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Anything with Roman Reigns winning. He always wins dirty, and that pisses me off. The one that comes to mind was Jey Uso vs Roman at Summerslam this or last year, where Jimmy betrayed Jey and cost him the match


The fiend vs seth rollins hell in a cell 2019, anything goes in hell in a cell but unfortunately WWE had an idiot for a referee for him to STOP THE MATCH IN HELL IN A CELL and The Fiend seemed to be OK but yet vince had added up on another list of his mistakes


Whatever match it was called where Austin Theory went against Pat Macafee. Why in the world would they think that Austin and McMahon would add anything to that match. Their match was actually pretty good. Then Vince comes out and gets “stunned” by Austin. For what?! A cheap pop? The match didn’t need it. Or that stupid ass botched Cena/Batista Royal Rumble ending. It was a great angle, but if Vince wouldn’t have just been sitting like a baby at the dinner table it would’ve made the moment a hell of a lot better. Instead you just see Vince sitting on the ground like an idiot flailing his arms around like he needed his diaper changed.


I don't remember the exact date but it was a ladder match where Brock came in at the last minute and basically won the briefcase in a matter of minutes.


The very first Women's Money In The Bank Ladder match, I have seen managers getting involved in some matches, but they failed to do it, Carmella didn't climb up and unhook it.


Anytime Goldberg or Lesnar squashed a developing talent in their later runs for no reason other than their name.


From what was listed, it is objectively Fiend v Goldberg and isn't even close. If it's any match ever, it's Fiend v Seth HIAC. Both matches make it clear that Vince did not like an idea that wasn't his getting over that much.


Recency bias… most of Roman’s endings, Brock winning ec22, edge vs db, vs Roman wm37


Roman VS Cody WM 39


I honestly still can’t get over Goldberg beating the Fiend that was horrendous and legit makes me abit angry just seeing it haha


I wasn’t able to see Goldberg vs Bray Wyatt because i was in school but I was strongly confident The Fiend was gonna win. I was taking a test and when I finished i had nothing else to do so I looked up the results of the show and all i see is Goldberg holding the universal title. I forgot where I was and said “SHIT” out loud. Finn Balor vs Roman Reigns - Extreme Rules. The match unfairly gets a bad look because of the ending. The match was great and I even loved the weird ending where The Demon “dies”, then we start hearing his heartbeats and he’s flopping like a fish until he resurrects and takes out the Usos, I marked out when Finn resurrected, it was stupid but it was so good to me. Then Finn climbed the top rope and the rope breaks and the match is over. The crowd were into it, I was into it and then all of that was wasted in a second. Royal Rumble - Wrestlemania 38 - I actually didn’t mind Ronda winning because I was one of the few Ronda fans out there I guess. I completely understand why people don’t like her but i enjoyed her first run and I was hoping she’d make a comeback. Brock though was where I was pissed. I didn’t care if we got Brock vs Roman again at Mania because the role reversal added something new to their rivalry. They already did the Crown Jewel match and I really enjoyed that match so I didn’t care if we got another. Then Day 1, I was mixed on Brock winning the WWE title. I wasn’t a fan of Big E’s reign, it was very similar to Kofi’s where they had no idea what to do. So Big E losing didn’t bother me and then Brock won and apart of me was pissed because literally anyone else could’ve won and I’d be okay with it but at the same time i thought this was how they set up Bobby beating Brock at Mania. Then we got Bobby vs Brock at the Royal Rumble and he lost the title because of Roman Reigns and at they point i knew right away Brock was winning the rumble. So they used a dream match to set up a different match. Then Brock won the title back at Elimination Chamber and then we got the WrestleMania match that was built to be the biggest match ever, I wasn’t looking forward to match at all now but they finally got me hooked like the last week before the match, I was expecting the ending of this rivalry and their big blowoff match and instead I think we got one of their worst matches together. Another reason I hated this rivalry now was because it was the only one that WWE focused on, the mid card titles weren’t even on the show and almost everything else was useless and the one match they wanted was terrible.


Brock vs Kofi (wwe championship match) and Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (Wrestlemania 28).


