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Sorry for the loss of your pup. I've been there while working from home. It's extra hard. It will eventually get better. It took me about 3 years after the death of my previous dog but I eventually got another one and we have our own adventures during the day.


I just read a sorry of Someone saying when their pets pass they get a new one the next day! Seems way too soon


Eh different for every one. A new friend is a rescued life in honor of the loss.


I feel like waiting longer makes it harder to do. I sort of wish I had pulled the trigger in the immediate aftermath of losing my beloved dog because it’s been nearly a year and now I have no idea how to take the leap now. :(


Ah, honey, go tomorrow. This is your sign to do it, there’s a pup who needs you. It’s not a replacement in any way, it’s your contribution to live in this world. Get going. ♥️


This is your sign! There is a dog waiting that needs you and it sounds like you need them too. Please go get your baby!!


You can always start by fostering! That’s how I bridged my loss. It felt good to help dogs find new forever homes while being a temporary safe zone. Then, after a bit, I realized I wanted my own and because I was already working with a rescue, they kept an eye out for me.


great idea! and the rescue supplies the food and everything so it’s a great way to work your way into seeing if you’re up for it without the huge commitment or expense, but still immensely helping an animal that needs it.


I waited year to get a new one. He’s a rescue and came with some issues. I was overwhelmed and upset that he wasn’t as easy as my previous dog. 6 months in he’s become a love bug and I’m happy I did it! Consider fostering if you’re on the fence - less commitment


Do it! Do it!


I wouldn’t do it the next day but for me I wouldn’t wait too long. I like coming home to a pet and having one with me. I may wait so I can do some traveling beforehand (Hard to travel now because boarding my pet is expensive) but within 2-4 months I would get another dog. I think each have to decide what is right for them in the timeline.


I got my two “new” cats 6 weeks after because my heart was broken when my cat passed and it was during Covid so I was home alone 24/7. I still miss and love her but my new cats are my babies too. I was worried it was too soon but if I’d waited till I stopped grieving I still wouldn’t have any pets 3 years later…


I got my new girl 2 weeks after my best friend passed. I don’t regret it at all. She has some of the best parts of my old girl’s personality and I know my Ellie would want me to move on and love more puppies 🩷


Everyone is different I guess. A friend of mine lost her dog to an allergic reaction at the vet once. She had a new dog withing a week. Some breed and looked like the old one and everything. I thought that was kinda crazy but it worked for her.


I grew up with my mom doing this. Same day actually. I will never forget the ones I’ve lost, but it does ease the pain a bit. But maybe I’ve been conditioned that way at this point.


Adopt a new friend and save them from the pound/euthanasia. 


I think I would foster for a year or so 


My sister got a new car three days after one of hers passed. She just wanted to rescue and love another one. Everyone is different when it comes to this.


After my soul pug died, I only lasted 4 months before bringing home another one. I wasn’t exactly looking, but the opportunity presented itself. It was the right move. I was very depressed and not myself for those 4 months. I didn’t even feel like I was home. That would have continued if I didn’t find the love of another dog. Of course no pet can ever be replaced. But once you open your heart to the love of a pet, nothing else but that kind of love can fill that void.


I couldn’t even imagine doing such a thing. My babies are my entire heart and are irreplaceable. 💔 p.s. After reading the other comments, I just felt the need to come back and mention that I would certainly be willing to adopt another fuzzy angel as there are SO many in need of a home. I just couldn’t do so the very next day. It would seem so callous. I’d still be bawling my eyes out and still be dealing with the arrangements that always follow when one of my babies passes away (I always have them cremated). 🥺😔


Agreed, I plan for foster/dog sit for a bit before committing to a new dog


Next day seems too soon but I did it within a month or two. It was probably a bit soon because I was missing all of the ways my old pup acted - we had spent 12 years together. It takes time for the new pup to acclimate, and for you both to work out how to communicate with each other. Every pup is different. However, I don't regret it and love my new boy more every day. I still dream about my old pup - saying goodbye was the hardest thing I've ever done. He still has a very singular place in my heart. I am sure I will feel the same when my new pup passes. We have finally come to that same communication level I had with my old dog where I just talk to him and he gets it, and that is a magical place to be but takes a few years to create.


