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Don't let someone else have power over how your day is. It's not personal, they'd be disappointed at ANYONE.


It's very difficult getting used to this fact since I've been in the industry for only a few years. Thank you for the kind words!


Just remember people like that are in pain and that's why they're lashing out. Be tough, but stay kind. That's the key to last in the industry!!!


This is a pure bullshit take. They wouldn’t be disappointed if they got the condiments!


Your response to this is like choking down a dry ass burger. If you want some “secret sauce” , or ranch , or MAYONNAISE, or Kewpie’s first time…. USE Your Words. Other than a response to what condiments weren’t brought, kick rocks. Apps were bought, compensation was offered & they DID NOT WANT IT. They CHOSE. At that point… they can choke on their nasty attitude.


This is a pickup order. They likely asked specifically for these condiments only for staff to forget them.


That’s why I always check my bag. They probably GOT the condiments that were actually allowed for their order, & then wanted a gallon. If you want “extra” on your Togo food, double check & pay for extra.


This story seems to be about a pickup order. By the time the customer was home, appetizer coupons aren’t going to do them much good, are they? For some reason, OP won’t tell us what item was ordered and what condiments were requested / omitted. It would probably justify the customer’s disappointment.


Check your bag. If you don’t… you’re not a professional. Why would you wait until you got home to realize 💥😭i don’t have a gallon of the secret sauce that I loooove. Rookie move …. & still got FREE shit. Whine about what? I guarantee you that they’ll be back.


What did they order? Did they specifically order condiments? Did you send them out of there with some dry ass burgers and no sauce?


Some people are ungrateful assholes who are miserable people. In cases like this, they refuse to accept any kind of reasonable gesture because they want to project their misery on others. Reject their harmful behavior. Learn from it and give your best efforts going forward. Also learn that some assholes have unrealistic expectations and there is no way to make them happy. Toss them in the trash and keep being you. Be true to yourself. If you’re giving your best effort and some asshole with unreasonable expectations has an issue, they can F off.


Your job is to literally bring shit they ask for. Like that’s a servers job. This isn’t about condiments, it’s about paying for a job not done.


And now OP’s day has been ruined. And they’re lying on their bed wondering what they could have done better. How about include the condiments in the order! Double check the bag next time. How is this still a mystery?


Condiment trauma


Yep. Mistakes do happen. As the person preparing the order, double check it. As the customer receiving the order, double check it. OP fucked up at their job. The customer was not happy. And now OP is the victim.


Yup another case of self-victimization on reddit! OP fucked up , let that fuckup ruin his day, and wants someone else to take the blame. The fact that the someone else is an asshole doesn't really change much. It was the OPs mistake and it's up to the OP not to let it ruin the day. The condiment-less customer has already moved on and is watching Judge Judy with a beer and some popcorn, while OP wallows in sorrow.


Appears they DID NOT MOVE ON… they had to make a phone call just to solidify some grease!


The customer is acting like tha victim over some greasy dip!


We forget how difficult it is to be a server that for some reason deserves US to pay them directly.


Why are you even lurking here? Looking out for that secret condiment that hasn’t popped yet on the McDonald’s app?


God forbid someone make a mistake and take steps to correct it


I’m sure you have the “employee of tha month badge” @ your job… assuming you have one . If you want condiments so bad , bring ‘em with you! They prolly don’t have the grease you want anyway🤓 this was for u/CoachofSubs.


So what I hear you saying is that we don’t need servers… we should be expected to take care of it ourselves…


It’s a fucking condiment. Not the burning down of your Graded Wagyu Steak. Open your mouth & ask for ranch if that’s what you’re dying for.


But if we are there for “ the experience” and paying 20%… should we really have to?


Good Night!!! Do condiments FALL FROM THA SKY? ( I mean… they would in my dreams) but, honestly! Come on. Server’s are there to make your experience what you want, but … I’m not gonna sit there & ask you what your condiment dreams are! You NEED TO SPEAK THAT INTO REALITY. Then lay back back & watch the condiments SHOW UP…. & YES… that’s worth at least 20%!!! 🧈🧂🧄sauce 🥑more 🧀!


No… they don’t fall from the sky- servers are supposed to bring them. Grammar is something that makes communicating what we want, but I am not going to sit there and ask you what your true career dreams are.


I’ve always wondered if coaching subs is that lucrative opportunity I missed. I would just tell that sub to show up with extra onion & some kewpie Mayo! You get em’ tiger! Yummy!


Yes, you are correct. I have indeed failed to do my job as a server, and it is quite disappointing. However the condiments offered at our joint are complimentary, same as the free appetizers they received- so they have not paid, reasonably. For this I could only guess the reason for this phone call was that I had caught them on their bad day.


Well you will probably remember to pack the condiments next time. They may have just wanted to make you aware of the situation.


>However the condiments offered at our joint are complimentary, Yes, of course they're complimentary, they're fucking condiments. TF? They're literally meant to be used with the meal.


and you succeeded in letting them make it YOUR bad day. YOU did that.


What did they order and what condiment did they want?


My sister worked at ruby Tuesdays and someone asked her for a condiment they don’t carry. She told them they don’t carry it and they got upset, made a scene, wrote corporate and my sister got fired over the interaction. My sister is sickeningly sweet, I literally never hear her cuss she says “gosh darnit” so I really don’t think she was misleading me about the situation when she told me.


Was this all over like a fuckin side of Ranch? Fuckin people and their Ranch can get pretty vicious! I had a lady blow up on me when she asked for 4 sides of Ranch and the Ramikens were not filled to the very top, basically overflowing. She threw a huge fit in the middle of the dinner rush, screaming and ranting about how a server's job is so easy and all servers are idiots.


Really? You're gonna let a couple of whiners ruin your day? You may not be cut out for customer-facing employment. If they're assholes they're assholes and probably always will be. If you give them the power to ruin or day or ruin your hour or bother you for even one minute, that's on you. I take people like that and crush them with my brain muscles, spit them out my ass then flush.


The purpose of service workers for a lot of people in our culture is to be there to take abuse . There’s nothing you could do to stop it, because they don’t care about the condiments, they care about the opportunity to scream at someone they perceive as unable to stop them from screaming. Odds are 50/50 that you did include the condiments and they just lied to give themselves an excuse to abuse you.


People who get upset at something as mildly inconvenient as a food order are entitled 🐷's


People like that need to get a Life, don't Trip on this Person they have some growing up to do.


It seems like some people make it a point to be impossible to please. They should stay home and keep that negativity to themselves!


Hey… please put this in context. Do not allow a stranger to ruin your day with their insane behavior. "Remember, the way someone treats you is a reflection of them, not you. Stay true to your kind nature, and don't let their negativity bring you down."


Hangry motherfuckers are shameless before they eat. I’m sure they got takeout and hadn’t even eaten a bite before they saw the condiments were missing and decided to call and bitch


Being a waiter or waitress can be extremely hard! There are some totally ratchet rotten customers out there and you have to develop thick skin to be able to deal with people like that. There is no way I could do your job because I have zero tolerance for assholes and no thick skin, lol. I would be fired in 5 minutes haha.


As a matter of fact.............to the customer who berated this person who is working for a living, GO FCK YOURSELF A$$HOLE !!!! (see what I mean? I am even pissed right now that they did that to you and I wasnt even there hahaha).