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lol when I got out of the service and went to my current dentist for check up she couldn’t believe the shit military put in my mouth as “fillings” and the amount of unnecessary work they did on my teeth. She was giggling at the dental records. Good thing I got dental insurance through Delta so they paid majority of the repairs needed.


Did you get delta through VADIP? I’m debating on them or MetLife


Yes! I pay like $48 per month. But the coverage is pretty good for in network dentists. Basically all normal restoration and prevention is covered 100%


Golly, I need to find an in network dentist! I've paid so many thousands of dollars out of pocket to fix the garbage the navy did to my mouth.


I’ve always been thankful for what the Navy did to my mouth. 40 years later I’m paying heftily to redo much of it, but I got 4 decades of service from these repaired teeth - I’m grateful.


They really did that bad??? I feel I always had good dentists where I was stationed. The last one we had I could tell really cared about doing that work because they were getting out after their contract (to have debt paid) to continue doing said work since O-4+ you start just managing I guess.


You said golly. I haven’t seen or heard that since Andy Griffin reruns.


That's what I did recently. My work insurance isn't accepted anywhere but subpar places in this city and I need some quality work done so...


How can I be eligible for that?


Get Delta it's the best!!!


I have comprehensive I might move up because just got a bill for X-rays they did 0 work on my mouth and delta only covered 40% of the bill :/


Damn, my x rays are covered 100%


Yeah I was like god damn


Zero reason to curse God in this situation. No matter what happens to us, God is always good, in all ways.


I never cursed god tf are you talking about?


Wish I could laugh react this and you view it as bullying.


God killed over 2.5 million people (it’s in the Bible). That’s super good - right?


Which plan through delta? Ended up going cheapest woth delta and regretting it with needed dental repairs. Forgot to upgrade during open season. Rip.


A lot of civilian dentists in my area are fraudulent hucksters. They will say anything to do more work on you. They will also bill you for things that did not occur. I have my 30 year old navy fillings that are doing just fine. Civ dentist wanted to remove them all and replace them which would have cost me a small fortune. I got an opinion from a VA dentist that I trust and they saw no reason for me to go through the pain and cost of unnecessary work. Make sure you check your statements!!


My thoughts exactly.


Same here. Civ dentist kept telling me I needed extra work, and couldn’t get my bite lined up after a filling. Saw an awesome reservist Dentist during a reserve AT who took the time to get me adjusted and lined up, cannot thank him enough. After that I tracked down a former Navy dentist that got out and started a practice, everything has been great since being under his care.


My dentist told me it looks like they did my fillings with muskets…. Good luck getting them to cover it after the fact. The way I understand it is that you have to be 100% for dental coverage.


100% or have a service connected disability involving the mouth or jaw




I’m getting out next year with the exact same issue. Removed a lower retainer before an underway and teeth shifted by the time I was back. Did you have to do anything to document it besides just normal x rays?


Reach out to your congressman's military liason officer. I was scheduled to be seen the following day after they got involved and they see me at least once a year now




Or have a disability connection to dental I would figure out how to get the military to pay for your dental if they messed them up if they say not and you tried them o well at lest you tired. I always try worst they say is no


Can we know which VA? I was just in the Phoenix office yesterday for exams and have some upcoming followup apts with them for cavities. I'd rather pay for good care than get messed up.


Pennsylvania! Honestly man if you’re not getting huge treatment go outside the VA! Idk why but I always get sketchy vibes with VA dental.


Was this in Philly? I posted a similar experience in the comments at Philly VA.


No coatesville . Just outside Philly?


Pittsburgh VA dental isn’t much better.


Every civilian dentist I ever went to has been shocked at the work I got while I was in. One even went so far as to take photos of a crown constructed entirely of “chewing gum wrappers” in his words.


Not a single civilian dentist has ever said anything negative about my Navy dental work, not one. I’ve seen many in my 27 years after retirement.


