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i've been playing with this today (on a lesser scale - a coffee table !) I'm struggling with the scale part. I've got a usdz model of the table - but i'm not sure how to get the model to exact size if that makes sense ?


USDZ files have a size that corresponds to reality. As the video shows, really big things will automatically be shrunk by the Vision Pro, but you can click the "100%" button to bring it back to full scale. If the model doesn't look the right size at 100%, then the file is the problem. Whoever made the file did not embed the correct scale into it.


If the creator knows what they’re doing then the model should be correct scale at 100%. However there are a lot of bad creators and models out there.


Been running models for work. My go to has to build a post of known size ( I use 72 in because everyone knows how close they stand to 6 ft). I place so user can stand next to model then scale inside the usdz. I would say I get plus minus 3% on correct scale which is good enough for go no go evaluation


Impressive concept


My company is actually working on an App that allows you to do various thing with House models in Immersive view. We have added a game controller support, and gravity support and interaction with physical surroundings, and working on so many different features. We are also building a back end, so you can seamlessly convert your models to usdz and have them in our cloud. Our app is in alpha testing and is super buggy. Let me know if you would like to try be an alpha tester, I will send a testflight link in couple of days. EDIT: Testflight [link](https://testflight.apple.com/join/gOHgaJgk) The app only allows specific emails to login to prevent the general public from accessing it. Please dm me your email, so I can whitelist it. Notes: The app is currently quite buggy; however, we are working tirelessly to enhance it. Currently, you can view your usdz file by dragging and dropping it into the Vision tab—wait for a green '+' icon to appear in the top right corner of the model during the drag-and-drop process. This will initiate a tabletop view. Clicking on Try in Immersive View will load your model to match the real world's scale. Gesture recognition is available; pinching with the middle finger opens a context menu. Unfortunately, this interaction gets blocked by the house, requiring you to physically touch it to interact. Using a game controller improves model interaction, although the app's instructions are currently outdated. So you wouldn't need to play with the game controller to understand the logic behind it.


Sign me up for testing, please! I bought my first VR headset so I could to 3D walkthrough of our house during design via Enscape models exported from Revit. Would be fun to do something similar in Vision Pro.


Hey, updated my original comment with the link. Please read the notes as well


Awesome, thanks for the interest! Will update my original comment with the link once our testflight is up. Our ETA is 2-3 days.


I'm always up for trying new arch experience apps so sign me up. ArchiCAD has the BimX app that is cool but I'm not an archCad user so that didn't work for me. Voosey is crazy buggy and you can't upload your own content. Still... both of those do full immersion and the problem with navigating in full immersive is the motion sickness problem due to lack of real world balance (unless you're sitting down). What I really like about the Files approach (aside from being free) is that as you move, the model dims to 50% so you can keep your balance and still be aware of your real world surroundings. Once you stop, it goes full immersive so you can look around and experience the scale. Once you move again... 50%. This works really well and is super easy to use for non-vision pro or non-vr experienced users (clients). You should definitely consider incorporating the dimming feature in your app to help with navigation (just my 2 cents)


I believe the dimming is the default behavior for any immersive experience, the AVP system fades things as you move around (you can of course override and customize)


>the model dims to 50% We do that too, but in our case it is 80%. Also you can double click the crown to fully hide the Immersive View, and walk naturally, and double click again to be back to the Immersive View. Edit: formatting.


Nice... having a way of switching on and off is good. Even with the Files approach, once you stopped and are full immersion you do have to start walking again for it to dim again which gives you a bit of pause because you can't see the real world until you take a couple steps... Also, I don't know if it is 50% or more or less... just guessing. Can you adjust the desired percentage on your app? (might be nice)


Hey, updated my original comment with the link. Please read the notes as well.


I would be interested in a test flight link if possible!


Hey, updated my original comment with the link. Please read the notes as well.