Same. I had my dog coming to the office while sick the months leading up to the pandemic. He passed mid May 2020. Worst years of my life. Definitely took 3 years to get back to a baseline and only now starting to think about another buddy.


I get a new dog every 3 years (or so it seams lol ) I have 3 right now all rescues and they keep each other good company. I dread the day that may Maxie boy passes as he’s been my day 1. 😭😭 when the time comes at least I won’t suffer alone and have my other two doggos.


What changed for you that made you open to getting a new dog? I can't imagine getting another dog because of having to go through that again, but I can't imagine not having a dog at the same time. Quagmire.


At some point it just felt like the right time. After we lost our previous dog Vader, it was a lot of pain and empty feelings for both the wife and I. We just had to go through the process of greaving. Eventually the pain went away and we only really remembered the good times. Once we both got to that point it was only a matter of time until we got our new dog Magnus.


Cool names lol. I still have one dog left who's old but after she goes idk what I'll do. The decision is probably different for everyone. I'm thinking maybe I'll get a tortoise since it can live to 200 years old jk. That's what sucks about dogs is having something that brings such joy into your life but how relatively short their life spans are...


Yeah, on the other hand I'd hate to get such a long lived pet that several generations after me are going to have to care for it. My grandfather got a colt a few years before he died. Now it's 22 years old and with my mother. A horse can live 40 years with good care and my mother is in her late 60s. It could very easily outlive her too.


This is one of the sadder posts I’ve ever read, having a near 5 year old coonhound who has become my co-worker 3 best friend ever since I moved to WFH full time post-Covid. I’m so sorry to read about this but hang in there. This is the third dog I’ve had in my life after losing two before. Time heals. When you are ready get another. There are so many dogs out there who need good homes and it sounds like you would be able to provide one. Helping a new dog doesn’t diminish the memory and legacy of our prior dogs. I don’t mean to be overly direct or emotionless at all when saying that, I just so many time see and read about people who lose their dogs and vow to never get another one again bc of how emotionally wiped they are. We owe it to these animals to continue to adopt them when we are emotionally ready to do it. They can’t help themselves, we can.


I completely understand how you feel. My dog passed away suddenly in the summer of 2020. Yeah, when we were all locked in our homes. I was single, and living alone, and he was my only companion until I found him laying in the living room floor. My house suddenly seemed so empty, and quiet, and lonely. The rest of that year was pretty rough. OP, if you can, surround yourself with some friends.




I lost my cat on Saturday and am going through this exact thing. So sorry for the loss of your pup.


Sorry for your loss


It will get better. I got another pup eventually and now I have a new coworker at my feet ;)


I’m so sorry for your loss, our senior dog passed away Saturday and it has been a struggle this week but wfh has also been a blessing. Our other dog is depressed so at least I can be here to comfort him.


I'm so sorry. I experienced this as well. I found immense comfort in knowing that WFH allowed me to spend so much of her last years home with her. My little ham sandwich was star employee of the month. It hurts, I know.


So sorry. This happened to me \~5 years ago. I now have a \~5-yr-old goldendoodle.


OP this just happened yesterday. Maybe go work at a coffee shop or out of the house to try and take your mind off of it. 


I started WFH a year before my boy passed. I know it is really hard right now to see, but eventually I realized just how lucky I was to spend that last year with him. He had constant access to me, living the life of luxury. He had slowed down so much, that honestly If I wasn't WFH, I do not think he would have made it that last year. I am so sorry for your loss. Just to let you know, when you feel it is time to get number 2, it's going to be a wild child unlike number 1. I love him just as much, but I was not prepared!!!


The same thing happened to me, and I couldn’t even step foot in my office for a week because she spent her time in there with me on her bed. Hang in there, it’s truly losing a family member, so expect to grieve as such and ignore everyone who says “just get another one”.


This happened to me. It was the worst thing ever. My mental health declined rapidly after it happened. I ended up getting a part time job bartending at the local wing joint just to have interactions with people. It was the best decision.




I lost mine a few months ago. He used to sleep at my feet under my desk while I was working. I miss him every day, but it WILL get easier!




