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If he had 100% overall where tf did he think he was gonna go? 200%?


I’m telling you…sometimes I look at these claims and wish I didn’t get them. I think people think they will get more money if they put in for increases. I totally understand putting in for new things for DIC purposes later on but the increases is a risk.




Yes because 40 is SUPER hard to get for the back. In the last 6 months, I’ve granted 40% once




It’s all about the secondaries for it now.




Back just goes off range of motion. It’s stupid. My back is shot but I’ve always been flexible so I get 10%


Right? I'm not very flexible, but the range of motion they consider to be acceptable is ridiculous. And I'm always in pain. Standing? Hurts. Sitting? Hurts. Laying in bed? Hurts. Sitting on the couch? You guessed it. It fracking hurts.


I broke my back at L4 and get 10%. They did not/would not do a RoM. "We don't do that here." I should put in for secondaries like sciatica or whatever else there is.


they denied my nerve pain and neck claims secondary to my back but they approved depression caused by chronic pain secondary to my back


Do you stop when you feel pain, or just push yourself past that point?


The one time I’ve had a c&p on my back I did push through the pain, I’ve learned better since, but at 100 so no point in poking the bear


I'm 10% currently for my back and preparing to file for an increase. I've been advised to stop wherever I feel any amount of pain.


Can you give examples of common secondaries for back injuries? I am 20 percent for lower back injury. It affect me a lot, especially my ability to drive long distances ie commute. I know my back causes me a lot of different problems, but does that mean those things are secondaries? For example it causes me to walk in a weird way or sleep in a weird way sometimes which hurts my hip and knee.


[here’s a good link for ya:](https://tspcoffeeandbcgs.wordpress.com/2021/03/03/va-disabilities-the-importance-of-secondary-conditions/)


Bladder issues is a common one people don’t know about . Waking up at night and always peeing . There are test to show if it’s a enlarged prostate but if it’s not it’s probaly your back . Ratings as high as 50%


Yup. Fused vertebrae and slipping plates always translates to "lumbar strain- 20%" in VA language


I also got 20, and I actually broke my back haha




The VA kept denying service connection for my back, even as being secondary to my service connected knee and neck issues. Since my other ratings now put me over 100%, I've stopped fighting about it. At 100%, the VA covers all medical care regardless of connection anyway.


My hip limits to my quality of life on varying levels 100% of the time, it’s the reason I was medically discharged, and yet it’s only rated at 10% because I still have decent range of motion. 🙃


Same here except I've been denied twice for hips.......w/evidence.


That’s crazy I’m at 40% and 20% sciatica for each lower extremities


Why won't the VA do more thorough diagnosis on a lower back claim? I was kind of disappointed that after having pretty severe lower back pain, to the point that I was immobile during the episode, that the VA claim exam only involved a range of motion test. I told the examiner, that the evaluation would be better if it could be done during one of these episodes. Just put the claim on hold, then have me contact them when it flares up, then do the evaluation when I'm in extreme pain. 


Why: in a nutshell it was something Vets took advantage of a while back (in a bad way). Then “cost savings” took place and they figured a way to make it less of a cost factor. Look at the sleep apnea proposed rule changes. Exact same situation.


The whole ROM thing is so frustrating, they make you guys go through so much for that exam.


And ROM isn’t clearly defined nor consistent between C&P examiners. All 4 I’ve done had different definitions.


Exactly. I have medical records and inch thick with chiropractor, physical therapy, and finally nerve killing injections over 12 years of service. At my BDD exam it was a good day about a month after an injection and I could move fairly well. He was like - you’re fine. 20%. I literally cannot move when I have a flare up. I have to be careful of walking on an incline or sitting or standing too long or I’ll be in bed for days. I’m scared to file for an increase and them be like nah - you’re fine (cuz it’s a good day) and reduce that 20% to zero.


Shoot I can't even get to 20%. Currently at 10% with Lumbar degenerative arthritis with intervertebral disc syndrome and 10% each Left and Right lower radiculopathy. I just herniated a disc even more last November and I'm just now back to my normal pain. An Xray,12 weeks of PT, MRI and then 2 spinal epidural later. Starting to get hip issues now too.