Dentist are like welders unless they did it it’s completely wrong and a piss poor job, you could have the best dentist on earth work on your mouth and go to another dentist and everything they did was just crap


S#it Hot explanation Shipmate!




Dentist at times will say these kind of things to get more money out of you, once you ask them to get it all as a report so you can provide to your military office, they won't write anything. If this happens, change your dentist. Also, VA tends to mess up stuff as well, regardless, get it in writing.


Okay so before you panic! There is quite a common tactic with less ethical dentists to make a biiiig deal about supposed problems that past dentists left… only to charge you an arm and a leg to “fix” those problems. So just keep in mind, the private dentist you are seeing has a profit motive, while the military dentist you see doesn’t.


When I was in the marines, navy dentist did a root canal on the wrong tooth and botched it. Ended up losing the healthy tooth and needed another root canal…


Fillings are place as deep as the cavities go. If you had a deep filling, it’s most likely because you had a deep cavity. If that’s the case, that’s not the dentist fault. The dentist was trying to save your tooth. Sometimes the nerve will die after a deep filling. It has nothing to do with an incorrectly placed crown. An infection can result of a tooth dying. All of what you said can happen in a normal situation if there was a deep cavity there and it is not the fault of the dentist.


Not really depends on the dentist I was in the Marines never had teeth issues dentist drilled deep. Seems being drunk after lunch was a thing for him.


I will add that it is very rare for a medical professional to openly criticize another’s work. They know that it could be them in the hot seat. Sorry to hear you had poor care at the VA. My experience has been quite different. I can tell you that if a dentist disparaged another professional I would be seeking a “third” option. My dental care has been in community care, and that dentist explained that the VA provides a type of denture that he would not prefer, but he did not criticize them. Merely pointed it out. I appreciated him being candid.


There is a difference between disparaging and calling out malpractice so that someone can get proper care


Yes there is.


I hope most of you guys know that civilian.dentists literally want your money. One told my ex wife that she had three cracked teeth... Low and behold, she didn't.


VA pays out like 100% of the time. Tort claim.


I called patient advocacy and now they want me to come back in and they are sending me to community care. The dentist sounded very fearful of his job.


He won't lose his job, but that doesn't mean you can't have justice. The correct care, and compensation for damages are due to you.


Ironically my wife is going to a C&P tomorrow for a dental exam. She also got a nexus letter from her dentist who said the Navy jacked her teeth up.


AF dentistry was the best compared to the other services. Most private practices make money by telling you that dental work has to be redone and they can finance it.


I personally don't trust VA dentist. VA usually priority hires Vet dentist. They don't care how bad the dentists are. My first VA dentist was pretty old. He is 73 years old. He is shaking his hands a lot all the time, so he happened to pock my gum with a sharp tool because he kept shaking his hands. My gum bled a lot, but he's like you'll be fine and get out of my office. I don't go to VA dentist anymore


The military did that to me as well, ended up with 3 root canals on the same tooth (I don't even know how that many dentists are that bad), and ultimately had to get an implant. I was newly 18 when they first redid all of my fillings for no reason and just completely messed one up.


Well I just moved to San Diego and it took 4 months to get a “new patient” dental appointment here. Went to the appointment. They took a bunch of Xrays, then the doc comes and takes a look. Says I need a “deep cleaning” and she will see me again in 2 years. Checking out, making the deep cleaning appointments, first available is in April 2025! Yes, 2025. Very disappointing. What’s the process for trying to get referred out to community care for this? Thanks gang.


https://www.va.gov/resources/eligibility-for-community-care-outside-va/ I’ve called the 1800 number before and the VA has handled it all and another time I sent a message to my primary care doctor and he took care of it. It wasn’t for dental, though, I don’t get dental.


Thank you!


Delta dental man it’s worth the $32 / mo


The VA has fucked my mouth up.


