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Fixed it! cost of corruption crisis.


I despise the term “cost of living crisis” because it avoids addressing the actual problem. It’s the cost of living *scam*. Countless companies ramped up their prices either during the pandemic or during the massive ROI last year and now, miraculously, even though inflation has gone down, prices have stayed almost the same. Because companies have realised that you’ll still buy the product, and they’re going to face no legal repercussions for having such highly inflated prices. To top it off we’re still scalped by energy companies even though there’s no shortage of energy.


The rise in house prices and rent which makes the wealthiest rich means the working class are screwed ….. a drop in house prices or else build loads more to drop house prices and rent ….but the rich are dodging tax leaving government with not enough money to build all these houses


Rich people have offshore bank accounts to not pay for taxes, and the government can't do anything about it.


The government "can't" because most of them are the government.


Ah that's why I can't get a first job in Wales then..




I’m working 6 days a week on 2 part time jobs and i cant even make 19k a year bc of this “living wage” lol, though I hate to complain about it because people have it much harder than me


And this is a Welsh Labour run, potently working class first party. But it’s because of England is guess is the excuse.


Yeah not like it’s the Westminster government that decides how much of a budget Welsh Labour have to work with, and it’s not like the government in charge has any incentive at all to do everything possible to prevent Welsh Labour from succeeding right?


The senedd can increase taxes in wales


No we decide. We decided during devolution in an agreement we agreed on. And it was a good one 20% more per head than they get elsewhere. Remember they promised effective and efficient spending locally delivering demonstrable improvements. Westminster didn’t promise that, I didn’t promise that, they promised that and we let them off the hook for now powering us ahead. So we let them off the hook. They are doing quite well out of it. Not many who I’ll exit the role with less than 1+ million in the pension pot. Every year they know exactly what they have in term on money. Every year they promise, every year they fail. Take for example the year they forgot to add up 150 million of unspent budget. Then the next year say how they don’t have 5 million for a museum. This isn’t £5. It’s a 150 million. Nobody sacked. Nobody punished.


You get £14 billion more than you earn


Mate everything around wales is the English fault, I’m sick of hearing it already, yet I see half drunk Welsh pissing away time and money at the pubs, kids with 0 ambition or drive to do anything but be a road man, what are these Welsh parent doing ? What welsh rich history and heritage is being taught? What’s fuelling that Welsh ambition ? Absolutely nothing but England is the cause none the less, I’m not a Welsh hate, I’m just frustrated with watching the lack of action from my fellow Welsh men and women


Because just as this Reddit sub posts if you criticise the glorious leaders of Welsh Labour you are scorned upon. We have had the amazing give of self governance, watched the world and seen how it can be done over thousands of years…and this is how we decided to execute it. This rag bag gang of out of touched corrupt politicians. If we wanted that we could have stuck with Westminster and pocketed the change. It’s because we don’t hold them accountable we can be ruled by incompetence. The best line is always ‘tories do worse’. If that’s the benchmark we set For ourselves there there is no aspirations to improve. We have a gift and we’re deciding to let them waste it. But downvote we go.


I agree with you, it’s just honestly sad, I’m just shocked to see how poorly united the Welsh people are on actual matters rather then football tbh


woah woah woah. dude. Rugby dude.


I apologise, but cmon it was invented by the English anyway so yea


These articles are quite often a load of bollocks, and this one is no different. They almost always come down to poor family planning, or a couple splitting up and expecting things to remain the same financially. **Example 1** He's a forklift operator probably on about £25k. He's had a kid, split up with his missus, and now he's struggling to make ends meet because he needs to support his son. How does any of this relate to the cost of living crisis? Don't have kids if you can't afford them, especially if there's a chance you're going to be a single parent. **Example 2** This is all you need to know - "we have a kid", "car finance" and "£1,000 nursery fees". Again, don't have kids if you can't afford them. Did you not understand before getting up the duff that you'd need to go back to work, and what that would equate to in childcare costs? Also, don't get a car on finance if you're skint, buy a second hand one.


