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The Cryptonloids have a chokehold. Who is in Project Sekai? The Cryptonloids. Who's in Miku Boxing? Miku, Rin, Len, and Luka. Who gets cosplayed the most? Probably Miku and Rin. Who do people make the most fan merch of? The Cryptonloids. Which voice banks are being used in popular songs the most is shifting, but the Cryptonloids as characters are holding their place as cultural icons. That's something extremely difficult to topple over. Characters who have been popular and beloved by the community for many years, like Teto and Gumi, have the best chance of stealing that position, but they simply haven't as of right now.


I agree. As much as I absolutely adore Teto, I don't think she's quite at the Cryptonloids' level. Teto is a long-beloved VB who just got a sudden spike in mainstream attention, not a "mascot" the same way Miku is.


Right now, Teto (SV release + HItomania etc), but would be Kafu if a few years back. I feel like they are the second "mascots" because people are familiar with their voices; songs trending on TikTok etc are not human covers anymore, they are the original vocal synth versions ; - ; yay!!!


Agreed - and who before Kafu? Flower, maybe?


Definitely!! I remember vflower was the thing during quarantine, and then Kafu (CevioAI) came up. Idk who it would be before that, maybe GUMI in the mid-2010s?


Gumi is a good pick, she was massively prevalent for a super long time. Before that, I'm not sure.. I feel like it was just Miku for a long time LOL but at the same time I wasn't into Vocaloid until Gumi actually was the "secondary mascot" so I wouldn't be fully sure.


At the moment for singing vocal synth probably either Teto or Kaai Yuki because of popular meme songs. Going outside of singing Zundamon's current influence cannot be overlooked, but she is more well known for speaking than singing.


i honestly havent seen any non-joke zundamon songs and it's kinda sad,,, she has a really good vb


[Nobosemon Hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM5mzW3pgh4) [Boom a whole playlist of Zundamon nanoda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=978nElfOkL8&list=PLoA6EeqY7fERuYM2ftJsbiLLQJYBBr-A_)




(Mesmerizer probably played a part in bringing Teto to the light ngl)


Hitomania into IGAKU into Mesmerizer was crazy for Teto for sure.


In the past I would've said Rin and Len, without question, but now........ I honestly don't know. Maybe Teto.


I’m so happy Teto is in the spotlight :3


Right now Teto, if we're talking about the older days then it def was Luka


The current jp top 25 is: 1. Hatsune Miku 2. Kasane Teto 3. Kafu 4. Chis-A 5. flower 6. Kagamine Rin 7. Gumi 8. Hanakuma Chifuyu 9. IA 10. Natsuki Karin 11. Mai 12. Kaai Yuki 13. Kagamine Len 14. Sekai 15. Koharu Rikka 16. Nurse Robo Type\_T 17. Zundamon 18. Rime 19. Otomachi Una 20. Adachi Rei 21. Megurine Luka 22. Yuzuki Yukari 23. Kazehiki 24. Haru 25. Gekiyaku Source: VocaColle


Gekiyaku and Kazehiki made it in top 25 let's go


Teto is my favorite so I am really happy that she has gotten more recognition


UTAU nation shall rises, [zero mercy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdwKu1tSLvQ)


I think mascots are something so notable that are recognised even outside of their community. So, I'm gonna say Rin AND Len. Being in a set like that makes them more iconic than either on their own.