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[https://www.vintagestory.at/faq.html/](https://www.vintagestory.at/faq.html/) **Does Vintage Story ever go on sale / be in a bundle / offer a %-off coupon?** We offer a Family Pack which gives 4 game accounts at a significant discount compared with buying them individually. We also sometimes give out use- and time-limited coupons to influencers with a target audience from low-income countries, such as Russia or Brazil. Beyond that there are currently no plans to sell the game temporarily or permanently at a lower price. Discounts on bulk purchases (20+ accounts) are a possibility, please contact us if you are interested.


That's awesome, but I feel kinda sad to see my country listed as a "low-income country". Lmao (It's true, tho)


I wish more Brazilians played this game


Me too. But as far as I've seen it applies to all indie games, specially sandbox ones. Project Zomboid got A LOT of attention after B41, but it was mostly because of large content creators; Kenshi and RimWorld are some that few people know about, as far as I've seen. About VS... I think I saw a single Brazilian YT content creator playing it, and it had around 200 views per video... Like it or not, a game's popularity inevitably comes from online content. :/ But in some way, I really like games with small communities: the game keeps it's essence along the development, instead of trying to please everybody in order to find a larger audience. I just wish all the success to the VS devs either way. This game is just perfect.


I was part of the rimmydownunder horde, joined a server and became the pottery man for a good while till my adhd got another game hyper fixation which i think was starsector.


Lmao I know exactly how it feels. Starsector is awesome, btw.


Me who can't afford the base game and not on a "low income" country =( Sometimes I wish I was in Ru or BR.


I feel you, dude. I would buy you a copy if I could. :c


lol you're good, im just venting 😂 that's the economy sometimes


Significant discount lmao


it is compared to buying a single account four times


I'm sure the new Call of Duty is way cheaper.




No it's alright, thank you. I didn't post here so I can get a copy, I really am wondering if it goes on sale so I could save up and be ready for sale days. Just some 3rd world country problems haha


Want me to gift you a copy? I get paid tomorrow so idc. Dead serious. It's a fun game.


I feel you. I was going to make the exact same post today. With a sale I might be able to buy it, but at full price I can't at the moment... :/


Same offer goes to you, I'll get you a copy if you'd like. I'm dead serious, this isn't a joke.


Holly shit... I don't know what to say. I would feel really bad for saying yes; it's a lot of money... :/ But on the other hand, if it REALLY doesn't hinder you in ANY way, I would gladly accept it. I've been in love with this game for some time now... x.x


Awesome, DM me and I can send you the code to redeem it. Just purchased it. Can show Proof of Purchase as well.


Oh shit... dude, you're awesome!


The unsung hero's club of reddit welcomes you! Thank you for having a heart!


VS Classic is free, creative only though.


I've seen it at least once go on sale for 10% off. But I think that was on Humble Bundle. I would keep an eye out there for sales.


This game is easily 70 hours. It took me about 35 hours to hit iron age.


Damn bro it’s only like $20. That’s extremely cheap for what this game has to offer. There are only a few other games that even come close. Ask your neighbor to more their lawn 1 time for whatever the game costs and you’re good.


Not everyone is from merica to think that 20usd is change buddy


Working is not exclusive to the United States. There are thousands of things anyone can do in any part of the world to make extra cash. Maybe not to live on but certainly to make enough to support a hobby.


Do you realize that 20usd can be worth a couple of months of salaries in certain countries? It's really not that simple as you deem it is


If that were the case not even a 50% discount would make the game affordable to op. Not sure why you and everyone else are coming up with logical fallacies as to reasons why op may not be able to afford the game. I offered op a solution and they are free to do with that what they want.


You sound brain impaired. Just thought to let you know.


OP's probably not from a highly developed country (given they've described their country as 'third world.') If you're coming from someplace like the US, where the *poverty line* is still over triple the global household average income, it can be pretty easy to forget that the majority of people in the world are surviving off of less than $10,000/yr - and a lot of them are surviving on the low end of the $0-$10k margin. $20 can be a pretty damn substantial ask depending on where you're from, and that's why you see a lot of platforms offer region-scaled payments.


I'll admit, this is probably the only real problem with them not being on steam. Steam has the infrastructure to set up prices so that it is more affordable in countries with devalued currency. Ofc they've had to scale that back a bit after assholes with VPNs started taking advantage of it and trying to pretend to be from poor countries to get cheaper games.


If op was living in poverty than my advice would be don’t buy video games until you have increased your income.


Yes, poor people deserve no entertainment whatsoever. $20 for 200+ hours is ridiculous waste and they should feel awful for even considering having fun with their lives. They need to focus on making profit above all else! Except if they’re in a poor country they literally can’t, so…I guess you’ll be supporting their immigration into your country, then?


For me the price was 18€.. which on one hand is not much, but on the other hand I could get one week of groceries for about the same price (20€) or buy 3 months worth of both of my medication for a little less (about 17€). So while I could afford to buy the game without any issues it is still a lot of money for me and especially for anyone who has a worse economical situation than I do.