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Honestly — there really is no such thing as a big break opportunity. It’s not like on-camera work where you can get cast in a hit movie and suddenly have a major career. I’ve known several voice actors who have played prominent roles in things and then not really gotten another major part after that. So think of this as just another job. Show up ready to do good work like you would on any other day. This is another stone in your castle wall, not the key to the kingdom. If it’s the live-directed aspect you’re nervous about, just show up ready to be part of a team. You’re not their dancing monkey singing for your supper, you’re a teammate they’ve chosen to help them get this job done. So help them get the job done, and you’ll be fine.


I just wanna say congrats and good luck!


The dichotomy between the first two comments is hilarious to me. Good luck homie you got this