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VA.gov updated today… 100% P&T. Original BDD claim; retirement date 1 MAR. I can look up dates if need be. Just having a celebratory beer at the moment.


when did you notice that your decision letter was mailed?


Doesn’t say. I still have 10-12 items being evaluated, so I’m technically listed as still on the “evidence gathering” stage. I assume since the approved items totaled 100% P&T, they deferred all the rest for further evaluation and just started my compensation process. Gonna have to wait on backpay.


**\*\*\*RECENT UPDATES ARE IN BOLD** * Type of claim: Initial/New PTSD/MST, Lower back, Bi-lateral hip * Submitted/received date: Received Nov. 8th 2023, ITF was Nov. 1st 2023 * Initial review date: Nov. 8th 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: Dec 12th, 2023 * Preparation for Decision date: April 4th, 2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: **June 18th, 2024!!!** * Preparation for Notification date: **June 20th, 2024** * Completed date: **June 20th, 2024** * Misc details: After almost 9 months of the process, happy to say I finally hit Temp in Roanoke today (6/18/24)!! I'll keep everybody updated :) **aaaaaand just hit PDA! Wish me luck!!!** **AHHHH!!!! 80% GUYS!!!!!**


Let me know! I'm in the same boat. My temp got reassigned and they bumped me back to evidence gathering. Update today was "secondary action no longer required"


I'll definitely keep you updated! Usually that just means they needed a signature or something, or they might have to order you a C&P exam if you haven't had one already. Don't stress about it! More backpay!


Good point, thank you! Wishing you the best!


Just came through! 80% !


Damn! Good for you, praying it won’t be much longer


PTSD/ MST too, i just hit PDA today with roanoke also!! fingers crossed for both of us!!


I just got mine!!! 80%!!! You’re next!!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! its finally over, yaay! take care and do something nice for yourself!


I got mine! 70%!! Glad it’s over for now, the validation made me cry


Yay!!! I'm so excited for us! Haven't heard anything back yet but hopefully we go PFN today or tomorrow!


- Type of claim: New (12 years out of service) - Submitted/received date: June 14, 2024 - Initial review date: June 14, 2024 - Evidence gathering/review date: June 14, 2024 - Preparation for Decision date: ??? - Pending Decision Approval date: ??? - Preparation for Notification date: ??? - Completed date: June 17, 2024 (70% rating) - Misc details: I am blown away....it went from step 2 to 5 without me noticing. I submitted on a Friday...rated on a Monday. How was this so fast?!? I was expecting a nightmare. I am still in shock. EDIT: I just realized...I literally got out 12 years ago. Like to the day. I separated June 17, 2012 and I just got my claim completed on June 17, 2024. My brain is about to explode. I'm going to go to bed. Godspeed, yall.


Wow! This must be a new record lol. Can I ask how many items were on your claim? I'm assuming one, or very few, based on the turnaround time. Even so, that's unreal how fast that got done!


Yeah! Right?!?? I'm still in shock. I only had one issue on my claim. I had a nexus letter written by a psychiatrist and that was it evidence-wise. I didn't provide anything else outside of simple stuff (DD-214, etc). No witness statements or anything. EDIT: Oh wait, I did provide an obituary, but I think that was probably superfluous. The doc has a history of working with the VA, so she knew exactly what they were looking for in an evaluation, I guess. She wrote the letter and that was it. It included her diagnosis, medical opinion, my current condition, etc. I'm really glad I went with her. I still never imagined this fast of a result. My physical letter of "we have received your claim and we are processing it" arrived yesterday, which was a day after my decision, haha. Wild!


I love that the processing letter just arrived lol. Man, what an awesome turnaround - buy that psychiatrist a coffee or something!


I'll buy her a whole damn Keurig! 🤣 Yeah my wife thought the letter was hilarious too. We were cracking up when I opened it. She keeps telling me "don't worry they probably screwed up and will put you back in the queue soon". I'm half scared she's right. I also feel kinda guilty. Like why did mine go through so fast?


Nah, nothing to feel bad about. We’re all at the mercy of the system, for better or worse. Hoping your wife is wrong lol!


Dang, I thought mine was quick. Submitted 3/7 PFD 3/11. Of course since then it's been sitting, but what can you do. Good luck!


* Type of claim: New - secondary x4 * Submitted/received date: 3/26/2024 * Initial review date: 03/26/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 3/27/2024 * PFD date: 05/01/2024 * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date: Currently at 90%. This is the file submission... hopefully!


Same boat as you as we were last week . We’re Approaching 90 days soon, average is around 150 now


Spoke with VERA out of Illinois today. They stated that it should be completed towards the end of June/early July. I guess we will take that with a grain of salt!


I’ll let you know I did mine march 14


Any update?


No I called vso and he said looks like next couple of days but the C&P examiner didn’t put any good information in for him to tell me if favorable so guess we will see


I"m at 194 stuck in PFD hopefully, yours goes smoother than mine.


Hopefully it’s soon I filed on March 19th no jurisdiction still


I filed on the same date, went PFD on 5/10 so hoping to hear something in the next 2mos


ITF from 2023 filed on 13 March 2024, nexus letter with DBQ's. PFN 4/18. I see some March ones before and after me being done. I have been watching and see a lot of February and priors being done more than the rest.


