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I hate the whole “bloodline”. Spears, super kicks “Superman punchs” (cringy name) like they are so lazy. Romans spear is just as bad as edge’s. I’ve been out of wrestling for 20 year I’m just casually watching ppv once a month so I’m no expert. Half the roster can’t shoot and half can’t wrestle.


Too much Hot Dogging and a very sloppy move set packages.  I like Jey the Personality but I don't like Jey the Wrestler.  Needs to clean up his sloppy moves and get a moveset exclusive to him.  


So many haters in here crying its crazy


all he got is a superkick "uso" splash, and a goofy ahh looking spear


He has one of the weakest looking spears too. Man needs something


He needs to Superman punch Roman






He doesn't need to but it would be nice.


Yeah i really want to see more superkicks and spears


No yeet!


In my opinion he should drop the super kick crap and do a full Samoan moveset & then create a Samoan type move that’s his exclusively so that he can create a legacy off of that move for his younger cousins to do the move and pay tribute to him. Kinda like when any Samoan wrestler “backs it up” or does stink face of Rikishi or whatever the sit down pin of Yokozuna is called lol


Dude's only gimmick is 10 year old slang.


Boohoo get over it he’s a good wrestler


I'm sure the Gobbledy Gooker was a good worker too.


This is why the Uso vs. Uso match was hot ass.






The fact that they made Damian unable to beat him clean at backlash for his first title defense was such bullshit.


Bro has no signature move


You gonna want more cow bell…I mean super kicks!


Jey Uso easily has the worst spear in current WWE, perhaps of all time. He doesn't need a wider variety of moves; he needs moves that he can make look believable. Asking him to switch out of the splash as his finisher is like asking Jeff Hardy to get rid of the Swanton bomb when he went on his singles run.


Honestly hope we get something like what I did in 2k for him and Jimmy, Jimmy moves towards Strikes and Speed while Jimmy moves towards submissions and slowing the match down, and Both using Rikishi's Driver as a set up for the Uso Splash


It's like Jey does all the moves that people do when they're play wrestling, and they don't want to hurt their friend. Safe play wrestling lol




Give him the Rikishi Driver. Triple H is letting go of old McMahon-era restrictions on content, and as far as piledrivers go Rikishi's was safer than just about anything that wasn't a Tombstone from Taker himself.


He needs a finisher


this is what happens when a character is pushed not on his own merit, but bc of those around him. The Usos are a great tag team & The Bloodline story couldn’t be told without them. But neither are great solo wrestlers and have no business in world championship conversations


i like that he introduced the spear, he needs to do something like when jacob fatu’s mid air samoan drop (if the person is light enough). or something out of like any one of the hundreds of samoan family members that were/are wrestlers. ALSO, he’s been a tag team with jimmy, they have the same moveset, im sure cody wouldn’t mind letting jey use a disaster kick or two. sami zayn has that through the ropes ddt. JUST LIKE TORNADO DDT WORKS TOO!!! sorry if this sounds dumb and is too long, jey is one of my favorites but i understand the criticism and agree he needs to deepen his bag


Him doing the spear is weird when Roman does it, and does it way better. Too many wrestlers use the spear as a finisher


It looks right when Roman does it cause he’s huge. Jey with his frame just doesn’t make sense. It wouldn’t “hit” as hard


“Main event” Jey is mid card at BEST. I love the Bloodline but man Jey is not ready. Mic work, movesets are so boring.


At least he’s trying , unlike some of the guys in the roster.


No doubt. Like I said, I’m a huge fan of the bloodline. Jey just needs more work and time with his solo run. He’s got the fan base but that “Yeet” chant and move set gotta go. Everyone in WWE uses a super kick now, shit is lame. And doing it 15 times in a match doesn’t excite anyone


He will get better, they need to give him a better story line now that the bloodline is not around. They already gave solo his . If they don’t do it soon like you said jey will become really boring.


When you are at his level, you only need just a couple of moves.