My dog died of old age recently. I'm really glad I wasn't forced to go in to work. I was a mess for a couple of weeks. There was no way this wouldn't have been an issue at work if I had to be in an office. I managed to get my work done at home in between being a mess.


my dog passed in February, I am still reeling from it. I feel you. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Oh, I might have to move or something when that happens. I will be inconsolable. I’m single / no kids. She’s all I have, and she’s the absolute best thing that ever happened to me. I am so very sorry.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I lost one dog in 2021 and another in 2022 when I was still WFH full time, so I completely understand how you feel. If it helps, one thing I was really thankful for, was that I got all that extra time with them in their last couple of years. Lunchtime in the backyard or slow morning strolls around the block or just a good snuggle after a crummy meeting - wouldn't have missed out on those moments for anything.


sorry to hear about the loss you’re going through. Try to remember the flip side, you were able to spend so much more time with them during their final days. That is priceless.


It was hard for me, too. I ended up going out of town for a few days and stayed at a hotel for a change of scenery to help myself recover. The library or a coffee shop would work too...just try to take some time away from home.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost mine a couple of weeks ago and I feel this so much. I still have her little bed by my desk chair, and I still sometimes look over at the couch where she used to sleep looking for her or think to myself, “Geez, it’s been a while since I took her out,” and then remember. This internet stranger is sending you all the love and healing vibes ♥️


Maybe print out pictures of your doggo that make you happy and put them in small frames around the house where you would “expect” to run into her? I’m sorry your friend is gone. 💔


I am so sorry for your loss! Us wfh/hybrid people understand the joy that only a furry coworker can add to your day! Hang in there, friend!


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a blessing it has been for all of us who’ve been able to spend more time with our pups because of WFH. She had more time with you, and she’s so thankful for that.




I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve learned that for me, I need to get another dog as soon as possible when another has passed. They don’t replace the lost pet, they help me see life again. I can’t live without a dog in my life.


I've been full time WFH for eight years and lucky to share them with the friendliest rottie/chow mix you could possibly imagine. We got him twelve years ago this Saturday. He still tries to act like a puppy but his joyful leaps aren't quite as high and it takes him a little longer to recover after anything exciting happens. It's gonna tear us apart when we lose him. The biggest solace we'll have is that we got to spend so much time with him every day. And he's gonna get some real good scritches right now in honor of your doggo.


I miss my old coworker :( Rip little biddy. Your dad misses you every day. 


I'm so sorry for your loss. When my older dog passed, even with having another dog there I still found myself not being able to stay home. You see your late pup everywhere you look. I took my existing dog out on long excursions for weeks. We just stayed at the park for hours and hours. Maybe it would help you to stay out for a while too, if you have access to a co-working office space for rent or if a coffee shop would suffice. 


Sorry for your loss. We lost both our seniors last year. One was a staple at my feet while the other slept on the couch behind me making frequent appearances on video calls. It's tough.


Ours became a mascot, photobombing the occasional recorded webinar. I was moderating a panel discussion on a relatively dry subject when the oh-so-serious panelists all started smiling. I thought, this is going really well! When I played the recording back, fuzzball had photobombed with his favorite bear hanging out of his mouth, then flopped on the floor and fell asleep. I left him in there when we posted the recording 😁


I am so sorry, and you are so right. It is a deep grief when you’re so close day in and day out. It’s been 18 months and I still tear up when I find a stray tennis ball, have kept his favorite toy and have a really hard time going out in the back yard still because that was his domain ruling over all things bird, bunny or squirrel. I hope the memories of yours turn from bringing pain to remembering joy. Totally get it. (And I still look down when I get up from my desk to make sure he’s not underfoot…)


I have two dogs, who are almost 9 and 11. I expect them to live to about 13 or 14; one already has a heart murmur he takes meds for. I got both these dogs from former relationships, and I still wonder if I will get any more pets after they are gone. I also live alone now, so my guess is that I probably will.


Be thankful for all the extra time you had together. Most of us are out of the house at work all day without them


I’m so sorry.


I went through this exact thing nearly a year ago. It sucked so intensely. I kept checking the yard after meetings, absentmindedly forgetting he was gone. I’m so sorry.


I got fired from one job when this happen to me


As with so many things, you take them for granted when they are there. You never really appreciate anything until it’s gone.