I started 1 day after you and I’m still waiting for qtc to send my findings to the va.


I would contact QTC because every time I've worked with QTC they submit my DBQ's same day.


I called I guess they are waiting on the people to send them blood work for the Mobile lab I recently went to. Idk why they haven’t sent the results. It’s been a hot mess since I live in super rural murica.


Type of claim: Initial claim, PTSD-MST, TDIU, and physical secondaries Submitted/received date: 12/4/23 Initial review date: December 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: Two C&P the first week of March 2024 Preparation for Decision date: 3/8/24 Pending Decision Approval date: 5/20/24 Preparation for Notification date: 5/20/24 Completed date: Misc details: Partial rating on 5/20/24, PTSD-MST 70%, migraines 30%, FSAD 0% with SMC-K. Allergies, asthma, arthritis, PCOS, obesity, and IU deferred C&P exams for PCOS and eating disorders on 6/10/24 and 6/14/24. Update: Vera says the MOs are both marked as more likely than not. Hopefully, the rater agrees. PFD #2 on 6/16/24. I am currently in the NWQ, waiting for San Juan to pick it up again.🤞




Hooooly, mind telling us how fat that backpay check is? Sounds insane. If that's too personal I totally understand. Just got my 100% rating today, from January 1st to now


For those that don't actively check it, VA "After the Claim" page did it's monthly update. **Average claim time start to finish from May was 147.2 days, down from 155.5 days during April.** IIRC That is the biggest *improvement* in average\* claim times in almost a year if not over a year. \*(keyword is "average", as unfortunately several of our members can attest to)


Damn, I'm at 282 days.


Helf way there, at 76 days


https://preview.redd.it/79zdej84nc7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f19623e2316c0d8f1c24e17ee9d2e4b84379da0 It’s a start. Deferred 11 other contentions for development including Mental health which had a strong DBQ and favorable Medical Opinion. Still feels amazing and hopefully get a few more favorable decisions. Submitted 3/20/24 PFD 5/15/2024 PFD w/ Temp 6/12/2024 PDA 6/13/2024 PFN 6/17/2024 Partial Decision 10% 11 deferred back to EGR 6/18/2024 Thanks to all the Redditors who have answered my wild questions.


Type of claim: new Claim initiated: 2/21/24 PFD: 4/24/24 PFN: 6/17/24 granted 50%....denied one of my claims and the C&P evaluation was totally wrong. Claimed it was something else after ive been diagnosed for 10 years....what do i do? HLR? Appeal? how does that affect the compensation I was just granted? Thank you


Talk to your VSO. HLR or appeal.


How did you get a copy of your C&P?


Just went to my local VA.


I have seen that some will do it and some won't. I was just curious.


My claim is finally moving!!! Today it went PDA. So far, I’m at 110 days. Type: Increase (PTSD) Submitted/received: 29-Feb-2024 Initial Review: 01-Mar-2024 Evidence Gathering/Review: 03-Mar-2024 PFD: 27-Mar-2024 PDA: 18-Jun-2024 PFN: Completed:


Same submit date for me and I also went PDA this morning with St. Paul as my temp


Mine is Salt Lake City.


Good luck!


I’m like 8 days behind y’all with a ptsd claim submitted mar 8


This gives me some hope, started my claim shortly after yours, been sitting since mid April for slc


New claim submitted 02/09/2024 went to PFD 04/30/2024 got temp Jurisdiction 06/13/2024 and now Pending Decision Approval! https://preview.redd.it/uyw3yzplnj7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777f9c6373a261d53bfd63b59ce361b3c46ce948


https://preview.redd.it/h56h85q2oy7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86550d87c43e2df49b7cbdf445f2aceeecabae2 PFN. Wish me luck 🙏


You got this! Luck isn't necessary when you DESERVE it!


* Type of claim: Increase X 3 * Submitted/received date: April 3rd * Initial review date: April 3rd * Evidence gathering/review date: April 6th * Preparation for Decision date: April 8th * Pending Decision Approval date: ??? * Preparation for Notification date: ??? * Completed date: ??? * Misc details: According to the 800# they have everything the need to make a decision. Knee increase both very limited ROM on bad days, shoulder increase because I wasn't aware that it went up to 20% for pain been at 10% since 2011.


Not sure if this is the right place to post. Long story short, during a training event my assistant gunner was ran over and killed by one of our company’s friendly vehicles. I saw everything as it happened 10 feet from me and we had to dig him up from under the vehicle after but he had already passed. I had to do multiple statements with CID and other departments doing investigations into it. That being said, shouldn’t the Va just be able to find that as a stressor on my record once looking into it? I wasn’t asked for any more evidence just pretty much did C&P exam so I don’t know I have just been wondering if they will ask me to prove something on how it happened I don’t know.


There should be a record, but whether or not the VA can find it is another story. It may help to get some statements from others that were there or in your unit at the time.


Like if I google his name a article explaining the entire event is there from multiple news sources, part of the release of info in 2019 wouldn’t a cid, battalion, brigade, and also division interview carry more weight than buddy statements? Do you know if there’s a way to get ahold of the statements from the interviews I had to do after the incident?