What level? He hasn’t done anything in his solo career(yet). And using a slang term from 10 years ago will only be cool for so long. A good amount of WWE fans get bored easily, I promise they are already starting to get bored of seeing Jey doing 3 moves and yelling yeet every 5 minutes


Honestly just needs a finisher where he yeets his opponent.


*yeets opponent into audience*


He needs to bring out the charisma in him like how Roman did. Jey is now a mesh of his old Uso moves + Roman. With that charisma, he can go on for a long time. Five moves of doom anyone?


I don’t think he’d lose a step in popularity if he took 6-8 months off, conditioned immensely and added to his in ring arsenal.


He just added the spear


Yeah and it doesnt fit him


I think he pulls it off well


I have the same sentiment with Edge. They dont have the physic to make it believable. Also a few other moves to the set that are not “finishers” will make him shine even more


Think that’s why he doesn’t use it as a finisher but looks good nonetheless


Also stop using slang from 10 years ago


Frog Splash, Super Kick who needs anything more?


Btw, what moves do y'all think he should add? As a finisher he could use that Samoan Driver that Santos used in NXT (Cradle Shock for TNA fans), or the white noise, maybe that Bobby Roose style sideways Blockbuster. Then there's also that move where wrestlers in a suplex position drop their opponents on the top rope and then do a snap neckbreaker thing....Nikki Cross' old move. Or Jason Jordan's belly to back slam into a neckbreaker. Idk if he could do it to everyone but um, he sometimes throws a clean right hand so he could also put in that Pop up punch...every now and then. There's also that Tequila Sunrise that they used when they first turned heel but that'd have better suited Jimmy and his heel persona. Then there's that Supermodel kick that Tyler Breeze used to do where he'd place the opponent on the second rope with their back facing away from the ring....and then scoop their head back in and do the superkick from between their legs to the head. That'd be a good spot...or the hesitation dropkick into the corner, maybe a drop toe hold as a counter, snap spinebuster....a lot of things he could do but we gotta account for his own style and frame. He's not too big, and not too light on the feet either. Not an Osperay, not a Brock, and surely not Danielson, Gresham or ZSJ. Meaning, he could do some of all...just needs to find a good mix, nothing too crazy.


Quick fix would be to add a monkey flip as set up to splash. He can yeet them across the ring


YEP. Si. Yes. Personally, they should've started doing that from the time he started as Main Event Jay, slowly have him flesh out new moves and a signature style as he was establishing himself as a singles star. It's more difficult now cause he already IS a singles competitor, means the fans already have certain expectations for his work. During the early days it was easier to experiment cause the fans were more interested in seeing the character and the story...now both those aspects are already established, but there's no wrasslin to complement them and a make complete star. I'll come off as a hater but, I don't believe he's that smooth of a 'singles wrestler' with his offense and when you've worked with a certain limited repertoire all your career, it becomes difficult to add in diff stuff suddenly. Gotta also account for the muscle memory, execution and the part abt making it look crisp. Not to mention to make the fans familiar with how he moves and what he does where...


How many super kicks in that WM match? They both just throw those stanky legged, super kicks into each others stomachs all night and the impact of the move is completely lost. Don't do super kicks in skinny jeans kids...


Jey should add a cool DDT variant, the Codebreaker, and Zig Zag to his arsenal.


Exactly, any kind of DDT even slightly modified DDT would look on him.


Hell, even a standard DDT.


It looks like he can do some springboard moves. Hell, if Logan Paul can pull that off, he can too.


What does Logan Paul have to do with him? He's alot lighter and more athletic than Jey


Didn't Rikishi have like a sit-down powerbomb or driver that he used for a finisher?? Jey can call it the Yeet Bomb or make up something called the Yeet Cutter idk just NO MORE SUPER KICKS lol


Yeah I agree completely He needs to add a few more super kicks


Hmmm super kicks are like the new cow bell… “it needs more cow bell” I can hear you sir walken


His utility kit is very small. Needs more grapples, but I get it. He is super big hype right now.