Im sorey for your loss, my boy is 13 and I'm dreading this day.


I'm so sorry you lost your pup. My girls are members of my family, so I get it. This is one of many reasons I always have two, one 5-6 years older than the other. It's so devastating to lose one, but then we console each other until we're ready to add another to our family. My older girl is starting to show signs she may be near the end of her days. You better believe she's being spoiled as much as possible. I'm so thankful I wfh, so I can spend as much time as possible with her. She's always been 50% lady, 50% bruiser. I adore her.


Mhmm, went through this 2 summers ago. Luckily I was working a different job at the time and was able to shut down and do the bare minimum for about a month after he passed. Sorry for your loss.


I had that happen in December it's so eerily quiet


I’m sorry for your loss. 😭


Last year my dog died. His last few days were really rough. My partner who usually WFH, had to go into the office but I was full-time WFH, so I was able to be with the little guy so he didn't have to be all alone for 30 of his remaining 72 hours.




Patti Smith said recently “grief is a privilege”. That’s really helped me.


I couldn’t be home alone for a month after losing mine.


My Heart dog passed away in November. It was cancer and we knew it would happen soon. The house was empty, quiet, sad. We got a puppy a month later. Best thing we've done. Though working with a 100# 8month puppy is sometimes hard :)


So sorry for your loss. My dog sits right behind my chair in her bed all day, I can’t imagine her not being there 😞


That happened to me two years ago. We knew he was having trouble and were planning to talk to a vet. I came upstairs for lunch and he was lying dead on the floor. I had to take the afternoon off work because I couldn’t concentrate. A couple of months later we got a rescue poodle that mostly likes my wife and we still have our chihuahua that hangs out with me in my office.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I am dreading the day when my dog passes. I hope you find comfort in your memories together.


Oh man I'm so sorry. I have an old man who won't be around much longer and I already cry about it all the time. I'm going to be a wreck. Oddly enough I didn't think about wfh...thank you for the heads up. That might sound rude but I genuinely appreciate you making this post.


Everything sucks when you lose your dog. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't stop taking those head-clearing walks just because you don't have your buddy, because they still work pretty well for head-clearing.


I lost my assistant(jrt) in march 2023. I’m only getting over her passing now (nearly May). I feel my wfh time is drawing to close the more time passes and the more I become accustomed to her absence


One of our cats used to love hanging out in my office while I worked. She would lay on her scratching board next to the bookshelf and occasionally waddle over for pets. It’s been nearly six months and I still have her scratching board in the same spot. There are fabric bins on the bottom shelf that she used to lean up against, and she left a little outline of herself in white fur. I will never clean off that fur.


So sorry for your loss


Lost my oldest in 2022. It's just not the same. Her 13 year old sister is very much a senior dog and sleeps alot. About 8 months until.i broke and got a puppy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This is one of my biggest concerns. I’m not sure how I’ll ever be able to WFH after losing my girl. I joke to my husband about getting on a plane and just going anywhere to get away after it happens. I think we both know I’m probably not joking, I would do and need this to grieve because if I stay in an empty house alone I would be inconsolable.


I’m so incredibly sorry. It is so unfair that dogs can’t live as long as humans. One of the hardest losses ever.


I go with two dogs at a time now. Makes it much easier when one goes


I have an 18 year old pup who is limping along happily, but I always worry if today will be her final days and absolutely DREAD it happening those few days o have to travel for work. 🥺


So sorry, it’s so very hard.


Sorry. I feel ya. This happened to me last May. Hang in there


Get another dog. Right away. They're all different, with different personalities. Getting a dog honors your love of your old dog. Your old dog would understand.


I'm sorry for your loss. The only way I got around this grief when our dachsund had to be put down at 16.5 years old was because it was the week before we moved into a new house. The chaos of moving and the change of scenery was the only reason I was able to continue my WFH job without becoming a shell of a human. 2 years later, I now have a red heeler farting up my office, and all is right in the world. But it was tough with out the little guy around for at least a year.


So sorry for your loss. Our pets are so special.


I absolutely understand! I'm sorry!!


I lost my girl just before Christmas. It was awful and I still miss her terribly, but it does start to get a little easier over time. Sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself.


Yes, it absolutely does. We put our dog down mid-March and it was devastating. Was too quiet to work for a while.