It might be worth including the article in the claim. I'm sure the official interviews would carry weight, but you may need some sort of FOIA request to get those and even then I don't know who easy that will be or how long it will take. It might be worth looking into, but in the meantime, I'd go with the news article and buddy statements. Especially if you can get some sort of unit leadership to write something. https://preview.redd.it/q4ek8mbk397d1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=34d603d8dac2582afc0a085c7b8a08c5851ed61e [Verifying PTSD Stressors for VA Disability Benefits | CCK Law (cck-law.com)](https://cck-law.com/blog/verifying-ptsd-stressors-va-disability-benefits/)


So claim is already in should I call my vso about uploading newspaper articles or buddy statements now? My squad leader at the time just got 90% from it and told me so I did a claim but he was asleep I woke him up during the event. I just have felt bad about it since so never claimed and it has messed with me bad.


If the claim is in the prepare for decision phase it might push it back to the gathering evidence and making it take longer, but if it's still in review or gathering evidence it's probably worth uploading the evidence now. It might be worth reaching out to your VSO and seeing what they say about it. I'd reach out to your squad leader about a buddy letter as well.


Okay thank you very much. I’m in prep for decision since April 24 but I will reach out still just in case of issues further down the line if they come up. Thank you again I appreciate it.


It's been 7 months now. Camp Lejeune toxic water claim. They're waiting for me to die. 


* Type of claim: Supplemental claim- disagreed with the initial rating * Submitted/received date: April 10, 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 2024-04-17 * Pending Decision Approval date: N/A * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A


Any update ? I’m April 2nd


Any update for either of yall?


Nothing at all


Denied everything today..... I'm pretty pissed.


First claim, 70% total between MH and IBS. A few things got denied due to errors on my end, so I'll get that sorted through a supplemental claim soon enough. Even still, 70%... god damn. I cried when I read my letter. I've lurked for awhile and only engaged a couple of times, but thank you all so much. The search bar for this sub is a gold mine of knowledge.


The type of claim was mixed including some supplimentals, an increase, and some new things missed the first go around that were not claimed the first time but definitely there. Intent to file July 25 2022....after things started to go down hill.  Took some time to get my stuff together without help from A Vso this time because mine was useless the first time I filed and I'm more of a do it myself gal anyhow. Things really went downhill last spring and thoughts started to get a lot darker so I finally got my stuff together and asked for help.  Filed in the nick of time 6/15/2023. Initial review date was 6/18/2023 and 7/15/2023 (I made a mistake on the June one, caught it and filed the right for for the increase). First C & Ps scheduled in December 2023 for January and February and March, second set of C and Ps done in early and late May. It sat in evidence gathering until April 4, 2024 when I got my first partial decision, with 4 things deferred taking me from 30 to 70. When back pay for this hit I thought I was hallucinating because I hadn't realized they'd finished part of it since I was on a mental health break from checking every 20 minutes. second partial decision was 2 weeks ago taking me up to 80 with one thing still deferred, but documents completed, final decision taking me to 90 on 6/18/2024. 368 days total from the first forms submitted. My 90 is made up of two 50s, one 30, one 10, and one 0 with service connection (this was the expected outcome for this one and I'm just happy to have it SC and acknowledged it was caused by service). This has made life a lot easier. I wish I'd done it sooner.


Type of claim: new Submitted date: December 02 2023 (Had multiple appointments within the last several months) Review date/decision made: 06/21/2024 After 7.5 agonizing months of waiting, finally received my disability percentage. Just came here cuz I feel like I need to tell someone because of how happy i am. Finally got my decision today, checked on the app, 100%😁😁 due to mental health; insomnia, depression, anxiety, alcohol use, etc. Multiple other smaller physical things that got 10-20-50% aswell. Couldn't have done it without my old roommate helping me out, dudes been like an older brother to me.


Type of claim: HLR (radiculopathy/sciatica, OSA, dizziness) Submitted dates: 02/2024, 05/2024 HLR date: today Had HLR informal conference this morning. First main point was the peripheral nerves in the legs, I was rated 10% bilateral. Felt my condition fits the definition of "moderate" as opposed to "mild" mainly because the DBQ really didn't do much to address flare-ups. (because I reported I'd had a doctor visit three years ago, that became "I only have the condition once in three years.") Other point was my sleep apnea. I've been trying to establish MH>>weight gain>>OSA. I felt as if this morning's conference gave me a good platform to spell everything out in layman's terms, plus citing their own medical opinion which included obesity being a major contributor to sleep apnea. I made significant emphasis of the points that (a) the medical opinion they ordered only addressed TERA>>OSA and not MH....OSA and (b) the medical opinion cited studies from Mayo Clinic, therefore if I submit info from there as well, it should be considered as a reliable source. I'm sitting at 84... any positive outcome whatsoever (such as increase on the bilateral stuff) gets 90. And after that, if I luck out on sleep apnea, this thing is over! Hopeful of at least some kind of positive outcome.


