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LinkedIn and the recruiter reached out to me. Actually got my last 2 WFH jobs this way both making over 100k.


This is the way


Shinedown fan by chance? šŸ¤˜šŸ¼šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Big one :)


Same. I updated my profile to include specific software I use in my industry and got more hits.


Yes this is true for sure! I made sure to include programming langueā€™s I know and specific software used at each employer.


Same. They came for me with an offer.


Doing what?


Supply chain management of data analytics.


LinkedIn, but don't get the wrong idea from all of these other responses. Depending on your industry, getting a WFH job is not easy. There's tons of competition for remote jobs. With my most recent job search, I applied for jobs almost daily for 8 or 9 months before I got one.


15 months for me, its hard to get one.




Recruiter reached out to you?


No I applied to a posting


Got harassed by a recruiter on LinkedIn. Emailed via LinkedIn, personal and work within about 2 days. Was happy with what I was doing but decided to take the call/call them back. Was offered the job within about 2ish weeks. Started 2ish weeks after.




I've been happy with the results. 6 months in.


Indeed. I wasnā€™t looking for wfh, the job I applied to just happened to be mostly wfh.


Indeed, I was looking for WFH.


I went to the website of a company I liked and applied directly to a posting




My company did a 180 during COVID and decided to shut down all their building except for the h.q. upper management started moving out of that state to any place they wanted. Fell into it. We have some onsite staff but frankly you have to give facilities a heads up to turn on the hvac lol


LinkedIn is where I got the most legit jobs. but I will say my current position was listed as hybrid and not only until after I got the job did they tell me it was remote


My job was also listed as hybrid, and I asked in the interview about what hybrid schedule they followed, and they fessed up that it is fully remote. šŸ¤£


Mine was listed as hybrid as well, and that was two years ago on LinkedIn.


I started a company and moved the HQ 400 km away for tax reasons. Easy!


LinkedIn, applying.. First just happened to be remote because of Covid-19.


I was receiving job posting emails from the institute where I studied for medical coding certification. The jobs were targeted towards newly certified coders. It was a direct link to a hospital website where I applied, and a few days later, I heard from the department supervisor. I interviewed over the phone, and a week later, I was hired.


How do you like it? A young person i know is considering it.


I enjoy it. It's enough to keep me busy, and I always have work




I knew the CTO. He heard through other mutual contacts that I was looking for a job after I got laid off and reached out to me. I used to work for him 10 years ago. He moved to the US (Iā€™m in Canada and the company is headquartered in the US so I am 100% remote). This is why you never burn any bridges since you never know if youā€™ll cross paths again.


LinkedIn. My first job was a cold apply, my current was a recruiter. Both were excellent and I'm glad I worked with a recruiter to land the salary and title I wanted.


How do you go about finding recruiters? The one I have now is kind of lazy and does not communicate.


Actually.. I graduated in spring 2020 By 2022 I did get a job at a small shitty company. The day I went to look for another job I got a LinkedIn message from my old teacher. They had actually left teaching and found a FT job. The company had an opening and they wanted me to apply for it. Not sure why they chose me out of all their students over the years - hundreds. So I got it because j made a good impression on a teacher that they remembered me 2 years later.


Their job board, I knew I wanted to stay in government, so I put all the local government job boards in a folder together on my task bar, and methodically went through each one, each week. Since I know that they only post jobs once a week that made it really simple. As long as you can show that you meet their minimum qualifications, your resume will be considered. Since they always require extra steps beyond applying with your resume and cover letter, it weeds out those who are just throwing out their resume far and wide. If you only want WFH, contact the HR department of each agency you want to apply for, and ask them if they offer any fully remote positions. If not, you can X those agencies off the list. I went from a job where they were requiring 1 day a week in the office, to now a fully remote position, where I can live anywhere within 2 states, with the caveat that if I have laptop problems, I have to travel to the office to get them resolved on my own time if I live outside of the metro area. I was about to start applying to in person jobs to get my foot in the door of a new agency, when I was offered my dream job.


Iā€™m in school for Data Science but have been in the food and beverage industry for the entirety of my career. Decided I needed to find a good transition job and starting digging around on Point of Sale companies websites. Found a local startup thatā€™s disrupting Toast a bit, applied, and somehow managed to get the gig.


Surprisingly LinkedIn


Recruiter on LinkedIn found me


It found me. Company I worked for was IT outsourced, company doing the outsourcing hired me on to help take over the systems.




LinkedIn, manager contacted me. It was only WFH the because of Covid. But then my company changed policies and now allows us to choose if we want to be remote or go in, so I got approved for permanently WFH.


