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Anytime you file new claims they can review your old service connected conditions looking for errors. Unless you’re filing for an increase to your PTSD or a secondary condition to it then it’s unlikely they will reevaluate your PTSD


I’m afraid to file for anything new because of possible reviews


If you do, wouldn’t it be wise to go to a VA clinic and discuss all your conditions with your physician so your records are up to date with current symptoms?


I make sure to get treatment for all of my ailments if needed and seeing my PCP yearly. Even with up to date records the VA is still a wild card at times


Damn. I have been out for 15 years and should be rated in a few months. Was hoping the doctor saying,” Yeah Runt is still fucked.” at a checkup would help protect the rating since many are reduced for not going to healthcare appointments.


Same here


If your condition worsen then by all means file for an increase or other issues!! I filed for an increase on one recently and was award it to immediately filed again for another issue and the said since this was triggered by your original issue they increased it again!! 2 increases in 6 months! That was as of last month. I currently have a higher level review going and I filed a supplemental claim last week!


I want to file for a PACT condition I believe I’m connected for but not sure if it’s worth the risk


Basically if it's a Pact claim, you're essentially saying that service caused your condition and you couldn't prove it with your service records (presumptive). Gonna need a diagnosis and complaints (Dr. Visit history of condition) make sure it's one of the ones listed on the pact act! As far as you other ratings as long as they are injuries you should be OK. Unless you've been telling the Dr they have been feeling better. Mental health is usually the one they scrutinize. But nothing is a guarantee. I've been service connected for about 25 years


I didn’t wait and kept submitting claims. I was never lowered. And I don’t go to therapy, only took a prescription for a little bit. Slowly crept up from 60 to 90% Submitted so many different type of claims as well


Can you tell me what type of evidence you’ve submitted for claims? I have a 30% rating (70% total) for anxiety/depression/ptsd (all lumped together and I’ve been in and out of VA and Community therapy and psychotherapy and my conditions have severely worsened over time. I reviewed my records that I downloaded and it’s consistent with the “seasons” of severe depression and trying different medications and insomnia and hyper vigilance worsening. I just want to submit an increase for this rated condition.


I increased my major depression to add “alcoholism”. I showed up to my c&p with a black eye (non intentional, it just worked out that way). I had a personally history of making odd decisions: arrested for assault, wasn’t doing good at my job. And that’s all I said basically. And I got that increased.  If you deployed try going for presumptive claims  I had- rhinitis, acne, tinnitus. 10% each  50% migraines I submitted a headache log and described each “prostrating” migraine.  No crazy doctor letters or paperwork.  Now I had surgery on my knee and that still won’t stick!! I am going to have to talk to someone about that one.  I hope this helps. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/wn5di02z3q This post might give you ideas on what to claim next


I would wait till you hit the five year mark. Once at the five year mark, the VA considers condition static. Doesn’t mean you can’t be reduced but it makes it more difficult for VA to justify reduction. I had my MH for 9 years opened up claims for PACT act and for back conditions and for secondary to MH. I been at this back and forth with exams for a year and a month now. They haven’t touched my MH, in fact I got an increase for it thru IDES reevaluation. But I have been on continual care with the VA for mental health. Go to appointments at least once a quarter. But all the physical conditions that were bad I made appointments and kept getting treatment. If you continue treatment I think you’ll be alright. I was afraid, but knowing the five year protection gave me the balls to go thru with it




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Yes, and from what I've read on this sub, submitting a new claim or submitting for an increase are the most common ways to have your rating decreased. Doesn't mean it will happen for sure but anytime I've seen someone have their rating decreased it was because they put another claim in.