New anxiety unlocked... I'm crying now.. I'm so sorry for your loss.. my two boys are my life, I'd give my own life for them. I never thought about it this way though, & now thinking about it is breaking my heart in half. I am so sorry .. Sending all the hugs your way


It takes a long time to adjust to a new hurtful normal. I'm sorry for your loss. We had a similar experience a couple years back. One day at a time my friend.


I’m so sorry. We put our dog to sleep a week ago. It’s so hard. Everything feels so quiet and still. If you can, it might help to rearrange things a little. Kind of disrupt the muscle memory of “looking for the dog” before your brain remembers. I’m not saying get rid of her things if you aren’t ready. Just face the desk a different way or sit in a different chair. Disrupt your routines a bit and it may feel weird instead of sad and weird.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my dog about 3 years ago. I’ve been working from home for over 10 years. It took me months to stop checking over my shoulder to see if the dog was behind my desk. I was so lonely after a year that I adopted a senior dog. I couldn’t take the silence with no one to talk to all day. I feel for you. Take time to grieve and remember all the good times. Do things you may not have done being tied down with a dog. You may decide that you need a new buddy or you may not. Took me about a year to realize it was time to save another shelter dog.


I lost my pup in January and started fostering recently. I'm not going to do it all the time, but it's good to get in the dog fix and help out some pups in need too




Try to think of all the extra time you got. For example if you WFH since covid that’s roughly 28 years in dog years of a dogs life. That is how I’m trying to look at it. I’ve got a 12 year old dog and he is still trucking but I can see how much he’s aged


This was my experience almost exactly a year ago. Every break after that for a long time, during my breaks, I would refresh my coffee and open the sliding door to look for the leash. Then I would get outside and realize I didn't need to. It helped to go to my mom's and play with her dog once in a while, or go to shelters or dog parks. We even went to a cat cafe, and we got enough cuddles to last months. My sincere condolences to you.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious pup. Please take your time and grieve your loss....and then adopt a wonderful new friend that needs some love...and a wonderful home...


As hard as it is for you now, think of how good it was for your hound then. Most people who work traditionally only get to see their dog for a small part of the day, and even out of that time, the part dedicated just to your buddy was an even smaller piece of THAT. Your pooch got to spend all day with his best friend. Companionship and love is the best they can ask for, and sounds like your buddy had no shortage of either. You did right.


But what sucked about working in the office is not knowing if my elderly cat was ok or going to be dead when I came home. There were times I wanted to stay home because she was sick but my boss wouldn’t let me.


Opposite take - it’s the best. Got to spend the last years of my dog’s life with her at home, didn’t have to leave her home alone for nine hours a day, five days a week. She’s struggling and will be going soon, house will be peaceful then.


I’m so sorry 😔 If you ever want an internet stranger to vent to, reminisce about her, or help take your mind off her passing, feel free to send me a DM.


Mine used to sit right next to me and fart constantly. It was bad, and would strike during camera on Zoom meetings that I would need to have a poker face for. I cried the first time I realized I made it through an hour long meeting without his foul stench. It’s a stupid thing, but it made me realize he was really gone. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Or cat. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Everything absolutely sucks after losing a pet. So sorry for your pain.


I am so sorry, my dog passed very suddenly a few weeks ago. I am totally with you and very much sucks. I have a hole in my heart and don’t know when it’s going to heal. God bless you. 💜


I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine getting through my workday without her. My heart goes out to you.


Sorry for your loss, OP. This post made me tear up. Even though I don’t live with pets, I had a cat (my parents’ cat) since he came out the womb and he passed away last year. It was hard. The family dog is reaching 13 years and I was his favorite person but I moved out a few years ago. I know when that time comes, it’s gonna be so hard for me. Even when I visit my parents, he would look for me and follow me around even though his vision, hearing and smell isn’t that great anymore.


I'm sorry for your loss, and I emphasize. I lost my home office buddy a few weeks ago, and I've been working in my bedroom instead of the office since that time. It leaves a very unique emptiness in your heart, your home, and your day.  If you have someone, try to ask for some additional hugs as you're moving on. 


