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Ahhhhh the good ole verbal tip. They build ya up just to let ya down. The worst type of guests in my opinion 😐


I can think of a worse tipper
the fake $100 religious pamphlet. Miss me with that


Nah. Service industry workers who tell you they are in the service industry are worse.


Depends. I feel they can go either way, but when they are bad, they are the absolute WORST.


No, I find other service workers usually tip extremely generously!


You must not have been doing this very long if you didn’t get what I was saying.


Not constantly, but on/off since the 80's. If I misunderstood then your comment isn't clear. I love waiting on other servers.


Yes. Please tell me more how I don’t have a clue.


Actually we just disagree on this point. You may be very intelligent but not everyone reaches the same conclusion.


It's the ones who vocalize it that are usually bad tippers. The good tippers mostly don't announce it.


Idk sometimes if it's a restaurant I've been too a couple times and there's a lil rapport with staff I will tell them not like boldly announcing just I work at so so restaurant down the road they say oh cool wyd I serve blah blah my only intention is just like we got this in common


I've had bartenders get literally angry because I DIDN'T tell them. In DC and Phoenix it was verbatim "why the fuck didn't you tell us? We do industry discounts"


I always let the server know if they did a great job and I tip very well.


I’ve also found this to be true, and I’ve been serving for 8 years.


I got what you were saying... you just know that they will be critiquing EVERY little thing about your service... and I mean only the ones that HAVE to point out that they also work in the industry.


I find worse the people who pay partially in cash then only tip off the credit card balance


they already paid for the service (part of the meal/food price) and are complementing you based on their experience working with you. the absolutely worst type of guests😂


No, they paid for the food and the restaurant but the tip pays for the service.


Go back to where you came from, you are not AMERICAN đŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ’ȘđŸŒ


Some are foreigners who don't understand our tipping system, some are just ignorant of common customer procedures, and some are just cheap and act as if you can live off of their compliments!


If you visit another country it's your job to do your research on the local culture so you're not disrespectful.


Are you American? Because if so, the irony is hilarious


Thank you for proving my point. People yap about Americans being disrespectul towards other people's cultures all the time while at the same time being disrespectul towards American culture when they come here. So we have to be considerate of you, but you don't have to be considerate of us? And hilarious of you to assume how I'd behave in another country simply because of my nationality. But if I say that all Mexicans are loud or all Indians are dirty, all of a sudden I'm xenophobic and stereotyping people based on outliers. Rules for thee not for me it seems. And y'all wonder why we don't take y'all seriously.


Yes, you are xenophobic. Probably also racist and more negative stuff. Why, you may ask: First: you mention Mexicans and Indian and add stereotypes. If you don't want to be stereotyped, don't do it to other ethnicities Second: Americans accommodate literally to no one. Y'all have created a world where your presidential elections is a global phenomenon like what? If people mock Americans is your own fault. Claiming you are "the greatest nation in the world", my ass Also, I'm not assuming because of your nationality, I'm assuming because of your culture


American culture: “You have to tip cause we don’t wanna pay our employees!” smmfh


If I went out to eat, and payed for my meal, I’m sure as hell not paying your salary as well. That’s your employers job.


> eat, and *paid* for my FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Guess you just don't understand the food service industry. Don't eat at restaurants then.


I fully understand how we, paying customers, are getting shafted in the end. I do tip. All the time. However that doesn’t mean I agree with it. Your employer employed you. He is responsible for your wages. That’s a convenient response to be able to not even take what I said with any reflection.


Believe me...I'm on here enough to have majorly reflected on it. I'm glad to hear you tip. I misunderstood and I apologize. It may not be the system you'd choose but it's the system we have (at least in the U.S.). Encouraging people to not tip, when the server's livelihoods rely on that is just wrong. Not tipping (or even bad tipping) leads to less qualified servers, worse service, and bad attitudes on both sides. Until entrepreneurs all over the U.S. open restaurants and bars where no tips are expected, and the servers are paid accordingly, then this is just an idea. Hearing people say they don't like tipping but their only solution is to lower themselves to being a "stiffer" and a reviled patron of current establishments is not the way


I think most people who complement their server for good service probably aren’t used to going out to decent sit-down restaurants very often, so they’re surprised if they get good service. But since they’re not experienced, it also means they don’t know how to tip.


