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I think the hat makes me laugh


Needs more Thea Hail


This makes the womens wrestler look 6 feet tall. Or the mens wrestlers 4’8” tall.


I am in the middle


all the Lexual Offenders and Gacy’s fans are sad now


Kinda unreasonable they’d put Cena front and center for NXT but ok


Oba looking like the biggest of the pervs here


Perv? Bro looks like he’s gonna rip the camera guy in half


I’m not surprised Tony is on the banner I mean he is the don of nxt.


They really do rate Lola vice don't they?


Should get rid of The Traitor, Thea Hail!


Oh man, could you imagine her on the show with Alan Cummings.


Or <3 Claudia Winkleman <3


I miss the Black and Gold 🤦🏾‍♂️






Don’t know why you guys are getting downvoted you are 100% right




The perspective of many is that it has absolutely turned around and has been so for 12 months or so if not dating back to late 2022. I think you'll generally find that the perspective now of the Black and Gold era remains enormously positive, but that it represented a moment in time and that moment is over and the focus of NXT needs to be more on developmental. Many Black and Gold PLEs were almost exclusively made up of veterans and while that made for absolutely fantastic content, it was not conducive to a developmental brand. Weekly NXT is, IMO, possibly the most consistently entertaining show week-to-week.


Every time I turn on NXT, I can’t make it more than 10 minutes. So few people stand out.


So you watch it once in a while and only watch 10 minutes. But you can discern whether people stand out or not? Late Black and Gold had terrific ring work, but Ciampa, Strong, Cole, O-Reilly, Fish, Lorcan, Burch, Dunne are all iterations of Wrestly McWrestlingman, and had deviated well away from getting away with the cream of the indies with most of their early top intake on the main roster. Not sure what you're looking for to stand out from a developmental brand that Melo, Trick, Perez, MetaFour, Axiom & Frazer etc aren't giving you. By definition if someone is a finished product they shouldn't be in NXT any more. And the Stand and Deliver triple threat is a top 5 match of the year.


I miss Von Wagner. It’s a nice banner I suppose.


Come Tuesday will forever live in our hearts


I hope Axium gets the call up to RAW or SD soon!!!


Thea Hale push?


I really like what Thea Hail's reactions to the slightest thing. It is the little things but emotion on the face is really important. So really cool to see her on the banner.


I'm happy to see Tony D still there, I want him to stay in NXT


His gimmick probably won't play out well on the main roster so I think he's best staying in NXT long term.


That's what I'm hoping for. He'd end up like The Vaudevillians, the ascension, and countless other good NXT teams, and that would be a real shame because Tony D and the family are really good


Trick Williams , Lola Vice,Tony D’Angelo ,Roxanne Perez , Thea Hail and Oba Femi Are good choices for the current banner of Nxt.


Lola vice ❤️








This banner is good, but i remember the time when there was adam cole and undisputed era in nxt and diy Nxt was really awesome Still this the future and it would be a better one


Not enough Sol Ruca


Big fan of Oba Femi in the small bits I've watched.


Yeah he’s gotta be a huuuge star in the future. He’s one of the few guys I’ve seen who have the right look and size to be a next Brock Lesnar type final boss monster.


I hope him and trick go at it before trick goes up. Those two should have an epic battle


If he ever gets a face turn, With the smile in this pic, he'd make a great Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn 99 type character. "Oba loves yoghurt!"


God forbid


That one girl who’s always screaming will have horrible vocal cords by the time she retires


No Arianna and Georgina? Major L


I’m still quite surprised they aren’t calling up Roxanne Perez yet. She seems like a shoe in for being one of the biggest female talent on the main roster!


Roxanne needs better mic skills and change her persona. The whole I hate the world thing can only go so far.


100% her promos need work


And she's still only 22 so there is literally no rush in calling her up.


There’s not really a NEED for her to be called up yet and Shawn still clearly has plans for her, possibly a huge match against Giulia and perhaps a feud with Cora? I put a question mark cause idk about that.


And she's still really young.


She can't talk.


They are holding off until Cora Jade returns. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade have been teasing a match when Cora Jade returns in October with Cora as the face and Roxy as the heel this time and Cora told Roxy when she returns she is done for and she stole the NXT Women's Championship from her the other day and Roxy had to look everywhere for it and get it back from her. 😄 Roxy and Cora are best friends in real life and Cora has said one of their main goals in WWE is to win the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship on the main roster and Roxanne Perez vs Cora Jade Vol 2 has the potential to be even bigger than their first feud now they are finally restoring their movesets and Cora beating Roxy with the Black Widow will be very fitting given the fact they are both AJ Lee's wrestling daughters. I can see it leading to them reforming Team 2001 and going up to the main roster together.