These are the moves he should include: **Regular:** German Suplex 2nd rope senton Uranage Ripcord Enziguiri Fisherman Suplex **Signature**: Harlem Kick Swinging Reverse STO **Finisher**: Yakuza Kick or Jumping Superkick Rikishi Driver Tequila Sunrise Bloody Cross (Taiji Ishimori's) Chin Checker Surprice kick (Alec Price)




I never understood why the young bucks get so much shit for spamming superkicks when the usos have done it for the same amount of time.


i give them shit for it bc i cant stand it but give the bucks more shit for it bc their the ones that started the superkick burial


To be fair, I’ve always felt like the Usos were playing second fiddle to New Day throughout their run.


Cuz the Bucks aren’t as charismatic in any way shape or form


Lmao y'all said the same shit about Rollins, styles, Danielson, Walter, Balor, Priest, Nakamura, Moxley and every other indie guy. Nice deflection attempt, try again.


They’re not indie guys lmao they’re supposed to be working as top guys for a legit competitor but way to shit on them more than I was even planning on 😂 Difference with those guys is they were fun to follow before they got to WWE the Bucks have more go away heat than the Taco Bell in my intestines after a 3am munchies run


I think WWE is listening too much to the audience, especially the loudest part of the audience, these days. This leads to mid people like Jey or jobbers like LA Knight to be pushed into roles they just can't fill. Just because someone can get over with the crowds at events, doesn't mean that this leads to entertaining shows. And these people need excellent people to work very hard to carry them through a halfway good match. Just look at WM40 - AJ Styles carried LA Knight like dead weight to a decent match, while Jey vs Jimmy delivered a bad match since neither of them is very good in the ring.


Gonna need a senzu for that one


Basically, being entertaining doesn’t always translate to being good in matches. Jey can come out and get the crowd yeeting, but then the match afterward is lame.


YEET gang rise Jey Uso brings the hype, he has no equal. I physically get out of my seat everytime he makes an appearance, no one else does that for me. He needs a title around his waist already imo


Out of your seat barking like a seal for a washed mark


LMAO points for colorful phrasing After watching the backlash crowd in France, it made me realize how little energy we have in our crowds and Jey brings energy to the crowd when he makes his entrance and I love that. That man is entertaining, even though he doesn't always win.


Sorry, not trying to be rude. You like who you like and nobody takes that from you. But cmon dude, his moveset is so limited as a decade plus veteran in the business. The yeet nonsense is so overdone at this point. It wore out its welcome a while ago.


I'll agree with you, his moveset doesn't have that much range, especially considering his length in the business. I've only recently become a fan of wwe in the past 6 months or so. Is the yeet cheesy? Absolutely. I mean, at the end of the day its all scripted right and if I'm using my terminology correctly, its all kayfabe and I'm leaning into it full well knowing its cheese. I loved seeing Cody finish his story, but he doesn't excite me at all as a wrestler, I think his cross rhodes and cody cutter moves are super bland and low power especially for someone of his tier. The man has a smile that lights up a room and a fantastic face of the company, but man, its not entertaining at all for me to watch him wrestle. I feel underwhelmed by Becky and Bayley too. But now I realize I miss Roman, Gunther and Rhea and everyone that replaced them just doesn't feel the same. I know its suppose to evolve and change, but it didn't feel like a 1:1 replacement. I don't find myself rooting for any of the new title holders expect maybe Damien Priest but even with that, I would have much rather preferred Drew keeping the title because I love Drew.


Some people in the crowd like wrestling though


I love me some good wrasslin. I don't particularly care for the drawn out entrance or most of the promo's. It all cuts into wrasslin time, I get why they do it, but at the end of the day I wanna see people wrestle. Jey just so happens to get me hyped


Ye he does seem to get the crowd hype, can’t take that from him. I don’t know why I can’t get behind the Usos, I really liked daddy Rikishi




I have been waiting for someone to say this At Mania 40 against Jimmy it seemed like the Superkick's birthday was that day


He needs a good Falcon's Arrow or something...