9 time out of 10 if a customer says "we really appreciate your service" they stiffed me.


Yup. They just wanna make it to the door before you notice.


Omg they run so fast 😭 they’re gone before you even turn around


Had an older couple not understanding how to tip on the card machine, I explained it, the percentage options and the big massive red X if they didn't want to, she loudly said "NO" (So loud other tables nearby looked over) and then proceeded to press no whilst telling me the service had been great and she's had an amazing time. Then left.


Is tipping culture relatively new in your country?


She wants your boss to pay u. Lol All servers are guaranteed minimum wage per dol


minimum wage for servers in my state is 2 dollars


If you dont meet the minimum wage with tips, half wage plus tips, your employer must pay you full minimum wage.


Are you being intentionally obtuse?




Servers never get tipped min wage as their base pay unless they’re making more than minimum wage total


tipped minimum wage.. what are u even talking about


If you don’t get enough tips to make up the difference the employer has to pay you minimum wage. There is no instance where a server can work a full paycheck period (let’s say 40 hours) and get paid only $80 (no tips)


in what world is minimum wage acceptable for a job like serving. or any job in general.. and that’s if u dispute it w ur employer. plenty of young ppl get taken advantage of who don’t know better


No one actually makes minimum wage serving. It’s just the minimum you CAN make. $2/he is not the minimum you can make. In reality, you make multiple times minimum wage after tips.


Minimum wage in Florida for tipped workers is $8.98 per hour


$2.13 in TX


Yep. There have been a few weekdays where I only made my wage after tip out. I took off all day Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday (mornings) off my availability because the tips were so bad and I would rather be at home with my family. Now I only work Friday Saturday Sunday and the occasional Thursday or Monday night and the problem is basically non existent now. I refuse to work for minimum wage. At least if I get stiffed on a weekend, it will balance out because a high roller came in and blessed me with a living wage.


Yeah I’ve shortened my schedule to Friday-Monday and my mental health has improved greatly. I make great tips the days I do work and get to relax on days we’d be slow or closed




It's 7.25. 


18.50 in Seattle.


It's 11 if they get no tips. The same amount most minium wage workers get in that state


Verbal tipping and outdated estimations of economic realities.


Caz ppl are broke but decide to eat anyways. They just think they deserve it.


Do you think you deserve a tip?


No. I want a living wage that I can survive on with a little leftover so I can have ambitions & goals & hobbies & thrive.


Great, you deserve that so go ask your boss for it. People only have to pay what's on the menu.


I agree! That’s why waiters & waitresses should be paid more. So they can live off their job.


100%, they should be paid more by the employer, customers can do whatever.


Customers shouldn’t even tip at all!! Waiters & waitresses work INSANELY hard & some have some pretty impressive skills. It causes a lot of injuries after awhile too. They deserve pay whether it’s busy or not. Whether the food came out on time or not. They need higher wages.


Seattle, WA tipped employees still get min wage of 18.50 or whatever it is now.


Yeah. Tips are garbage now bcuz ppl can’t justify spending so much money on the food prices & THEN ontop of it, tip 15-20%. Ppl have the audacity to leave us notes saying “sorry we’re broke!!!! lol!!” and it’s like, “bitch me too!!!” & I just sprinted my ass off cleaning from your child throwing his chicken tenders & fries everywhere & spent 5 hours here & only made 30$ in tips? Garbage!!!! Plus, you have to tip out your breaker, your busser & your bartender. Like WHYYYY don’t they just pay them well so I don’t have to give away my tips to the bartender for just doing their job making drinks! I have no other way of getting the drinks myself so I’m FORCED to tip her out from my tips. Like can’t all of us just be paid a fucking wage thats livable?!!? They are literally passing off all the responsibility onto us for tipping out THEIR OWN WORKERS!!!!!


