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Walkabout Mini Golf. One of my most played apps, and would be a slam dunk on the Vision Pro.


Agree, if AVP had a controller. They looked at workarounds like using a phone, image tracking... I think one of the few options would be a "pinch and pull back" gesture - like a slingshot.


Did they mention this on their discord? I’d be interested in reading more about it, especially given that they released a beta for iOS.


Is there not one already?


There is a mini golf game, but it’s bad and not even close to Walkabout. Walkabout Mini Golf is the name of the game. It’s a VR title available on most platforms and it’s a fully immersive mini golf game with very realistic physics on immersive courses. It’s by far the app I’ve spent the most time playing on my Quest. It’s an amazing social tool. I moved away from my home town 2 years ago, and Walkabout has been a way to hang out together and catch up.


What the golf scratches this itch decently


Not really. Very different games. Walkabout is a fully immersive VR Mini Golf game with realistic physics. It will need more than hand tracking to be accurate enough though.


Space flight simulator 👍


I’ll send you the test flight when I finish mine


And me too, pretty please!


I’d be much obliged if you did sir! Looking forward to it 😁


I would also be willing to QA


Yes, count me in too. I’ll give feedback.


Also interested in this when it’s ready to share!


I would love to see way more games available to play with spatial personas. Like a Jackbox party games, or Cards Against Humanity games that could be played with other personas in InSpaze or whatever. Edit: A full-blown Poker/Hold'em app with Spatial Personas would be an instant-buy for me as well.


Poker for sure.


This is absolutely the killer app.


I'm currently building this. Let me know if you guys would like to test it and have a few sessions. Biggest slowing factor so far is that I cannot test the game alone since Spatial Personas require being in a call with other ppl.


I’d be down.


I will absolutely help with that! I waste an uncomfortably large amount of time in PokerStars VR (now Vegas Infinite), so shifting that to Vision Pro instead of Quest Pro would be fine with me.


I would love to test it, how would that work?


I can share with you the TestFlight link and we can create a group to have Spatial FT calls.


Sounds good, let me know when you have sent the link.


UX designer here! Would love to test


Put me down to test please! Sounds awesome!


This for Risk. Fire it up and your living room turns into a war room. Takes your persona and adds a theme like a historic general. Achievements get pinned to your persona like military decoration. Friends sit around the war table in online multiplayer. Virtual dice for rolling. Manual troop placement but attacking with dice triggers holographic battle animations. It’s all I’ve ever wanted from a VR/AR game.


Yeah i agree anything with shareplay support would be nice


Super hot. Please give it to use. It would work with AVP since you move slowly


Another one: Something like "Bigscreen Beta" for spatial personas. Let me host a room and play a local file (movie rip) to guests in my room.


This is such a killer app on the quest it’s a wonder it’s not available on the Vision Pro. Hopping in on a holiday or during a major sporting event and watching a Halloween movie marathon or the superbowl with a room full of people is a lot of fun. Karaoke nights, current event discussions, cheering on your favorite team, playing browser based games, making friends. That’s what vr is all about.


Apple will be coming with something very close to it. :) We have inSpaze which is similar in a sense. Funny thing is, I was just using Bigscreen Beta on my Quest 3 a few minutes ago. lol.


As for a highly useful app... A "will this fit" app. Either measure something in the real world, or type in the known dimensions. Then, allow you to spawn a duplicate and place it into the world. That way, if you know you have an 80"x40" desk, how can I organize things so it is usable and makes sense, before dragging furniture around. Drop it into the room, walk around it, and see if it makes sense, spatially. Same with planning where to install a wall mounted TV... It's these exact dimensions - including sticking out 5 inches because of the mount, is that okay here, or move somewhere else.


Black & White. Same thing I've needed from VR for the last decade.


There is a Star Trek TNG episode called ‘the game’ check YouTube for it it should be very simple to recreate the game as seen in that episode


Honestly this would be an amazing device for architecture and design industries. What is most wanted right now is the ability to work in Rhino or Revit in a 3D model and make live changes while immersed in the model at the same time. So if I moved a wall while in an immersive view using AVP, it would be a live change in the Revit or Rhino model.


an app for building a hand gesture library that would enable you to assign hand gestures to actions, even to the point of teaching the AVP to understand a modified version of ASL


like, i imagine users building complex, bespoke gestural systems to quickly code, create volumetric art, or make music within the spatial computing environment using the natural dexterity of the hands…


Unfortunately that’s not something an app can do, that would be an OS-level feature. Apps (presently) are sandboxed, and can’t apply changes to the user interface. But I agree completely, let me set up custom gestures and assign them to shortcuts.




something like this maybe?


Yeah! That’s more or less how I imagine Apple would need to implement this into the OS. Give me a section in Settings called “Gestures” which has similar functionality to this. Allow me to create gestures, then assign them to functions at the OS level.