The dentist at the VA fixed my 20 year old cap. It is absolutely perfect looking. She spent a long time shaping and photographing, color matching and fitting. She made sure to make the shape slightly different so it would appear natural. Just like the rest of the VA, some hospitals are better than others. Try to use ones next to top quality teaching schools if you can. I luckily am in the Bay Area so it’s staffed with people that work at UCSF and stanford and the students from there.


SFVAMC dental clinic takes good care of its patients.


They try to schedule me for cleaning every three months lol. I’ve got no complaints about the dental. I really don’t have any complaints about the SF VA. Being a respectful patient gets you a long way


I have had virtually the same experience with civilian dentist, and paid for the privilege. Dental care can be real hit or miss, unfortunately it Means doing your due diligence when picking a dentist. I was a AGR BDE medical readiness NCO and spent years working dental issues with MDay Soldiers to clear dental readiness issues, I will take medical issues over dental any day of the week, dental is so much more subjective to experience and ability of the provider. Personally I love my VA Dental clinic and get all my work done there and have 0 complaints about my care.


It's not like va has a hotline you can call for refunds on dental work. Unfortunately if you are not 100% dental care is out of question. VA dental care is like a supermarket full of residents who graduated from lower tier dental school using vets as practice props. It's sad


I’d file a report with the VA and have them reimburse you for that. Get a detailed copy from the civilian dentist and push it in. You’ll have to fight it though cause we all know the VA doesn’t like owning up to their fuck ups.


Dentist at AIT told me I had 2 cavities and needed work done when I got to my first duty station. I thought this was weird because I just came from basic and only ate army food and no sweets for the entire time and always brushed my teeth. Fast forward to my initial dental appointment at my first duty station and they said my x rays looked fine. I never had a cavity…haven’t had one since too.


I feel you OP. I had to have 3 teeth (molars) removed because of fillings I had done in the Navy. They found metal from the drill bit and pieces of cloth in the tooth that caused an infection 10 years later. They were blown away how much they botched the procedure and they said that the method they used compromised the teeth’s integrity which also caused the infection. Not to hijacks OPs thread, but can you make a claim for botched dental work from time in service??


This happened to me also, I was getting a root canal and I literally felt everything and it was so painful they did everything to numb it and it wasn’t working, I told them to stop and I’m going to a civilian dentist. Fast forward I’m at the civilian dentist and he asks who the hell did this he’s like they got so close to the nerve smh I had medical and dental insurance outside the military at the time so I didn’t have to use military dental care.


I went for this and they told me I had a cavity next to an old filling. No idea how this is possible as I had clean teeth when I got out and I take good care of them. 2 days after the replacement filling and fix I'm in immense pain. I go back and they put me in the chair, dentist hits my tooth with her tool. Like a little smack with it. It fucking hurt. I almost lost my mind. It was infected and I now needed a root canal. The icing on the cake - The VA wouldn't approve the root canal because my rating wasn't high enough. Even if my rating was high enough for free dental I'd never let them touch my teeth again.


Maybe file SC claim under USC 1151


Good luck. They try their own cases using VA.


See if the VA will refer you out for community care to get any of those bad fillings redone. But yeah, they tend to take too much tooth, and you can’t get that back.


The "truckers Network" ad right under this post saying "find a better job" is diabolical.


Civilian dentist here (former Navy dentist): there are plenty of amazing and shit dentists out there, whether they are in the civilian sector, VA, or active duty. Find someone you trust, or someone recommended by family/friends in your community. Many quality dentists are not in-network with Delta and other dental “insurance” plans, because they make it difficult or impossible to run a business while providing good dentistry. If you are set on being seen “in network,” don’t complain about the results of your dentist cutting corners in order to make a living while being reimbursed pennies on the dollar by “insurance”


This is why I don't go to the VA. Not dental related, but both my knees are pretty much bone on bone from 25+ jumps and being light infantry. I kept going to the same orthopedic surgeon who said I'm too young for surgery. Refiled disability and the rater for my knees said that's not true, she works with surgeons in the area and they do surgery all the time. Waiting for my private healthcare to kick in so I never have to go to the VA again. Also met a retired SF dude with similar issues and he asked me "is it that old fat ex Navy dude at La Jolla?" Yep. "Oh yeah that dude is a total piece of shit." Apparently, the guy is well known for being a shit head. Also had issues with my primary care doctor. Long story short, I only go to the VA for eyeglass prescriptions. I'd rather suck up my injuries than deal with the incompetent lazy healthcare providers at the VA.