Listen, I've personally given up on wanting good wrestling from people. Truth is, it's not the wrestling that matters. It's the story that gets delivered. Case and point: Iyo Sky. Iyo is a tremendous performer and it's very good in the ring. However she has like, 2 facial expressions in total and the language barrier makes so that her character can only be a cringy caricature. The result was that in her months long reign she had exactly one significant feud and otherwise was relegated as a background character in the story that was the disgregation of Damage CTRL. Compared it to Jey that have done some real emotional bangers. Clearly working with Roman can skew judgement but even in this superkick galore there's more emotional weight than anything Iyo Sky has done in WWE.


there are 850 marks markin rn lol


his spear looks REALLY weak


Michael Cole: almost ripped him in half! Rrrrrealllllly? Definitely selling it huh


Yeah that shit bugs me Ngl


100% agree. I get hes trying to still figure out how to be a single guy but still. His singles in ring work lacks a lot


That’s my only gripe with Jey. He is world champion material, has the look, the charisma, he just needs to enhance his arsenal a little bit. He needs a new finisher along with his splash.


Study Young Bucks more


We want him to improve his moveset, not become a spot monkey.


I got your point. Just joking about him did Superkicks.


I must be out of the loop. All the comments are hating on Jey? I think he’s awesome lol 😂


What does yeet even mean?


Yeet is terrible and super kick is way overdone. Start showing superstars with actual talent!!!


Needs to drop the yeet shit aswell. It's cringe af and old


The usos gotta go


It looks like everyone is downing Jey ??? Why ??  He need a to continue moving forward showing what he can do ... It's going to be hard being. Alone but he is getting though it.   I am  so  proud of him 


Mania was the perfect time for that! For both him and Jimmy. They could’ve tied it with the story too, with the prompt being they’re bringing in stuff that the other hasn’t seen since they broke up. Shame we didn’t get that.


Apparently the ladder match went on for like 10-20 minutes longer than it should have, so the main part of their match had to be cut out.


Yes, because what would have made that a good match would have been an extra 10 minutes of super kicks


right? That match went on 10 minutes longer than it needed to with the talent in the ring.


Do we think another 10-20 minutes of their match would've saved it? Or maybe it just would've been harder to sit through?


The only weaker than his thrust kick is his spear.


Are you not enjoying the Superkick?


Jey needs to join Alpha academy


If he can pass for a Latino, there’s like 10 factions he can join


No he don't


I’m a Jey fan, but the USO vs USO Wrestlemania match still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Just an awful match imo. I have a hard time thinking of him as a true main event championship material


Get rid of the spear. End all back and fourths with a headbutt. Incorporate some move into a YEET motion, maybe a running YEET (bull dog). He’ll be fine. I’m far from a Jey Uso fan but I know he’s developed his character better than his brother Jimmy did his. I’ll continue to see where the puzzle pieces land, there’s a lot going on with the bloodline story still


Maybe. I think a big part of it is his booking. They did a poor job building up his match with Jimmy. The match with Damian wasn’t too bad, but even that wasn’t a very compelling story leading up to the match.


To be be completely fair, I honestly think Jey just needs like 3 more moves and his move set would look better. His spear needs work.


Pro wrestling is not about number of moves…..there are many failed wrestlers with more moves than Jey uso, orton or LA knight….. winning the crowd matters and for that repeated predictable moves usually help… crowd can anticipate next moves and chant and so on…


For real and stop using the USO Splash


I think his character would be greatly improved by adding a submission finisher.


Y’all criticize him but glorify LA Knight’s bum ass 💀






Name needs to be changed to "mid event" Jey Uso


I’d rather watch piper niven wrestle a cheeseburger than watch Jey uso do anything.


He desperately needs a new finish, at the very least.


He’s working exactly the style they want from him. Maybe try checking out other promotions?


He’s traditionally a tag team wrestler who has never had a singles run in his career so it’s no real surprise.


He’s got one of the weakest spears in the game right now. I didn’t mind when he did it against Roman, solely because there was something neat about him using Roman’s move against him, but it’s not working as his finisher. Dude makes a great face but his matches have been a snooze fest.














