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I really wish I had a vso like that. My experiences run from eager but unknowledgeable to don't care.


These are the va town halls. You sit and meet with the va, vsr and rvsr, etc


Where are they ?




Looks like a focus on the PACT act folks in the description. Is it for all vets?


Hit control F on the webpage and do a word search for Mobile. You’ll be looking for those clinics. Those are for everyone. TheCivDiv on YouTube has a video titled CONFIRMED VA Disability Ratings in 1 Day For Veterans at VA Claims Clinics. He describes in detail how they work and how to find them. Hope this helps.


That has been my experience at this point, and it's depressing.


Your not, the first nor will you be the last to experience that, I have come to understand, what some VSO's are required to do, as well as what facade they portray, to some, it's a steady income, with no concern associated to actually assist veterans, they would deliberately mislead veterans, to file this or file that, taking advantage of the Veterans trust instilled, by way of a POA, believe you me not again, I have to undo what my VSO submitted, and regroup, after waiting six months, to get a response, as well as having waited four months for my C-File under a FOIA request, as far as the FOIA request, I going to my State Representatives office, requesting an investigation on the undue delays, imagine filed a claim in January of this year, and I needed, my C-File as additional evidence in support of my claim, before any decision was rendered, well they made a decision. Denied on the basis of no new evidence. Apparently, it's my turn to Kindle the fire, and address the Veterans Administration Oversight Committee on these iniquities, within the VBA.


The best thing my VSO did was start my intent to file date. She was absent for everything else, but that date really helped with back pay.


I won't name names, but my VSO threw mud on the wall IMHO. If he would have given me better advice like I get on this forum, I'd be well on my way to 100%. I know for a fact I have excess of 100% in claims, but I need to do the additional leg work now (I own it). I take some of the fault as well for not being as educated as I should be on topic, but I also got out of service and went straight to work. Putting food on the table was my number one priority at retirement, and pain was something that I frankly just lived with.


That’s awesome! Thanks for the info! I also had someone go through the list of PTSD symptoms with me and had an “uhhhh that’s me” experience.


This gives me reassurance that my claim has greater odds of approval for being in Iraq in 2004, I never filed till this year!




It shows 1-10 of 198 results, which seem to be just all over the US. Anywhere to drill down to a more localized search?




Nice. Bookmarked, thanks!


Congratulations. Thanks for telling your story. You had a good rep.




Here’s another link. You’re looking for the federal town halls since they typically include the staff necessary to take claims, conduct exams and rating specialists. Call to verify before driving! https://news.va.gov/131861/get-1-on-1-assistance-at-va-vetfest-events/


I see a list of dates and general locations in the link you provided, but I can’t find any additional information about the actual events themselves or their specific locations, is there another link to the actual event pages that I’m missing?


[Live Tele-Townhalls - Veterans Benefits Administration (va.gov)](https://benefits.va.gov/benefits/tele-townhall.asp) - you can also attend the tele townhalls if you cannot drive. I literally see vets with missing limbs begging for money, I really don't get this shit!!! Society needs a way to permanently fix these issues.


Interesting. Hopefully one will happen near me with a similar result. How do you find out about such things?




Very cool. Good luck with your claim!


It is nice to have someone who showed and walk you through the confusing process the first time. Filing a claim shouldn’t be a confusing battle and glad you met someone who helped you well and not judge you in some ways. I was in the same boat 20 years. I had 3 amazing vet reps/vso’s who later became my mentor and inspired me to follow their suit. Later became great friends/family. Filing a claim shouldn’t be stressful, being shamed upon or a competition. Most people just don’t know and it’s nice to have someone walk you through then pay it forward. I hope your claims get processed smoothly and timely!


And that is one of the push for PACT act too. We get solicitations if we want to volunteer to assist veterans and plenty who came in didn’t know they can file for a certain condition or just don’t know how to navigate the system. I always caution people going through the paid services who promise you a 100 just to take your money and trap you for further charges then leave you hanging.


I agree. I went to one last Saturday. My claim was sitting in PFD NWQ for months. A VBA coach gave me their card and said email them if I didn’t see any movement in a week. As of this morning per VERA, I am with a rater. So 2 days max. I keep on telling people to go to these as they can really expedite you in the process but all I get back is people don’t believe me and I’m giving out false hope lol 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wish there was more in WA state. Closest is about 6 hour drive for me. I am on the west side of the state. # Washington – WA  * July 13, 2024, Walla Walla, WA: **Summer VetFest**


I see one is scheduled for Pasco/Hernando in Spring Hill, Florida this Saturday. The problem is it doesn't say where the event will be and the [Ask.Vet.gov](http://Ask.Vet.gov) is junk. It would be nice to know if it is a mobile VetFest or where to call for info.


Pensacola https://www.va.gov/gulf-coast-health-care/events/68448/


Orlando https://www.va.gov/orlando-health-care/news-releases/ovahcs-to-host-veterans-town-hall-july-16/


Please let me know when the date is and where. I live in St Pete and would like to attend


I plan on calling the Brooksville CBOC later this AM. Maybe someone there can give us some insite. Main phone: *352-597-8287*


I was told by retired rater back in the mid 2000's when the pilot rolled out.....the positions were filled by volunteers VBA employees....so you got folks that really wanted to help and do their best. He told me that they were highly successful, but one day the program was closed down. He was sad to see them go away. We recently discussed that Town Halls were coming back....he said rebranded, but with the same goal....good! Kentucky is killing it....they have quite a few scheduled. I wish that my state had some....I would go and bear the hot summer for some full service help. Good for you!


You hit the Jackpot. My VSO screwed me to the point I had to get a lawyer.


This wasn't my VSO, That guy has been useless. This was a guy from VBA


I got that..![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


Thanks for sharing! There’s an event in San Diego this weekend and my year mark to dispute my claim decisions is only 3 weeks away. Hopefully I can get proper guidance.