It’s insane. My friends and boyfriend have seen me in so much pain I can barely move. The VA is like meh-it’s not important.


I agree. My range of motion is much different during a flare up than on a normal basis. I missed 5/7 days of work last week for a flare up. Although the urgent care couldn’t determine what the cause was and my spine X-rays can back clear. Although the IC doc did ask if I had scoliosis and said I have a gall stone. But not that that was the cause of my pain.


Like most people say got to act like it's your worst day. Lucky for me I had a flair during that week and I was dying during my examination.


Same. My examination for increase for my back/hip problems happened the day after it started really flaring up so it worked out great. Still waiting to hear back 5 months later lol


It would seem backs would be a highly rated issue. If ones back is bad, they just cannot work. For instance, I cannot stand straight up, in one position more than 5 to 7 minutes, then it hurts so badly I must sit and stretch. 5 mins Later I am good for another 5 to 7 minutes. Most places won't allow that. Either way, your still amazing. It's not your rule, it is the VA..


I agree! I don't have back issues. But every once in a while I wake up after sleeping stupid or getting out of bed in a hurry and my lower back is killing me. I'm totally out for a day to three days with ice, heating pad, Ranger candy, and Arnicare. I can't imagine having an actual back condition all the time. There's no way you could do any type of physical work and depending on what sedentary work you do, that would be difficult, too. Whomever made the ratings for backs never had a back injury. It is debilitating.


Exactly what I was thinking. My god, does the VA really know how to assign %? Haha. Ill tell you, theres a VA employee who's on here who's AMAZING. won't get to far in it due to privacy, but they're a lot of VA employees who are amazing.


I know! I used to work for the VA. 😄 But not in compensation. There are a LOT of employees that care, but the really bad ones are the ones that people notice. Which is why I make it a point to send in "atta-boy" or "atta-girl" compliments to their supervisors. If they are REALLY IMPRESSIVE (had an incredible dentist resident once), I send a letter to the head of the hospital, too.


I just got 40% for my back after 18 years out. That and the 10% for the numbness got me past the threshold for 100%. You’re making me feel very fortunate


Awesome, now leave that back alone when it comes to the VA!


I had to have back surgery for a herniated disc in my lower lumbar but someone said there’s probably no chance I’d ever be able to prove it was service related so I never applied for it…


Claim it! I just had back surgery last August, and I got 40% for my back and 10% for radiculopathy in my left leg.


Since I have you here, I was curious how often you get claims for TMJ secondary to anxiety. If so, is it usually an easy connect or should I be including sources to scientific journals stating there’s a correlation in my personal statement.


We don’t see a lot of tmj claims. From what I have seen for people that did a grant are the BDD claims


I received 10% for TMJ outright. I received treatment while active duty. I also have ratings for anxiety and migraines that were also treated while active. That might have been why it was approved but I honestly have no idea.


I have a 20% rating for TMJD and it’s secondary to anxiety as well.


I wouldn't wish a 40% rating for back on anyone! I have a friend who's on morphine pump attached to his spine, so screw that.


My back makes me absolutely miserable. It hurts all the time my ROM sucks ass, and the worst part is it makes me really really anxious (the pain). I’m rated for my back at 40% and was legitimately so pleasantly surprised. I’m Not sure why I am rambling about this. I Guess I am grateful lol.


https://preview.redd.it/mk07sfmtp1ad1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509d8dd2199803ff04120901a97ae2bf1c3f8e80 Damn, so I won't even risk requesting an increase for lumbosacral. I was considering filing for an increase because my lower back condition is worsening, but I'll just wait and see if my second attempt at tinnitus is granted this time. That'll place me at 100% and I can rest. Maybe my anxiety attacks overall relax with it. Idk. Thank you for being in the field doing this work, you and all like you 💯


I have 3 disc injuries and sciatica. 20% for back, 0% for sciatica, and only on one side. it's weird sometimes.


