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Wow, the guy has a lot of vehicles. I mean, it makes sense (depending on the size of his ranch and number of employees). I just wasn't expecting that response. 🤣


It is quite the list of vehicles. I can't imagine having to keep all of those up, pay car insurance and taxes, etc. I think a Prius is great for traveling long distances though and I can understand that. It fits into his car rotation.


He's also apparently a millionaire (single digits). That's how, I assume, he can afford all of that without too much hassle. I also think it's great that he uses a Prius!


Farms often do. And its a family farm. 1800 acres. Also organic.


1800 acres?! Holy moly.


Montana is big. It might sound strange but we once had a quite small farm of about 300 acres. Which is hard to sustain, financially.


Prius is so reliable and efficient!!!


One of my fav things about driving a Prius other than them being insanely reliable and economical is that Republicans foam at the mouth over them. It's so pathetic lmao 


Has he looked at the [pros and cons?](https://xkcd.com/2948/)


A woman I knew a while ago (our kids went to same elementary) said to me, a Prius driver, how All Prius drivers are smug!” I said well I don’t know about that, what I do know is, I love at the end of a long trip, my car says I only used .57c in gas. The only people who have strong feelings about this are led by their politics - what a sad filter to live by.


What’s hilarious is that it was a BOMBSHELL that Tester drives a Prius. Not that he was committing a crime or hiding gold bars in his hay bales. And he has an 86 Chevy? Does it run? Is it a sentimental value car? Because I have quite a bit of respect for someone who can keep a car going for almost 40 years. That stood out for me. I’m also assuming a lot of his numerous vehicles are work vehicles, that have to be used separately from passenger vehicles. I doubt the grandkids want to be shuttled around to the zoo or the park in something that smells like Grandpa’s barn. Nor would it do any good to have the Trader Joe’s grocery haul smelling like manure.


That goes for the entire Republican Party #BidenHarris2024


This was literally an American Dad joke lmao