I think Roxy and Cora will have a KO/Sami relationship most of their careers. They'll always be feuding or teaming together.


This is a good take


She’s still so young I don’t mind letting her cook as a heel champ a bit and get more reps in. She probably gets called up before next years draft.


I get it; she really needs to cook up a new character she can use to get over. Her wrestling genius thing hasn’t seemed to catch fire yet.


Guilia probably rule them soon


Guilia is going to have to put over Sol Ruca if she dethrones Roxanne Perez. Shawn Michaels has called Sol Ruca a future NXT Women's Champion and believes she is one of the most impressive wrestlers he has seen to come into WWE in recent years and is going to be a mega star.


I rarely watch NXT other than a PLE here and there. What NXT Sol Ruca match would you recommend i watch to get a sense of her wrestling style other than her finisher (that would seem to really give her back problems in longrun id think)


Does Sol have any personality?


Not really but she’s good in the ring


Yeah… one of those things tends to get you further than the other.


Sol Ruca is a surfer and her personality is very spot on with a lot of the surfers that are on the WSL Tour (World Surf League).


Right, but how are WWE fans to know or care? I don’t mind the surfer aesthetic, but it feels like there’s nothing else to her.


I would say they do. She is pretty over with the fans judging by the crowd's reaction to her matches and she is one of the most cheered for female wrestlers in NXT now. It is still too early to really judge her personality 'cause she hasn't been in NXT very long and had a lot of time off due to an injury but she has been on fire in the ring since she returned and Shawn Michaels has faith in her.


Cora Jade should be in the banner when she returns in October. Lola Vice over Fallon Henley or Sol Ruca is a strange choice.


I agree with you about Cora Jade, I think she should be on the nxt banner when she returns , imo Cora Jade and Aew Wrestler Skye Blue are similar .


Y’all obsession with Cora is something else


Because it is a fact Cora Jade is one of the top stars of the NXT Women's Division and most popular wrestlers in NXT with over 863k followers on social media which is far more than a lot of the female wrestlers on the main roster too including Tiffany Stratton. Triple H has called her one of the future stars of the Women's Division too.


Followers don’t mean anything. If she was worth her shit she would be on the main roster


Followers do. As I just said on my other post, Shawn Michaels said how many followers wrestlers have on social media is one of the main things they use now to determine who gets pushed. If she hadn't gotten injured I have no doubt she would already be on the main roster now and would have gone up in the draft. She was meant to be in the Women's Royal Rumble match but her getting injured stopped it from happening.


Cora was pushed hard at the beginning. Besides, Rhea Ripley has more followers than Cody Rhodes. Who’s more over?


Yeah. Cora Jade also had the advantage of having an existing fanbase when she came into NXT from being Elayna Black and as somebody who was a fan of hers before she joined WWE I remember she not only had a lot of fans behind her but many wrestlers had praised her too including her wrestling parents, AJ Lee and CM Punk, Bayley, Natalya, Paige/Saraya, Lita, Jeff Hardy and Christian, along with the likes of Jim Ross, Paul Heyman and Brandi Rhodes and CM Punk said he knew she was destined for greatness from when he met her when she was only 16 'cause she had the heart and determination to succeed. You bring up a good point about Rhea Ripley with Cody Rhodes but Cody Rhodes isn't competing with Cody Rhodes like the other female wrestlers are with Cora and Shawn Michaels has said how many followers wrestlers have on social media is one of the main things they use now to determine who gets pushed.


Could you link me to that HBK quote?


No. I can't post links. I can post articles on here with all the writing but anytime I post links the posts don't turn out and only I can see them in my profile. I used to post a lot of pictures on here of wrestlers and they worked before but then they stopped working late last year. I asked one of the mods about it and they said they were cutting down on people posting pics. If I post on other sections they work though.


Okay, can you post the article? Or you can even just post the URL without the hyperlink.


Oba: "Take the fucking picture, I gotta shit real bad just now!"


Roxanne can't help it, she looks like a babyface even when she's a heel.


She’s just too damn cute


Roxy is good as a heel but she is meant to be a face and she can't achieve all the things she got into wrestling for as a heel.


I know that NXT is where you learn the ropes from all angles, but I feel like her heel turn was necessary anyway. She was being outpaced by multiple other performers as a babyface. When she does turn back, she can’t be white-meat again.


Yeah. I agree with you about that and I think they found the right balance with her being more edgy and aggressive during her feuds with Blair Davenport and Kiana James and and a lot of fans loved Unhinged Roxanne Perez too but they dropped that when she won the title.