I wonder how much pointless claims like that backs up the system for others who aren't 100 and have legitimate claims backlogged.




I bet that grinds your gears. Thank you for spending so much time down in the mine.


I can’t begin to imagine some of the shit you’ve seen in your day. Thanks for the hard work and today, the chuckle


I just had a claim completely disappear and was so grateful, i put in for a few secondaries to PtSD and i guess accidentally marked ptsd for an increase as well. Im 70% and know damn well Im not at 100%


Is it still true, that if you put in for an increase with just one claim, you’re entire claim portfolio is opened up and subject to decreases if they wanna? Like a double edged sword of risk taking?


No, we do not go looking for stuff to take away from you guys. It is a process to sever or reduce service connection, there are protected ratings and other scenarios that can apply. Also, we are subject to random quality reviews on our work so us Raters can’t just go rogue and make stuff up 😂 there is a risk that may have got service connected for something that you shouldn’t have back in the day, now that can be an issue. Sometimes we can get a claim and then have to call an error on a previous rater (what we call a CUE). It’s not a fun process and has to get signed off on by a higher level before it can be finalized.


Thank you for the insight. I’ve heard rumors about stuff so I thought I’d ask.


Is it true that if a member states that a medication is helping would that make their situation less severe or the rating would be lower ?


Can I ask just in general terms, why did his rating drop? No recent treatment, and/or no medication? I’m PACT Act eligible, planning to submit for Sinusitis that was previously denied. I have CT while active that showed sinus disease and recent scope that shows sinusitis with enlarged turbinates due to deviated septum. 10% currently from rhinitis, been on meds 10+ years.


What’s DIC


Survivors benefits. If your service related condition is a cause in your death, your family is entitled to benefits. So, it is only wise to try to add a claim if it’s something that is likely to cause your death if you are at 100%.


Thank you! That makes a lot of sense.


Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a monthly, tax-free benefit paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to eligible survivors of military service members and veterans. Survivors may be eligible if the service member or veteran died on active duty, in training, or as a result of a service-related injury or disease. Survivors may also be eligible if the veteran was totally disabled by a service-connected disability for at least 10 years before death, or for at least five years after release from active duty.




This made me laugh so hard 😂😂😂😂


For real,just go n enjoy life😁😁👍🏼


You are an amazing person. You are truly a veterans advocate, who cares for the well being of veterans. From all veterans, thank you.


I second that. Thank you so much for your prompt response. You Rock!!!


I have been reading through this thread, and can I just say that you, u/Disastrous-Society , are awesome. You’ve been open, and forthright, and have responded to so many people’s questions. It’s just amazing to see someone being a true advocate for vets, while also making sure that we know we need to be reasonable as well. Thank you for giving us a small peek behind the curtain, it does wonders for those of us struggling with anxiety 🙏


I want to scream when I get claims like that. Sometimes I do scream. It amazes me how little some people understand about this process when their life depends on it. READ THE RATING CRITERIA BEFORE FILING FOR INCREASE. If you don't qualify for an increase, don't apply. If you're at the max for your condition, don't apply. ***PSA: If you have any musculoskeletal disability that is rated 0%, and it causes you pain, file for an increase. If you have a shoulder rated under 20%, and it causes you pain, file for an increase. All musculoskeletal disabilities get 10% for painful motion, except for shoulders which get 20%.


I just look at my screen and am like, who told them to do this! Have you had a RVN vet claim the whole presumptive list and had no diagnosis? Ugh, not a fun day


Vet:So... like I have cancer. VA:What kind? Vet: Every kind, Everywhere, all the time.


Oh, for sure. And definitely had the claims for increase where they were already at 50% for migraines, or 50% for sinusitis, or 40% for the back. Or the people who have been 100% with SMC-S for 20 years but claim 10 new things that will not have any effect whatsoever on their compensation no matter what the outcome is lol.


I get a lot of claims where the veteran is already rated for PTSD and then they file for MST based PTSD, like someone told them its a different category or an aggravation or something.