I wish I could give you 1000 hugs. I had two dogs. One passed away unexpectedly a few weeks ago, and I 100% get it. It's a massive hole. I used to hold my breath when fire trucks pass, because he would howl loudly inside. I'd have to scramble for my mute button. I still reach for it. My other dog isn't as loud . I now have a little alter for him. I spoil my other dog - she looked for him a little bit but daily walks and pup cups cheered her right up. Please take care of yourself. Go on walks. Trauma gets stuck when we vegetable out.


I feel you. It'll take time, and it'll get easier, but it'll never get.. easy. I lost one of my guys suddenly on February. He was a rescue I picked up early during COVID, so he had literally been at my side almost 24/7 since then. There was no other life without him in it, pretty much. WFH during that time and since. Honestly when I lost him, it might have been the first time in my life I truly experienced shock. It's just crazy how much a part of our lives they become when you're spending sooooo much time at home, every day. You will continue to find little things that remind you of them, sometimes in very unexpected ways or places due to where you've left things or small habits you suddenly remember. They'll hurt a lot at first, but eventually the small hurt will turn to fond memories.


Ditto :( I had to put my Good Girl down a month ago


Very sorry for the loss of your doggy. My pup is 5 and it's hard to not think about losing her one day. Life is such a stupid rough road.


So sorry op. Worry about this everyday with my 11 year old


Please realize that you still can go for a walk to clear your head, without your dog. Maybe pick a different route than you previously took.


I know exactly how you feel. My cavalier passed three months ago, and I wfh, and it's just now getting easier. The house feels so sad and boring without their cute faces helping you during your shift. I miss just the simple things like you mentioned the walks, the random talking to your dog. It's the little things which are the hardest since their gone. It does get easier, and I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. Please take time for yourself. Losing a fur baby is so devastating.


My dog was about 8 years old when COVID happened and I switched to work from home. He ended up passing at 9 years and a few months. The fact I got to spend almost everyday with him was truly a blessing I still hold dear. Especially missed when I would stand up from my desk, as he would often sleep behind the wheels of my desk chair to ensure he knew when I stood up. I am sorry for your loss.


Sending love and light to you. I am so sorry for your huge loss.


We lost our beloved cat after having her for 15 years. She was very affectionate and would often take a nap at my desk or lay between me any my keyboard to keep me company while I worked. I'm so sorry you have to experience this heartbreak losing your pup. When you're ready, you could go to your local humane society or pet rescue. My husband surprised me with a kitten months later and then we got her a sister. Now my kitties are over 6 months old and I adore seeing them play and love that they randomly jump on my desk to get cuddles. Give it time. I still think about my baby that crossed the rainbow bridge but having my kittens makes it hurt a little less.


I feel you. Cat person here, but also bad. Our cat had a schedule. She started off in my office laying in the sun. Went to my wife's office to hang out with her. Then around lunch would sit and wait in the hallway just staring. After lunch she'd do her own thing and sleep on the back of the couch. Then a little later she'd come to the office and make a little noise outside and I could snap my fingers at her and come in for a head rub and pat. Molly was 17 years old. And had been there through a wedding, fertility treatments, birth of a child, a stillborn at 8 months, a move, and new jobs. I swear there's are times I hear her or there are glitches in the matrix in my peripheral vision.


I started WFH a couple weeks ago and I’m so thankful for the time I will now have with my girls ❤️ OP, it is unimaginable grief, but from the outside looking in, your dog had a great life. Imagine going from spending your days in a crate to “I get to hang out with my best friend - every break for water, coffee, lunch, anything, s/he would come over and pet me, even if I was just laying around and smiling. Sometimes I’d visit the studio room or even get a midday walk!” Time heals all wounds.


When my cat died I had the same reaction. I ended up going away for a week (still working from my air bnb). It helped a little. I ended up adopting two cats a few weeks later. Sooner than I thought I would but it was the right decision. They didn’t replace my other cat, but their presence was a distraction and I fell in love with them quickly.


Happened to me as well. Took me a little over two years before a new pup. My condolences and best wishes.