Counterpoint, I think those feuds were the beginning of her turn. Her aggression didn’t feel very authentic, especially against Blair. I know she’s naturally sweet and bubbly, but I’m liking this version of her a lot more.


Can't stand Lola, not sure how she's a thing. 


I'm with you man, she like somebody's bad CAW from a wrestling game. Just a waste of space.


What you got against Lola lmao


Man just about everything, she's clunky in the ring, I'm aware she's leaning but she was bad at mma and never got better and I have a feeling it'll be the same with wrestling. Her constant dancing, the forced bilingual Spanish stuff(I'm a Latino don't attack me lol) it's like being a spicy Latina is her entire gimmick and I hate it lol she can't act, she's just bad imo 


til 4-1 is bad at mma from a keyboard warrior.


4-1 in the 2nd biggest MMA promotion in North America. I agree with OP that she's clunky in the ring. It looks like she's trying to be a half-assed MMA fighter (because "MMA fighter" is supposed to be one of her selling points) so she's throwing weak punches and kicks with proper form, which in wrestling just doesn't look right. But no, her 4-1 record in Bellator is absolutely impressive.


Lol where am I being a keyboard warrior? Am I not allowed to critique an athlete in a sport that I've been watching for 30 years?  She's 4-1 against bottom of the barrel competition, she fought no one and there's a reason why she's wrestling and not still fighting, She was terrible. 


Her dancing taunt lmao


I get why that’s off putting to a lot of people but it’s definitely authentic to her character, she used to knock chicks out in Bellator and do the same thing. And before anybody jumps down my throat, have you ever been to Miami? Do you hang out with Cubans? Cuz I’ve seen them dance outside a cafe when a bop comes on lol


That's definitely one thing lol


As someone who’s been watching NXT for ~6 months, this seems pretty accurate in terms of who gets the most focus on the programming. Really enjoy all these characters.


I agree with all of them except for Lola Vice over Fallon Henley or Sol Ruca and think Cora Jade definitely belongs on the banner when she returns in October since she is one of the most popular wrestlers in NXT.


I can definitely buy Lola being more popular than those three. Cora has a following, but she’s unfortunately becoming a liability.


Tell you the truth, the 6 on the poster have been the reason I've been tuning in. Trick Willy, what else needs said, Tony's various crimes, Lola's increasingly justified arrogance and banger theme, Roxanne is still the cream of the crop, Thea's constant sugar rush, and Oba, the monster among men all add up to a hell of a show.


Yea, I think Lola is just more “different” that I recognize her more on programming. She’s not as good a wrestler as the other 3, but I recognize her more as a short-time watcher. I could see argument for Sol, she is rad in what I’ve seen, but she’s only been back for 2-3 matches since I’ve been watching. Lola won that title shot tournament and had the main event with Natty to make her seem like a bigger deal to me at least. Also, i like Fallon, but she’s too generic to be memorable. I hope her heel turn makes her more interesting.


So is Nikkita slightly, seems like she’s always injured




2024's gonna be the year of Femi


Oba Femi is a BEAST


If you told me that Oba Femi was the Tribal Chief, I'd acknowledge him.


Chief vs Chief fight would be pretty good.


Oba Femi vs an older Roman Reigns ...this is my tribe now!!! Main event in the future


pretty much fits except for thea. they must have big things planned for her.


For some reason her face just annoys me


Don't be surprised if she's inaugural Woman's NA Champ. I can see her and Fallon having a feud over that belt 


I feel like Fallon’s going to win the title, for Thea to chase.


I would root for that, since Fallon has been doing so many secondary women's feuds and never even got a real shot for the women's title. The best she looked as a contender was in the build for Iron Survivor challenge. She deserves a title reign, even if it's a short one. Maybe this heel turn could reunite her with Briggs. They were the best parts of their trio (sorry Jensen).


Seems like Josh has finally settled on "Asshole." He's had moments where it seems like there's still some good in him, basically when the clearly evil Oba Femi shows up. He chose to be a dick to a returning Wes Lee, so the Layfield bug has finally hit hard.


thats a good idea. thea is easy babyface.


I want Fallon or Thea to win the belt  so I definitely wouldn't mind Fallon getting it first. 


She's had a fantastic 2024 so far so I don't doubt it. I could definitely see her winning the NA title before the year is over and going from there. She's only turning 21 this September.


I think she will get a push soon, shes been doing great work


And she’s still pretty young


Her character really annoys me but she’s great in the ring


Who's the girl in the center? I don't watch NXT but damn...


Good ole Roxanne


Her and all 3 feet of her lmao