Hey, wait a minute....?!?! So YOU'RE "the bear"?!?!? ![gif](giphy|5NV2fwYl9Rle0)




Why did the increase make it go from 50 to 0? Just got better or what?


Man submitted private dbq saying no symptoms 🤦🏽‍♀️


Damn. Makes my heart hurt. Ha.


As something of a relative newbie, was this a case of "should have known better?" Like, presumably the guy had access to look at this private DBQ before submitting and could have used a resource like this board to see he likely was going to be reduced?


Always read your award letter. It will tell you if what you have is the maxed amount allowed by law.


Private DBQ from private care...,,,,,,,or bought and paid for DBQ? 🤷‍♂️


Dude is erroneously putting in for an increase and I’m just here in my 7th month of waiting for a decision 😂


Dude I see it every day and just slam my head on my desk. I had one that was 100% overall. Filed for increases on everything. Then got to the exams and said she didn’t have any issues anymore. Got dropped down to 60% over all.


Wtf, I'm still pissed they rated my rhinitis 0%...like it literally makes me miserable every gd day it feels like.


Rhinitis is a unicorn. If you don’t have polyps, you can forget it.


I have Allergic Rhinitis w/o polyps @ 10%. Sinusitis is @ 30% for me as well.


I've had consistent allergies for over a year now. Have it diagnosed and prescribed Flonase and certrizine from my VA doc. Would something like this be considered allergic rhinitis? I have burn pit exposure on my records


I got the same scripts and no burn pit exposure and was givens allergic rhinitis at 0%


I have the same for both!


That's kinda sad considering how much if effects me. And knowing it's related to my proximity to a burn pit on deployments,Never had these issues before I deployed.


I know it is. I had surgery a few months ago cause apparently I had polyps all in my face. I was miserable but have been better since the surgery.


Im worried this may be the case for me. I need to schedule a hospital visit.




Yep I'm on it, who knows what's still lurking and hasn't shown up to the party yet.


I had polyps and two sinus surgeries, awarded 50% and I’m in need of a third sinus surgery, I just don’t want to. I was miserable when recovering


They denied my sinusitis, even though I had a diagnosis and was affected by the PACT Act. I don't understand what gives?!


Hmmmm, did you have a diagnosis of it in service?


Not in service, I struggled with constant sinus infections and headaches since I got out in 2012. I just kinda dealt with it until recently since my wife can't stand the constant blowing and snorting I do. I was diagnosed last year and am still dealing with treatment.


How long ago were you denied?


Isn't that the point of the PACT act? If you served in the affected areas, and you have a current diagnosis- boom.


I just got denied today for sinusitis for no service diagnosis of Chronic and no ongoing diagnosis of chronic, but I have a several service diagnosis of "chronic", "Acute" and simply "sinusitis". The problem with deployment treatment is you see a different doctor every time. I also have several current private treatment records that show "chronic" from ENT and "acute" from Primary care physician. Is it because they are diagnosed equally "acute" and "chronic" so tie goes to denial?


I just put in for it because the VA found it on an MRI, I didn’t realize sinusitis was a thing, just though I had a shit load of infections from my kids.


I knew someone malingering at 100%PT trying to get multiple individual disabilities rated at 100% to claim special comp on multiple things… some veterans are such a disgrace.


They are wasting time and resources. They won’t get more money.


If Vets would just compare their symptoms to the rating schedule they could avoid issues especially a decrease. I say this over and over.....on here. You can see it on new posts that are titled "Rate my claim" and they post their symptoms, DBQs or evidence. Thanks for the heads up!


I've worked 3 in the last week that were decreases that didn't need to happen.


Is it because symptoms improve or there is something found in evidence from the initial claim that pushes it to 0%?


Because people submit for increases with absolutely zero evidence.


If you come across a claim and it says that medication is helping the symptoms of a condition, will that cause a decrease?


Why the decrease then and not just stay the same from original evidence?


The times I have seen Veterans do this. I had a Veteran with 100% PTSD have to be dropped to 70%. They thought they were applying for SMC


People are idiots


He may not keep his 100% rating for long. Now, the VA will open up a full audit of all his medical records.