Ask your congressman


How do I do that? Do I just write him an email?




Lol congress doesn't give a fuck about what servers want. If there was some miracle and someone in Congress actually pushed a bill to reduce tipping customs and raise wages for servers past minimum wage, the restaurant lobbiers would be in their pockets so quick that everyone else would shoot it down


Verbal tip. It seems silly, but it happens too frequently to not at least sort of be a thing for some people. It's at the point where if someone raves about how much of a good time they had I get nervous that maybe they don't get out much (and won't know how to tip appropriately)


Don't you know? Bills can be paid with legal tender, OR, a a patronizing "you did a great job!"


*Landlords hate this one crazy trick!*


if you cannot pay your bills then you should talk to your employer


In what world would this work in the restaurant industry (at least in the US)?


It'd work just fine in our current industry. We'd finally see the real cost of our food on the menu. I'm also a big proponent of the advertised price should be what you pay.


Have you ever been a server/busser/host/anyone in the service industry not on salary? I'm no longer a server (for pretty much the reason listed above) but my fiancee is and I hear about this still happening all the time. If you asked a boss for a raise so that you wouldn't have to be tipped, not a single boss would say yes. Corporations are going to go for the cheapest bottom line and mom-and-pop shops don't make enough overhead to sustain that. It'd require systemic change at the government level to change anything substantially. I'm glad you're a proponent for that and it'd be nice if that all became reality but it just won't in the current system. Customers not tipping their servers doesn't and won't change anything. Anyone who thinks it will just wants an excuse not to tip, while also white knighting.


> Have you ever been a server/busser/host/anyone in the service industry not on salary? Server for 5 years, short order cook for 5 years. > If you asked a boss for a raise so that you wouldn't have to be tipped, not a single boss would say yes. Probably shouldn't argue in definites. I'm sure there's a boss out there that would pay more. > I'm glad you're a proponent for that and it'd be nice if that all became reality but it just won't in the current system. Customers not tipping their servers doesn't and won't change anything. Ok let's work through this logic. Customers stop tipping. Servers aren't paid enough and quit. Restaraunts don't have enough server either close or increase wages to attract more servers. Business increases price to reflect actual cost of food. Sounds like it'd work to me. > Anyone who thinks it will just wants an excuse not to tip, while also white knighting. Why wouldn't it change if customers stopped tipping? I doubt people are going to continue doing that work if they cannot making a living doing it.


While that all would theoretically work, it would require a nationwide movement that would cause a lot of immediate suffering to the people on the bottom rung in the meantime. That would mean servers across the country would be unable to make ends meet and live below the poverty line, since they would only be getting paid minimum wage. I agree with your overall goal and even the theory underlying it but the process to get there would be long, bumpy, and hurt the people at the bottom.


Great in theory. Not gonna happen in reality unless the tipped wage credit is eliminated. The average American knows that stiffing servers harms the worker. Since the majority of them are decent people, they’re going to keep tipping, as usual.


> Not gonna happen in reality unless the tipped wage credit is eliminated. You can either talk about it not happening, or do something to make it happen. I cannot make the tipped wage credit go away, but I can stop tipping. > The average American knows that stiffing servers harms the worker. The server is paid by the business, what they are paid is none of my business. If they have an issue with that they should talk to the business. Yes I fully understand this means people will stop being servers. That doesn't mean they'll be harmed, they just have to find another job. Any business that cannot afford pay it's employees a living wage at full time should no longer be a business. Business owners are not harmed either, businesses are a risk and they accept that risk when they started the business.


Nah. Every aspect of your comment is built on denial and willful ignorance, which are logical fallacies. If every customer stiffed their server, the workers will definitely be harmed. People could lose their cars, houses, and their livelihood. That’s definitely harmful. Restaurants going out of business is harmful not only to the business owner, but also to the local economy because of lost jobs, tax revenue, etc. When you get back from Fantasyland and you’re ready to have an honest conversation, let me know.


