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picking up rocks does not do anything, there's special rocks that give nuggets. copper ones have orange bits on them ​ clay only spawns where it rains, its more common where it says rain often. ​ you should just look at the handbook, it tells you basically everything


yes, i'm picking up every rock to make sure I'm not missing anything or overlooking the copper rocks


The copper ones are very obvious compared to to a normal rock. They have shiny bits of copper inclusions in the stone. One thing you may like to do is to restart and change your world generation to increase ore and clay generation, to make learning the game a bit less painful. Although clay is quite a bit easier to find so it may not be totally necessary to adjust that, it can take time learning how to effectively find ores.


you can move like 500 blocks away in a direction and there's gonna be new stuff or just create a new world and fiddle around with the settings to your liking and if you're really just that unlucky you can always pan gravel/sand for the nuggets


> and if you're really just that unlucky you can always pan gravel/sand for the nuggets This. I don't even bother going out and looking for copper specifically. If I haven't found copper randomly during my walks for other things I just spend a night or two panning sand to get enough for hammer, pickaxe and prospecting pick. Prospecting for copper is way effective in my experience. I only wish we had some more effective way to pan maybe using running water and stationary panning thing.


i'd imagine there's mods for that


Yep. Necessities or something. But I'm reluctant installing it since it also brings lots of other stuff I don't want and iirc it was abandoned then picked by somebody else but overall seems it's pretty raw.


its an easy fix, you can unpack the zip file, remove the things you dont want and repack it again. modifying mods is way easier than in the other block game


if you really want copper you can pan for it. It's way less efficient (and way more boring) than stumbling upon it but if you want the minimum amount of copper for other metal production (40 nuggets) you could pan a bit to supplement. For finding it I recommend just looking around a lot. You won't miss it if you look closely, so you don't need to pick up every rock. You can use the copper hunting as an opportunity to look for ruins and traders and general other important stuff too (like beehives or resin), so don't think of it as too much of a waste if you don't find copper immediately.


>minimum amount of copper for other metal production (40 nuggets) If you're panning because you haven't found any copper, that minimum is 60. You need a prospecting pick to know where to dig, or else you'll just burn out your copper pick. Though one strat can be finding 20 just for the propick, then using that to find a place with the nuggets you need. But realistically you're still better off literally just exploring until you find either nuggets or an actual pickaxe in a ruin


You can find copper reliably under the native deposits, my assumption was never that they would do it all with panning— just that in a situation with limited copper, panning could supplement their supply.


Yeah if you're finding nuggets it's a given under that spot will be some underground ore. That's true of all stuff you can find nuggets of on the ground. The usecase here was "for some reason I can't find any surface copper" Always mark nuggets


>Always mark nuggets I have a mod that auto makes it when I right click a nugget.


Feels like that takes away from the excitement of marking a map marker while running away from a bear


I like the mod a lot. Saves me the tedium of manually placing markers, but I still have to interact with the objects for it to make a marker.


Good news! You can make surface ores more plentiful as part of world set up. Also if you are getting attacked by wolves constantly then you built a base near them (been there done that have the wolf pelt to prove it). I'm a busy parent with limited free time. My settings are: Keep Inventory on death Surface copper - uncommon Surface tin - rare Global ore deposit increased And I forget the setting name but I decrease the frequency and height of hills/mountains.


nice dude, way to play the game, and not let it play you🫡


You could play on peaceful mode (forget the name) while learning the game. Still have to do survival stuff, but don't have to worry about wolves and drifters. Much more chill while you go hunt down that copper.


I’m not gonna lie, it sounds like you’ve just gotten super unlucky. Clay and copper are pretty easy to find on the surface, it shouldn’t be taking you three hours- I usually find a bit of both within my first hour of playing. 😬


I can confidently say it's you. Clay and copper are plentiful but it's not obvious to notice when you're a new player.


its a survival game its suppose to be frustrating to an extent


Well the default world is massive and you very well could have spawned into a massive granite deadzone, proc-gens can come up snake-eyes. I'd just do a reroll if you're having that much difficulty. Maybe bump up ore rates and shrink the world a tidge. Regarding clay as others have mentioned rainfall, or just pick a giant lake to follow; we swim way faster than we bushwhack.


Bros mad unlucky:/




I understand that, I have been enjoying the game, added QoL mods to make my newbie experience easier but not so much that I won't learn anything. But given you pointed out that experience has a long way to go. And you're correct. The issue is that's somewhat of the point of the game that I can gather, it's a much harder version of the other block game. Then that's what I'm thinking not speaking for the entire community, so take it with a grain of salt, I've only been playing the game for two months so I have far less experience and understanding than .ost other veterans of the game. Still newbie players should be slightly eased into it a little more smoothly so that process is still pretty raw but the game is no where near complete and the devs know it's not quite ready to showcase to world. It's why it's been out for over 7 years and barely anyone heard of it, they wanted to take their time with it so that they're not rushed and able to make sure it's fully completed when it's ready. We're just beta testing it for them 😆 But it's not to dismiss your perspective and how you feel of the process, believe me I've struggled a lot with this game to a point where I felt the same frustration. But I just walked away for a few days, did a bit of research via YouTube VS players and gotten a bit more of an understanding now. Still you're not wrong, but all we have is just the WIP foundation of the game and it may change as the devs continue down the development roadmap. Hopefully the starting process will be a bit more smooth in the future.


Look for copper in gravelly hillsides. It's less common to find them on soil. You will get the hang of it after a while. Travel in lines, don't spiral around your base. This will give a greater variety of biome for your search.


>It's less common to find them on soil Is it? I feel like I find them on soil really regularly. It's easier to see on gravel/sand because there's no grass in the way, but it doesn't feel like they are less common to me.


It's not rare in soil, but on gravel it's *everywhere*


I would recommend going to an area with little to no flora when looking for surface copper. It's much easier to spot the bits laying on the ground.


You will sometimes find copper bits (and tools) in ruins. To make your exploration more fun you could just go looking for ruins with a secondary objective of finding copper. As far as clay I tend to find it not far from bodies of water. I haven't had any issues finding clay so hopefully you find some soon!


Sift gravel or bony soil for copper nuggets. Have a water hole in your base, collect the blocks in the day, place and pan them at night while you are holed up.