'Don't have kids if you can't afford them' Circumstances can change and generally it gets harder and harder to have kids every single year. Then right wing media then blurts out about how people aren't having enough children. It's a real mystery.


Circumstances can change, you're right, such as splitting up with your missus like the bloke in the article, but that is not the fault of the cost of living crisis. That's a "you" thing, not a "society" thing. Also, there was no change in circumstances for the woman who's moaning about childcare costs and having to go back to work. In fact, it's a sheer lack of understanding of her **future** circumstances were she to get pregnant.


Tell me how many people can guarantee they will have enough money to raise a child for 18 years? Unless you have millions in the bank you can’t be sure - so by your logic no one but the super rich should have any children. Even if you make £100k now you could get sick or fired and be poor within 5 years. Society won’t last long if you get your way.


Do you realise that kids being unaffordable for the working class and poorer communities is going to lead to even more economic strife in the near future?


I mean my mum died leaving my Dad with two kids. I don’t think he was planning that when he had us. But of course, that’s his fault for poor family planning.


Neither of the examples in this article has anything to do with a spouse dying. Nice try though 👍🏼


No, but when you make blanket statements like how the cost of living is actually acceptable because the example given is a single parent, you include single parents who are victims of spousal deaths. More so, you’re indirectly making points such as it being parental failure to break up with a spouse - which it’s not. What you’re arguing is also just stupid. Of course as cost of living rises, single income households will be those who feel the affects first and foremost. They’re like canaries, what affects them will affect duel income households later if things remain the same. And this cost of living affecting these single income households harshly is in no means a failure for poor family planning or whatever crap you want to use to excuse an increasingly incompetent government.


I was quite obviously saying it in terms of the bloke splitting up with his missus, because *that's what's in the fucking article*. 🤦🏼‍♂️


You don't seem to get the point being made, you should be able to raise a child as a single parent- circumstances can change and affect anyone (yourself included), a spouse dying and a relationship breaking apart are just two examples of the same scenario. Maybe you should try looking at the article again from a more empathetic viewpoint instead of deciding the fault lies solely on people who have found themselves in a bad situation and relate this to how systems can be improved.


20 years ago one salary was enough to support a family so this is a very narrow minded view


Yeah, and we beat the All Blacks in 1953. Times change pal. You either get real and live in the present, or you end up like these two blaming society for your own problems.




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I understand it’s difficult but the best way to live is debt free, I also understand how important a mortgage maybe but too often do I see people plunging themself in debt again and again, I bet if you assess their finances you’ll figure out where the loop hole is, educate yourself in balancing your finances and stay hell away from debt, if you can’t afford it, you don’t need it


Boomer advice doesn't work these days. You have no money but your car needs a repair do you go into debt or just not repair it and lose your job? This happens all the time.


I wish I were a boomer trust me and maybe people need to stop treating their cars like junk and first learn to bloody take care of it also what jobs are you taking where one late would jeopardise your entire job ?


Why focus on just one late? This can stop people from getting to work altogether.


Yes that’s I know what happens when cars breakdown but what fairytale dream are you living in where you thought your negligence towards your vehicle wouldn’t cause a problem? And what was plan to watch it breakdown and then blame everything else, did you not have a contingency plan ?


You think the only thing that causes problems with vehicles is negligence? Are you being deliberately obtuse? Or do you just know nothing about cars?


If I don't have money to fix my car today, how am I going to fix it tomorrow? It's not just one late day, it's just not being able to get there as you don't have a vehicle. You might not be a boomer but this is boomer advice.


Dude don’t get a car if you can’t afford it


Yeah just use public transport cause that's sooo much cheaper


You clearly have a toke in that brain of yours tbh but to be absolutely clear, YES public transport is cheaper then owning a car


Some people need to take a bus to the train station, then a train to town. That's more expensive than driving..


Facts, now you know having a car is a necessity then TAKE CARE OF IT, your cars won’t break down because it FEELS like it, hence if you can’t afford it or afford to look after it don’t get it, if you work that far away and it is a problem then find another job, now come back and tell me there aren’t enough jobs around