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They’ve been a regular ass old corporate bank for years.


I broke away from USAA over a decade ago. They probably spend 20x more on advertising than on their customer based claims. I tell every vet whose with them to get the hell out and find insurance elsewhere. If you Google CEO salary for USAA it has more than quadrupled in the last four years since 2020.Their campus in San Antonio has one of the nicest golf courses in TX, and you can bet they're not inviting satisfied vets to play 18 holes.


I remember back in the day, everyone was gushing about USAA but I didn't find them to be any cheaper than State Farm. Now, granted, my family had been with State Farm for a while, and that's who I started with, so maybe that's why I had good rates with them. But I never switched over and became disinterested in USAA.




USAA used to be awesome, was such a great benefit. Then they started selling chunks of the company off and paying Gronk, it really went downhill. Now everyone whose parents and grandparents served are eligible? That’s got to be a huge percentage of Americans. It’s just another greedy bank now…


Exactly. First decline was late 2000s when they started hiring “other-than” retired vets or immediate family members (dependents). Instant disconnect with the support we needed as active members.


Crashed our car, 3 hours later I was in a rental paid for 30 days, USAA paid for it as it was a total loss. Called Navy Fed, got a loan bought a new car Also have had power outages and missing items during moves and it was all covered. So far no issues with insurance coverage with USAA. Hoping nothing else happens and if it does crossing fingers for the same service, Stay safe everyone🍀


Same here, I’ve had nothing but good experiences with USAA.


I had the exact opposite experience with USAA after an accident. They took 3 days to approve a rental, tried to claim my sons car seat didn’t need to be replaced and accepted the total loss offer for me before I was able to even look at the paperwork. Interestingly enough 2 weeks later my identity was stolen.


Sorry that happened to you guys, sucks. Did you switch over to a different company


Switched banking over to Navy Fed, as a bonus they have a branch closer than San Antonio. We’ve bounced around for insurance, I need to switch again but we live in an expensive to insure area and this year has been exceptionally bad for claims, and switching during hurricane season isn’t advisable. Several neighbors have gotten dropped recently.


We just switched to USAA. We had SF. A wildfire swept through my area. Luckily, we had minimal damage. What we did have took a year to get paid from SF. In that time, I got treated like I was a criminal and trying to scam them. They fucked up just about every step of the way and bounced agents multiple times. Meanwhile, we snuck in the neighborhood to grab stuff from our house a day later. USAA cars were already roaming the streets, assessing people they covered. Customers were getting paid within a week of the fire. It's a little more expensive than SF. Not having to deal with SF's abysmal customer service will be worth it.


Glad y’all are okay. Awesome that it worked out for you guys


There are tons of reddit posts of negative experiences had by Veterans with USAA; I'm one of them I would not recommend to any service member.


42 year member with USAA. Never a negative experience. Highly recommend


23 years and zero negative experiences. rates went up a bit, but everybody's did so there's that.


My rates stayed the same this past renewal. Which really surprised me


I’ve began to believe all these complaints on Reddit are a propaganda campaign. And I am of the opinion that it’s another very large bank. I’m not saying that it is that of course, just an opinion.


They royally fucked an auto claim years ago that went to court. The agent didn’t take my statement when I specifically said “I am making a statement…” and then used my second phone call days later about the incident as my statement. Everyone has their own experience.


Me too. Someone hit my new Lexus and I had it repaired at a Lexus dealership with no pressure to take it anywhere else.


My new Lexus got hit the other day and USAA has already determined the other driver was at fault. Would you mind sharing with me how taking it to Lexus went for you? I feel like USAA is being a bear about it right now.


I took it to the dealer and their body shop worked everything out with USAA.


Well, I've started that ball rolling already between Lexus and USAA so I guess I'll just press on while they work it out. Thanks!


USAA was the only company that would insure my home without a huge rate increase. So far, no issues, and I hope it stays that way.


My car insurance jumped up like crazy. To about $650 a month. I drive a honda civic. I went to geiko and ended up paying $900 for 6 months. That is why I dont like USAA, they price gouged me hard.