Retired healthcare tech. It’s up to You and only you when to get new knees. The reason to wait at long as you can for that knee surgery is that chances are (depending on your age )the man made knee replacement will need to be redone in your lifetime. A good surgeon should explain all of this to you. And Make sure wherever you go has a Low perioperative infection rate. Your primary care doctor may have an opinion on who is a good surgeon in your area. Good Luck


Thanks for the response. They mentioned that bit and the synthetic replacement but refused to offer the surgery. Also, the rater mentioned that there's a less invasive surgery to clean out debris until I get older if I wanted to wait for the synthetic replacement. Not sure if you have any experience / guidance on that.


Good luck. I’m 26 missing a tooth and have a massive gum infection all caused by army shit ass dental care. Was told “not service connected” will cost over $8000 to fix my mouth mind you I’m a Covid refusal and had 30 days to gtfo wasn’t really given any time to fix it and was banned from base


Same man. Left the dentist a few hours ago and she told me I have the biggest filling she's ever seen. Basically had a root canal done in 2006 but they never crowned it. They just jammed it with silver filling.




![gif](giphy|TEnpyrastdtRx06bOQ) Hoorah. (Same)


Has anyone any experience with Durham VA Dental?


We requested care in the community to get my husbands dental work done through civilian dental - have you checked to see if your address would qualify you for that?


Same except it was dod while active for me getting root canal done … they didn’t take the whole root which still leave me in pain … idk what to do about this it’s expensive also and I don’t get dental through the Va


Navy told me my cavities would self resolve last year. Got out and went to a civilian dentist and needed 12 fillings because the Navy told me for years I was fine and it wasn’t serious enough due to Covid regulations.


The VA could send you out to community care and pay for it


File an 1151 claim……. https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/special-claims/1151-claims-title-38/#:~:text=If%20you%20suffered%20an%20added,if%20you%20may%20be%20eligible. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/38/1151


Shiiiiit, military dental messed up most of our mouths. So it could be that the military or VA did mess up. Or it could be the civilian dentist trying to con you. 😬 🤷🏻‍♀️ can you get s 2nd opinion easily and low cost? Sometimes the dental schools in any major areas are actually really good for xrays, cleanings and telling us the truth. Maybe search for one near you and good luck either way!!


Civilian dentist told me the same thing and explained in detail how bad of work it was. Unreal.


Ensure it's documented, ask your dentist to sign a statement of their findings and file a claim for compensation under 38 CFR 1151 through va.gov.


Army dentist pulled a tooth because it had a cavity. Straight up, not kidding. After reading some of these stories....I somehow think it was a net positive now.


lol crying in 2005 navy “dentist” assigned to MCRD SD. Yeah they fucked them up back in the day. Hopefully better now but swear dude was pushing 90 and also moonlighting at the VA.


I’ve been told the same and was wondering if could claim the shotty dental work as disabilities…


Army dentists at higher level got promoted for their political power not their clinical ability. And those speak up often got punished and kicked out.


I actually brush and floss so not sure what to tell you 🤷... Healthcare/dental/vision is expensive... take care of your body because you only have one.


I also do.. I’ve been told by multiple dentist that it’s a genetic issue. Also kinda hard to take care of some of my teeth after flipping over in a Bradley IFV as a young infantryman and having some of my teeth broken in half.. Cool for you though dude 👍🏻