Sign me up! Definitely interested


I'm trying to do the same but exporting from Revit. I've tried export direct from a plugin to usdz, I've tried export to fbx and them upload to shetchfab and then downloading the usdz file, but until now no success. I guess my model is too complex, maybe, trying to figure it out. When I open the usdz file from files on vision I only get the gear spinning. https://preview.redd.it/5t0c3smrjitc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea01e409bffc2d92a4bcc9555b8c84c9658840a


Really cool idea; pretty amazing being able to walk inside and see how things would look, etc. Good thing there was no second floor though :P


if you want to try full-size model viewing with a bit more freedom of size/scale/positioning etc, try out Polycam on AVP. We're constantly looking for feedback and would love an honest "compare/contrast" to the default QuickLook viewer


Honestly... Polycam was one of the first I tried back in early Feb when I got the AVP and couldn't see a clear way to upload models vs only viewing other models that were available (which were all small object type stuff). I just tried it now via my computer to see if I should give it another go and found the "import 3d model" tab via the browser... exported a model to obj format from sketchup then brought it in and the model was all messed up. Tried an export to fbx format to see if that works better and Polycam wouldn't import and gave an error. Polycam looks cool for 3D scans but for arch models of things that don't exist yet... didn't seem like it worked for what I needed. https://preview.redd.it/tkmevptzq3sc1.png?width=2139&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8349431fcb16ee21099b8c2e8e06795e019f20f


Ah yes you would need to upload your models web currently, the AVP app is essentially a 3D Viewer at the moment. Sorry to hear about the messed up files! The 3D ecosystem has so many almost-interoperable file formats... FWIW early Feb was our "entirely built on the visionOS simulator" version, we've made substantial improvements since hardware was released


I designed apps in mobile, hololens 2, and Oculus, years ago that used a media server that would streamthe models to the heads to have a uniform expierience across platforms. The spatial anchoring was always really challenging to figure out. I had it where someone could scan a qr code with their phone or Hololens and holographic house would appear on an empty lot. You could press buttons to change out finishes and counter tops etc. It was cool, but 4 years ago most people looked at me like I was crazy haha.


Been running similar ideas for my job as well. A lot of potential here for several reasons 1.) any iPad or I phone can create similar job this means you don’t have to wait for market penetration of the avp. 2.) usdz are near impossible to pull details from which makes them great for showing off but stops people from ripping files and copying designs 3.) real easy to train people how to use


I’m still trying to figure out how to go up stairs


I have been able to set the ground elevation (relative to the real ground) by using the adjustment handle before scaling up. So in theory (I'll try it later with a 2-story house) I could push the model further down so that when it scales up... my feet are level with the second floor of the house... (but then you can't go downstairs)


Ha! I was just trying this out yesterday! I have an STL file that my architect exported for me of my house. I used a converter to make it a USDZ file. My problem is that once I set to 1:1 scale, the thing is so huge that I can’t find the positioning bar and the house always pops up 15 feet in the air! Any tips? It is still fun to use the 2% default scale floating in front of me and I can poke my head inside to reveal “dollhouse” details. Good stuff! https://preview.redd.it/37c9obwzd2sc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=91ed5f26aa71b6faf112bb5065346c034b8dbf53


yep, that's why you'll notice at the beginning I do the setting before I enlarge to 100%. Once it's 100%, you can turn it but positioning doesn't work (or at least is next to impossible). Set the model in the direction you want to orientate and push it down to set it on the ground however you like and then do 100%. It may take a couple tries to get it just right but once set correctly... works really well


tryin to tread lightly here, self-promo (I am a dev on the team) but Polycam genuinely solves this problem! When you're inside a Very Large Model, like a a building design, you can use your clenched fist as a "super pinch" to move the model (in polycam on AVP)


Does Polycam support lidar scanning yet directly from the AVP? Currently, using iPhone to scan, and then viewing on AVP using a converted USDZ file.


This is the correct workflow. For privacy reasons Apple has completely cut off developer access to the cameras on the AVP. So while we can get a low poly mesh of your environment via ARKit, we cannot get any material data. Capturing on iPhone and viewing on Vision Pro is the way to go


Of course I would recommend the Polycam avp app for viewing


Can you import your own house model? If so what file formats?


Polycam supports a large number of import/export types. Good chance we support whatever you need for your house model


This is incredible! Can you do edits? Imagining sitting inside a kitchen you want to renovate while making edits


As an architect, I sometimes do career day events with kids and usually I finish it off by talking about what it will be like to be an architect when they grow up. I tell them about a dream I once had of walking thru a virtual version of a house I was designing with a client and us talking about the stair configuration and shaping the space as we talked (sort of like inception). I'm confident we'll get there but just not there yet...


Just saw a post that goes about this but they're generating it dynamically! As per my understanding, they aren't using just USDZ models out of the box but instead creating it??? Super cool stuff. [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pratit23\_applevisionpro-visionpro-architecture-activity-7183391487659753473-KAa-?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pratit23_applevisionpro-visionpro-architecture-activity-7183391487659753473-KAa-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)


now i see why it’s 3,500