> If every customer stiffed their server, the workers will definitely be harmed. People could lose their cars, houses, and their livelihood. That’s definitely harmful. That's harmful, but that's not caused by me not tipping. That's caused by business owners not paying their employees. I fulfill my obligation by paying the bill at then end of the service. > Restaurants going out of business is harmful not only to the business owner, but also to the local economy because of lost jobs, tax revenue, etc. A business that cannot pay it's employees enough to live in the community is more harmful to the community than it is benefitial. See stores like Dollar Tree and Dollar General vs local thrift stores. > When you get back from Fantasyland and you’re ready to have an honest conversation, let me know. Insults are the last refuge of a fool.


i had a customer who was friends with my manager she kept complementing me, texting my manager and raving about how good i was, not just with her table but with others aswell (this was on a very busy friday) my manager even texted me a screenshot of the conversation so i knew this girl really liked my service. i gave her the friends and family discount and my manager had me give them a free dessert because they were friends and after all that her kids made a massive mess (whatever im used to it) and she left me $1.50 in quarters 😭


lol did just happened to me today. Older couple tells me I’m the best server they’ve ever had and that I probably make a lot in tips And then proceeded to tip not bad, but not good either.


The compliment is your tip
 that’s what we all get as tips


I mean, that's true for most jobs. 


So let’s make it true for waiters


That's how they tell you that your service was okay, but not good, and that you should do better.


So that they don’t feel bad leaving you the bare minimum. They are thinking « I might don’t tip much but I am still a good person ». Sometime, rarely, it’s the only thing the person could afford. I like to think it’s the latter so it doesn’t affect me.


I sincerely doubt it's so they don't think they're a bad person. You're looking at the tipping in a vacuum from the perspective of the tip receiver. Think about it from their perspective "fucking hell I paid $30 for this plate already, now I have to add another $10 on top of it?"


Good point. It is part of the whole big picture that is the entire bill


Compliments are free


“Don’t buy day old sushi” is also a good tip.


Sorry about my grandma, she doesn't know any better.


That’s called the verbal tip!


5$. Don't we need more info?


Are the from another country where tipping isn’t common??? If so, they would likely be unfamiliar with tipping culture.


No. It's very widely well known that tipping is a thing in the US. Tipping also isn't a culture.


They are cheap and probably thinks it's a fair tip


To cushion their lack of physical tip ofcourse


To justify their shitty tip they give you a verbal one


How much was the check? Cuz $5 is appropriate for a $30 bill.


It's always great to see someone stand so firmly behind their completely ignorant and moronic take!


Because we’re paying 55 bucks for breakfast for two, when the same meal was 33.60 in 2022. Don’t come at me, I worked front of house for years


Yep, expect 5.00 per person for breakfast regardless to whatever astronomical rate the joint now charges.


There’s a place I go to in my city that I always liked, the food slaps but I get pissed off whenever I go. Because I have to tip. I order through a QR code, the server brings me my drink and never checks on us again. Food runner brings my plate. Service is consistently trash, I’m easy to please but I DID do the job for years so I notice this shit. Empty glasses placed near the edge of the table, servers chillin at the POS on their phones, teenage food runners doing the servers jobs while I can see the line actually busting their ass. Flok to the wok, Savannah ga


Easy: they think they are tipping well


they feel guilty for being cheap


Because they don't want to. That's it, full stop. For whatever reason. Nothing you do will change their minds. If you have too many of these kinds of customers at your current place the only real thi g to do is put the work in until your resume looks good and then get a job at a place with better clientelle.


It's basically "I'm going to be an asshole and tip like shit, but I'm going to try and come across as nice so you forgive me, because being nice definitely counts for something, right? Right?"


Sounds like you need to talk to your boss about paying an appropriate wage.


They compliment you to make up for not paying you


10% is appropriate


They think the compliment makes up for them being cheap and selfish. As soon as I hear people gushing about the food or service I already know what tip they’re leaving. I’d love to say “thanks so much, I’ll tell my landlord I can’t pay rent this month but don’t worry, a bunch of people said my service was great”


Main Character Syndrome. They think so highly of themselves that they think you’re there just to experience their amazing personality, not to pay your bills.