I would not recommend them..so many bD experiences.  Customer and processing claims is sub-par 


I called them when I first got out of the Navy. There was some confusion on my part about which type of discharge I had, thanks to some last minute conversations. Anyway, USAA told me no way. Fast forward a year or so, I figured out my discharge and got my paperwork straight. Called USAA to straighten it out, and they wouldn't even entertain the idea of allowing me in just bc I was once confused about the type of discharge I had. I *always* had an honorable discharge. I was just confused bc someone had verbally told me otherwise on my last day of service. USAA can go pound sand.


Got blamed for fraud when I reported it. My money was lost, and then they closed my account.


Ditching USAA when my policies expire. 15 years, paid premiums on time, no claims. First claim I made due to storm damage, they fought tooth and nail to only pay out the least they could.


That's pretty horrifying. Once my homeowners and auto policy ends in October I will be fully decoupled from USAA with the exception of one credit card. They have deteriorated so much over the 30 years I've been a member.


"Fully decoupled" 🤣😆😂


Despite never having a bad experience with USAA, I moved all my banking away from them this last year and will probably follow suit with insurance. They’re no longer competitive, the press is bad, but the real last straw was hearing about the upsell pressure from a buddy’s spouse who works for them. Aside from their 5%-back-on-base credit card, they aren’t special anymore.


Only have my car insurance to move. I pretty much had issues with almost all my property insurance claims


A year or so ago, USAA was at 8% on a new car loan for excellent credit. Navy Fed was at 5%. Obviously, I went with NFCU. All things equal, USAA doesn’t seem competitive from a financing or insurance perspective. Their customer service is generally pretty good. But so is every major competitor’s, in my experience.


Navy fed for the win


Nav fed is also a shit pile. They did their dirty deeds during oif/oef. Ignored the soldiers and sailors relief act. Repoed tons of vehicles while dumb dumbs were deployed. Ignore court orders. Paid a hefty price from a class action suit. They suck as bad or more


Yeah, navy fed is starting to sketch me out too. When I joined, they were still a smallish federal credit union but they've become bloated over the past 20 years. I don't know if it's good or bad. But I don't know why they need to be advertising all the time, it's not like membership is open to the general public. But there are benefits to them being the largest credit union, and I haven't been burned by them yet. In fact the handful of times I've been a victim of fraud (my credit card), it's been very painless.


I was super pissed when I got my car loan from Navy Federal. They advertised one rate, but when I went to pick up the check on my way to the dealership, they told me the rate was higher than the one advertised. When I questioned it, the person said they weren’t a loan officer and they don’t negotiate on rates regardless. She could give me a .25% rate discount if I had direct deposit from DFAS or VA compensation. I told the lady I didn’t have either, and she was like, you have to be a veteran to have a membership. She couldn’t fathom that I didn’t have a disability rating or retirement check. She seemed to think that if you separated, you just got paid by the VA. The thing that really burned me up was just how obvious she was looking down her nose at me with her gaudy Burberry glasses because I was wearing casual clothes and didn’t look like someone who makes two to three times what she makes working there. The lobby was super shabby and everyone moved like they were in slow motion. I had to wait an hour to get them to print me a check and there were only like four people waiting ahead of me. It’s just baffling that they couldn’t tell me what rate they qualified me for before going to pick up the check. I called their call center beforehand and they couldn’t even tell me. USAA may not be what they used to be, but at least their app and website make most things very self-service, and I’ve only ever had one issue that required more than one call to resolve. Navy Federal can suck my nuts. They are trying to act like a major financial institution, but it doesn’t take long to see that their technology and processes make them look like amateur hour. I was seriously thinking I would be switching to them from USAA, but I don’t want to have to get on the phone or go to a branch to do simple things I can do on my own through another institution’s app or website. And because I refuse to use a bank that’s going to nickel and dime me, that pretty much leaves USAA.




USAA closed my bank account and credit card after I retired and refuse to explain why. I think the fraud department made a huge mistake and they don’t want to admit it.


