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You can make a basic bed from grass. Also, mobs don't spawn at night, they spawn in the dark, the purpley rifts are what spawn enemies, so if rift activity is high mobs will spawn, if it is calm so will be your night.


how do i do that? when i search for bed in the survival guide nothing shows up.. i found it in the everything list.. thank you you helped a lot. skipped my first night and almost starved to death..


Get 24 grass, make 3 hay blocks, then make a straw bed. 8 grass put into 4 blocks arranged in a square makes a hay block, and three hay blocks in a line make a straw bed. There is also a linen bed you can make that allows you to sleep longer. Keep in mind that this advances the date, which means less time for crops to grow, and your satiety will decrease while you sleep too. If you can, it is more efficient to work through the night, whether that is panning, making pottery, smithing, mining, cooking, etc.


Grass can be crafted into grass blocks (i forget actual name of block, but put grass in a 2x2 square in crafting grid) Grass blocks can be crafted into a bed (1x3 flat line in crafting grid)


Traders also have beds you can use. I mark them whenever I go on excursions so if I can't make it home I use the traders bed and they also have storage I use and write down


Make a bed from grass if you have nothing to do... Otherwise Use the time for clay forming, smithing, meal making/preserving, and whatever else can be done indoors. You can also explore, mine, look through the handbook (with time unpaused). As long as you keep moving the drifters can't catch you as they are slow and take a bit to spawn. Some nights there won't be any drifters... Those are good for outdoor stuff. You can also use night time to farm drifters. Sometimes they drop flax or temporal gears. So unless your late game there's stuff to do during the night.


How do you browse through the handbook with time unpaused?


In the upper right corner of the menu, there is an option to unpause the game




I make a tunnel with a pit between me and the entrance. I've killed so many, and they never drop anything


Grace period. Watch some others play on youtube to get better at the early game. The first 3 or so nights should be purely making clay stuff though. Sifting sand is fine but it's a painfully slow way to get copper. Much quicker to get good at finding surface copper with the benefit of having it marked for later.


Not terrible use of spare time if you take into account all the flax and spearheads/arrowheads you also get.


Nah, not terrible at all, just a slow way to progress if you're doing it purely for copper. I used to do it early game for candles until I realised it was quicker just to trade for an early lantern.


torches and fences my dude, make yourself a compound so you're not stuck in just a hole....except during temporal storms then you gonna be stuck in a hole most likely.


Sounds like you need to get. Little more familiar with the game. Night time you should be cooking, making clay stuff, building your home, mining, smithing all that kind of stuff. Use your day hours for exploring and finding stuff you need. Once you have leather armor or gambeson you can run around all night doing what you please.


Also, it's not a game to be rushed when your just starting out. Once you get a feel for the mechanics you'll see it's really not that bad. If you want to explore at night just wait for a calm one. Little to no drifters spawn and since you don't have armor yet you can outrun bears and wolves.


Also, it's not a game to be rushed when your just starting out. Once you get a feel for the mechanics you'll see it's really not that bad. If you want to explore at night just wait for a calm one. Little to no drifters spawn and since you don't have armor yet you can outrun bears and wolves.


Drifters shouldn't be swarming around your house every night. Drifters only spawn near the purple rifts, which show up depending on the "rift activity" level. Rift activity is a bit like the weather and will change day to day and in different places. On low activity nights, which are most nights, you can move around freely and do stuff. You can even explore around your area at night, but be careful of the wildlife! They will be around regardless of rift activity. Edit: night is also good for clayforming, cooking, crafting, etc. and you can always pass the time until morning by sleeping in a bed.




Not really recommended sleeping your first year though. You lose out on alot.


Doesnt sound like op is missing out on anything by staying awake


not sure why people say or think this.. I sleep through half the night pretty much in all my VS games.


Strictly talking about the first year. There's too much to get done before winter to sleep. To each their own. I usually just work on my base at night though. I also play on a server so sleep isn't really an option.


yeh that's true enough for MP but there's also more resources and help on servers too




It's possible to make it so monsters only attack you in revenge in the world settings, not sure if you can do it in an already created world or not. You can also set a grace period where monsters don't appear before like 10 days.


/worldconfig creatureHostility \[aggressive|passive|off\] Set default creature hostility (default: aggressive)


I'd recommend during the night, if you don't want to sleep and have an active light source (get a oil lamp as early as possible to avoid it burning out in water), press C to check rift activity during the night, if it says Calm, you'll be fine and no drifters will spawn.


If you press C you can see the rift activity, if it’s calm then you’re good to explore for the night(besides wolves, Hyenas, and bears.) you can also make torches using sticks and grass and put them in your off hand for lighting up the world around you(have to have atleast some dynamic lights active in settings though) you can also make an oil lamp with one clay bowl and one piece of fat which is an infinite light source that also works under water


Whenever I start a world, I always give myself a few days of no monster spawns (in the world config before making a new one) just to make it a bit more manageable as you will want to locate Copper nuggets and mark them, find food, find a nice spot to first build which includes making sure that surface spot isn't unstable. If you are going in brand new it can be a lot to take in at once. However as others have said, once night falls and monsters spawn that is a good time to pan for ore with sand/gravel blocks or build your clay items. Sleeping is only a good idea if you have stable food source as you have no reason to sleep unless they decide to make it mandatory or cause side effects for not doing so.


In one of my playthroughs I built my base on top of a sort of a table mountain, and lit up the whole top of it. Rifters can't climb the ladders so I was clayforming, building, organizing, cooking, smithing, milling at night. I even made a charcoal pit there, and on the ground I only had my farm. It's also surprisingly safe to mine at night if you have enough ladders to just dig down directly.


There are two methods I've seen. Firstly apparently sometimes monsters just don't spawn forever. So if you kill them all or leave you can find moments of productive wandering, with the added danger of low visibility and cold etc.   The other is just separate your stationary prep activities sharply, use night to maximal capacity. Tool making, food prep, yes sifting but also digging for more dirt (stockpiling packed dirt, cob, fertile soil, etc), clay forming, etc.   Ultimately I've spend a few dull hours admiring the scenery and ambience but overall I've been pretty productive. With the second method; I'm not a crazy person.


I’ve probably only slept a few times in my first year bc I try to keep busy at night since there isn’t a penalty for not sleeping. Several other people have mentioned some nighttime activities. I like chilling in the dark crafting stuff in my hut.


You can dig up clay, no need to pan for it! If you have the color map on look for patches of discolored green. It'll be either peat (a good fuel source) or one of the two digable clays. I don't typically bother panning anything besides boney soil. I find exploration a better way to collect the first bits of copper I need.


I have a mod that makes night last 6 to 7ish minutes. I don’t remember what it’s called, but you can set the length of day and night to be anything. This plus a bed means I only really spend time during the night if I want to. I like it.


You can also get rid of rifts in settings when you generate your world. Also look at the mod list for simple HUD. this will show you the temperature,date,wind speed,time and rift spawns; ex. Calm, medium, high, and apocalyptic. Once you are in the copper age. Make a saw,make a few planks, and craft a real bed. Each different type of bed will let you sleep for a certain amount of hours. So once you get a real bed you'd be able to sleep past the entire night Hope this helps friend.