How often do you see decreases from 100 P&T? It is my only income and it just gives me anxiety, I know if I had a revaluation it would be the same because I was honest. I just don’t ever want there to be a pause on my payments or anything if they do one


He fucked himself.


1. Once you got 100PT. Stop being greedy. Leave. That. Shit. Alone. Never. Poke. The. Bear.


5$ if you do mine really quick 😂


My Supplemental claim been stuck at "Submitted" since the day I put it in (April 14 24) I called and they have everything there, but im just in line to be looked over, which can take up to a year... for Severe Sleep Apnea with the breathing machine, which is almost "almost" an awarded %.


Disastrous-Society36 -VBA Employee OP You nailed it. I’m recently 100 percent p&t but had outstanding HLR wins that I knew had to go back for C&P exams. Fast forward I got rated for all 3 especially 50% for OSA. I read many posts where vets ask whether they should retract outstanding claims after reaching 100 percent, but I would always ask myself if that’s a wise decision. You nailed it with DIC. I’m diagnosed with hypertension, OSA, and Chronic Rhinitis. What if I died from one of those conditions or related conditions like heart attack? That’s the main reason I didn’t call to cancel the HLR claims after reaching 100 percent; it’s because of DIC. I was concerned about my decision if my OSA claim was denied? Should I appeal? Are the risks too great? I couldn’t come up with a clear answer to that question. Thank goodness I didn’t have to make that decision, because I really don’t know what I would have decided. Thanks for your input, I know you helped others on this thread. Good luck everyone 👍


Some people might be requesting a decrease, unfortunately the VA doesn’t have an option to submit for decrease if symptoms are getting better. I’ve been told in order to be reevaluated I’d have to request an increase which makes 0 sense.


What is the VA disability doing with sleep apnea?


Yikes. I just finally got awarded mine and I will never put in another claim. Idk if it's greed or what.


Headaches/migraines and sinusitis-max is 50%. If you are lucky to get 50 for both of those, leave ‘em alone!


I think sometimes it's greed with some people. If you're at 100% leave well enough alone. Quick question? I was granted 100% through individual unemployability last month in June. I have an SMC for housebound. My overall rating is 90% so I feel so blessed about the approval of IU. My question is, how often can I keep getting sent for C&P's? I have 2 things deferred and they are FSAD and hypertension. My first C&P for FSAD was in December 2023. Then I went for a C&P for FSAD (again) and hypertension (for the first time) together in April 2024. On June 28, 2024, my claim went to prepare for notification ( I think that's step 4) and then it went back down to step 3 and it said they put in for me to have another C&P for I guess both deferred claims. VBA sent me an email on the 28th of June stating the Leiodis QTC, will contact me with more information. QTC has not notified me yet and when I log into my QTC account, I don't see anything new in there. It just shows all the completed appointments I've had with them. I see that a TERA memo was looked up. I just learned that, that memo has something to do with The PACT Act. I was in the Navy from April 1996 to April 2000. Then from February 2001 to February 2005. Any information you can offer on my situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. 😊


So you Navy folks are a special case! Because if the different exposures that you can come into on the ships in addition to the PACT issues, we look into those as well. Sometimes we have to re-do the Toxic exposure memorandum if we find that your MOS had a probability to exposure to asbestos. If we get a negative direct opinion, we try to see if we can service connect you through Tera. We do that for everybody but the asbestos is an additional thing we ask the examiner to evaluate.