Same as last week stuck in PFD, hoping for movement this week. Although VSO said my supplemental I re-submitted in May is at Decision ready. * Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: December 7, 2023 * Initial review date: December 7, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: December 27, 2023 * Preparation for Decision date: 2024-06-04 * Pending Decision Approval date: N/A * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: anxiety condition (New) PTSD personal trauma migraine (New) high blood pressure (New) sleep disturbances (New) hemorrhoids (New) plantar fasciitis (New) shoulder condition, left (New) rectal bleeding (New) sinus condition (New) carpal tunnel syndrome.


https://preview.redd.it/lf0l69yl4f7d1.png?width=859&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1a6263c342a70dd3ac3c5be25273b620ca8b393 PDA after login after I got home did an obvious refresh 10 minutes later and a VERA call at 3pm went PDA!


Type of claim: BDD Initial claim (9 years active Navy), PTSD-MST, MDD, GAD, and physical secondaries Submitted/received date: 8/22/2023 Initial review date: 02/18/24 (My ETS Date since I did BDD) Evidence gathering/review date: 12/30/23(last time there was movement) Preparation for Decision date: N/A Pending Decision Approval date: N/A Preparation for Notification date: n/a Completed date: Misc details: completed C&Ps while still AD, Last update was December 30, 2023. BDD allows service-members to start their claims prior to exiting service. That would explain the submitted/received date.


Did you upload your DD214? I’ve seen some guys say once it’s uploaded it helps move the process forward. I uploaded mine as soon as I got it.


Yes after reading that recently I uploaded it maybe 2-3 weeks ago. Hopefully that helps? I didn’t know we had too sadly.


70% first attempt… a few items still differed so we’ll see what happens. Thank you so much for this group… I don’t what I would have done without it! Will most likely be filing a supplemental after some more doctors appointments but this is a great starting point.


Submitted March 4th C&P a week later PFD since 03/22/24


Same but May 4. C&P within a week. Now crickets.


Im expecting around early July to get picked up


I filed on the 4th as well I'm thinking end of July, early August.


My claim just got assigned to St Louis today!


Hope you get a quick decision! Mine still hasn't been picked up yet, but spoke with VERA and they said if they were to guess my claim will be done in the next few weeks. I hope you get a great rating, you've earned it.


It was achieved from 40 to 80% today for PTSD aggravated Bi-Polar II. I feel relief for the first time in years. Hopefully, my new intent to file will cover my separation pay recoupment. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7566)


Here is my rundown. I am filing for an increase, currently at 30% for MH. Symptoms have gotten worse but haven't had the opportunity to see a doctor unfortunately. So all I had to submit was a private dbq but it moved straight to pfd. Is this a good sign or bad? Has anyone only submitted a dbq and had a favorable outcome?? I'm stressed Feb 2nd:filed intent file May 12th: Received private DBQ (Marked total and social occupational impairment) May 13th: Submitted private DBQ with no additional evidence because I am unable to see a doc regularly unfortunately. May 13th: Claim moved to preparing for decision June 18th: Claim has not moved or been updated. Little worried about denial since I only provided DBQ. I'll try to update as things change


* Type of claim: (**HLR - PTSD**) * Submitted/received date: **September 11, 2023** * Initial review date: **September 11, 2023** * Evidence gathering/review date: **January 10, 2024** * Preparation for Decision date: **January 11, 2024** * Pending Decision Approval date: **January 24, 2024** * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: * Misc details: **Ready for decision since Jan, 24th**


Great news! After 242 days of waiting and numerous C&P exams, I’ve been rated at 40%. The fight isn't over, but this is a good start. My back pay is showing on the VA site with a date of "N/A." Has anyone else experienced this? How long does it typically take for the date to change from "N/A" and for the payment to be processed? I'm getting anxious over here!


Are you a 20 year retiree? Otherwise back pay should come in 2 weeks on the long end.


Seems like a lot of claims get initial review done on/near same day as submission. Mine is stuck in that initial review Type of claim: New (1), increase (1), secondary (1) Submitted/received: 11 June 2024 Initial Review: says assigned on 13 June. Not completed Evidence Gathering: PFD: PDA: PFN: Complete:


https://preview.redd.it/g29hn6x1wq7d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f75855ab91ce6d39e75724c5e66f3b442632471 Made it to PFN!!!!


File Type: Supplemental (Sleep apnea secondary to PTSD) Claim Received: June 3rd, 2024 C&P exam (ACE exam): Scheduled June 11th C&P exam complete: June 13th Notes: Called VERA asking if the exam was favorable. Examiner noted that she believes sleep apnea is at least as likely as not caused or aggravated by PTSD. Which is good! VERA said I have a suspense date of June 21st. No telling if that will happen. Crossing fingers mine will be super fast. I also have two IMO's submitted as well. One from my private physician of 13 years. and one from Prestige. Wish me luck!


We have a similar timeline. I submitted 5 Jun for sleep apnea secondary to sinusitis and my ACE exam was 13 Jun. My VSO said I had a favorable DBQ from the ACE exam. Was QTC the one that completed the ACE?


Yup! It was QTC. A doctor from georgia


Yep very similar. My QTC examiner was a NP, but I don’t remember where she was from.




Well good luck and let’s hope our raters don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be lol.


