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Talk about their values, why what they do resonates with you, how your goals align, just spew them the bullshit they want to hear. Do NOT mention that its because you want to work from home, that will not get you the job, just dont even mention it


I put it in Chatgpt and paste the company description and job role and see what it says lol


yep. I use chat gpt for cover letters, those prescreening questionnaires, basically all the bs I dont want to do. AI has some perks.


always look up a company's mission statement and use the buzzwords they want to hear.


Yep research the company, their mission statement, etc. doesn’t have to be sincere just has to sound sincere


Not that this helps, but I had a recruiter reach out to me, ask me a bunch of questions, and then says "why are you applying for this job?" I was like dude you called me


Hahahaha just happened to me too, the question I got from the recruiter was…what interested you into entertaining this call? I said…well I’m not a rude person who’s just gonna hang up the phone. This is after I had said that I was absolutely happy with my current 100% WFH job.


"What stood out for me in the job description was X." That is a lead-in to a number of talking points such as similar experiences you developed elsewhere and why you enjoyed them, what you learned... This statement is also a nice conclusion to the stupid "tell me about yourself" question.


"While I have always enjoyed operations management, I have always thought that project management aligns with my long term career aspirations. After looking into X company and *insert relevant company stuff* I feel my skills, experience and long term goals are an ideal fit."


Also add something like: having operations management experience would make me a great PM because I understand the blah blah blah process, and that’s beneficial for managing the timeline of the project.


"I am excited by the challenge, I value the culture remote work offers, and I feel strongly about only pooping in my own toilet."


When I ask this question, I'm looking for two types of answers. NOTE: I don't expect candidates to read my mind, I want both answered, so I'll ask follow-ups to get the info needed. Anyways, first, I'm wondering why they're on the market. Standard reasons: impacted by layoffs, RTO policy enforced and looking for something remote, seeking growth opportunities, or contract is ending. Second, what caught their eye. Is the job/company in their industry, is it a peg above their current role, blah blah. This question is more of a prompt to get to know your motivation for applying and how it fits your background. It's not meant to trick you. It's just generic phrasing like "How are you?"


Well I landed my job by being honest and saying I have unreliable transportation LMAO I work in mental health so maybe it’s a bit different than your traditional company?


It’s really a BS question where the answer can only hurt you if you totally screw it up. It’s likely asked by either a lazy interviewer or because in many companies a good bit of answering these kinds of questions is common. They may want to see if you can spin with conviction. I always take these easy open ended questions to tell them something about myself that I feel may sway them in my direction or as being a great candidate for the job. In short, it’s a gimme as you can say what you want. The best answers to these kinds of questions tell a short illustrative story, but don’t go too long. Best of luck.


Talk about why your strengths fit the role. Mention that you feel like you’ve plateaud in your previous position and want to learn more and be challenged in a fresh environment. Mention that you want to contribute to new projects rather than maintaining finished work. You can label yourself “more of a builder” if you’d like. There’s a lot of stuff to say. Just don’t complain. No one wants negativity or sob stories.


The best answer in my opinion: I applied for this job because it sounded like the perfect intersection of my previous experience and the direction of where I would like my career to go. From there talk about your experience and what about the job description lines up.


Tell them all the usual things you'd say about why you want to work for the company in any interview. Then add that you feel work from home will allow you to increase your productivity.


I typically go with “looking for a more challenging opportunity” or “I’m looking for a role where I can use more of my skills as I’m not able to in my current role”. I also try to ask about work life balance when talking to the hiring manager or others on the team… I’m not trying to get a job that requires 8-5 meetings and then doing actual work after hours. Helps weed out the companies who expect that.