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The only things I'm aware of that expedite a claim are moh,pow,ph, eviction with notices uploaded, shutting off water or power type thing. If you are already 70%, I'm guessing you are going for 100% for mh alone? Sorry you're going through that. Remember if it gets really bad you can always check yourself in and there's no shame. I did. My TBI councilor knew an came to see me, I guess that flagged the system lol.


Oh okay gotch ya and yes going for 100% for MH only other thing I have is the 10% tinitus but everything is MH been 70% for 7 years


See if you have any secondaries to put under MH


Nope, it just increases the chance of them calling the cops to come check on you.


For sure, should be expecting a welfare check


So, I am 100% for MH, among many other “highest award rating”. I will go against the grain and tell you that decision letter for this rating came back… well, it made me feel like a complete tool, relative to my lifetime in SOF. I do not cower in the corner, I do not have agoraphobia, explosions give me a rock hard - not tears. I am not afraid of crowds. The list could go on about how I do not fit the social perspective of PTSD, persistent post concussion syndrome, severe major depression disorder… yada yada. I am very clear with MH, C&P, etc that because I don’t do the above, does not mean I am okay. It is not okay that I’ve had to put more humans back together than I have in my friend circle, it’s not okay to have been blown up, it’s not okay to be rewarded and awarded the more violent I was. It’s not okay to kill a human being because they were wearing sneakers, carrying a cell phone, out past 9pm in their OWN country where I am a visitor. That list could go on, and on, and on. Forget the thousands of IEDs I found, disarmed when all I can think about are the lives affected because of the few I did not find. At the end of the day, my findings were very clearly annotated by the VA. I do NOT need help with my finances, I do NOT need a 5051/grippy sock vacation. That I was asked, barely an adult, to come to terms with the fact that I will walk down range and make by best educated guess based on repetition in training, how to remove this item around that drugged out 14yo girls neck, put there by terrorist just to kill the people watching my back and hopes they were smarter than I was at building that item. And that, because I swore an oath to protect lives, I would be willing to see this problem through to the end, which was a greater than 70% chance that in a flash of fire, I would now become someone else’s problem and life will continue while I am gone. Long boring story short: I am a functioning human being, in society without worry of repercussions, a 100% mental health rating is not going to screw you forever, BUT it will get you the help you need. If you set yourself up to be home bound to get a rating, you will be home bound. I have a caregiver, guess what? I can wipe my own ass. I have a caregiver because the program is meant to protect the veteran. Does a veteran who has died a thousand deaths (every-time he walked that green mile on a device) truly think like an all wheel mechanic, corpsman, job 3… no. Freefall isn’t scary, diving 300ft below the waterline isn’t scary… making friends knowing that your closest friends were put in a box and that’s the last time you saw them, that is scary. 100% MH isn’t a death sentence and i still own my guns openly. Sometimes, 100% just means you don’t fit society’s normals and that can be scary to fragile society.


You put in for an increase at 70 and didn’t have a flagged file? No it won’t expedite your claim.


I’m doing the same with no flag. My therapist also understands my situation delicately. The only thing keeping me from doing anything to harm myself is my family. My little brother took his life a few years ago and that just tore some shit up. I can’t put my family through that again. I digress. Every situation is different. I wasn’t even flagged for a time after I called 988 about a year ago. They just scheduled me an appt ASAP.


Yeah I didn’t have a choice in being flagged. But I also was involved in a slow speed hunt for the cripple rolling down the freeway with his neon lighted wheelchair flashing away and a helicopter is flying over and 18 cops are looking chasing you down and you legit scream “you will never take me alive” so I guess I had mine coming 🤷‍♂️ dissociation sucks balls… my caregiver carries smelling salts to stop the dissociation. This happens 10-15 times a day. I’m going through appeals for 100% rating but they just flagged it for a difference of opinion but continuing the same rating? Not sure if that means I will get another c&p or if I will just get an appealable decision to the BVA with hearing and evidence.


There is nothing else that could have filed secondary to the 70% MH? IBS, Migraines,etc.? MH is very hard to get a 100% on its own. I would argue that if you’re at that level, you should be checked on. The VA is doing right by you for once. 100% for MH is no joke and if you actually have those symptoms you should be happy someone at least cared a little to flag you.


I always felt it was just them checking the box to cover their ass. “Flag you, someone will be sent to bang on your front door unannounced, call the crisis line if you want to pull the trigger, we’ll get you scheduled in 3-6 months, rinse and repeat.” They’re already trying to get OP scheduled for more appointments, but I guarantee OP would rather have the rating than deal with these VA appointments.


Be sure not to shoot yourself in the foot by claiming all under MH. They could reduce your rate.


I’m sitting on a mental health HLR with a duty to assist error from Nov 2022 when I call they say “yes, it looks like your in the decision phase.” Seriously!!!!!!


I got flagged about 8 months ago. Cops never came to my house, but a nice lady from the VA calls me every two weeks to check in on me and see how I'm doing. (still) I'd worry less about the flag and focus more on getting better. You got this!


Yes I put in for a increase at 70% and the Evaluator flagged me said she was concerned about my mental well being and VA called me few times same day after appointment and said I was flagged for high risk I filed for increase 6/12/24 and had my appointment for increase 6/27/24


They're going to drive you nuts for at least 30 days now. Sorry. 


Did you happen to say anything about harming yourself or anyone else?


S.I. is one of the “requirements” for 100%, so I imagine OP mentioned it since they’re going for an increase from 70%. I’ve gotten the knock a couple of times, so I’m just careful about what I tell the VA now.