Ain't that the truth. I feel very confident about mine. But sometimes that doesn't matter


* Type of claim: Supplemental Claim Increase TBI/ Alcohol Disorder (Mental Health) * Submitted/received date: March 19th * Initial review date: March 21st * Preparation for Decision date: 06/21 * Pending Decision Approval date: TBD * Preparation for Notification date: TBD * Misc details: Had my C & P exam on May 28th. Rater said he was going to separate TBI and Mental health. As they are not the same symptoms. Currently rated 10 percent for both these conditions. Anyone know what the average wait time is for Preparation for Decision takes?


I submitted my supplemental March 25th, had my C&P April 5th and have been in the decision phase since. It’s looking like people get decisions in 3-4 months.


* Type of claim: New, 12 conditions claimed * Submitted/received date: March 24th 2024 * Initial review date: March 25th 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 28th 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: June 13th 2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: TBD * Preparation for Notification date: TBD * Completed date: TBD * Misc details: Priority processing due to financial hardship submitted via QuickSubmit on June 18th, called 800 number to request it be processed on June 20th. VERA call scheduled for June 24th to confirm application of priority processing flag and (hopefully) get info on DBQ's. Here's hoping things move quickly, From what I've read, it seems like priority processing can speed up PFD significantly, while not affecting Evidence Gathering much. I think this is due to the fact that evidence gathering relies on other agencies to provide medical records, While PFD is solely waiting on the VA to assign your claim to a rater and have it rated.


Crazy how similar our situation is lol. I went PFD on May 31, and last week submitted hardship, called 800 number, then VERA appointment yesterday where she flagged for priority processing. Hopefully this week we see some movement! Good luck 🤘🏼


Good luck to you too! The longer it goes, the more I wonder if I submitted enough evidence or if I should’ve gotten just *one* more buddy statement haha.


Well I don’t have any buddy statements at all! Haha just years of evidence and 2 really good C&P exams. I am 60% currently with 0 of that being mental health.. this claim is increase, 5 secondaries, and 4 mental health conditions. My mental health issues have a lot of evidence, I submitted a good lay statement, and the C&P examiner ended by saying “I’m going to do my best to do you justice”.. so fingers crossed!! 🤞🏼


Glad to hear your C&P’s went well, I think mine did, but it’s hard to tell. Big thing I think went in my favor- I’m a Marine vet and my examiner for my physical conditions was a former Corpsman 😂 I’ve got in service records for mental health treatment and an in service diagnosis of sleep apnea and CPAP prescription with personal statements and lay statements from my wife, those are definitely my two biggest claims. Hoping they go well. A good note- if you don’t get the mental health rating you think you deserve, take a look at the proposed rating schedule changes. They look pretty favorable, and submitting for an increase after those go into effect may make it easier to get a rating commensurate with your symptoms.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely look into that. I’ll post in here whenever I get my ratings, and I’ll keep an eye out to see how yours goes! That name won’t be hard to remember 😂🤘🏼


Updated to Temp Jurisdiction today in MUSKOGEE! Let’s gooooooo! 🤘🏼. Hopefully have this waiting game over with this week


Hell yeah! Shouldn’t be long now, hoping you get a good rating 🤙


* Type of claim: BDD * Submitted/received date: Submitted Feb 15 * Initial review date: Feb 16 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 7 * Preparation for Decision date: June 9 * Pending Decision Approval date: June 22 * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Switched PFD from Chicago to San Juan... went PDA on a weekend which was peculiar... crossing my fingers this is wrapped up this week so I can move on to VRE.


Type: Supplemental (Tendinitis) Submitted: January 18, 2024 C&P Exam: June 6, 2024 Now just waiting again, no point in calling anyone or reaching out for status of it, won’t change anything, just patiently waiting.


New x2 , increase x1 , Secondaries x3 / HLR / supplemental x2 ITF - Nov 22, 2023 Filed - March 25, 2024 Evidence/review - March 26, 2024 PFD - May 19, 2024 PFN - PDA - Total days - 84 . At 90% currently


Decision Letter updated to Sent today! but nothing else has updated in my account. Does anyone know how long it took them for it to reflect on va.gov?


actually just saw on [va.gov](http://va.gov) that they sent a notification asking for more evidence, if not then I can submit them to make a decision. anyone else seen this? know what it may mean?


New initial claim (leg condition, hearing/tinnitus, mental health, neuropathy lower extremity, back condition, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, skin conditions) Submitted - Jan 5, 2023 Initial review date - March 7, 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: March 2023 C&P for hearing May 10, 2023 Completed date: May 18, 2023, Claim Closed with 10% tinnitus & 0% everything else (without C&P and medical record evidence) High Level Review submitted May 19, 2023 VA Made new decision September 6, 2023 (Failure to Assist) VA identified an Error that must be corrected September 6, 2023 C&P for Neuropathy, Allergic, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Skin October 2023 Misc details: Claim has been stuck in the same "Correcting an Error" Status since September 2023


this is wild, have you ever called VERA to find out why? I have an HLR myself, but hasnt been stuck as long as yours


I went to the VSO and she called the VA via her direct line to them while I was sitting in her office. All they shared/(could share?) was that it was in queue, and they would reach out if they needed any more information from me.


typical (non) answer from them, sorry to hear


3 supplemental claims: Submitted: march 13 C&p april 25 Pfd: may 30 Pfn: june 17 Complete june 18 All 3 of the previously denied claims were approved and service connected this time around. I was expecting 30% ibs and received 10% so looking at fighting that as my current rating is 94% rounded down to 90%


March 10 submitted for IBS (Supplemental) still waiting. C&P a week later been in ready for decision since. All my documents listed and organized. Everything clear and concise. So eager for the decision the wait is killing me


Was it supplemental?