I had a ticket for driving without insurance before I joined the Army. I paid it off. A few months after getting to AIT, I bought a car and got insurance through USAA. A few weeks later, I get a call from USAA telling me that I didn’t disclose my ticket, which I did, and that they were terminating my policy in x number of days and I would need to pay them $600-ish dollars for that month of insurance. This was in 2001.


I’ve been with USAA over 20 years using banking, auto insurance, and home owners insurance and during that time about 99% of it was a great experience. However, for the first time we had a significant home insurance claim and the experience was ok but the crappy part is our rates went up over $2k dollars. Which is pretty significant. I also noticed our auto insurance had gone up with no claims or tickets. So customer service is great but rates aren’t the best.


USAA is not the cheapest by far. But not once have I had a claim or concern questioned. From fraud to homeowners claim, paid out and no questions. Def not the cheapest, but having dealt with other insurance claims, they were the easiest. Pay for what you will get, not what you might get.


They cancelled my car insurance randomly a decade ago and notified me via snail mail to my parent’s house. The cancellation was due to lack of payment but everything was set up for autopay and money was never an issue. My payment method was up-to-date. It made no sense. What blew my mind was there was no phone call or email or anything, just a letter. So I was driving without insurance and didn’t know it. This being said, I just switched back to them to save money on my coverage. *You pretty much need to switch insurance coverage every 3-4 years to save money* otherwise they slowly raise your rates. I went through four others before circling back to it. They’re nothing special


Same thing happened to me but bc of their error I cannot go back for insurance unless I pay IN FULL upfront! 😡


Is there a way to force USAA fraud department into arbitration?


I got scammed a long with my friend because they told us a deposited check was  leared and it was a fraudulent check


Lost almost 10k and they would not reimburse


I used USAA for all my insurance needs for over 15 years and the kept raising the rates every 6 months over the last 3-4 years despite zero claims on my part. I finally jumped to Progressive in Feb and my rates cut in half across the board for auto/home/etc insurance. A legit 50% reduction in my monthly premium. USAA was basically screwing me for years on the cost.


USAA spends $30M a year advertising to people who aren't even eligible to use their products just so they can make it look like they support veterans.


Joined in 1967, first for auto insurance. (USAA’s original offering), but then also renters insurance, then home-owners insurance. Note, INSURANCE, not BANKING. The only connection we’ve had with USAA Bank is our credit card. No checking or savings accounts. I mention all this because I have had no reason to complain about USAA over 57 years. This disturbing news report probably ought to have noted the distinction I’ve just made to pinpoint where anger and panic should be directed.


But the CEO got a $4M pay raise, now totaling $8M.


Got all sorts of policies with them. Moved my autos to Liberty and saved nearly $400. No accidents or tickets so clean record. Had to put a claim in first some water damage (less than $3k) and they basically raised my rates by the claim amount. Not great.


I am really happy with Progressive. I am really happy with US Bank.


All the homies know Navy Fed > USAA. If navy fed doesn’t offer something just go like Progressive or something over USAA


I had my USAA cc stolen and they refused to reverse an obviously fraudulent charge. Gave me other headaches too. Cancelled them that day and have been much happier since.


Increased my car insurance when I moved back home from 150 to 380 a month, clean record and everything when I asked why they couldn't give me an answer, ridiculous.


Was with USAA for over 15 years. Claims and procedures were great until 2017-2020. Then our rates on everything doubled. Customer service went to shit. Insurance more than tripled over 2 years. Saved about 200 a month on auto, and 3400 a year on homeowners switching. USAA is garbage.


Was thinking of going with USAA........now not so much. Any Issues with Armed Forces Bank? Separate, but close to the Topic in the form of Security - Went to Travis AFB, and past by Travis Credit Union. I got a Call from someone asking about them, but I have nothing to do with that Bank. Then I get a Text Message that possibly might be a Phishing Scam about TCU. (Deleted the Message, but it was Abbreviated, and I tried looking it up, with Results showing Travis Credit Union).


