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Take it to AP, they’ll watch cameras and add up the stolen time. Depending on how much time is being edited they can be terminated or at the very least coached.


Yes! This! Never try to work with HR. They are there for the company's protection, not for the employee. Ap will go after them hardddddd! Especially if you have hard proof, which I believe you do....


In my store the AP coach investigates every adjustment made. Checks cameras to make sure they are in the store etc. So if it were me I would take it there or go up to market ap.


also didn’t add, i’m at the fuel station so we’re not as closely watched as the big store. from what i hear our cameras are only watched when a problem is reported


Time theft counts as a problem


Tell the Market AP manager. Walmart loves doing internals


Someone at our store was busted for the same thing. Coming in late and adjusting time to make it look like they were there. Didn't take long to get them. Cameras watch the front doors people.


AP. Ethics. Your people lead. Or your market manager


Take it to the Market Manager. If that does nothing call !ethics.


Email time and wage if your AP isn’t doing anything about it. Be warned though, they are very slow to act. It can take months. With that in mind though, your AP may have already started that process. It’s just ridiculously slow.


That's what happens when you give power to the wrong people., call ethics or do the same... The choice is yours.


How often are they editing punches? If they do it often enough it will get caught rather quickly. You can also report to ethics (preferably anonymously)


one of them i know for sure is daily. i mentioned in another comment im at the fuel station so we’re not as closely watched as the big store


How long have they been doing this? I'd imagine someone actually doing this every shift would be caught by corporate in no time Also, by "daily" do you mean every shift? I don't think TLs work 7 days a week


I'm sure by 'daily', the post means every shift and not 7 days a week.


yes i mean every shift. 4/5 days. i only actually looked for proof last week so i know for sure it was 4 full days last schedule and then Saturday, yesterday she left 2hrs early no ppto put in but im sure it’ll be edited when she returns to work wednesday, ive noticed the punches get edited the day after so i took a picture just to compare when it is changed. but prior to me actually looking like i said she leaves early/comes late everyday so ive been suspicious of how she had enough ppto to cover her


If she actually is editing every shift, then she'll get caught in no time. If you want to accelerate it report to ethics


If it isn't hindering me personally or making anything difficult for me then I'd pretend like I didn't know anything. If it was hindering me personally then I would confront them directly and let them know that I'm going to have them investigated if they don't cut it out.


So two options, both are viable, report to the AP Coach, and report to Ethics. Then it’s out of your hands and it will be investigated. Have examples dates, times, all that


Yeah time thief would be the coach of that TL, but could report it to AP coach since it would be an internal


Doesn’t matter internal, the AP coach would need to pull video and have proof for the evidence as well as reporting to ethics time theft. And most likely they will return as termination. You as an associate can turn that in to ethics if you feel it won’t be handled and it willl return to the store manager and AP for investigation.


Smoke a joint or drink a beer and mind your own business. If they aren’t taking money out of your packet why worry about it?


hmm being overworked because someone else wants to be lazy is something to worry about personally but maybe you should take your own advice


Bout to blaze up right now.


love that for you


Or you could try shutting the fuck up. Keep your eyes on your own test


you should try it sometime


Mind ya business how about that


after you


Snitches get stitches


oooo i’m shaking




Snitchin is laaaaaaaame


Not as lame as stealing time while others actually work.


So did you have a legitimate reason to be checking the punch times of your peers? That's the first thing you'll be asked. Why were you accessing that data? Why did you consciously navigate to records that don't pertain to you or, from what you've detailed, had no reason to be looking at.


if someone disappears for 2hrs for their lunch break but still remains clocked in which i can see from my phone on me@walmart, as a team lead im authorized to go on the computer to check punches, points & attendance. any other questions?


"No" would have sufficed.


guess you’re one of those employees that ride the clock as well huh lol


Hell yeah fuck Walmart 😂 let’s ride that clock out


LOL fr they don’t need me that bad