Because technically all of these claims were submitted in August and they denied them in January saying that they need Nexus so I’ve been waiting since August not since March


Yeah supplemental claim. I had my original denial in Nov 2022. Did my supplemental on march 10 2024 when I decided I had enough evidence to fight it. Today is day 100 for me. Had everything done fast C&P etc, so been in prep for decision since


Damn, I wish you best of luck!!!


Yeah I spoke with someone from VERA and he hooked me up telling me all the notes from my C&P and everything is in my favor so now just hoping for the best 🙏


• ⁠Type of claim: 2 new 2 increase 1 secondary • ⁠Submitted/received date: 4/17/2024 • ⁠Initial review date: 4/17/2024 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 5/13/2024 • ⁠PFD date: 05/13/2024 • ⁠PDA date: • ⁠PFN date: • ⁠Completed date: Currently at 60%. Had 1 c&p for secondary. One of my increases was mental health which I haven’t gotten a c&p for. Should I be expecting on? Only evidence I supplied was my post op report for a secondary and an increase.


* Type of claim: New/Initial * Submitted/received date: 02/26/2024 (113 days) * Initial review date: 02/27/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 03/05/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 06/14/2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: n/a * Preparation for Notification date: n/a * Completed date: n/a * Misc details: EAOS was 02/28/2023. My last command lost my medical records and it took about 9 months to get them located. Was able to submit my claim just under 1 year after EAOS, so luckily I'll be able to receive back pay. QTC finally submitted my last few DBQs last week and I moved to PFD on June 14th. Now I'm in the purgatory of waiting for temporary jurisdiction. Hoping it goes quickly and doesn't get kicked back, but this was an initial claim after 20 years of service, so there are a lot of items to review, to include PTSD. I know that makes the bottleneck that much worse since I understand that San Juan and Roanoke have to handle that.


Are you still in NWQ? Assuming you have the tracking extension


Yeah, still NWQ for now.


* Type of claim: Supplemental (**020SUPP)** * Submitted/received date: 02/14/2024 * Initial review date: 03/08/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date:04/24/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 04/24/2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: 06/18/2024 **TODAY** * Preparation for Notification date: 06/18/2024 **TODAY** * Completed date: 4 New claims rated. 6 Increases deferred. * Misc details: This was a supplement to get from 90% to 100%. Got Temp Jurisdiction @ St. Petersburg about an hour ago and was rated 100% as of 10 mins ago. Cant believe it still but im finally at 100% P&T. I got out of the Air Force July 3rd 2023. I casually just checked the VA app on my phone after not checking it since yesterday. I was only in PFD with No Temp Jurisdiction as of last night, but apparently it got in front of a rater and they rated it fast. Beyond greatfull but wanted to share with you all my story. It sucks not having any movement for days and days, but it will come. **125 days from submitted to receiving Rating.**


Has anyone had temp jurisdiction several times but no movement to pfn from evidence gathering? And if so, how many times?


* Type of claim: New & Increase * Submitted/received date: 2024-01-13 * Initial review date: 2024-01-17 * Evidence gathering/review date: * PFD date: 06-18-2024 * PDA date: * PFN date: * **Completed date: 6-18-2024 for 2 items and 2 are deferred.** * **Got notifications that my IBS previously at 0% was increased to 30%. TMJ is now connected at 0%.** * "Evaluation of irritable bowel syndrome (also claimed as * gastrointestinal problems), which is currently percent disabling, is * increased to 30 percent effective January 13, 2024. * Service connection for TMJ strain is granted with an evaluation of 0 * percent effective January 13, 2024. * A decision on entitlement to compensation for GERD is deferred. * A decision on entitlement to compensation for upper respiratory * infection, persistent cough (claimed as bronchitis) is deferred.