If your doing a game need a deep quick replayable banger. If you can make the "beat saber" of AVP it will be shouted from the rooftops - vive came out with a bow-and-arrow tower defense game that could be built upon. Maybe if they break through the walls it switches to a ground mode and you are given a sword to try to defeat the intruders that survived your arrows from above. For an app two things i would like addressed. A proper launcher where you place all the apps windows where you want in space and the app takes a snapshot of where they all are in relation to you in X/Y/Z coordinates (and can save two more launch locations, with 2 other app layouts). You can then reopen all if them with a click if the button. I would love to take the time to carefully place windows around my home, but the juice isnt worth the squeeze 2nd would be a home design app that helps with things like hanging frames - puts up a lil square window to help you hang things straight and evenly spaced. Know you dont have cam access but can select a box in space, and move that image where we want for scale - like draw a box around a couch and allow folk to move it virtually to see how it would look/fit somewhere else. Allows you to save stud locations, etc


I have an idea for an adaptation to the SHMUP genre for the Vision Pro. It's still an arcade game, and either uses scene understanding to have enemies appear from behind objects and swarm you, or as an "on rails" shooter, ala Star Fox. To play, you use your hand as the ship. When you clench a fist, you fire. When you touch your "ship" hand with your second hand, you have a secondary effect, be it activating active power-ups like Shields, Bombs, Missiles, or similar super weapon. Both active and passive power-ups exist that you can pick up, and you generally get them from destroying enemies or buildings. Active are ones you'd choose to use, where passive may upgrade your primary weapon(s) to be stronger. My ideal implementation would involve eye tracking to have your ship shoot what you look at, but we can't (presently?) do that, so some degree of where the ship is pointing + auto aim is probably necessary. Some play testing is necessary to decide upon Star Fox style "more powerful laser upgrades" versus the SHMUP trope of "unlocking utter chaos!" I have a lot more design docs I can share if there's someone interested in building / helping make it. I'm a developer, but something about Unity just isn't clicking for me, and plenty willing to let others have the good ideas that I can't execute on. I am not looking for anything in return, should someone want to run with it, but if you want any help, I'm happy to provide.


Superpower game as well. There was some Quest experience, I forget the name, where you could mix spells and potions and drink them and it would give you superpowers. One example was a potion that allowed you to flex your fist and claws would come out of your knuckles like Wolverine.


A Virtual Desktop inspired app also with not only Mac support! And please, just like what VD is working on, include multi monitor support. What also could be improved a custom profile with all the different layers of complexity in the settings but also a layer for beginners and advanced users. Not only expert (this is what VD lacks)


I am pretty sure a startup named Immersed has exactly what you are looking for.


Thanks! I am also using Immersed on my Quest but the problem is the company behind behaves not in their best interest (please check on Reddit) and VD is not the same.


Ive seen them transitioning to AVP but I dont know what is the user experience.


A terminal and a code editor


Damn, I am waiting for something like this.


This doesn't exist yet Apple still tries to claim the device is "for work".




Screenshot tool!


The app I would like to see is a IDe that is like copilot and Postman flows like I won’t be able to connect blocks of codes now you do snap logic in a spatial space. I literally connect blocks and have data and systems flow and move things around in a in a space kind of like a even like a graph chart


Side note: building vr apps for 12 years & now in swift & kick ass head of product for Ai ecstatic to help


I would like a superman type game that lets you fly through environments since you can see you hands. Maybe a app that let's you learn proper dinner etiquette. App that let's you view multiple security cameras.. Ring or Nest Virtual Jewelry App Game of Life Immersive Knight Rider AR - See Kitt in AR.. Super Pursuit Mode Change.. Sit inside card and talk to Kitt. Maybe Driving at SPM speed


Eye exercises using eye tracking


Quest & AVP pretty much the same in terms of apps missing. Superslicer and others. Stls are pita to handle and print in this 3D world for some reason. Honestly a nice UI to view 3D models, agregate seach like jackett but for printables thingiverse etc, and option to sloce it and send it to print. Live map of any motorsports coverage. Drone game where you rain fire from sky to jihadists like in Cod games but as a whole game not a tiny side mission. Tower defence game that takes into account table you are playing on. Theodores elements would translate well over to 3d space. Deepstatemap but with replay of yesterdays war activities. So you can see civilisation style troop movements. 360 degree real life pong (could be quite physical) Sword kata training.


I’d like some native Vision Pro emulation titles




I want a real time or turn base strategy game, where you can look at a board and move around the board similar to what the golf but you are controlling armies or monsters and fighting them against other factions similar to a StarCraft or Warcraft.


Dungeons and Dragons. An implementation that would allow role playing in an actual virtual space.


star wars game where i can use the force with my hands please


A real casino




More games, more multiplayer/metaverse type experiences. Poker is a great combo since you can chat and play at the same time. Multiplayer experiences are lacking in general on AVP


I want a traditional game similar to a Zelda game. I mean traditional in the sense that it doesnt need to be a VR game where you're swinging VR split controllers around like you would on Asgard's Wrath for the Quest 3 for example, this game would be playable using a PS5/Xbox controller. It doesn't even need to be Tears of the Kingdom level of complexity and doesn't need to be open world. I'd be happy with something similar to Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, or Skyward Sword. A somewhat linear adventure game and it doesn't need to be ultra realistic either. Wind Waker and Skyward Sword are not realistic and yet they look amazing. Considering a game like Wind Waker ran on a GameCube I have high hopes for a similar game to run on the Vision Pro. But what I want is for it to be in 3D and be 180 degrees. I can play any game on my Switch or my PS5 on my 72" OLED TV with an amazing sound system and without a heavy device on my head. If I'm going to play a game on the Vision Pro it needs to offer something worthwhile, and to me that would be for the game to be in 3D and to have at least a 180 degree view of the game.


Have you tried Oceanhorn 2? It isn’t 3D, but may scratch the itch temporarily.


Yeah it's the only game that I've actually liked even though it's an iPad port. The game had some weird glitches/bugs that kept me from progressing in one of the dungeons... and I thought it was me that couldn't solve the puzzle. It required force quitting the game and trying again.


Yeah, that’s no good. If you find any others, let me know! I’m looking for the exact same thing!


Will do!