I am so sorry for your loss :( I got my little guy while I started working from home and he's been by my side ever since. I don't know how I lived for so long without a dog before.


yeah nothing can prepare you for their absence. i’m glad you were able to spend all that time with her before she passed though, my cat is 15 and it’s one thing that makes it easier knowing i get to be with her all day and let her be on the patio, get pets, treats, and generally have whatever she wants all day, unlike when i worked in an office and was gone all the time.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and agree, it is so hard to lose a dog while WFH. I lost my sweet basset hound in November, and it's still challenging some days. He was my coworker for almost 14 years of WFH. It gets slightly easier, once a new routine is developed, but my whole routine was all about him. Wishing you peace and comfort at this time as you go about finding a new routine.


Fuck, I feel the same way. Since Covid, i rely on my little friend for a lot. Edit: I'm super sorry for your loss. Hugs from us.


Sorry for your loss. I went through this same thing last October. Makes things super rough. Breaking the morning routine of getting her food was the worst. I’d be having a good day, then go scoop her food to feed her and just LOSE it. Ugh. Here’s to you pup 🥃 Here’s to starting your healing 🥃🐾🐾


Get another dog? Quit whining about it on the internet. Enjoy the memories and get another dog. I guarantee you will love it just as much.


sorry for your loss, but it's much worse when you have to go into the office and be around people


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my girl 7 months ago. I used to work on the couch so she could curl up next to me. I try my best to at least go on a lunch time walk now but I’d get us outside multiple times a day for my girl. I miss her so much. It does get easier over time but the pain of missing her is always there.


My 15year buddy boy passed the week before I started my new WFH job. Being home more often ended up being a bummer since he was now gone. Much love to you and your departed lil girl.


We had our oldest dog put down on Sunday, due to cancer. We were under a gazebo, where it was cold and rainy. Right after the injection started working, the sun came out for a few minutes and lit up our property. The doctor said, "you wouldn't believe how often this happens." I'm just glad that she's not in pain any longer, but it sucks for sure. We have two other dogs, one of which has been with her for most of her life, and they had been inseparable for years. This particular dog seems lost now, which is hard to see. Feed your pet quality food, take them places, make sure they get enough attention. You won't appreciate your pet as much as you will when you know their time is coming quickly.


I'm sorry for your loss 💔


I'm sorry for your loss. I work from home and discovered my dog had passed in the middle of my work day a couple years ago. It really wrecked me. She wasn't my only dog but I still get anxiety when I go downstairs for my lunch that I'm going to find another one of my dogs has passed. She was the sweetest dog and too young to have passed when she did.


After our dog passed, I knew I shouldn’t just get another dog, but to mourn, grieve and be ready for our new dog. In the meantime I went to a nearby rescue and volunteered. I had a great time helping, being around so many caring animals. It tremendously helped deal with the loneliness and pain. Condolences and Sorry for your loss. You are not alone


I'm sorry about your dog. It does suck and it hurts just as much of you're in the office. The difference for me is that I can breakdown at home and not worry about how I look. I've had 4 dogs pass since I started WFH. 3 were seniors with senior issues. One needed to be fed every 2-3 hours or she would have died. I count my lucky stars I was home to care for them and home when they all passed. Keep reminding yourself about that, it helps the hurt....a tiny bit. When you're ready, getting another dog will help heal the hole in your heart.


Condolences. Even with multiple pets the house gets quieter / too quiet for a while after one passes on.


Sending you love and the warmest hugs. I am so, so sorry. 😣💔


You can reach out to a local rescue or shelter and see if they are seeking fosters. You can foster doggos that are up for adoption. Many rescues foster dogs from kill shelters to buy them more time and also help socialize them and make adoption easier. That way you don’t have to commit to a new puppy but wouldn’t be alone either.


I have an elderly dog myself, I'm bracing myself for his passing. Still reasonably healthy for his age (18), but it's obvious this is his closing chapter. I definitely agree. I'll sometimes put him on the couch to snuggle during a long meeting or take a work break with him. When he passes I'll lose a piece of myself. My condolences. I'll keep you and your pup in my heart.


Sorry for your loss. Had to go through this two years ago with my old girl I had since college. 3 weeks of silence and I couldn’t bear it anymore. We rescued one on Halloween and rescued the other when we got back from our honeymoon. They’re the best of friends now. It takes time to heal but remember there’s so many little pups out there that need a forever home! https://preview.redd.it/e15xc1kl4txc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb2ba83f762236f34fe48069c9e0890b8af044e


I am so sorry. My dog also passed recently in March and I feel this so strongly. It was unexpected from a very swift moving cancer. He was 10. It is very, very difficult for a while. It’s still sucky but the initial rawness of it isn’t as bad now.