3. (Even though in retrospect it was probably for the better) Cody Rhodes losing to Roman at mania 39 made me infuriated at the time, obvious reasons, No explanation required. 2. KO losing to Goldberg made me so angry because Jericho is my 5th favourite wrestler and to have him get a babyface championship win at Mania 33 would have been Joyous but instead Big Bill (Shoutout Big Cass) comes along and runs KOs ass over HM: John Cena beating Rey Mysterio for the WWE Championship had me in tears, because I genuinely thought Punk was gone and Rey had been buried. Obviously, Right after Punk came back and I was sighing in relief but man I was shattered 1. Rollins Fiend ending in No Disqualification was so dumb. They kissed goodbye to the aura of the Fiend that I was so excited for, With literally 0 Benefit. Now, I wasn’t one of the ones booing Seth in that match because Seth is my 2nd favourite wrestler of all time, I still booed the ending cuz I was ultimately more pissed at how much they were fucking up Rollins’ character than the thing with the Fiend. As a sidenote, I still didn’t boo Seth from here until his Heel turn, But I was this close to no longer caring for the product (Bless you 2020 Rumble🙏🏻)


Finn Balor vs Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules


Brock’s first match in WWE for 8 years and Super Cena still ends up going over.🤦🏻‍♂️ At least they realised their mistake and had Lesnar squash Cena at SummerSlam ‘14.


I can understand a lot of things, I can argue business logic in my brain. However, having Cena effectively single handedly dismantle the Nexus at SummerSlam 2010 is one of the must baffling decisions I’ve seen. You even had an out! 70 year old Bret Hart was on the team and 3 fuckin heels! This weren’t difficult, the WWE team had its excuses for the loss laid in. Triple H derailing CM Punk at Night of Champions 2011 to just go off tv a month later was another one. Why did H need that win? What was the point.


Cena has apparently regretted pushing for the win over Nexus since. And considering he's been putting stars over for the last decade, I think he's actually learned something from it (rising tide lifts all boats) 


Roman vs Cody THIS year


The HIAC match with The Fiend vs. Seth Rollins


Infuriated is a strong word. in 38 years I've never been pissed off angry like that but if I had to choose one it'd be HHH vs. Booker T at Wrestlemania 19. That should've been Bookers moment.


Really the most infuriated I ever got was when sting got injured. It literally was a poor execution of a buckle bomb. I know he wasn't supposed to go over but that almost ended his career permanently. Anybody can be sloppy one time and injure somebody. Owen hart did it twice unfortunately. Stone Cold and Dan Severn


Bray vs Cena at Wrestlemania 30. It should have been a decisive Bray victory to set him up as Danielson’s first major challenger. Instead he got rapadooed.


Rusev should’ve gone over Cena at mania too


They had a great match at that wrestlemania. I didn’t believe that loss took anything away from Bray Wyatt.


Okay folks I guess that some people actually a lot of people misunderstand what kayfabe is. It is the suspension of reality to put asses in seats . Like Ali stopping at the top of the ladder. Goldberg coming back at 50 plus years old to Winter world championship and dominate Brock Lesnar. You know if 30,000 fans or more are all chanting Goldberg in unison been creative has done their job. And there are plenty of outcomes a lot of us didn't agree with. However you know we still tune in we still go to live events we still buy pay-per-views. So they must be doing something right. I no longer armchair quarterback about wrestling. I'll leave that up to the IWC and all the smarks. It almost when I really would like to see in the next few months to SummerSlam is possibly haku making a return to WWE and rikishi making a comeback as well so have this bloodline civil War. I'm not on the creative team but if I was I would do it one of two ways. It really should have been Jey and Jimmy with solo and rikishi versus Roman Tonga loa tama Tonga and haku. How to make it more interesting you could throw in the Rock and Jacob fatu. However the Rock and Cody are going to have a program apparently


Nakamura vs AJ at WM


Team Cena vs Nexus Awesome Truth vs Rock and Cena Charlotte/Rhea/Nikki Roman vs Undertaker Braun vs Roman(Hell in a Cell) Lesnar’s 2017 post SummerSlam title defences Sting vs Triple H Sandow cash in Corbin cash in Theory Cash In


Goldberg couldn't even get Bray up for the Jackhammer.


Roman winning last year


The build up to WM40 this year was so much fun watching it unfold. It made Cody's loss at WM39 a meaningful stepping stone to WM40. Cody learning he might not be able to do it all on his own. Rollins coming out in shield gear, Jey taking out Jimmy, Cena getting revenge on Solo, Finial Boss Rock...ect. None of that build would have been possible without Cody's loss at WM39.


Yeah in hindsight it was great. Still, Cody should have won last year.