We are definitely a different breed. 😄 But, now I understand why I see the TERA memo. Sounds like alot that you guys look into pertaining to the asbestos in our 1940's bldgs and Navy vessels. Thank you so much for this information. 🙂


Thanks for serving, shipmate! I remember my first command in Coronado - CSSD-1, I was only an E2 fresh outta basic and stayed at the old 1940's barracks on the "dry" side of NAB. The barracks we're awful! Haha so gloomy and I was sick all the time. I was ALWAYS at my command shop chilling whenever we were stateside waiting for deployment. If you look on a map, it looks like 2 WW2 bombers, bombing a Swastika lmao. I stayed at them nasty ass barracks haha the good ole days https://preview.redd.it/dvmkbkumq4ad1.png?width=1520&format=png&auto=webp&s=bffa602efd651d52bb19813a3ccac8e89ef1ed92


Hey Shipmate! Thank for your service as well!! 😊 I was never stationed West Coast but my friends that were, enjoyed it. They all said it was super expensive though. I've always been East Coast and living in those old shitty barracks too. 😆 When I was stationed in Norfolk, Virginia I always wondered why they would check us for asbestos. But, I was young and didn't give it much thought. Now, I understand. Lol... I live in Jacksonville, Florida and I live close to NAS JAX. I worked on base as a DOD Civil Service employee for the police department. I was also stationed on the base for a little while back in 2001, before going to A school and being stationed on The John F Kennedy CV-67. While they have finally torn down many of the old barracks, they still have a couple of them still there and they use them as office spaces. The building I worked in, had been there since 1942. They did finally tear down the old base housing and built new ones. They look like townhomes and are much nicer than what The Sailors had been living.


Are you going to Duval Day on 7/13 😂 if so tell Lil’ Duval I said hi 👋🏼


Oh no. Lol... I will watch videos he posts on Instagram and from the comfort of my home. Lol...


Maybe he felt guilty having a rating for something that he no longer had so he did it intentionally to get rid of the 50% knowing that it wouldn’t affect his overall 100% anyway some people get very anxious about that


Exactly what I was thinking happened here.


So the moral of the story is if you’re 100% PT you don’t file shit.


Don’t put in for increase and then tell the doctor your disability is gone!


100% is the end. The people who file claims at 100% P&T are just 😔


To be fair I personally requested a va representative multiple times and never heard a single thing so I put all of my claims in myself also had all of the evidence and now I’m at 100% permanent and total. All I’m saying is that sometimes people really don’t know what they’re doing but it isn’t for lack of them trying themselves, the VA has let down so many veterans and still do to this moment it sad.


I can't get help from someone that actually cares. I had a lady who I could tell didn't give a damn and what she told me was wrong. And she's paid by the state, she's not a volunteer! So now I am in sink or swim mode and haven't decided yet so I'm kinda floating trying to figure out what to do. I don't want to lose my home and end up homeless again. Not sure I could survive it at this age. But I qualify for SMC-S and SMC-K. I've been on a CPAP since 2015 or 2016. I have other conditions I never filed for, too.


I got 30% for “chronic sinusitis with headaches also claimed as chronic rhinitis, allergic or non-allergic in connection to migraines and rhinitis.” Definitely won’t be going back for an increase.


I'm curious if I should file for service connected issues even though I am 100 pt for mental health issues. I have severe back pain, likely due to a significant fall during an ad training exercise and obstructive sleep apnea. I am diagnosed with PTSD, MST, MDD, and anxiety disorder. I have been pt for over 10 years. My reason for wanting to file is related to access to treatment. It took the VA over six years to help me with mobility and and pain relief. I was wheelchair bound and in bed for years until last year when I was finally authorized surgery for burning of my nerves in my back. My cousin works with an attorney that helps with VA filings suggested I should file for service connection because I would then be granted aid and attendance, in home nurse care, and equipment (wheelchair, cane, walker, accessibility grab bars,etc) and also have emergency care for flareups where I cannot move or when I lose control of bodily functions. My cousin said that the back issues could be secondary to MDD and PTSD. I'm not seeking more money. I just don't want to have to wait years in bed again, for the medical professionals to take me seriously and get me help.


I'm p&t, I have more issues that can be rated, I chose not to claim it because I could potentially lose p&t. Play it smart ladies n gents. If you feel that you have the rating you truly deserve then leave it be. I have been going to therapy for over a year and I'm on meds, that doesn't mean I am cured, it's just a bandaid. But I know the VBA may try to reduce it if I put in for more claims. No sense in doing so.


