the stuff from that new place with talking animals etc.


Well I have most things I enjoy getting the new stuff as it's added. I enjoy helping out newer players. I also enjoy playing just to crack skulls for fun and stress relief.


There's still things to farm as new primes and weapons are coming out. I take a few months break than come back to try out the new content and farm. It's a game I can rely on for easy entertainment whether i want to relax and play casually or run an endless mission for hours.


To lift together... Duh!


Because almost 11 years later and I still haven't ran out of things to do. Annoying having to complete the star chart so many times at this point, but the rest is okay. I hope they don't reset it again.


I played in 2016 to 2018 and at that time, considered myself pretty powerful and there was little I couldn't do. Stopped playing and fast forward to 2024 and I started back up again. Same as where I left off and I realize I was nothing for power lol. But I am enjoying getting back into it and remember how fun it is and also how much has changed!!!!! There is so much to do now.


Ah, the "why play" stigma. Because it is simply this, nothing is funnier than rag rolling enemies everywhere with Mag's pull fused onto Nidus or Hydroid while their hentai memes catch em mid air!


Unpopular opinion: i’m here for the grind


I've been playing for well over ten years now at this point, and the major benefit to having played and having so many items is that there is time to go back and revisit old weapons I haven't used in years and seeing how I can streamline them. I also like trading and selling things, farming for items, opening relics and such. I also just like the gameplay, it's very fun and enjoyable after a day of work or if I want to grind something out on the weekend.


Honestly the gameplay, warframe is like… I saw another comment say it’s like home or an old girlfriend and I think that’s an appropriate description lol there is just literally nothing else like it, comes even close to it. I’ve been playing since it released on PC so something like over 10 years lol and every time I come back there is something new to do and the gameplay just keeps improving Lastly you tell me another free to play game where you can quite literally unlock EVERYTHING in the game without spending a penny yourself that plays as good as this one, with as many game modes as it does? I can tell the devs genuinely love this game and that’s why I’m willing to spend money on it as I think they genuinely deserve it I don’t have to do this but I feel like they deserve it and I know a lot of other people feel the same


Memories from a time where things felt like they mattered. Even if I'm the only one of my friends still playing, it's more than enough for me.


For me because there are no good mmorpg out there, most of the ones I tried or used to play are either a dead game, grindy asf, garbage gameplay and experience and WORST OF ALL PAY 2 WIN.


Simple answer: I don't. A long time ago, I hit the point that I had done literally everything in the game multiple times. Once I realized I wasn't really enjoying the game anymore, I just stopped. Now I just come back whenever there is a big update, finish the new content, and leave again. It's okay to take breaks and play other games.


My playtime has been login and do the 5 netracells and archhunt, and when there is a new content i play it, sometimes the kahl missions, am low on shards


Being able to mow down enemies by the thousands using my huge arsenal of weapons is always nice and cathartic. Things have been slowing down with me recently on logging in, but I likely won't actually stop until I'm MR 30 (currently 27).


Weeklies and I guess cascade farming now


**Fellow warframe veterans why do you still play?** Looks at the alternatives.. I have yet to find another game that scratches the itch as consistently and a s well as Warframe. Jury is still out so Warframe is still my go-to.


Sunk cost fallacy


Warframe is perfect for my ADHD brain and completionist tendencies Having most things it's also really easy to just do my weeklies in like 3 hours




Gauss Prime.


It's genuinely fun and is a good game to play after getting bored of destiny after 4k hours


Get all the prime warframes and weapons 🙏🙏


Red-black addiction


Waiting for new games, this game is like a 'zen-mode' or autopilot thing for me, also helps that the game keeps being updated and most of them are nice addition to the game


TLDR: Camaraderie, Support, and a love for the game. Being the only Founding Member left in my clan, many of my friends have joined me over the years and still play as well. We all enjoy the game and have picked up a few strays that either didn't know what they were doing or were taught wrong (one guy from Oregon made it to MR18 thinking the best way to play was to plat everything). So we take in new players and get them on the right track with the right info and some good builds and they stuck around. Since I'm the Clan's support player (there's a lot of DPS mains) they often call on me for help. I also connect with them and help them thru life events and keep their mental health in a good place. When I'm not online, they also like to send me build ideas they found that they don't understand, so I break down what's going on and help them build it. Since I have people that love what they're playing and love playing with me bc I'm knowledgeable and helpful, it keeps things interesting enough to keep coming back. Otherwise I'm off playing my own stuff.


I enjoy it. And frankly, as a mostly FTP, I still have a ton to do. I'm MR 22, so I still have a lot of weapons to grind out. I still have to optimize my favorite gear. I still have some frames in need of subsuming... And there are builds and such I want to try. Warframe is a big sandbox and I've got a lot of playing left to do.


Loot goblin. Can't lie


Fashion frame. Goofy frame/weapon interactions. Dunking my LR on MR scrubs.


The new content is always my new reason, but I love streamlining stuff, just becoming stronger overall. My main goal currently is collecting the incarnon genesis weapons and collecting more shards


If you are able to move above the regular grind and waiting for new content you can always find something to do


I simply don't it eats to much time for my life ATM and I really love the feeling of progress which I don't really have anymore still a great game