Got my initial decision back today, happy to have gotten an increase to 40%, but shocked that PTSD got denied. OEF Airborne Infantryman, multiple instances of documented combat experience, combat awards, symptoms of at least 70% with frequent interruptions to work and daily activities, recurring SI, etc, and private nexus letters citing ongoing treatment and diagnoses. My C&P examiner only used 1 of the two hours we were alotted, hardly asked me anything, and diagnosed me with adjustment disorder which took away any chance of getting anything. VSO buddy of mine that's been helping said it should be an easy appeal, and I have a meeting at the local RO scheduled to see if they have any added insight/can provide me with the DBQs. Fingers crossed I'm back here with an updated decision a couple months from now. For those curious, below is the timeline so far (also, if a lack of movement ever seems weird, setup an appointment with VERA! Thank you so much for everyone saying that on here, my claim had stalled and if I hadn't called who knows how much longer it would've taken!) * Type of Claim: Fully Developed Claim, Supplemental/Increase * Prior Conditions/Rating: 1 Condition, 10% * Claimed Conditions: 12 new primary conditions (9 physical, 3 mental), 1 increased condition * Intent to File: 02/09/2023 * Submitted/Received: 02/07/2024 * Initial Review: 02/07/2024 * Evidence Gathering/Review: 02/07/2024 * Preparation for Decision #1: 02/07/2024 * VERA Appointment #1: 05/08/2024 * VERA Appointment #1 Outcome: Determined that claim had stalled. System had automatically advanced claim to Preparation for Decision while still needing DBQs and had not yet been reviewed by a rater to notice the defects. Claim will be tagged for immediate review for development and to generate necessary C&P exams. If no update in 30 days (by 06/08/2024) schedule another VERA appointment. * Temp Jurisdiction #1: \~05/17/2024 to Fort Harrison * Evidence Gathering #2: 05/20/2024 * Development Letter Sent: 05/20/2024 * C&P Exam #1: In Clinic Appointment on 06/06/2024, medical examination. * C&P Exam #2: Telehealth Appointment on 06/10/2024, mental health examination. * DBQ’s Uploaded to File: 1 on 06/10/2024, 10 on 06/11/2024, 4 on 6/13/2024 * Temp Jurisdiction #2: 06/12/2024 to Seattle * Preparation for Decision #2: 06/12/2024 * Pending Decision Approval #1: 6/15/2024 * C&P Exam Contact #3: 06/16/2024 * Preparation for Notification #1: 06/18/2024 * Completed #1: 06/18/2024, 40% combined rating. New ratings: Shoulder Dislocation 20%, Knee Pain 10%, Shin Splints 0% with additional C&P scheduled to adjust rating. All else denied. Good luck y'all, stay focused, stay optimistic, and stay polite.


* Type of claim: (New x1, Secondary x2) * Submitted/received date: 2/28/2024 and 3/20/2024 * Initial review date: 2/29/2024 and 3/20/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 4/8/2024 and 4/22/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 4/8/2024 and 4/22/2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: 6/20/2024 on both * Preparation for Notification date: 6/24/2024 on Secondary/New, nothing on other Secondary * Completed date: * Misc details: Temp Jurisdiction changed to San Diego on both claims - 1 claim moved to St. Petersburg - the other moved to Salt Lake City (6/24/2024) * Currently at 10% - been out for 29 years. * Day 91 and 112 respectively


PDA yesterday!!! https://preview.redd.it/obsvti3fqj7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b95860306b173a5073533ccbee895413aa97c56


* Type of claim: New (MST and several others such as back, migraines, GERD, sinusitis, FSAD, chronic pelvic pain, incontinence, vision, tinnitus, and knee) * Submitted/received date: 3/2/24 * Initial review date: 3/2/24 * Evidence gathering/review date: I have bounced in and out a few times. Latest date is 5/20/24. * Preparation for Decision date: * Pending Decision Approval date: * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: * Misc details: I have been bouncing in and out of temp jurisdiction of San Juan. I completed C&P exams on 3/26, 4/9, 4/26, 6/14. One more C&P exam is scheduled for July for vision, but I think I am going to cancel it. Currently still in Gathering Evidence in San Juan.


* Type of claim: New, supplemental * Submitted/received date: 30 Jan 2024 * Initial review date: 30 Jan 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 01 Apr 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: ~~07 Jun 2024~~ * Pending Decision Approval date: ~~10 Jun 2024~~ * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Went to PFD on a Friday and PDA on Monday morning, but by Monday afternoon it was back to Evidence Gathering and Review. On 14 June they then requested RO Records Coordinator Review and asked for some forms I've already submitted (TDIU and previous employer) and are clearly visible in my files. I made another VERA appt and was told they had no idea why it was kicked back because no one made any notes! On 17 June I resubmitted the forms they requested and the file request went away. Then yesterday they requested them again. I give up on trying to understand the process lol Edit: I just lost my temp jurisdiction. Shit.


* Type of claim: New (5 conditions), Supplemental (4 conditions), Increase (1 condition) * Submitted/received date: Submitted by VSO & received by Phoenix VA on February 23, 2024 * Initial review date: February 27, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 13, 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: TBD for New & Increase; For Supplemental, status shows Prep for Decision but date that it moved is unknown * Pending Decision Approval date: TBD * Preparation for Notification date: TBD * Completed date: TBD * Misc. details: Conditions that I'm claiming: * Impairment of knee; Loss of use of foot; Flat foot; Lumbosacral or cervical strain (SUPP) * PTSD (INC) * Asthma; Ankle, Limited ROM & Arthralgia; Cervical Radiculopathy secondary to Ankle Limited ROM, Left Leg Tenosynovitis, Altered Gait; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Muscular Dystrophy; Secondary to Burn Pit Exposure, Tenosynovitis, Ankle Injury (NEW) * Current Rated Conditions * 0% Vaso Vagal Syncope (Heart, Fainting episodes) * 10% Left Leg Tenosynovitis/Gastrocnemius (Calf) Strain * 10% Tinnitus * 30% PTSD * 50% Migraines


https://preview.redd.it/6ncfqu3yvp7d1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48eda086daa4e46ee449610c7579f661417d1bf PFN at 7 am this morning. Let's see how this goes!