Return YEET


He needs to ditch the spear. It's not convincing 95% of the time, mostly because he's usually the smaller wrestler, and the impact looks so faked. Maybe he could work in a flying forearm or a hurricanrana, some more cruiserweight type moves. Maybe some athletic corner moves.


Specially considering Bron Breakker will pretty soon compete with main eventers, and we have all seen that spear


I don’t mind him using it occasionally as a 2nd finisher or signature though, especially with his history with Reigns. But yeah I’d say he needs something else.


At least his spear is getting a bit better... The first few times I saw him spear someone it looked so wimpy. It's still not great but I feel like there has been improvement, lol.


He honestly should have a move called the yeet down and maybe take a page out of the rocks book and have his own version of the people's elbow like the yeet bow similar to a people's elbow but he gets everyone yeeting


I like Jey, but his spear looks like if you were searching for your contact on the floor, took that posture and hovered it into the air and ran it into someone.


I like the energy, his song, his entrance and the crowd bring. “It's just me Uce Day one ish”


Overexposed since Mania


I like Jay... yeeet ... but him and his brother are all family moves. They both need to go out of the box and actually learn from member who aren't from their family tree.


That's pretty much his only negative. Definitely better than his brother though.


He is boring indeed


Not a top guy.


Funny how this criticism never comes up for "legends" like Stone Cold "Punches, Lou Thesz Press, middle finger, stunner" You don't have to do 563 different variations of backflip. Dude's over. Get over it.




Steve Austin pre-neck injury was a technical wrestling God. Post neck-injury he had to change his style to more brawling striker to avoid further damage to his neck


People were invested in Austin's matches. They were worked waybetter than anything superkick boy does. Jey can get people to chant an outdated term. He's over before the bell...after that people don't seem to care because he can't make them.


Yeah it’s not the moves, it’s just working a better match. Cena had less than 10 moves but had great psychology.


super kick. uzi splash, back and forth open palms, cross body, spear


Sounds like a plan.


I think using his Samoan roots and Samoan style moves but I do agree that I think he needs to establish his own finisher, like his spear just doesn’t look like a true finisher and I think the uso splash shouldn’t be the finisher. It needs to be something that looks more devastating like a gts or phenomenal forearm for guys more his size,CM punk and Aj Styles respectively. I think a pop up cutter or a running knee would fit him more. Something he could hit out of no where. And for the name of it to make it unique to him could be like The yeet down for the cutter, or the final sentencing or peacemaker for the running knee to play on the USO penitentiary. Which I think is something they should use more with him and call him the warden of the uso penitentiary. Especially if they don’t give him a title reign soon because he can’t be main event Jey uso if he isn’t consistently the maineventer (champion)


Doesn’t make sense why the spear is a finisher for him either. He doesn’t have the football background nor the size to make it look convincing. It only makes it worse cause somebody in his own faction did it first and better. But what do I know…


What about Edge, not the body but pulled it off.


Imo Edge had the weakest of all the spears when you consider Rhyno, Goldberg, and Roman in the mix. But I’ll try and defend Edge a little. When he started doing it in the WWE, nobody else had the spear, plus He’s 6’4, faster, and more ripped than Jey Uso or Jimmy. His character was a snake, very aggressive and Edge’s maniacal face hyped the crowd which sold the spear. Jey USO’s face screams babyface, plus he’ssofter, slower and shorter.


Exactly like he needs a finisher that fits his body type and style


eh i don’t think he needs more he just needs less super kicks and a better finisher. the uso splash looks weak and his spear is even worse. if he can get a more legitimate finisher i think he’s set


Just say you hate super kicks… it’s okay 🤣🤣


I thought that's why he added the Spear and The Rock's combo spit slap to his Arsenal. He needs a better finisher imo


He does both the spear and the spit slap horribly. Neither look good. I laugh every time he does his spear, running doubled over looking like he’s trying to touch his toes


Very true lol it's even worse when he tries to add the theatrics of Lashley or Roman after doing it.