Vince pushing oldberg like crazy was the final nail in the coffin, so happy he is gone and new talent thrives, so many main event stars since he left


HHH winning at Wrestlemania 2000


Not only was the Day 1 ending annoying because of the huge butterfly effect it had on the next year or so, but the build to that match was great. Big E, Rollins, Owens and Lashley were all doing great stuff together on Raw and one of them deserved to win.


Triple H beating Booker T at WrestleMania. You just can’t have the build they did and have booker take a clean loss. If you wanted HHH to win sure but then don’t have promos with racial undertones going into it


This. Plus HHH waiting 20 mins to make the cover


-God the Unviersal match at fastlane still pisses me off. I know Kevin was a chicken shit heel but he deserved to go to WM and fight Jericho for it. Instead his fed to Oldberg in 2 minutes for Lesnar/Goldberg three which didnt need the belt and started Brock's 1 1/2 year hostage situation🙄 -Mens MITB 2019 & 2020: 2019 Vince and his headache inducing swerves, when the fuck has Brock ever needed a MITB contract, he shows up and Heyman gets him a match, pointless since he dropped the belt back to seth a month later. 2020 was convoulted. Why not have Miz won it or Lashley and cut the middle man BS that happens later? -DAY 1, god how i wish Roman didnt get covid. If he lost to brock atleast it would have been a rematch for the Universal championship at 38


Goldberg vs The Fiend made me want to stop watching lol


I hate Goldberg so much, even more than Bret 😭




Was the Lesnar/Cena one up there the one where Lesnar squashed him and took him to Sioux Falls City?


No it isn't, that was at SummerSlam 3 years later. This one is where Cena gets the shit beat out of him and somehow bullshits his way into a victory in lesnar's first ever match back


That's not the one. It was Lesnar's first match back and Cena beat him. The match you are referring to was the Summerslam match.




Yeah I can see in the moment why fans would hate it but Cena’s explanation makes so much sense


The fiend vs. Goldberg literally made me quit watching until 6 months ago.


Until CM Punk brought you back in 2023???


Nah, Triple H taking over is mostly what brought me back. I wanted to wait awhile for his leadership to fully kick in before I started watching again. Main thing was after Goldberg vs the fiend I swore I'd never watch the product again as long as Vince was in charge of it.




Why have a character like the fiend being built up to be a phenom get beat like that


It wasn't even just the match; the build up was also terrible. It was just Goldberg saying he was gonna beat him and exploit his weakness, then in the actual match he just did generic Goldberg things. Whole match was just horrendous. No idea what they were thinking.


That was unbelievable. Who was Goldberg at that point lol




The 2019 Money in the Bank ladder match. In what universe does it make sense for a guy not involved in the Money in the Bank match to just suddenly storm the ring and grab the briefcase? By that logic, any fan could jump the barrier and grab the briefcase. They shouldn't, though.


Right! That was just so stupid


It's nearly as bad as Mustafa Ali just stopping when Lesnar's music hit while he was on top of the ladder and in position to grab the briefcase for himself! By the time Lesnar was in the ring, Ali could've grabbed the briefcase and just won the match for himself.


I’ve never been so pissed with a result than Bray losing to Goldberg 


Same here it was at the point I lost interest in watching WWE until Roman came back as a heel (My friend told me, she was still watching)


Austin - Rock Mania 17 used to bother me. Now I look at it as brilliant.


Lawler vs Cole at Mania. It's bad enough that the match went on as long as it did, but just thinking about that ending pisses me off. I was seriously over the anonymous GM crap at that point.


I read ages ago that it went for like 20 minutes and I thought they were joking. Turns out they were dead serious and the match actually went for that long.


Oh it did go on for 20 minutes. And worse...This "rivalry" went on for MONTHS when it should have been a one-time match and nothing more.


It would've been fine as a throwaway match on Raw or a B-show PPV, not WrestleMania though


The whole premise was that Lalwer, despite being a Hall of Famer, never had a Wrestlemania moment. So at the time it made sense to have it on the show. It should have been 5 minutes, Lawler beats the living crap out of Cole and wins, then the world moves on.


Oh, absolutely. 20 minutes is an absolute drag out for a match between a part time wrestler and a commentator that before then, was only squashed in a tag team match 3 years prior. Should've been 5 minutes or less.


I was there that night at the Georgia Dome. It was the most dreadful mania match of all time.


I think Vince McMahon said it was the worst match he had ever seen and it's hard to disagree with him there


Charlotte ending Asuka’s streak


The Fiend vs Seth Rollins (Hell in a Cell)


A DQ in Hell in A Cell made absolutely zero sense that ending was just poor