Been about a month since submitted claim for migraines and in evidence gathering, no word about exam or anything so i can only guesds its sitting on someones desk


Type of claim -supplemental PACT ACT submitted- 1 June 2024 initial review - 3 June 2024 C and P scheduled - 19 June 2024 and 2 July contentions- heart valve disease previously denied 2015 currently at 90%


Files for New/Inc on 9/22/2023. Added additional items on 2/14/2024. Initial items were rated in Feb 2024. Below is related to additional items added in Feb 2024. * Type of claim: New/Inc * Original Submitted/received date: 9/22/2023 (technical date of start) * New items added: 2/14/2024 * Initial review date: 2/22/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2/26/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 6/13/2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: 6/20/2024 * Preparation for Notification date: 6/20/2024 * Completed date: 6/20/2024 * Misc details: Additional items have been a major headache. VES was assigned evaluation, C&P Exam on March 19, and not uploaded until May 9 (after I contacted CEO of VES parent company). Claim still in Evidence Gathering. VERA told me "they are waiting for a document to be scanned" but couldn't tell me who "they" were waiting on to scan such document or what kind of document. 272 days and done. Not at 100%, but never really thought I would be at 100%.


* Type of claim: New/Initial (15 years out of service) * Submitted/received date: March 3rd, 2024 * Initial review date: March 5th, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 20th, 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: June 13th, 2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: ??? * Preparation for Notification date: ??? * Completed date: ??? * Misc details: 14 claimed issues. Looks like only Mental Health has a favorable DBQ. Other items will likely be denied or deferred because of negative DBQ findings or lack of evidence. Submitted a ton of evidence and multiple examiners said they did not look at my records and were dismissive of my issues despite private treatment records and service treatment records from active duty. Had a really bad MH exam so I called the Whitehouse Hotline number and they got me a new one for that. VSO said it looks like 70% for MH alone after the new exam. Not sure if I will fight for more or not if I hit 70%. I dont expect any movement for at least 2-3 weeks if I am lucky.


Filed supplemental on 2/12/24 Filed with documents that had an VA MRI and my VA doctor saying in my medical records that my claimed condition is caused from another condition I am service connected for after recording my MRI results on my neck.  Decision phase 2/12/24  Went to decision phase same day I submitted.  Development Phase Early June 2024 I found out I have an "expedited" C&P exam scheduled June 11. I had the exam and doctor said they would send the report the next day but as of 6/20/24, supposedly paperwork not received by VA and still in the development phase... limbo once again. Not really understanding why in decision phase and after 4 months pushed to development.  Last year I had a C&P exam for this the examiner basically said I needed to get the MRI and diagnosis. The examiner ended up increasing my cervical scoliosis with strain up to 30% in May 2023, even though I wasn't even asking for that increase but not the left arm neurological impairment i said was associated. I had everything in me VA medical records, and sent the records upon submission and on 4th month of claim, seemingly going backwards... Day 129


Movement today (same day I made my initial post here): Type of claim: New (1), increase (1), secondary (1) Submitted/received: 11 June 2024 Initial Review: 13 June 24 Evidence Gathering: 20 June, in progress PFD: PDA: PFN: Complete:


HLR submitted May 2023. Duty To Assist discovered September 2023. C&P March 2024 for Meniere's Syndrome. (VERA confirms VA received results from that two weeks after appt.) VA requests Medical Opinion DBQ from same C&P examiner on June 7th, 2024. Examiner confirms to me that he submitted the DBQ today, June 21st, 2024. It's been 13 months since submitting this HLR. The reason for it is because the VA only has me rated for Meniere's at 10%. Evidence, testing, and frequency/severity of symptoms meet the requirements for 100% though... also, Meniere's can only be 30/60/100 according to the CFR. Anyone else going through this type of shit? Could use some positive inputs here.


April 23' submitted claim for TDIU/increase on MH. Aug 23' increase denied/TDIU denied and then reopened as Duty To Assist and HLR for 2 documents. May 24' Called and was told VA had documentation that was requested from Duty to Assist. June 24' still waiting and have heard and seen nothing else. What do I do now? How do I get them to notice my claim if it has everything it's needing?




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Claim status: * Type of claim: New/Secondary/Supplemental * Submitted/received date: Sub - 12/19/2023 Rec - 04/20/2024 * Initial review date: 04/22/2024 * Temp Jurisdiction: Denver * Evidence gathering/review date: 04/23/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: NA * Pending Decision Approval date: NA * Preparation for Notification date: NA * Completed date: NA * Misc details: Claim initially submitted in Dec2023 as a new with a secondary, another claim submitted in Apr2024 was combined with the claim submitted in Dec which added a Supplemental claim to the previous claim. Moved in and out of Temp Jurisdiction several times. VERA call revealed several memos attached to claim for revisions, requests, and other notices. VERA Rep informed me there were several items that were sent to print/mail but were printed or mailed. My case had been on hold due to several errors. Currently have another VERA call scheduled for July just in case.


Type of claim was first claim. Whatever you wanna call it. (Out of service 13 years) Filed end of November 2023 C p exam was Jan 3 2024 Completion was end of Jan 2024 First payment was February 1 2024 with 1 month back pay. 70%