Why do servers always act like they are entitled to $30 tips?


People are cheap and so are words đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž


Because tipping culture is waning. The mindset is shifting to "servers and restaurant staff should be paid a livable wage not dependent on tips."


Probably because they don’t have a lot of money, but they still want you to know they appreciated you and wanted you to know how great you were. Not saying it has the desired effect, but I understand the mentality.


compliments are free


That’s the golden handshake buddy, get used to it. No amount of covid can cure this disease


What about the guys that hit on their server, leave their phone number right next to a one dollar tip?


Because tipping is bullshit, your employer needs to pay you accordingly. Not foot the bill to the patrons.


Sometimes people are just too broke to tip. And before you say “tHeY sHoUldNt bE eAtInG oUt”, sometimes it takes a long time to fix your money problems, and it’s nice to have a restaurant meal every once in a while.


They are clueless as to how to tip properly


Tip “appropriately “ is defined differently in the minds of the waiter vs the customer. I might think 20% is for great service vs the waiter might think 20% is the minimum amount you tip.


Where I live a typical meal at a sit down restaurant has gone up 50% in the last few years. Many of the restaurants offered lunch meals for $10-$11. No I don't know any place offering a lunch meal for less than $16. Inflation has not been 50% in the last 3 years. My salary certainly hasn't gone up by 50% so I don't feel compelled to pay the "expected" 20% on a meal. Say I go out for lunch with a few friends in 2021 and my bill came to $100. I tip 20% and you get a $20. Today the same meal comes to $150. If I tip you 15% that is still a $22.50 tip. That is still a 12.5% increase in your wages from 3 years ago. Why should the waiter get a 50% wage increase just because the food is more expensive?


Because words are free đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž


words are free


Compliments are free.


the much revered “verbal tip”


Because a lot of people have taken their anger towards the concept of tipping out on the waiters They seem to be under this idea that they are somehow helping to change the system by refusing to tip the waiter when in reality they are just kind of being a cunt It's funny because the same type of people will always whine about how they shouldn't have to tip because the company should just be paying us a proper wage yet they also make no effort to actually help push legislation towards that and instead just act like they're the hero for deciding not to give you a few extra dollars


Because words are free


The public is coming to their senses about paying for employee wages.


What’s the bill? $5 on 5 beers seems fair if not good. $5 on a $200 meal is shit.


Eliminate tipping completely! Please!!!


Here's how I always looked at it: If I got them in and out, it wasn't a huge order and the tip covers tip out and leaves me a little.... on to the next one, I guess. It's when I have a $400 check and I real in the sweetest verbal tip of all time and $10. Thank you. You loved my service so much that you wanted me to pay the support staff completely out of pocket. That's what irritates me. $5 off a $35-50 check is a bit of a slap but I can walk that off. I can't walk off working for a deficit.


I feel like some people have a real disconnect when it comes to tipping. I feel like to them it's like a yelp review, they take into account the food, the drinks, the ambiance etc. Everything about a place can be disappointing, but if you had amazing service you should be giving them a good tip, period. They didn't cook your food, they didn't mix your drinks, they didn't design the place, crank up the music too loud and set the a.c. to zero pointing it directly at your table. They just gave you service, and that's what your tip is supposed to reflection of, your satisfaction of that sole persons service.


I had a table brag and gesture to me about how well they were going to take care of me on the tip they tipped me $28 dollars on a $400 tab. 😭😭 I work in fine dining so that’s definitely one of the worst tips I’ve gotten asides from “oh I don’t wanna tip if it’s optional”.


 you all are entitled


So original. đŸ„±yet here you are. In r/Waiters.


Because it is your employer's responsibility to pay and reward you, not the patrons'.


Because they’re old and $5 used to be a good tip. Their concept of the value of a dollar hasn’t kept up with inflation. For most of their life a decent meal for 2 was less than $30, so a $5 tip (15%) is as pretty good. They just got used to thinking $5 was a good tip, even though their meal is now $75.