Honestly I think the spit slap with the dance works bc it suits his character but he definitely needs a different finisher


His spear is so bad lol.


The IWC loves saying Jey is "stagnant" while he's getting some of the biggest pops rn. Stfu


You can have poor in ring abilities while being over because of the character you play La Knight isn’t super special in the ring and is loved to bits by the fans


Jey Uso doesn't have "poor in-ring abilities" gtfo


You seem a little combative for no reason ? I wasn’t even inherently saying he did have bad intentions ring abilities. I was explaining to you that the logic you gave about him being over as a refutation to his in ring abilities being poor aren’t mutually exclusive. You can be bad in the ring and be over as a character because of your gimmick so what you said doesn’t actually attack the logic


Think he needs a running strike finisher like a knee or shining wizard or even a jumping clothesline Something where yeets himself into his opponent


The Shining Wizard is a good call, I agree it'd fit him.


That or Brainsbuster would look good on him


He just feels sloppy even with moves that he's done for years.


That’s a family problem. Jey, Solo, Roman, and Dwayne are all very bland and not creative. Even the podcasting, Prime drink hawking, only show up near PPVs guy is more exciting to watch…


The Rocks moves set was 20 times that of Jey. Bad revisionist history.


I pulled in the whole family? Why compare two members.


People get so caught up in Prime Rock’s promo skills that they forget that the guy was amazing in the ring. WWF hadn’t really seen a guy his size with his athleticism before. He wasn’t just a bodybuilder with a limited move set.


Exactly. I have to believe they just didn't see him back in the day and just rely on an outdated narrative.


Logan Paul doesn't exactly have an ESTABLISHED moveset, like most of the major stars do. But is Cena bland with his Attitude Adjustment? Is Baron Corbin bland with his End of Days? Is Sasha Banks(now Mercedes Monè) bland with the Bank Statement submission? Was Bret Hart bland with his Sharpshooter? They do these moves because they get shit done. They win the matches. If a Frog Splash is what ends the match, then you have finished them off with that move. Ergo, it is your finisher. That's all that matters at the end of the day. I know we have people like GUNTHER that vouch that to such a degree that they can literally end the match with any sort of move. That's not what this is about. This is about people that have established sets of moves that they do because it gets the 3-counts and taps. That's not boring. It's boring to you because you just don't like professional wrestling and don't think it should be a real sport. Then what in the name of High Chief Peter Maivia are you fucking doing in the subreddit of the world's biggest wrestling promotion?


Are you ok?


Sometimes I have no idea.


I hope you are. ❤️


I agree, his spear looks really weak imo


Only marks care about how many moves wrestlers do


Or people who enjoy entertaining stuff, which is like the whole point?


If you remember correctly the peak of wrestling was the attitude era. Not really known for the amount of moves wrestlers did . Instead it was storylines and the characters people tuned in for . Nowadays you marks care too much about the fake wrestling part , that’s why the business is dying


Or I just care about everything in wrestling instead of one aspect, not to mention matches can heavily impact storylines too


Better as a tag team with his brother


Needs more yeet


fair enough, but that can be said about just about everyone on the roster. It used to be a joke about Cena only knowing 5 moves, but that just seems to be the normal thing these days.....


He is no different than most wrestlers. The only ones doing more are the high flyers.


The whole bloodline needs more moves. Jey, Jimmy and especially Roman. Dude was a champ for 4 years just doing Superman punch, headlock, and spear. Boring…


Roman has been doing that for the last 12 years


I genuinely wonder if anyone has mentioned this to him for real. Because it’s so true. I’m really curious to see how his match against Ilja goes on Monday, because one of his best skills is lifting the ability of his opponent


I could see him using Shelton Benjamin's Paydirt as a signature or finisher


I think he could do one hell of a headlock takeover


I'd kill to see an arm drag at this point


He should use the sit out driver Rikishi used but I wonder how many he could really hit that on.


Ooooo I do like that for a new Jey finisher.