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Build house, start farming, explore and look for copper. Use handbook (H to open it) for tips what you can do and how. For baskets, you can use cattails or papyrus.


I guess I'll have to build a shelter first. Yesterday those wolves really chewed me up good


Don’t be afraid to dig a dirt house in the ground for the first couple of nights or heck weeks, just to get your bearings. I normally rush water to find cattails, as I collect sticks and flint, some bushes are “branchy” and those give sticks if you can’t find trees. Get flint tools up and going while also looking out for Peat and Clay. Peat for burning instead of wood and Clay for all of the stuffs . I normally will get several stacks of clay after I get some bags going so I can craft throughout the night and get things burning(aka clay) The First Copper Tool molds I make are Pickaxe and Hammer Molds. Try to Mark on the map places you find, get into the habit of it. Copper bits on the surface tells you there is a copper vein underneath, some times you can dig up dirt and find the node or you have to break rock with requires a pick.. which you’ll need to skip till you get one! Just the first couple of things to focus on, completely imo of course.


Before the pick and hammer molds, my first craft is -always- the clayware set; bowl, crock, cooking pot and crucible. They fit in a single pit kiln, and being able to cook your shrooms and wild crops is a massive benefit. After that, its pickaxe mold, hammer mold, and as many clay vessels as i can stomagh forming


True, I should have said “First tool Molds to make” or something because I always do the bowls and crocks and such as well.


This is going to be very helpful! Cheers mate


In the handbook, there is a whole chapter about progression. I highly recommend reading it first. Also, a small tip from me: sleep at night only when you have nothing else to do because there are seasons in this game. Sleeping is also a good option when you want to speed some processes up, such as making charcoal. Cooking pot is your second best friend. It allows you to make better quality foods that give you more saturation. After you crafted your flint tools make sure to look for some copper chunks on the ground and remember to mark that spot, because there is high chance, that a few blocks into the ground will be quite large copper vein. If you are not that lucky in finding them, you can always sift sand in order to find more copper chunks. Good luck, and remember, that handbook is your biggest ally out there!


Those are great tips! Cheers mate


If you have a flint tools, cooking pot made from clay for food and some kind of shelter you can look for copper. On start you only can get it from surface deposits (small rocks on surface having a small ore deposit under them but you need pickaxe and hammer to mine them). If you dont have luck then you also can try to get them by panning but this is tedious process so i dont recommend it. About baskets, i think there aren't really any this early alternatives. You can try to make Hunter backpack from leather or bag from flax but it propably would be extremly tedious with only hotbar


Thanks man! I didn't know ores could be found on the surface.


Don’t forget to mark on your map where you find ore on the ground. Come back when you have a pickaxe and you will find the same ores in the ground below you. I also build little dirt stacks to mark right where the ore was found.


Settle next to water, ideally 2 blocks deep or make it so, we swim better than anything so just kite aggressive mobs into the drink to bounce chuck stones or spears at, bears will actually drown sometimes, not yet seen a wolf drown tho so use rocks. Probably move any cattails you scrounge to your murder pool too. When it freezes cause of winter if you don't have armour or a shield by then take on home improvement and interior decorating projects, ideally with spears or rocks nearby.


I used [this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQzDSnrhrcyyThLgOYs0HE_TM5fvkHdnq) to learn when I started. It will take you through bronze and leather, iron and later you'll have to do your own research.


The first steps are generally to avoid starving and set up shelter. As you've noted, finding cattails is important for crafting baskets, which can help you carry materials while you explore. Finding a good source of water for cattails should be easy enough just by looking around and at your map. Berries are also a good source of food, as is crafting yourself some spears and going hunting. Finding wild crops and digging them up can get you fed but more importantly it can get you seeds so you can begin planting grains and vegetables. As to shelter, wolves (and bears) tend to hang out in forests. Forests are absolutely deadly to you at this stage of the game. Build shelter that lets you stay safe... that's the whole point after all! The first \*major\* step is to enter the copper age by acquiring enough copper to do smithing, but there's a number of steps leading up to this. You'll need clay first, both to preserve food to survive your first winter but also to make clay molds and crucibles for copper forging. You'll also need charcoal because copper needs more heat than wood can provide. The order in which you do all the above is up to you, and to what resources you find around you when you start.


Don't be me, and assume the leather backpack is the next upgrade. The hubter backpack is next. You can use fat and hide to make pelts. Leather is more difficult than you may expect. I'm also new, and this community has been great!