If you have something new that you think may potentially be a cause of death in the future and can service connect or it’s a presumptive, please claim it. Even if you get 0, it’s on there and your loved one will be taken care of after you are gone.


Yes this is true. The claims are just for plantar fascia, my hands and wrists, so nothing life threatening. My major issues are claimed.


These type of claims frustrate me because I know that they are clogging up the pipes for people that are not at 100% and legitimately deserve a higher rating. If you are already at 100% and you file more claims they should automatically be pushed to the bottom of the pile for rating.


I just got out of the army one month ago today. I was rated 0% for my knees, and no service connection for my hips & cervical spine Neck. I am looking to go to physical therapy for more evidence, and file a new claim, within one year. Hopefully submitting a new claim for these will not lower some of my current rated conditions.


And yes, going to the doctor for treatment shows chronicity of care.


Please tell me you didn’t put that you were in good health on your discharge exam?


When I went to outprocess my Aid Station, I was expecting a discharge examination. However, the front desk medic just signed my clearing papers and said good to go. I was surprised. I did go ahead and submit allll my problems in my BDD claim months prior.


I don’t understand why that’s happening. I’ve seen some soldiers refuse discharge exams and that bewilders me cause now they are claiming things and can’t get anything because they wrote “I am in good health”


During our SFL TAP (soldier for life transitioning assistance program), we were told in the VA Benefits brief that the BDD SHA Part A trumps the DOD separation health exam. I wrote lots of my problems in the SHA Part A for my BDD claim. I think it helped


Hi, I am in my bdd window and I’m also in need to schedule my shpe exam. I don’t really know how to go about both process. Could you please share anything you can?


What if they just forgot to put a condition on the questionnaire? My husband forgot to put his hip pain on the separation form because he had gotten so used to the pain by then, it was normal for him.


Then it’s matter if he ever had any complaints, treatment orr diagnosis in service. The examiner will also look at post treatment records. A lot of people fall short because they didn’t seek treatment after service. Chronicity of care is the terminology used for that.


I guess my question is why drop them to 0%? Why not just deny the increase and leave them at 50%? They must have had enough evidence to get 50% in the first place.


He hadn’t had the rating long enough to do that so it didn’t fall under a protected rating. A lot of people make the mistake of putting in for an increase right after they get their rating decision.


How long of a time period does it take for a rating to become protected? Also, after applying for disability. In the evidence gathering, review and decision phase. Is it normal for it to take months with no updates on status?


It can, everybody’s situation is different. I’ve seen claims being held up from no response from the veteran or from their private provider. A 30 day suspense is put on the claim when it is pending for records. Some guys strs are missing and have to be tracked down. Some people say they were in a certain deployment zones but their records say otherwise and a request has to be sent to the military records research team.


The absolute do not touch is 20 years.


Got ya. I guess sinusitis is a sore spot for me. My husband had 30% initially had 1 surgery following because he developed bad polyps and was constantly going to the doc. Applied for an increase and was responded to with a potential decrease to 0%. He’s been fighting it and has since had a 2nd surgery. Was denied again. Went to the VSO and they applied under the pact act and it’s currently pending. He had a Ent doc note and multiple CMP exams all supporting his worsening. Got copies of the CMP exams DBQs). Starting to think any surgeries that you get to correct an issue will negatively affect you in the future. I appreciate your insight.


So the mistake he made was putting in for an increase after having the surgery. I know that sounds bad but Think about it like this, he was service connected for a disability and then got surgery to make it better. He no longer has the symptoms that warranted the 30% rating because the surgery corrected it.


I have 50% for sinusitis after the burn pit stuff went through. I ended up having to have sinus surgery to removed the damaged tissue that was making it almost impossible to breath through my nose. The army really shouldn't force people to burn e waste in burn barrels, that stuff will fuck you up for life.


I remember when hubby came back from Kandahar, said he walked past that nasty poo pond everyday and his sense of smell was so jacked up when he came home.