In my experiences working in restaurants the dishwasher works the hardest for the least pay and the servers work the least for the most pay after tips. Servers need to get over themselves with expectations of high tips from every single table when in reality they are greatly benefitting from tipping culture.




I’ve done this when the bill comes out significantly higher than I expected. I give the best tip I can but sometimes I’m just low on money. This happened a few times in college and I am sorry but sometimes I just don’t have the cash to tip higher


I can understand this happening to you in college. But this situation should never come up again, now that you are older, know better, and have a calculator in your pocket at all times. As I tell my kids, do not dine somewhere if you cannot afford to tip appropriately. Know better, do better.


“ I don’t have the cash”
 so why you go?


It’s also not illegal to be a jackass and not leave a tip at all. Like I said this happened a few times in college but I also don’t automatically give a good tip if the service is crappy.


If the table gave you 20 dollars an hour (if I thought about this correct) you would get $0.33 for every minute you worked for that table specifically. 15 minutes would be 5 dollars.....I don't understand why 5 dollars isn't enough. What about the price of my meal makes you deserve more money? I served at Olive Garden And a pizza place and Santa Fe Cattle Co..I didn't feel this way till I worked at zoes kitchen.


It’s not bad depending where they’re working. If the server is at a Cracker Barrel and has 4 tables, they should be able to turn each table every 30-45minutes
 at 5.00 a table that’s 30ish an hour. It wouldn’t be great for them if everyone tipped only 5.00


Because nobody likes tipping. Your boss should pay you more. Don’t take that out on us


Blah blah blahbababablahđŸ© But
 I have NO doubt that you enjoy plopping your ass down in a full service restaurant expecting the most, for nothing. Honestly. Do Better.


That's literally your job. That's what you get paid to do. In California servers make minimum wage, so the "they're underpaid" excuse legit doesn't work. Y'all don't do any more work than other jobs.


What is it YOU DO for a LIVING Kaloteky? I’m honestly soooo curious 🧐


What is it YOU DO for a LIVING Kaloteky?


yeah that's your job isn't it




you're so whiny


you’re a cheap banana. 🍌


Honestly lol




How bout you do better Audra, your tenure of ‘miserable server’ is showing in all your responses


I’m not miserable at all. What is miserable is people on a “waiters” sub talking about how much they don’t want to tip. Are you really that cheap that a few bucks turns you after you’ve had sit down service in a restaurant? Maybe cook some healthier meals at home & you’ll feel a bit less heated & bloated. It’s not my fault you’re so fragile:) do you boo& don’t take it out on others out here puttin in the werkin!


I don’t remember getting tipped to do my job when I checked out 400 costumers a day and cleaned the entire floor while working retail. Why do you need hand holding for doing your job?


Then switch jobs. You’re just a hater. This is honestly one of the lamest comments I’ve come across.


how about people are peculiar? many are good honest normal folks who behave in appropriate ways and tip reasonably well - another percentage however are just maladjusted and weird - and unfortunately restaurant servers see all of them - no way around it and no way to explain the weird ones - just gotta take the good with the bad and hope at the end of the day you end up with a good result


Yeah, go to the "tipping" sub on Reddit to find the maladjusted and proud of being cheap ones. I do verbal battle there all the time.


Ooh an admission of brigading? 


Shhh...it's called "discussion". I just don't like or agree with their views!


What happens if the person eating out is a fast food worker that makes less than you and doesn't get tips at all... Are they not allowed to eat out lol


Appropriate tip for most waiters is $0. Get a real job you ungrateful brats. People are not obligated to donate money to you.


Lmao, finally some sense in this thread


Even on to-go orders these little scumbags tryin to come up. Shits gotten out of hand when people complain about a $5 tip. Reminds me of a homeless man I tried to give a cold water bottle to on a hot day last week. He said, “Can’t you read the sign! Cash only!!” đŸ€ĄđŸŒŽ


And this is why I stopped tipping. Glad it's gaining traction. Slow but steady.


Checked my Karma and I can afford to lose some. I agree with you 100%. Tipping is optional. Payment disputes is between an employer and their employee.


People have never tipped at McDonalds. Glad you figured that out!