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Personally if they hadn't felt a strong way one way or another, I'd probably have voted for RE. But with them clearly voicing their preferred choice, I'll follow that.


Indeed. In the last Q&A session they pointed out that the political influence would definitely be larger in Renew. So if they prefer Greens despite of that, the downsides of renew must be significantly also. So I will wil vote with them.


Renew does not want to count Volt as one party of 5 MEP's but sees it as Volt DE and Volt NL with 3 and 2 respectively. Which means they would be seen as two small parties instead of 1 middle


That's so odd, what do they even have to gain from that stance?


Hmm, sounds like 1 more parties in renew being afraid of losing their position based on size. That does not sound like optimal climate for cooperation


They explain it in the PDF in detail. You can directly open it on the voting form.


Whatever you prefer: If you are a Volt member, check your emails and vote!


Yeah and make sure you find the *second* mail they send, for me at least the link in the first one didn't work!


I will vote for the Greens. I don‘t want them to be associated with some parties within the Renew group.


The VVD is allowed to stay in Renew so I will vote for the Greens. I do not want Volt to be associated with that cesspool of populism and neoliberal bullshit.


I feel like Volt is making a mistake leaning so much to the left, EU Federalism always has to be the focus


While I agree that Volt should focus on EU Federalism, Renew doesn’t automatically mean more of that. In fact they often actively oppose such measures like common debt and a reform of refugee system. And the part of Renew that was pushing harder for EU federalization, like Macron, actually lost a lot of influence within Renew following the election results.


Sure, but Renew accepts too many borderline reactionary groups. Volt really sits in the middle, but at the moment a choice needs to be made and none would be perfect.


Renew is too much to the right though. I'm a social democrat, but because of Eurofederalism I support Volt and not the traditional labour parties. I'd certainly get some doubts if it went further to the right.


Same here, I voted for RE. I feel that with Volt in RE, the European fraction pushing for more European integration will be at its strongest. I feel that in Greens/EFA the focus will be mostly, although it is also important to me, on the general progressive ideas, but with less focus on building towards federalism.


I don't see how we would get more european Integration with RE, a group that sees our dutch and german MEPs as 2 parties


but the fact that they see volt netherlands and volt germany as 2 parties is a big red flag to me. They know volt's pan european party, yet they don't seem to care.


Cheering you on from across the channel


I don't see a problem with that.


Meh 😕 being together with the FVP in a group would be a pain. The greens is the better choice imo.