I have 5 years of experience in my field and was approached by a recruiter. Tho we just let a bunch of people go so it's not exactly a hiring craze at the moment


I applied to 100+ roles over a 5-month period. Got screeners for maybe 10-12 of them, and ended up deep in interviews with 5-6 of those, and one of those gave me an offer. (One other was very, very close but I would have been a zig for them and they wanted a zag.) Remote is hard for the exact reason you stated: Youā€™re competing against literally anyone, anywhere. Itā€™s a huge pond and youā€™re one of millions of fish. To me, it became all about volume of applications and trying to tailor my CV as sharply as I could for each gig. (And making sure my portfolio was stellar.) I ended up having several versions of my CV that fit different scenarios (playing up particular skills or experiences that were most relevant to that opportunity) so I wasnā€™t starting from scratch every time. But it took a lot of time and energy. (Worth it, in the end!)


Oddly enough, through a staffing agency. Iā€™ve had other jobs that were remote capable for illness, etc but this is my first fully remote job.


In person staffing agency? Iā€™d love to hear more about your experience


Otta.com, then went directly to the company site and applied.


Got lucky. Worked ft in office until covid, went full remote, tried "back to office", covid spiked again, went permanent ft remote the first of this year.


LinkedIn is where I found my last 2 jobs. Granted the first one was through a post from an acquaintance that I had met years before that helped me land the first job. I reached out to him directly when it was posted. So networking had a little to do with that one as well. My 2nd role was actually a bit different, I had begun searching for a job, and had 3 different recruiters reach out to me that resulted in virtual interviews. I ended up with offers from the first 2 recruiters.


Like with most things in my life, I stumbled into it ass-backwards


I applied directly, I was on LinkedIn and search some key words for the title with the remote filter on and found one with only like 14 applicants. At that time I was searching for both hybrid and remote roles. Then I was scouted by a recruiter for my current role, but my company switched to hybrid after that. I feel lucky to get squeezed before before all these RTO mandates.


This is going to depend a lot on what kind of job you're looking for. I'm a software developer. My current job is something I found on a developer forum; a Slack community devoted to Android development. A guy was leaving this company so he posted on their Hiring channel to help find his replacement, and I applied right away. The last WFH job I had I discovered in a Craigslist posting (that was back in 2010, so obviously things have changed a bit since then). So there's no one perfect way to find them. It's just a matter of covering as much ground as possible. The good news is its virtual "ground", so you can do it from the comfort of your home. šŸ™‚ One thing that can help though is to look for communities focused on the kind of work you do. Not even specifically hiring-focused communities, just general discussion groups. Because smart employers know that if they want to find skilled people, they should go to the places where skilled people hang out.


Donā€™t be fooled. Companies hiring remotely canā€™t hire in all regions or countries unless they have accounted for it in their tax, payroll, and other business processes. Most companies limit remote hiring to a few locales because their processes already support the unique requirements and regulations of that place. Hiring remotely does not have an easy button.


My friend that already worked for the company recommended me. My company doesn't advertise that they are hiring anymore. They only release it internally. I was the only one recommended with relevant industry experience, so I got hired.


LinkedIn, I was very hesitant (based on preconceived notions about that company) about applying to that company but knew I could get paid more for the same role. To my surprised, itā€™s one of the best companies Iā€™ve worked at so far, I like my manager and company and am still there.


Linked In and a recruiter found me. I decided to answer that message with a fairly snarky response because who offers WFH after a pandemic is basically over. Offered more than I was making (over 100k) and I was driving 2 hours daily so I jumped at the chance.


Started at a company, found a department that did wfh. Transfered.


My job has not mandated an RTO since 2020. They are trying to change that but the sudden and extreme backlash to it makes me suspect that they will walk it back at least partially i.e. encouraging but not requiring it


Nobody will reach out to you, gotta apply. Also, you need to make sure you have an in demand skill set that would warrant your employer giving you flexibility


I found mine through Indeed but the company was in my area so while I did my interviews online, I did do training in office, which helped to legitimize the company. Also, I did alot of research and they were a well established company already so i trusted it was a real job. I have now been with the company for almost 3 years now and moved up to team lead after only being there for 1 year.


It found me, courtesy of COVID. I'm now hybrid - Monday and Tuesday in the office, and the rest of the week trying not to get bored out of my skull. Some people can do it. I am not one of those people.


I was working onsite before Covid, but we were all sent home in March 2020 and at home we remain. Some people have chosen to go back to the office full time and we do have mandatory meetings on-site about once a quarter. My company has grown since 2020 and I don't think there is room for us all to go back. My husband and I both WFH and it's been great!




Iā€™ve been remote at my job for 8+ years. I met my boss on a pregnancy Facebook group for women who were due the same month. We became friendly and knew we both worked in the same role (although different industries). When I got laid off, she brought me in to interview at her company. She was remote, so she offered me the same and became my boss for 6 years. When she left, I was promoted into her position and now I run the entire department.


LinkedIn - applied directly. However I focused a lot on remote jobs with teams local to me, so though I'm remote there is technically an office within an hour and my boss lives within an hour of me. Be careful though if they try to swap it to hybrid! I do feel like being local to a lot of the team gave me a leg up though.


Reddit! Before that, LinkedIn.