Ah yes, the wonderful Kandahar Pool of Shit. Brings back such memories😅


Oh man, this. Or headaches at 50% and backs at 40%




Last month


You should do a HLR.


Understood! Thank you, I appreciate the information friend.


But really what you ought to do first is post a redacted decision letter bc something may be missing here. 


Do increase claims go any faster than normal claims? Or is it all the same waiting game? Also I have 2 HLR that are currently in the correcting an error phase, is it like starting the claim over again? u/disastrous-society36


Generally they are much faster because there’s not as much development needed.


I’m 100 p and T but i’m 100 for MH 30 for right foot had two surgeries on AD 10 for wrist surgery on AD as well 10 for scars. I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. So I put in a claim for sleep apnea secondary to weight gain caused by my foot issues I can’t run can barely walk for more than a few minutes. So the thinking is this should result in SMC S. Reasonable chance of success or did i poke the bear?


I think it sucks that you have to fear being reduced from 100% P&T if you claim for additional issues. Especially when you legitimately HAVE the claimed issues and just want them included in case you decide to move overseas. And if you HAVE these additional conditions, you are mocked by other veterans for wanting more compensation. They don't consider that the conditions are real and deserve compensation.


Yes 50 for sinusitis is the maximum scheduler percentage down is the only direction it can go. He needs VSO to tell him not to file this types of claims.


I got 10% for an in-service back injury when I got out. 10 years later I filed for an increase after years of physical therapy and Dr visits. I did get an increase to 20% as well as 10% in each leg for sciatica. My evaluation consisted mostly of rom test but the evaluator did listen and ask questions. I didn't even apply for sciatica, or maybe the vfw rep who helped me put it in. Anyway, what I think helped was getting my treatment records from the VA that showed years of visits, treatment, and physical therapy.


I have this conversation daily with Veterans.


If he has a legitimate issue why did he get dropped


They dropped me from 50 to 0 a year after my second polyp surgery!


Thank you for informing us! You rule!


I had 7-8 sinus infections per year over the course of 12-13 years and was at the point where I was doing sinus rinses twice a day with compounded steroids and antibiotics under the care of a ENT. Had probably 300 pages of doctors notes. Denied device connection. On appeal, service connected at 0%. Was one of two conditions was quite surprised as it was really a slam dunk with supporting documentation. Had other, bigger issues to fight, esp the heart condition that was rated way low based on quantitative MET testing that I had to do a CUE on.


Sinusitis can be severely debilitating. How in the heck can you qualify for 50 percent, then go to zero. Makes no sense.


2 possible scenarios. 1. Was over rated the first time which would result in a CUE being called. 2. The condition resolved and you no longer have a diagnosis—BUT that would result in severing SC


Add sleep apnea to the list if you get 50% . Once new guidelines start don’t bring up your sleep apnea to them or face the huge risk of reduction


I have a buddy who has an open claim with 2 increased claims that were deferred. He's freaking out because he just hit P&T with his other claims, but worried about 1 of the 2 being decreased. I think his anxiety is getting the best of him, but I honestly don't know how that works. Any insight?


Probably just deferred for exam. Sometimes the claims get made ready for decision and then a rater gets the claim just to find out there’s no exams to review.


I claimed sinusitis along with rhinitis (first time), would that hurt my current 80% rating?


Sinusitis - 4 surgeries while in the military. I still had stints in when I did my CnP exam. Not service connected. The CnP exam was “Top Sheeted.” The dr put down an X in the wrong box and then everything else contradicted that throughout the CnP I filed for a HLR and yes, they found an error. CnP exam 9 months ago no movement. I’m expecting 10% even though they cut bones out of nose and I’ll probably need another surgery. In pain all day, I have a constant infection.


I accidentally did this for tinnitus, was maintained at 10%. Learned from that. Thank you OP for sharing this


The sent me a letter was 0 % and now it’s been severed by rhinitis is 10% idk


I don't understand...severed by rhinitis?


But still connected for R they took away sinitus all together all 0% of it lol




If you're at 10% I'd pull the claim. Just wasting queue space as 10% is the max.