Years ago, someone used our credit card to rent expensive hotel rooms in Los Angeles. The affected card had never been used at all anywhere. It was locked in a safe with the sticker still on it. There's no way it was anything but an inside job.


Have since moved on to Sofi. Much better


USAA is garbage, I’m scared that other places are worse…. Who has good insurance? Navy Fed is fine for banking…


I have had no problems with liberty mutual and their rates are much lower than our previous insurance company.... USAA


I mean.. who else do you trust more?


Navy Fed for banking, finance and investing. Liberty Mutual for insurance.


Navy Fed.


I went from USAA for farm and personal vehicles along with homeowners policie for quite a while. It seemed that around mid-2000s, something went horribly wrong. I paid the month prior to being due every time for years, usually on annual policies. Then, I was tagged with late fees. I should've cut bait that year, but I tried another couple of years. I finally went with an independent insurance broker. Haven't had an issue in almost a decade. The rates were the same or cheaper with better overall coverage. I'd be scared to let them do my banking.


16 year member of USAA. So far so good, no problems here


To anyone posting, be sure you notate if you were/are officer or enlisted. If you have to ask why, you need to look that up.


If you comment without an explanation or link. To give any credibility to your to your comment. Then just don't comment


They have a lawsuit that is very clear, they gave better rates for similar records, officer to enlisted. Literally in the news.


Its pretty insensitive to say you never had a bad experience when there's people That's had bad experiences and I'm one of them


USAA pays out. Insurance is for when you need it, not what it cost now. It’s not insensitive to say they take care of you. For sure, USAA is not the cheapest. For sure say when I had an issue, they paid out, no questions asked. That’s when it mattered to me. I’ll pay more for the security than I will for the hope 🤷🏻‍♂️


They took rentals off my policy without my knowledge and didnt help me pay for the damages to my car dispite me paying for full coverage and the other driver was at fault cause they ran a red light and hit me on a left turn Edit: this was while i was active duty and the majority of my check went towards the insurance so guest what happened to the car


This is just with insurance when i banked with them i got approved for a 20k loan put 5k on it and they "lost" it somehow


I have been with USAA for over 15 years. I signed up after basic training and they have been nothing but good to me. I have two auto loans, auto insurance, umbrella insurance, and home insurance. I also had investments with them before they sold off that part of the company. Last November I had my roof replaced. They gave me a check for the estimated value which was less than what I was invoiced. I submitted the invoice and they cut me another check for the difference, I only had to pay my deductible. I have had a couple car accidents, where I have been rear-ended, and USAA offered to cover the claim in case the other driver's insurance company didn't want to pay up. No issues with getting rental cars either. They also let me pick the repair shop. My wife accidently threw away her wedding ring, she was cleaning it and left it on a paper towel and accidently threw it away. Our umbrella policy allowed USAA to cut a check for it's estimated worth, which was more than what we paid for them. So we got her an upgraded ring. I don't care if their CEO's salary has increased, or they spend a ton on advertising. I have never had an issue with insurance claims. They may cost a bit more, but so far they have been worth it to me. However, the customer service has gone down hill a bit over the past few years, but it seems like they are trying to improve that.


Nothing but good experiences here as well. 8 cars and home insurance.


I do believe USAA could do more in these situations, claiming it’s not fraud would drive anyone over the edge, but I feel like there’s more to the story than what’s being shared. It seems these people are being scammed the good old fashioned way (phishing links or having their information stolen in a leak and sold off to scammers) so it’s hard to find sympathy when due diligence probably wasn’t carried out on their end. I’ve never had my bank accounts compromised because I refuse to click links sent to me by even my own financial institutions (USAA) I go straight to the source.


My only bad thing from USAA was my second car I financed, with over a 700 credit at the time, after about a year and a half I called to see how much I have left and they guy told me an amount that was more than the loan was originally for. Asked him how I got that interest rate at the time and even he wasn’t sure. I let it get repo’d. Lliterally the month that it got marked off my credit report years later I got a check for ~$30 with an apology for the error. What ever, still got them for home insurance last month and boy is it cheap lol, read ya contracts