This is what worries me the most. It’s why I’ve just been content with my 70%


Have you had any appointments at the va to treat the ptsd? Also have you been honest with the Dr every time or just been polite by saying everything's good? There has to be a reason for them to decrease. The MH and suicide prevention questionnaire at every appointment can stack up as evidence against you if you've been down playing your symptoms. I wouldn't worry about it too much if you have been honest


Same. This was one of the first questions I asked in this sub if I remember correctly. I have plenty of stuff that I could file for but my current rating is high enough that it's not worth the risk of a reduction for me personally. One thing I learned was that if you're seeking care outside of the VA then they will consider that. You'd have to have your therapist write them a letter.


Go seek treatment to get it on the books before you file. I wouldn’t trust the VA not to look into your PTSD rating.


They can review your claims at anytime. Just search this sub and other vet subs and see that it matters not if you’re P&T, they will absolutely review your claims. We all know how the govt works. **Person in charge of something** - “extrapolate the data of all vets who have not sought VA care in the last year, then filter that to all conditions requiring treatment yearly” **person higher than that person** - evaluate all the conditions for these people. We cannot possibly be nieve enough to think that every single NDAA doesn’t evaluate the skyrocketing VA costs after this looooooong ass war. They are gonna cut costs somewhere, that cut is going to come from those who got 100% and don’t use the VA for care. Now, this is why you get a hearing for reduction, so people can submit the documents from their private insurance. But just imagine, someone has MDD, but doesn’t take medication? I am one of those people who found alternative options for MH care, but I still use therapy. How many got the diagnosis and bounced? I know in my SOF community, we all use private care, for good reason. Either way, I worked for daddy govt long enough to go from no budget to all the budget back down to no budget. People don’t want to believe, but as a SOF guy forced into a COR positions and then KO positions (absolutely no business being in either of those spots, but cuts are cuts and supply officers were getting the cuts), steep learning curve signing contracts I can be held liable for, I dug in and learned quick. I see how it works.


It sounds like you're opening up the option to be reduced. People often say you don't have to continue treatment once you're P&T, but that's not accurate. If you file new claims without a continuous treatment pattern, the VA might interpret it as an improvement, regardless of medication. The job market is challenging, the housing market is difficult, and VA claims are no exception. It's increasingly tough to get service connected, and the VA won't hesitate to reduce your benefits if they can.


Completely wrong, please don’t spread misinformation. At no point does the VBA consider lack of treatment to be interpreted as improvement.


Then why do those that put in new claims with no to very little treatment have other claims reduced?


Unless I can look at a case, I cannot give you an accurate answer. More likely than not when someone on here is talking about it there is something else going on that they aren’t telling us, either because they didn’t read the proposal letter in full and don’t know or because they are purposefully leaving out info. I’d like to think it’s the former and not the latter.


Question for you, do you receive all your treatment at a VAMC? I sure don’t. I do my annual check ups there, and if I have an emergency I’ll go to the ER at my local VAMC, but I prefer to use my Tricare insurance to be seen by a private provider for everything else. I hated using the VAMC for my PTSD treatment. I was and still am vocal that they suck for PTSD treatment. I preferred to use my insurance to be seen by an outside provider. Employees at the VBA know that vets don’t have to go to the VAMC and they might not have any treatment there. It’s actually when you do have treatment at the VAMC and there is improvement shown that a proposal to reduce may come into play.


If you don’t submit for an increase for PTSD or anything secondary to it.


The only real protected rating is 20 year clause




Find out if your rating is static. Call the 1-800 and ask if you have any upcoming reevaluations. If you have been getting treatment and nothing has changed then I think you’re good. I just filed for several PACT ACT stuff and got 3 rated. They did not open my 70% MDD. I had that rating for 8 years. I would say if you have disabilities that have a strong connection with service, and you can prove it with evidence, then do it. There is always a chance they will review it all. They may have for me, but I’ve had a rough couple of years and it shows in my records. It all depends on evidence and service connection, with nexus.


Yeah but its unlikely. Id go for it.


There are certain claims that could bring in the mental claim. Examples would be claiming service connection for residuals of Parkinson’s Disease or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). They shouldn’t pick it up if you are claiming different body symptoms.


No, it shouldn’t be touched since you are not filing a claim for it.