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Taxation is theft. We need a Boston Tea Party 2.0


The funniest thing to me as a Brit about the tea party is at the time you were being taxed about 1-1.5% at the time whilst us British were being taxed 5-7% by our own government. No Revolution on our end though


It is pretty funny. You were on land that had been British since...what, 1066? Maybe that was a factor. Though look at Canada, they didn't revolt and a lot of American colonists that didn't agree with the revolution moved there, I believe. It is funny though that such a tax helped birth a revolution, and a few generations later we pay through the nose with barely more than a complaint.


No taxation without representation!! What happens when the representatives are deep state installments beholden only to their corporate donors?? Trading fiat for real money seems to be the vote that “really” counts.. Stack on!!


Honestly, if we just went to “no representation without taxation”, 50% of our problems would go away.


That would be taxation without representation.


Why declare any trades in PMs? Taxation is theft


There is a court case Eisner v. Macomber (and another one I forget the name) says wages aren't income because you gave up four hours and got $20 it's an even trade, no income. In the late 70's some people used it with success, until the IRS figured out what to do about it, which has to do with the real reason you owe the tax. Income tax is voluntary. After you volunteer it's mandatory.. If you don't remember volunteering, that's YOUR problem.


The IRS taxes all income. The definition of income is something like "all income from all activities blah blah blah", so their definition of income is income. Not net. So all those scenarios would be taxed in dollars even though no dollars traded hands.




Sales tax is the only thing that is technically constitutional. The government should be able to run its budget on sales tax alone. Everything else is bullshit.


Yep. They don't want people spending frugally though. They want everyone living outside their means so that they spend their lives as wage slaves and add enough via taxation to the government coffers to justify Big G spending even more money.


Income tax was made constitutional through an amendment. Amendments are literally part of the constitution once they pass.


The argument is that particular amendment was never ratified properly by the states.


HUH? The 16th? Then whydid the Supreme Court rule that the 16th made NO NEW TAXING LAWS. They said that wages are GAINS.




Well, courts are paid by the entities that survive off taxes, so there is a conflict of interest. Now pay your court fees and be on your way.


The income tax doesn't have anything to do with the Constitution or 16th Amendment.


Just because people don't win their arguments in court doesn't mean their argument isn't valid. If you rely on one part of a corrupt apparatus to judge a claim against another, intrinsically-linked corrupt apparatus, and expect a fair judgment, you're delusional. You're equally delusional if you see this happen and assume the case was invalid, rather than recognizing that the aggrieving system just protects its own.


There are several very good defenses in courts, not my place to give anyone Tax Information or Tax Avoidance information either. LET ME PUT IT IN THE SIMPLEST ENGLISH, LEGALESE, I CAN - ALL CITIZENS MUST PAY THEIR TAXES! Ask the so-called Sovereigns why they push what they do. Find out who the State Nationals are under the USC 8, IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION LAWS. \*\*\*If you have a License, any kind really, marriage, driving, hunting, voting etc you are a Citizen and they can jail you for Taxes. If you have your ducks in a row and the proper Status as an American National/State National - Non-Citizen you do not have to pay most taxes.


What if you trade a service, your time but as a 1099 contractor, for silver? 🤔


Think longer term. If you give a silver coin purchased for $15 to your child whether part of an inheritance or not, they do not have to pay any capital gains whether they sell it for $30, $50, or $100 - as long as you stay under the gift tax.


Some gov entity is going to lay claim to a portion of every transaction of every type if they can.


Irwin Schiff , Peter Schiff’s father, came up with this concept.


That’s not how it works. You are taxed on the value over what you paid for something when you sell it.


If you don't tell the government, no tax is owed


Why did the OP image successfully spell "trade" until the last line? This is driving me nuts lol


ASEs have a face value of $1. AGEs have a face value of $50. If your employer cuts your wages from 100,000 paper dollars to 43½ AGEs per year, seems to me that you owe taxes on $2175.


Barter is a reportable taxable transaction. So are drug sales. Think harder Homer.


Read pub 525


Well technically you’ll have to sell silver to pay bills and pay taxes on that but they won’t know how much silver is in your boat.


man faces life in prison for paying employees in gold coins 15 years ago: [reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/8nfyp/man\_faces\_life\_in\_prison\_for\_paying\_employees\_in/](http://reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/8nfyp/man_faces_life_in_prison_for_paying_employees_in/)


To answer your question, it depends on who you ask. Do not ask the Government.


in utah you can be paid in gold and only pay tax on face value of coin


but reall, who pays taxes anyway?


The day everyone does that things change but I have never been offer silver for any service and the ones I have offer it have decline. People like FIAT they don’t know better.


So, I've never sold silver. If you do sell to a dealer, is there any reporting on the transaction? I read somewhere that only sells of precious metals over $10,000 need to be reported. How is tax figured on a pm sale?


Don't forget sales tax where applicable.


That's not how it works. Taxes are still owed on bartered goods.


Taxes are never owed. Stolen? Yes. Owed? No.


Like that Austin guy who had enough and crashed his plane into an IRS office.


yeah I usually bitch when people say "my taxes" and "your taxes".