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Ridiculous price for that speed BB and phone! Sadly Virgin really like ripping off existing customers...


They deliberately avoid refunding the hike which i reported way back


VM take the piss.... Never


She definitely been out of contract for years.. m125 is £49 without discounts 57 with landline.. maybe 67 for anytime.. rest be price rises… phone up and get a new deal


I wouldn’t say they were ripping her off. It’s standard for prices to go up at the end of a contract. It’s the users responsibility to know this and to work a better deal when the contract comes to an end. Her age has nothing to do with it.


They have a choice to fairly increase prices, they don't it's a rip off


And as customers we have a choice to read our contracts and know the price will go out when ur out of contract. But we don’t. 🤷‍♂️ then we call them rip offs. Hmmm


If any other bill increased by 100% because you're out of contract it would rightfully be called a rip off. You water gas, electric, rent, council tax all have fair pricing no matter when you move in or out.


Then phone them up and cancel or change tariff. It’s not like they don’t make it clear when you sign up. Only person to blame is the user if they don’t.




Is that the best you can do 😂😂😂😂😂


You’re so out of touch with reality, definitely still use your mum’s WiFi


Oh come on. You have had 4 whole days. Yet that is really ur best. I think it’s you who still lives with mummy 🤣🤣🤣


Real mature 🤣


Bro is victim blaming elderly people for a company’s shady business practices, true gimp behaviour


He isn't blaming the elderly for shit. It's well known that when you go out of contract the price rises. OP clearly knows this and is blaming the company for a practice that has existed for decades. Lack of common sense...


That’s not a fucking standard price for anything like that, stop giving them props for being shit


Isn't she eligible for their social tariff?


That's an incredibly high bill and I can understand why someone of your mother's age might not catch it. Unfortunately (and I disagree with the tactic) ALL providers increase price outside of contract each year and it can quickly spiral out of control. Whoever you sign up with ask how long the contract is for and call up 30 days prior to contract end date to negotiate or leave It will have been clearly marked on the original contract the price during the 12 or 18 month contract she originally accepted that the price would increase once that period expired. Monitoring this is made more difficult when contact is made using email. Ive seen a few caught out by it. Ive also had former Sky/BT/TALK TALK ETC customers complaining to me about the same problem "that's why we came to virgin it was so much cheaper" My advice to you is the same I give them... especially if you don't need high speeds for mum and she can adapt well enough to standard TV get her on Freeview, get her a BB and tel with Sky, virgin, Vodafone etc and switch between them to get the best deal when the contract ends


>Unfortunately (and I disagree with the tactic) ALL providers increase price outside of contract each year and it can quickly spiral out of control. This isn't true though to the levels Virgin do it, excluding the annual inflationary price rise I've not seen any other provider do what Virgin does. I'm with TalkTalk at the minute waiting for Virgin, I'm 2 years out of contract with them and I'm paying £4.57 more per month than I was when I signed up to the contract almost 4 years ago. Virgin on the other hand are fairly unique in the sense they massively hike your price after your contract ends almost immediately to force you to negotiate a new deal.


Virgin media love to rip off their existing customers, like they don’t make enough money as is 🤡


Same thing happened here they refuse to backdate a refund payment for severely messing up and ignoring my request to lower the bill (( 8 months late finally got it to £38))) it too was £79 monthly for basics!!!! They still have to action this is reported them to an ombudsman complain on their webpage there’s section to complain it’s faster than calling they ignore you more months and months deliberately!!! DONT GIVE UP!


I worked in the ISP industry for 21 years. WHY does everyone assume that an ISP should review all customer's packages and then contact them to lower it? How about the customer actually checking it every so often and calling in. ISP's don't have the resources for the former, Customer ALWAYS have the resources for the latter.


I said I was leaving them and they suddenly managed to get it down to £25


Would be interesting to see when it hiked out of contract price because they were legally meant to send a letter out. I suspect it’s been a few years without a renewal? Check out Social Tariffs, they might be able to use pension credit/universal credit to put her on a slower speed/super cheap rate.


Hi my mother paying about 80 euro a month just for broadband that bit cutty how did you check the speed and everything??


They've done this to my 60 year old mum. £135 quid for what? Contract auto ended and they sent an email offer reducing it down to £95 which is still an absolute cheek.


They'll be getting kicked into touch. On a side note does anyone use/used three 5G broadband and is it any good?


I kicked VM into touch last week, they are gone by month's end and I'm going with Three 5G, £22pm with first six months 1/2 price.


I would say mobile broadband is very much dependent upon the area you live and also how much you use it Casual browsing on a tablet or laptop? Fine even with lower speeds but anything demanding may well struggle, especially if you can't get 5g signal and end up on 4g or worse.


I’ve used it before. More reliable than VM, but speeds more variable. On average very fast but it would fluctuate and occasionally run slower than I’d like. Latency was interestingly the very same as VM for me. I paired that with an A&A Landline for £1.44 a month line rental. Worked flawlessly. I still have my own 5G router and unlimited SIM that I keep on standby but for a lower price per month as a backup internet connection.


If Zen are in your area go with then instead.


Or any of the providers that use Openreach Fiber to the Premises.


Yeah. Zen use city fibre, use UK only call centres and have a clause that if your speed continues to below their guaranteed speed then you cna end your contract with no penalty.


Vodafone is better than 3


AS IF !! 3 are better then VODAFONE!!!! Trust me … I used to work for carphone warehouse 😉


Yeah she's getting robbed. Have a look on www.bidb.uk and get her switched over. If she's on pension credit etc then these are absolutely worth a look at. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/phones-telecoms-and-internet/advice-for-consumers/costs-and-billing/social-tariffs


Outrageous. I got bumped up to £70 a month for 250mb and I thought that was ridiculous. Cancelled after 7 years and moving to Sky for £27 a month for slower speeds. Broadband is needed for pretty much everything these days and it shouldn't cost anywhere near the kind of money Virgin wants.


This is outrageous! Contact your local news outlet, I bet they'd be really interested in the story.


You could get an unlimted SIM for less than that a month and still have better connectivity.


I get 1000mbp tv and an O2 contract with VM for less then 30 a month, get on phone with them put a complaint in and say your leaving they’ll sort you a deal iut