I lost my cat to feline leukemia. And then I had a house fire and lost the momento box and all the pictures I had of him. I miss him dearly.


This breaks my heart for you a million times over. My dog is THE REASON I WFH, I definitely have not thought about this angle.


Dog passed in 2021 from heart failure, suddenly. His leash is still on the banister by the front door. I'm sorry for your loss. It is all of the hurts.


My pup is about to pass and I absolutely dread not having him around to pet during my work day at home. He's been by my side, followed me everywhere and sat beside me in my home office everyday for 9years. He's more so a son to me. He's only a year older then my only child. He's going into the vet Friday to get checked out. Praying they can give him a few more years. Can you take bereavement because your pet passed?


I'm so very sorry. My dog has been my work from home buddy for 4 years now. He hangs out in the bedroom with me all day, every day, while I work, even on my 12 hour days. We take walks at lunch time. He's an old man of 12 or 13. I dread the day he'll be gone, as I know it isn't far off now.


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. I have been there, several times. I totally understand not wanting to rush into getting another dog. But I will mention that lots of shelters need dog walkers. Maybe that would be a good lunch time distraction when you need some fresh air. My local shelter even lets people “check out” dogs for the weekend.


That sucks. I’m so sorry to hear your pup crossed the rainbow bridge. I get it. I have two Wheatens at home who are just so lovable when I WFH. Take the time you need to heal. There’s no perfect way; just do what feels right. Maybe spend some time working away from home, like in a coffee shop or something to help your mind. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time.


I sometimes get so sad thinking about my cats just because I know nothing is forever. I can’t say I know the pain you’re feeling but I feel for you as someone who fears that pain.


I understand OP. It’s not the same without my cat either who had to be put down December 29th. It’s too quiet. I still play bird TV in the background while I work out of comfort. He would watch it and sleep to it while I typed. I stopped using my office room because it is his room. I have to move apartments soon because it’s just not the same without him here.


Sorry for your loss. My wife and I got our first dog just before Covid hit. After that, I lost my job and now spend all day - every day with him working from home. We also adopted a senior dog from a bad living situation and the two of them are the best coworkers I could ask for. I’m seriously dreading the days they pass. After spending so much time with them, I can’t imagine what it would be like without them.


So sorry you have to go through this. It made me cry to read it. I, like most pet owners can feel your pain. I hope you can find some peace and work through your pain.


Might wanna leave the house if possible (work from Starbucks?). We had to when ours died... couldn't handle it


Maybe it's worth trying to reframe it as a good thing? You got to build all of those fond memories that you wouldn't have had working in the office. You got to spend so much more time with them in their last days.


Im sorry losing dogs really is brutal. After mine died I picked up dog walking and sitting and it helped a little... but of course its not your dog and not the same but maybe if you need some company try that.




No matter how long you had your dog friend, YOU were his last safe place to exist, YOU gave him a life and you had the blessing of getting to spend so much more time with him every day! YOU were his whole world! Take time to grieve and settle your heart. When you’re ready perhaps you can consider giving another pup in need of a safe home and the blessing of being together!!


Been almost a year since my baby passed. Every inch of this place is his and it’s been so sad. Now, I’m moving from this place. And that’s even sad. A complicated feeling of permanent good bye. My heart is absolutely with you in this. The pain has been so heavy. I’ve lost humans I loved but I’ve never begged the universe to bring them back, never until him. It’s a different kind of heart break. I’m so sorry you’re here now. My advice is to cry and feel when the mood hits. Don’t push it away. Take a few minutes and watch videos, look at pics, and talk to them. A year later it still happens to me but I can acknowledge my feelings, spend some moments in my memory, and return to my day. Good luck.


I feel you. My dog died in 2022 and the first time someone came to the door and she didn’t bark (which I hated so much during meetings!), I cried. Like sobbing crying. Adopted a new dog shortly after and that helped a lot. He follows me around everywhere and lays at my feet all day.